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  • NattyB
    NattyB Member Posts: 34

    Hi Whippetmom,

    Was wondering if I could pick your brain about my case. I will be having a BMX in the next few weeks. I have existing saline implants that I think are Mentor (they are circa 2002) filled to 300 and 330. They have been great but have always sat more lateral so I'm hoping the new implants will sit more medial. I know the existing breast tissue I have (which is not much hence the implants ) will be gone in terms of volume but what has your experience been with direct to implants and pocket size considerations? I understand the teardrop (anatomical?) styles aren't recommended. I have been a 34D with these current implants and would like to stay close to that but better cleavage is also a goal. Thanks for any insight - appreciate your wealth of knowledge!!!

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    Natty: No, no no! Glad you are in the know about anatomicals after augmentation. Disaster waiting to happen. I have known women who have gone from BMX directly to implants, and I would have to say that the augmentation cases do seem to fare better. You have these nicely rounded,preformed, fourteen year old skin envelopes and I think the one step could be fine. I just typically have found that the women end up a bit smaller than they were with augmented breasts, because you are losing that breast fat and connective tissue, and you will have some skin retraction at the time of surgery. So typically you might need 100 ccs to 150 ccs greater implant volume to achieve the same size. I think that you should ask your PS to have tissue expanders ready to use, if he finds he can only use small implants which will leave you with breasts smaller than you were previously. It would be better to wake up with TEs, than be disappointed by breasts too small.

    What is your height, weight, ribcage, by the way?

  • SissiAngel
    SissiAngel Member Posts: 13

    Dear Whippetmom,

    Thank you once more for your valuable feedback! Stepping away from the mirror is the best advice, although hard to follow... hahaha!!! Patience is the key word at this point.

    Best wishes to all!!!

  • NattyB
    NattyB Member Posts: 34

    Hi Whippetmon - you are so helpful! My rib cage is 31.5" I'm 5'6" and 158 at last weigh in. He said after exam he thought I had about 150-200ccs of breast tissue and was thinking somewhere around a 500cc implant but will have several sizes in the OR. He said my current implants looked great proportion wise and was complementary of my previous PS's work (which was good to hear). He typically uses the Mentor Silicone Round HPs. What are your thoughts? Thanks again - I so appreciate your time.

  • avmom
    avmom Member Posts: 45

    Hi Whippetmom.

    I saw my PS this week to plan reconstruction. The original plan was to do a DIEP, but I have made some lifestyle changes since dx, and don't have tissue to spare for flap surgery (a good problem, really). So, it's on to implants. I'm 5'4", weigh around 135, but have been losing weight steadily, and will likely end up around 120-125. My chest measurement is 32". I have an athletic build (arms and legs are toned, but not thin). Before BMX, I wore a B cup bra (34 or 36, depending on my weight), and a full B or thereabouts would be fine going forward. My PS is suggesting round expander/implants, and has mentioned Becker implants?

    Any info or advice would be greatly appreciated. Looks like surgery will be in May. Thanks.

  • JessieJake
    JessieJake Member Posts: 170

    Hi whippetmom,

    I'm hoping I have the all info for you. I'm not sure what I was anticipating from this process. I was so small beforehand (both in ribcage and breast size) that my first fill of 50cc made me bigger than I was before surgery. My PS said I was the 2nd smallest person she's worked on from a ribcage standpoint. So, watching my chest grow has been entertaining to say the least. I'm afraid I would have just kept going if they wouldn't have advised me that I was probably at my max! FYI, I am going above the muscle with my reconstruction.

