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  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    Tiff:  So, essentially at this point you are talking about an augmentation and partial reconstruction?  I know that insurance covers revision of lumpectomy defects, which would include an implant if necessary.  In that instance, augmentation of the healthy breast could be covered in order to provide symmetry with the cancer side.

    If you feel that your skin integrity is good and if a PS agrees, I see no reason why you could not have implants.  I know that some plastic surgeons use Alloderm or Strattice - live cellular tissue - to repair lumpectomy defects - and in your case, it is imperative to go to a reconstructive surgeon rather than just a cosmetic surgeon, because you want the recon PS to submit the right coding so that you can get this covered by insurance, right?

  • tiff2008
    tiff2008 Member Posts: 31

    Whippetmom- Thanks for replying.  My lumpectomy side really looks no different, other than the scar, than my good breast.  I was really really fortunate and had a good surgeon.  So I'm thinking I won't need reconstruction? only augmentation?  I guess my concerns are 1 having had radiation and 2  am I crazy? will I be able to detect a new lump etc...3, is it better to see a plastic surgeon or a cosmetic surgeon in my case?

    Sorry I don't mean to ramble.


  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    Tiff....The problem is....most reputable plastic surgeons will be very leary about augmentation for a woman with a history of breast cancer.  I see you are in KC, MO and there is a very good plastic surgeon in your city.  I want you to contact "Estepp" - her name is Laura - and get the contact information.  She has a beautiful result, as does another woman on this forum who went to him for revisions.   I am going to have Laura PM you for further information.  This plastic surgeon does reconstruction and augmentation and he would be the best to consult with.


  • Estepp
    Estepp Member Posts: 2,966

    TIFF... I just Pm'd you.... :)  Kansas City girl here and have an AMAZING PS for you to talk to!

  • tiff2008
    tiff2008 Member Posts: 31

    Deborah, thank you for the information.

    Laura, I just PM'd you.


  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    Thank you dearest Laura for helping Tiff!

  • binga
    binga Member Posts: 30


    Thanks so much for all your insight and info.  You are incredible!

    I am 6 weeks post BMX with TE.  The only info I have about my TEs are that they are 450cc.  They currently have 350cc in each.  I  am 5'5", 120lbs and measure 28 1/2'".  I was an A before and would like to end up a full B at the end of this lovely process.  I like my PS but he doesn't spend much time with me and has never really asked what I am looking to be at the end of the journey.  During the last fill (as he was filling and chatting) he asked the nurse to remind him what size the TEs are and she said 450 and he said that everything was looking great and we would be ending up with small C or could go to even a full C.  I mentioned once again that B would be fine with me.  I am seeing him Tues for another fill and would love to be able to say that is enough but don't won't to give up and be unhappy with the results after going thru all this.  When I put on my unpadded sports bra I am happy with the look right now and am able to fill out a B bra pretty good (except for a little space at the bottom.)

    Any suggestions?  I want to be happy in the end but boy what I wouldn't give to be done with this.  It has been quite a painful journey.



  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    I personally think you need at least 400 cc's  in a high profile implant - silicone rounds - either Mentor or Allergan.  Do not focus so much on bra size - focus on what looks good on your frame.  Let your PS do what he needs to do to get you to this point. I think 400 to 425 ccs would be nice, if you are happy where you are currently.  We look at dimensions - not bra size or volume to volume.  Your PS should take different sizers into the OR to see what looks best on your frame.

    Have you been on the pictures forum to look at different recon look at women with similar vital statistics....? 

  • binga
    binga Member Posts: 30

    Haven't seen pics yet- just requested permission from timtam.  

    Thanks for your input.  I am going to make him listen to me on Tues and make sure we are both headed in the same direction and your info sure helps me know a little more about when to say to stop.  

    Thanks again!


  • rebetata
    rebetata Member Posts: 213

     wippetmom I went in for my fill yesterday and she filled me another 100cc that brings me to 700 in each. I have the 650 TE in place which is now over expanded by 50cc. I am concerned she is going to give me another fill on the 16th. We discussed the exchange and she wants to use Allegran 45 700cc high profile as she feels it has the best projection for me. I have discussed my measurements with you last week so can you let me know what you think about this. I have mentor TE's she said she will call to verify how much she can over expand before my next appointment.

