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  • veggal
    veggal Member Posts: 261

    I have Natrelle Inspira SCX around 600 cc’s. I am 34 DDD. I think you should easily get those D cups!

    All the best

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028


    My thoughts: Allergan Inspira, SCX or SRX, 650 ccs, or SCF or SRF, same volume.Without knowing the style or volume of your tissue expanders, this is a recommendation, because I have no idea whether your TEs can get you to this volume. Although since you were quite large prior to mastectomy, you may have sufficient skin flaps for this exchange. If you gather updated data re: your TEs, let me know.


    Edited to add: 600 ccs minimum....with either style of Inspira implants.

  • bluewillowskys
    bluewillowskys Member Posts: 268


    I see most gals in the thread are much smaller weight than me. Do you have experience in helping us bigger gals too?

    I had lumpectomy and rads in 2011. I was told that getting implants to reconstruct would have to wait as the rads caused muscle and skin changes and swelling. Last i asked was 5yrs ago. My rt side now has really no upper breast or inner cleavage side breast, only breast tissue sround the lower breast. I am thinking the swelling and vhanges are long over now especially as i had heart surgery and my chest healed just fine.

    Id like a rt side imolant to a cuo larger like i had befire nursing and lumpectomy. Then a comparable size on lefty. Id like a lift as well due to the nursing and my age 52.

    I currently buy size 46 sportbras but that. lesves rt side looking even flatter and smaller. Im 5"4' and weight 240 carry my extra weight mostly around lower belly. I wear size 22 pants/jeans.

    Is there anything you can tellme about what implants i should consider? I see the surgeon next week.

    Thankyou for all your help!


  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,305

    BlueWillow - please do check the header for other information Whippetmom will need. For sure - the rib cage circumference as detailed in #1.

  • Kittygal
    Kittygal Member Posts: 1

    Hi Whippetmom

    Thank you for this post. I had pre-pec left nipple sparing mastectomy on 10/7 with Natrelle 133S-MV-11-T

    Stats for TE:



    Projection: 4.9cm

    Fill volume: 250

    I am 39 y.o 5'4 / 118lbs. My rib cage is 28” prior to mastectomy, I was 32A ( 32AA@ victoria secret) and I would want to be full C.

    My PS said I probably need two more fill in’s until exchange and my totalcurrent fill is 250cc so far. As far as profile, I still have no idea what would look good but I would like to have perky look but not to much like exotic dancer look. My other concern would be if my PS will be able to match symmetry with my non mastectomy side.

    Any recommendations would be appreciated. Thank you

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028


    Talk to your plastic surgeon about Allergan Inspira implants. I have no idea about the size of implants, since this is essentially a mastopexy with augmentation, not a mastectomy. I can suggest though that your PS consider fat graft transfer at the time of surgery, to help with any after effects of the previous radiation to that one breast.


  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028


    Allergan Inspira - Style SRF, and between 265 ccs to 325 ccs. Since you had a NAC sparing, the nipple needs to end up in the right place on the mound. Then you will need a small implant on the native side for symmetry. Symmetry is more important than volume/size.


  • marie914
    marie914 Member Posts: 152

    Hello - thanks for giving advice here.

    1. 5'4 260 pounds 43 inch rib cage

    2. 133S MV-15-T tissue expander 600cc Left Allergan EF 133

    3. My PS said she uses Allergan silicone (I think she said Allergan)

    4. I used to wear a 44C

    I will have a lift and possibly a reduction on my right breast to match.

    She said she would maybe overfill my expander some and then can put in an implant that looks the best .

    I have 350 ccs in now and have been getting 100 ccs every time (she put 50 in during surgery). I probably will need another 3 fills.

  • Carrieleeb
    Carrieleeb Member Posts: 4

    Thank you. My TE are Nartelle 12. My ps said the max he can fill them is 400 cc's and can put in a 500 cc implant. I'm worried this is going to be to be so much smaller than

    we originally discussed. Is it possible to put in 650 cc implant with only a 400 cc expander?

