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  • veggal
    veggal Member Posts: 261

    Whippetmom, I have the Inspira SCX and they are squishier than my 410's by a lot! I really like them. My surgeon said that if ripples are the issue, go with cohesive. She's right!

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028


    Well thank you so much for chiming in on the SCF! So glad it has worked out for you

  • cupcakez
    cupcakez Member Posts: 5

    Hi there. My expander is allergan 133-mv-15t 600 volume. My rib cage measures 35.I’m 5’6 145 pounds. I wore 34B bra before surgery. My doctor uses allergan.

  • mermaidmom
    mermaidmom Member Posts: 7

    Hi- looking for guidance on sizing. I am 5'6 and 150lbs, can't find my measuring tape but I think my ribcage is around 33 inches as I wore a 32D before. Right now I have allergen 133-mx-14 TE in and my DR uses same brand of implants, round non-textured.

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028


    Allergan Style 20, 750 ccs.

    Allergan Inspira - any smooth round high profile version - 745 ccs.

    Perhaps even800 ccs, depending on tissue expansion and whether you need the additional volume.

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028


    Allergan Style 20, 600 ccs or my preference, which would be something in the Inspira line, such as the ultra full projection 650 ccs or the full projection, 600 ccs.

  • GardenGirl11
    GardenGirl11 Member Posts: 7

    I don't have expanders. My PS left my implants from my previous BA intact during my mastectomy and will replace them in 2 months. My current implants are round Allergan Naturelle 325cc and my bra size is a 32B, previously a 32D. My rib cage measures 32" and I'm 5'4", 116 pounds. I requested silicone but my doctor said he doesn't like to use them, I'm not sure why. He wants me to use smooth round saline but I feel like they will be too hard because my current ones are very firm after the breast tissue was removed, also I have rippling. Since I didn't get TEs I'm not sure how big I can go. I think he uses Mentor and Allergan.

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028


    Please private message me with your plastic surgeon's name. I am perplexed about his level of expertise. You need a second opinion and likely a new PS. PM me for recommendations

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028




  • coachvicky
    coachvicky Member Posts: 984


    I thankful that somehow I found you and you helped to make me whole.


  • coachvicky
    coachvicky Member Posts: 984


    I have silicon and love them.

    Please do what WhippetMom has asked. I owe my happiness with my reconstruction to her wisdom.

    Coach Vicky

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    Vicky: Thank you for the kind words! I give the glory to God though, for bestowing upon me any gifts that might benefit others

  • Stix
    Stix Member Posts: 610

    thanksgiving thankfulness:

    I am thankful I can email Whippetmom and she always finds time to email me back. I am thankful I am not diseased anymore. I am thankful I only have to look at my potentially failed reconstruction once a day - when getting out of the shower. I am thankful my rcn is man made and has nothing to do with the nice beautiful person I am. I am thankful my physical activity, mind and ability has not been affected by any of this. I am thankful I am a stronger person from this.


  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    I love your "thankfulness" post Stix!

  • Stix
    Stix Member Posts: 610

    thank you whippetmom.

  • tam9098
    tam9098 Member Posts: 5

    Greetings, I stumbled upon a link to this forum while researching today on how much I should expand. I had prophylactic BMX (NSM) on October 16, 2017 because of a strong family history and a positive BRCA1. I am 42 years old, mother of three (all breast fed), and active weightlifter and triathlete. Surgery completed at UAB by a great team. Minor complications post surgery as tissue flap was thin and a few spots of concern for lack of blood flow. I stayed an extra night and the sites were treated with NTG paste and then Venelx X 2 weeks, twice daily. Skin responded to treatment and no further concern from PS.

    I am 5' 1", weight 141 (a little chunky since surgery but usually run 130), Chest wall currently under TE is 32.75", Bra size prior was 32A but more like nearly-A.

    PS recommended above muscle placement because of weight lifting lifestyle.

    Immediate reconstruction with Mentor CPX 4 medium height tissue expanders style 9200 (catalog 3549211) - 275mL

    Day of surgery 60 ml of air place in TE. Returned in 2 weeks and air removed and 120 ml of saline filled. Since then I have had weekly 60 ml fills. I am currently at 240 ml and PS said it is time to start thinking about final size. I know we cannot determine "cup" size but I was looking for a full C if the tissue could support expanding that much. My PS also discouraged the thoughts of cup size and asked me to start looking at how I look and feel in clothes to guide expansion.

    The PS told me last visit that I would be an excellent candidate for Mentor Memory Shape implants. He did advise that current literature points to possible lymphoma but the data is not entirely conclusive. I am ARNP and my husband also in the medical field and we have researched the literature the last three days and we are both comfortable with the implant if that is what is ultimately decided upon.

    So, I am here to hear what you think about all of this. Thank you for taking the time to read this and devoting your personal time to research. Have a great night!

  • veggal
    veggal Member Posts: 261

    My PS told me that if your surgeon will flush the pocket with betadine prior to placement of the implants, the bacteria that is associated with ALCL will be eradicated.

    Good luck with your exchange.