    1. I am 5'7 1/2", 111 lbs, ribcage is 28" under bra line.

    2. My TEs are Allergan model 13mx-11-T, 300cc capacity. They are currently filled to 140cc. They were filled only with a bit of air during surgery (50cc on left, almost none on right) which was removed before my first fill. I've had 3 fills since surgery of 50cc, 50cc and last one was 40cc. They are not sure I will have much more for 2 reasons - my skin is very tight and they aren't sure it will handle much more stretching, and they think I might look big enough for my frame. I have a fold/crease on the bottom of my right TE. There is concern that it is applying to much pressure on the skin and are worried it could lead to rupture if not smoothed out. I return next week for a tiny fill (maybe 10cc) to see if they can get that spot to smooth out. Either way, I anticipate I'll probably be done with fills after next week.

    3. She only said she is leaning towards an anatomical shaped implant. She mentions she goes same size or a little bigger than TE. I'm not sure what that means since I'm not filling out my TEs to capacity.

    4. PS guessed I might have been a 28c before surgery which I believe equates to a 32a. However, I never filled out any bra unless it was made for a tween.

    5. My TEs used cc, not sure if you needed anything else on this point.

    6. My TEs won't be overfilled. Not sure why she used these anyway. Originally she was going to use smaller crescent shaped TEs but during surgery found she could place these larger round TEs.

    7. "DROP AND FLUFF": Not sure if I need add anything on this point. I will be having fat grafting to pad the upper portion of my implants in hopes they will not be as noticeable though my skin. I am going above the muscle.

    Is that enough to give you some info to direct me in the correct direction? I found out this week that my exchange surgery will be moved up due to that pressure point I mentioned. Originally I was going to wait 6 months from BMX surgery but now she wants to do it in 3 months.

    I appreciate your input! It will help the conversation I have with my PS when we decide on the plan before exchange surgery.

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    Natty: Thank you for the statistics. At least 500 ccs......up to 600 ccs. Mentor round HPs are perfect!

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    Article re: Becker expandable implants

    Avmom: I rarely see the Becker Spectrum implant being used much anymore here in the U.S. Research seems to suggest that it is not the best choice for reconstruction after mastectomy. (See article above). It is used so that the surgeon can (hopefully) avoid a two-step procedure, in that the Becker Spectrum acts as both a tissue expander and implant. Once the filling is complete, the port is sealed off and the patient is done. But nearly all of the women - perhaps those I can count on one hand - which I have talked with in the past eight years, used the Becker for expansion but opted, for various reasons - complications, appearance primarily - to still exchange to traditional implants. I just think that there are newer tissue expanders on the market now (such as the Mentor Artoura) which would seem to be more appealing in the year 2016. I have no information regarding any newer generation Becker expandable implants, so perhaps there may be a newer, revised model which requires consideration.This is something you need to discuss with your PS. Again, I am attaching an article regarding the Becker expandable.....


  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    You ARE a waif! Wow! Well, your PS is saying everything I like to hear. You are in the qualification arena for anatomicals, because of your small breast size prior to mastectomy, because of your thin frame, and because your implants are not subpectorally placed. I like the fact that she will try to place anatomicals just a bit larger than the dimensions of your TEs - if necessary - which makes for a nice snug fit to guard against possible rotation. It sounds though like you might be held at 11.0 cm in width. Even though your TEs are underfilled, the width is the same - 11 cm - and it is just the maximum projection which you have not achieved. Since it is a "X" style TE, this affords the PS to use a high profile style anatomical, such as a MF style 255 gms or possibly....might be stretching it...a. MX style 255 gms. The MX has more projection, but at your fill level, it might be a tight fit and your PS will want to ensure good skin closure over the implants. Let me know how things go for you!

  • avmom
    avmom Member Posts: 45

    Thanks Whippetmom. I will discuss with my PS. In order to prepare for that conversation, can you give me any advice about size? I think that rounds are his preference, and I'd like to have some idea about that when having that talk.

    Thanks again

  • NattyB
    NattyB Member Posts: 34

    Thank you Whippetmom - aka implantmom:) I so appreciate you taking your time to help me/us!!!

  • JessieJake
    JessieJake Member Posts: 170

    Thanks whippet mom! I'm going to be pushing for the higher projection if I can.