  • bluewillowskys
    bluewillowskys Member Posts: 268

    whippet mom thanks for the advice. I believe my ribcage is 46 as thats the size sportbra thats feels snug at the elastic band. I cant do fat grsfts as im ER AND PR positive. At least i was told that 5yrs ago. Thanks again.

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028


    I do not know who told you this, but it is not accurate. I am ER/PR positive and I have had two rounds of fat graft transfer.


  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028


    I am confused. You originally stated: “He says I can probably only go to 550 cc's in my expander and maybe put in 600 cc's implant when we do the reconstruction.” So are you saying he has changed his statement to you? All I can tell you is what I stated previously, which is because you were large breasted previously, you may have sufficient skin flaps to get you to a larger volume implant. If your PS is not engaging in more dialogue regarding what YOU hope to achieve, I would suggest you consult with another plastic surgeon to see what truly is possible at the time of the exchange.


  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028


    The latest literature by Allergan Natrelle, indicates the crossover and correlation of the Allergan 133tissue expander in relationship to the Allergan Inspira implant. This works for bilateral mastectomies, but only is transferable, in part, to unilateral mastectomies. This is because the chief focus is symmetry, not size, not volume. Your PS will want to overfill the tissue expander, so that she can achieve some natural ptosis/droop to match the native breast. It all depends on what your PS will need to do to match the native breast. So it might be a 600 cc to 640 cc implant in the Inspira, SRF, SCF, or SSF. It depends on how much cohesiveness she feels she needs, and I would presume it would be the responsive touch version (SRF), because it will not have too much upper pole fullness and will better match the native breast. But all of this is speculation on my part, because again, it depends on what the end result is with the native breast after the mastopexy.


  • marie914
    marie914 Member Posts: 152

    Thanks Deborah! I think she did talk about what you said - trying to match the native breast.

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    Yeah Marie....I just read my post to you again and I think I might have said “native breast” about a hundred times. I think you got my drift! LOL!Winking

  • marie914
    marie914 Member Posts: 152

    LOL I catch on quick.

  • Carrieleeb
    Carrieleeb Member Posts: 4

    My ps is now telling me he used a smaller TE which holds 400 cc's and he will exchange them for 500 - 500cc implant. I am making an appointment for a

    second opinion. My ps is telling me that the 600-600cc implant won't fit.

    I will ask about having sufficient skin flaps to hold the larger implant. Thank you for your help. It's very stressful having a doctor who doesn't seem to be listening to what my wishes are.

    Thank you for your help.

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028


    It will just clarify things for you with a second opinion. Let me know how it goes!


  • katepeony
    katepeony Member Posts: 7

    Hello Deborah!

    In advance, thank you for any guidance you can share!

    Height 5'7"

    Weight 125 lbs

    Ribcage 29"

    Age 44

    I have already had my exchange surgery following my double mastectomy and I have pre-pectoral silicone implants, 275cc. I know my PS uses Allergan and Mentor, and mine are round, medium profile, I believe (I am sorry I don't have all the stats).

    I plan to have surgery to modify the right implant, which has slipped over towards my right side. Since I feel there's a need for surgery anyway, I am planning to go slightly larger for both implants, getting my breasts exactly how I want them before I add nipples, which I do not yet have. I plan to again have pre-pectoral implants placed over the muscle.

    I feel like I'm completely guessing on what size I need - would "a bit fuller" be 300 CCs? Something else? The ones I have are modest, easy, and extremely close to my normal breast size before the mastectomy, which was a B cup. I like to be active so don't want anything too large. I am wondering what you would recommend for something slightly fuller based on my frame - I am happy with a B+ to C- cup, in the "somewhere between the size of an orange and the size of a grapefruit" family. When I had the TEs, I did have him fill them to around a D cup, and I recall that I didn't love them when they reached that size, which is why we went with something closer to my natural breasts - which they are, but I'm looking for just a bit more fullness. My PS was very conservative with me on size based on my frame, and cautioned going too large.