  • tam9098
    tam9098 Member Posts: 5


    Thank you for your comment. I am looking forward to getting this all over with. I prepared for the worse and hoped for the best. Thus far, the process has not been overly difficult or painful for me. I have been lucky in that respect. Final exchange is anticipated to be around March. Then onto get the lower half operated on.

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028


    If you do end up with the Mentor Memoryshape, I would recommend the medium height high profile style, 345 ccs. 300 ccs would be the smallest size for you, but I would ask your PS to shoot for 345 ccs

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    Actually, referable to the research regarding BIL-ALCL, the connection to textured implants is that it is felt that inflammation settles into the tiny holes of the textured implant, and it is chronic inflammation that leads to this type of cancer.

  • veggal
    veggal Member Posts: 261

    Whippetmom, I talked with my PS at length before my revision this fall, and she had just attended a conference associated with ALCL. Yes, there is inflammation, and the inflammation is caused by a colonization of a certain bacteria (sorry I can't remember which) that is commonly found in drainpipes and on other surfaces. The bacteria can easily be killed with betadine, thus the effectiveness of flushing the pocket prior to placement of the implant. My PS was so encouraged by the news that she has begun using textured implants again, as she has always flushed the pockets and feels very confident about the technique.

    I am seeing my PS again soon, and can ask her more specifics if you'd like.

  • tam9098
    tam9098 Member Posts: 5


    Thank you so much for your recommendation. I will get a better idea this coming Wednesday as to the direction I will proceed. Have a great night!


  • tam9098
    tam9098 Member Posts: 5


    Following up on yesterday. Do you have a reccomendation on implant other than the MemoryShape? I’m wanting to keep my options open and take some good questions to my PS on Wednesday. Thank you again for all of your help

  • tam9098
    tam9098 Member Posts: 5


    I would definitely like to hear more on the education your PS received at the conference. If possible, a list of literature that they are using to support this stance. I do understand this is all relatively new and there will not be a “bunch” of literature available and most assumptions at this point are anecdotal, but I would love to read what they presented. Thank you for anything you are able to provide. Have a great day

  • veggal
    veggal Member Posts: 261

    Tam, I will ask for info when I go next week. She was spouting off very specific terminology. Not sure much has been published on it as it was new info presented at the conference. I will get as much info as I can. Information is power!

  • Stix
    Stix Member Posts: 610

    I am not sure how bedadine could rid of this? Sounds skeptical IMO

  • veggal
    veggal Member Posts: 261

    Well, a 10% solution of clorox in water kills HIV so it's very reasonable to think betadine would kill a bacteria.

  • trmtab
    trmtab Member Posts: 863

    Well, I certainly hope the disinfecting does the trick re the textured implant...when I woke up to find to my surprise(!) that my PS had put a TCX inside of me instead of a SRX I was livid.

    After some research and sharing on this board, I learned that you needed both a genetic disposition to get this kind of cancer and that the implant/pocket had to have this bacteria on it. You needed if the implant and pocket were "triple washed" you would be "okay"

    Looking forward to learning more...

  • peachyjeanne
    peachyjeanne Member Posts: 155

    Good morning,

    I sent this as a private message to Whippetmom but thought it might be better to post in the thread itself:

    Diagnosed at 47 yrs old with IDC in left breast. 2 areas in separate quadrants (3:00 and 5:00) and a positive result from one lymph node that was biopsied. The cancer is ER+ / PR+ and HER2- I had neoadjuvant chemotherapy (Dose Dense ACT).

    On Nov 20, I had a unilateral mastectomy (left side) with Sentinel nodes biopsied (3). Nodes came back clean. I will find out at my follow up appointment on Wednesday whether or not radiation is recommended. If needed, plastic surgeon will need to complete filling prior to radiation.

    Expander: Allergan 133MV-12 300 cc placed at time of surgery. I do not know how much it was filled.

    Implants: The plastic surgeon uses Allergan or Sientra smooth implants.

    I am currently 48 yrs old.

    Height: 5'4" Weight: 113 lbs

    Ribcage measurement: 30 inches.

    Pre-mastectomy: bra size either Soma brand 34B or 32D. Never had a proper fitting. The 34B was comfortable but probably a tad big and the 32 band could feel a little tight.

    I have had no children so no breast feeding/stretching/deflation. My body shape has always been on the petite side. I have never had great swings in weight. My breasts have been proportionate to my frame-maybe not as "full" as I'd like. They are still dense and have drooped just slightly.

    With just the expander and initial fill so far I can see the fullness difference in what I believe is called "upper pole" on the left compared to the right. If I want to maintain a size closest to pre-mastectomy, I think I'm almost there already. If I want to go a little larger, the plastic surgeon said at time of exchange we could do a lift or a small implant on the right to get the best symmetry. I think a lift will be required at least to make both even.

    I meet with the plastic surgeon's nurse on Tuesday (11/28) to hopefully have my drain removed and will see the plastic surgeon the following Tuesday (12/5) to discuss sizing. I meet with my breast surgeon on Wed (11/29) to go over pathology and find out if radiation is needed.

    Thanks for any suggestions you may have. I'm amazed at how many questions can/should be asked at these appointments.

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028


    I would ask your PS about the Allergan Inspira implant - in the 350 cc to 400 cc range.