    I am very curious to find out how my appointment goes next week. Prior to the concern about the pressure point the NP wanted to wait 3 weeks before the next fill. I will be curious to see if the 10cc fill she does next week helps the pressure point (sure hope so!). I also have a slight suspicion she might be able to add a little more than that which I think I will be happy to take. Either way, I may see about returning again to get a little more in 3 weeks or so to help ensure I can get the fuller projection. Why? Cause I can SillyHeart

    Of course, I'll base it on their confidence of a good outcome.

  • katykids
    katykids Member Posts: 44

    Whippetmom, I wanted to thank you for everything! I had my sono and no broken implant! woohoo!! They did say MRI was the gold standard but I haven't regained my ROM so that couldn't happen anyway.

    Right breast implant is intact. Minimal normal periimplant fluid is noted.

    I am so relieved!! It seems my implants are the ideal implants for now! :)

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028


    In smooth silicone rounds, between 450 ccs and 500 ccs. I am not going by cup size, but rather by what I think would look good on your frame, coupled with an idea of what you are looking for in appearance.
  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028
    Jessie-Jake: What's the rush? Wait three weeks! Better to take it slow and get it right!
  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028
    katykids..... Whew!!! That is indeed great news! I certainly did not think that could be possible, unless there was a defect. Honestly, in eight years here, I have yet to hear of a ruptured silicone implant!😀
  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    Strength of a silicone implant

    Just in case you were will need to open the video in YouTube...)

    But do not try this at home!!!!!Singing

  • avmom
    avmom Member Posts: 45

    Thanks, Whippetmom

  • katykids
    katykids Member Posts: 44

    Whippetmom, that video is pretty cool! Love the music. It's funny, when I told my PS about my fall, I told him I was doing physics calculations in my head, like F=MA in my head. Trying to calculate my weight but because I hit an object that didn't move, did it matter. He was like, really? You started doing science equations?! He's like, you're kind of geeky too, huh?

    You are such an asset to this community. Thank you!!

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,306

    Love it Whippetmom. Thanks for making my morning.

  • ilaam
    ilaam Member Posts: 38

    Hi whippetmom,

    Just to let you know, I went through right breats mastectomy with imediate reconstruction and I was granted the augmentation of the native breast with no problems. I'm also glad with the result :) Thank you

  • Ashley1221
    Ashley1221 Member Posts: 4

    Has anyone had their unaffected breast lifted? I'm feeling very conflicted about what to do here. I had a nipple sparing umx of my right breast with a TE placed. I've been filling it with the intention of trying to match my natural left breast. However, my breast surgeon made my incision about 3 cm too high. So my left breast hangs noticeably lower than my right. I've wanted to keep my left breast for two reasons. 1. I would like to breastfeed if I'm able to have babies eventually. 2. I'd like to maintain sensation. My PS said she could try to lift my left breast to be on the same level as the right. I'm having second thoughts after trying on summer clothes today. I really hate wearing bras and a lot of the clothes I like and was trying on you really can't wear a bra with.

    So I guess I'd like to know if anyone has had their unaffected breast lifted and with what results. Or should I just go ahead and have both of them augmented so that they match. I'm was a 34b 5'9 145 lbs athletic build. 30 years old.

    Any advice/wisdom would be much appreciated. Ashley

  • Soancika
    Soancika Member Posts: 4

    Hello, I posted awhile back. Just wanted to think what you think.

    I'm 5'6 around 150lbs, was 36B prior to my pbm. I had 350 cc expanders placed under the muscle. I'm overfilled to 530cc's. My ps recommended Natrelle Inspiras in extra full profile. Said I would most likely be getting 550 or 600 cc implants. I like the fullness and projection. Do you think it's a good size for me? Will this profile look really fake?