    I prefer perky, which mine are currently, and I am also pear-shaped with a 26" waist and 37" hips, so I have wondered if a bit fuller breasts would be more proportional.

    I hope I've provided enough info for you to guide me. Thank you so much! One of my 2021 goals is to finally finish the reconstruction I started in 2019.

    Thank you,


  • Ofelia43020
    Ofelia43020 Member Posts: 2

    I had a double nipple sparing mastectomy reconstruction with immediate reconstruction , silicone implants placed 450 cc , No tissue expanders. I'm very disappointed and depressed about the outcome they look very flat and low. I had breast implants prior to my mastectomy and was a 34D . My surgeon told me becuase I had implants before I did not need tissue expanders. He also told me I would not be able to pick the size i wanted . I feel like I had no options and I feel miserable with how small the implants look, I'm not even sure what cup size I am now I look like a b cup . Has anyone experienced something similar ? I feel very depressed and my self esteem is so low, I feel deformed. Does any one have any revision surgeon recommendations?

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,305

    Ofelia - I'm sorry your results are not what you wanted. If you read the header of this thread and post all the requested information, it will help.

    Did you have breasts cancer before your first implants? Did you have a mastectomy before the first implants? There is a big difference between augmentation & reconstruction after all the breast tissue has been removed due to breast cancer.

    Also you'd need to post where you live for anyone to give doctor recommendations.

  • veggal
    veggal Member Posts: 261

    Many women are not happy with their first set of implants. Thank goodness for revision surgery!!!

    I would suggest that if you are not happy with your result, do not bring up a revision with him. Research and visit as many surgeons as it takes in order to find “the one.” I saw 3 other surgeonsbefore deciding to revise.

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,558

    Welcome, Ofelia! We, too, are so sorry to hear you're not happy with your initial surgery. But as VegGal mentioned, revision surgery is fairly common. If you are comfortable sharing your general location, our community members can offer their recommendations for surgeons in your area!

    The Mods

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    Kate: you need to look at implants in the 350 cc or 375 cc range. 300 ccs will be negligible, if barely noticeable a difference. I would not go through general anesthesia for anything less than a 75 ccs increase in volume. Look at high profile. Find out if your PS has access to Mentor or Allergan or both.


  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    Minus Two....She said she had breast implants prior to her mastectomy, so this means she had an augmentation prior to being diagnosed with breast cancer.

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028


    Where are you in California?

    What is your height and weight?

    It is crazy making that you were told you have “no say” regarding sizing or implant selection. So do not go back to him.


  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,305

    Yup - that's what I thought too Whippetmom, but then wasn't sure it it was recurrent cancer. Thanks for clarifying.

    Edited to say - Happy New Year. Hope you are well. Thanks for your continuing dedication to helping everyone on BCO.

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    Happy New Year to you also MT

  • katepeony
    katepeony Member Posts: 7

    Thank you Deborah - this is so helpful! I would have been playing a guessing game without your guidance

  • Ofelia43020
    Ofelia43020 Member Posts: 2

    Thank you ladies for answering back , i feel so lost and don't know where to turn. I had breast augmentation 10yrs ago . No cancer diagnosis until May 2020.Double mastectomy with immediate reconstruction. My implants where also placed really close to each other in which they look more strange, no side boob at all . I have Natrelle soft touch full profile 450cc my height is 5'7 and. I currently weigh 104 pds my normal weight was 127pds that I hope to get back . Lost a lot of weight after chemo and , with grieving my mother she passed away of breast cancer 2 weeks before I was diagnosed . It's been a dark time and I feel after we go through all this we have a right to try to feel good and continue a normal life . I live in Blythe California 92225 . I would really appreciate Ps recommendations.