    Thank you

  • Giazuc
    Giazuc Member Posts: 10

    Hi guys, I'm a breast cancer survivor who started a YouTube channel to keep myself distracted from thoughts of recurrence and think more positive thoughts. I'm highly anxious and YouTube's my escape! If you wanna get to know me a little more personal here's my link to my channel..

    A big hug to all my breast cancer sisters!

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    Ashley: Many gals have had a lift of their native breasts. Many have a "lift", mastopexy, coupled with the addition of a small implant. So yes, a lift and augmentation. Whatever it takes to gain symmetry, which is the primary goal with a single MX

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    Soancika: I think that the style and volume your PS suggests sounds very good. They will not look "fake". I think 600 ccs would be the goal.....over 550 ccs.

  • Seedsally
    Seedsally Member Posts: 141

    Hi whippet mom. I have been reading your posts and admire your wisdom. I am 65 weigh 198 am 5' 10" the surgeon says I have a wide chest. After my surgery my daughter was told my breasts were 850 cc and 900 cc. My PS put in round TEs with 750 cc's then backed off to 600 cc's. She used alloderm and yesterday at my post op visit pulled 2 drains leaving 2 in. She said she intends to completely fill the 750 cc's as soon as she can. I asked what would be used for implants and she said full mentor high profiles. A different PS will do the exchange since she is transferring to another state. I just love her but I know she will choose a good PS to do the work. My question is 2 parts. Do these measurements seem right to you I had very large round flattish breasts before. The other thing is it looks like I'll have to do chemo treatments. Will they wait until after the exchange or do they usually go ahead with the treatments before exchange I know you can't give me a down pat answer but what is your opinion. And thanks for your time

  • MarieJune
    MarieJune Member Posts: 12

    HI (again) Whippetmom. :) It's been quite a long time. You & I spoke in 2014-2015. You can refer back to pics from our pm's from my previous surgeries.

    I posted a message under another topic, but not sure if I will get any responses and then realized it would be GREATLY fitted HERE. :) So, I will copy & Paste, if that's ok? Note on my BIO real quick just for demographics for a quick touch-up so others can get to know my information and things, and so also you can get a brush-up.

    5' 4.5" 140lbs BMI=24% (not much to work with- very healthy- PS said today we can possibly take a small amount for fat grafting from stomach & inner thighs IF surgery doesn't cover all our bases we are hoping for).

    Previous bra size: 34B (Bra size now AFTER mastectomy & reconstruction: 34D) RibCage: 32") Currently: Sientra Textured Round High Profile Implants 440cc (Both) ((Had Moderate profile smooth round 360cc Sientra implants previously before receiving these ones from this amazing surgeon)) I had capsular contracture & also lymphedema which caused the drain to cause the nasty infection cellulitis and now I had dents in my left side, On 1/18/03, my daughter's 12th birthday, I awoke to a FLAT & deflated TE, which caused me to go into immediate surgery direct-to-implants. She placed very small implants, which you had seen in the photos in PM- I then sought out another PS, who is AMAZING!!)) I now am seeing him once again since my boobies have sank in and I have a terrible flexing issue that is incredibly embarassing and causes me much can read my copy-pasted version below. I hope you have some insight on this method my incredible PS is mentioning with the Mentor Siltex Textured Round HIgh Profile In 500-550cc ?? He thinks the dimensions and the texture will create a gorgeus shape and not cause any ripple or anymore capsilar contracture...due to the texture, which I have now, an have loved. But above the muscle? I know UNDER the muscle IS NOT WORKING!! It goes flat. I can send you pics. It's horrendous.

    Hi everyone :)

    It's been a long time. I hope you're all healing well. I've been doing great. NO complaints here, other than some sinking on my right side, and some dents and issues on Left side. I saw PS today and he saw the overdue damage and then he saw me make a tiny muscle movement and was like WHOAAAA!!! That happens all the time? And I cried....I Love him!! I told him that is my REAL issue. The dents, the little sagging here and there, I can tolerate all of that.....but the complete FLATNESS that happens when I make the slightest muscle as my flexing causes my implants to completely go flat?! I just can't seem to get past that......He agreed 100% that it's NOT normal, and I should NOT have to endure that. In my bra, you can see right down inside, because my right boob goes so flattened out from my muscle flexing so hard down! Ugh......Thank God for such a great surgeon. He's a miracle worker.

    He immediately said "I have a solution!" He opened his handy dandy measuring stick, placed it on my chest, asked me how big I want these next ones....I said I would LOVE them to look "augmented" if NOW I have OPEN possibilities.....whereas before my muscle didn't stretch any further than 440cc's....that's the largest he could fit and sew up. Scared He said "550 will LOOK AMAZING!!" I will have the best cleavage, leaving about a centimeter of area apart between my girls of space, and I will have Mentor Siltex High Profile Textured implants (between 500-550cc's)

    It felt amazing to be validated and to be put at ease to know there IS a solution to help me. He told me I will definitely be in much more pain afterwards, as the implants now are UNDER the muscle and the muscle will then relax, and then he will place a heavy implant on top of both muscles which will cause the muscles to go into spasms, causing much pain after, but we will get through that. I will deal with that when the time comes, I am just happy we have figured something out! When I make muscles or even open a jar, or hug someone, my chest completely flexes and people can see down my shirt! It is so embarassing- Like vanishing breasts! They just go FLAT. I am so embarassed by them. I'm so thankful to God for a solution.

    I have been searching the internet for HOURS to find PICTURES of people who have mastectomies and have IMAGES of this? But can't find anything. I keep trying and trying, hoping to find something! I would love to SEE what my results MAY look like, but I only see actual augumentation pics, where they have breast tissue and I can't possibly compare to them. (*sigh*)

    Should know soon when my surgery date for my NEW boobies are!! Oh my gosh, I am nervous too, because I can't even find pictures of other people with Mentor 500-500cc's in the High Profile! HELP! LOL.......If you know anyone on the pic forum and can send me to them, (I'm on there, please give me the shout out of how to get to their pics, lol.......) I will be updating my pics on the pic forum also.....Long overdue.

    Best wishes. I hope to catch up with all of my ladies on here. :)

    Any words of advice or if you know of where I can search for images for OVER the muscle pics after mastectomy? Hug I will be your best friend forever! My head is spinning from 12 pages of google open at the same time!! LOL!!

  • KYmarathonmommy
    KYmarathonmommy Member Posts: 2


    1. I am 5ft 2in tall, weigh 158lbs, and am 38.5 inches around below my expanders.

    2. My TEs are Mentor Artoura High Profile, 500cc, height 13.5 cm, width 13.5 cm, and proj 6.6cm

    3. Natrelle seems to be preferred, but not exclusive

    4. 38D, the pathology report from the DMX states left 800 gram and the right 660 gram

    I am a 40 year old mother of three. I ran two marathons in 2014 and was diagnosed 2015 as I was gaining about 40lbs. I had a PCR to chemo per the path report and am anxious to get on with my life and put this all behind me. I hope to be around a C cup upon completion; however at the current moment that seems impossible. The expanders are like cantaloupes under my arms and are very flat on my chest. I am not at all thrilled. I would like perky medium to larger sized projecting boobs. I want as little as possible under my arms, and I have expressed that numerous times with the PS. I am currently filled to 440cc and they believe this will be about where I will stay. My chest wall protrudes more on my right side than my left side so my right looks substantially bigger and she told me she would true that up, but to date has not. At the time of surgery they filled the TEs to 200 and I've had three fills since, 60, 120, and 60. The right side hurts like crazy. I am supposed to have the discussion of implants on Monday May 9 with the PS, so any advice is greatly appreciated!


  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,560

    Hi KYmarathonmommy,

    Just wanted to say hi and welcome! Someone will be by shortly to help answer your questions.

    We look forward to hearing more from you!

    --The Mods