    Thank yiou in advance,


  • mom2Bnegativex3
    mom2Bnegativex3 Member Posts: 21

    OMG... I am in hte KC area too. I have been looking for someone close. I will be seeing my PS on Monday. Would like to know who Estepp and Tiff will be using or anything. It is so nice to find someone to connect with! TIA

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    Rebecca:  The Style 45 is a very narrow implant.  It has a high profile, but I am concerned it might not have enough width for you.  I think you are going to need to email me photos, as this implant does sit higher on the chest wall.  Do you have a pretty long torso?

    I really would prefer that you send me photos so that I can help you further....

    mom2B....Click on Estepp's name and send her a private message.  She has a very talented PS. 

  • MBJ
    MBJ Member Posts: 3,671

    I have posted 2 times before and today I received a third opinion and it looks as if I don't have to have radiation and I can do immediate reconstruction after my mastectomy!  So, I am 6 feet tall, with a 38" rib cage and broad shoulders.  What I would like to know is what is the best implant to get to an average C cup.  I am a B now but this is with my right breast being a whole size smaller than my left breast with cancer in it.  I am hoping to get them evened out.  I will be losing my nipple and I also won't know if this will effect me going up to a C ( I see the plastic surgeon in week to discuss this).

    Thanks in advance for your help 

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    MBJ: Well, we are starting from "scratch" with you!  Most women come here with tissue expanders already placed asking about implant sizing.  So much more is going to go into the equation for you at this early juncture.  Your question about bra sizing - if you read what I wrote in the intro to this thread - we don't really talk "bra size".  It is not that exacting sort of science.  We can come fairly close to knowing what this might be once you start the expansion process, as there are far too many variables.  The type of tissue expanders your plastic surgeon will use will dictate in many respects where you can go with implants.  The width of the TE will be a major factor. My recommendation is that you go to a PS who performs equally as many breast reconstruction procedures as he/she does cosmetic [augmentation] procedures. 

    Some additional questions: Are you having a BMX or one breast only?  If you are a single MX, your PS is going to choose the TE and ultimately the implant with the healthy breast as a guide, in order to gain symmetry.  Read what I said above about symmetry with the healthy breast.  Much goes into achieving this.  My best advice to you is to tell your PS from the very first visit what you want and your expectations regarding the outcome. 


  • MBJ
    MBJ Member Posts: 3,671

    Thank you for your quick reply!  I am having only the left breast removed but will have reconstruction on the right to match as it has always been undersized and doesn't fit into any bra due to my large rib cage.  Thank you for your advice--I will have to go to my meeting with a list of questions so that I can remember everything!

  • rebetata
    rebetata Member Posts: 213

       Deborah I emailed you my pictures and I pm'd you.


  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028


  • rebetata
    rebetata Member Posts: 213

      Deborah I pm'd you the info on my TE's.


  • Susie123
    Susie123 Member Posts: 82

    Hello Ladies,

    I have tissue expanders and am very confused about the different types of implants. I was a 38B before my bilateral mast and would like to be that again. What is the difference between regular and HP implants? Which do I need?



  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028
    Susie:  Read through the header of this thread and provide the information requested.  The type of TEs you have....volume of the TEs, your height, weight, ribcage...Then we can give further info.  HP means "high profile" implants.  Implants come in different widths and profiles.   The two profiles most commonly used are "moderate plus profile" and "high profile".  You can look at the links above to peruse through the Mentor and Allergan implant catalogues...
  • DFC1994
    DFC1994 Member Posts: 11


    I had my very last fill on Monday.

    I am at 400CC's. this was a painful fill but getting better.I asked what style implant he is using on me and he said.Mentor high profile smooth round silicone.Doe's this sound right for me?He said 300 or 325 CC's,possibly 350. I want at least 325,like you said before I would not be happy with under that.With the 400CC's in the expanders I look HUGE but he promised me I will not be this big with the final results.I am hoping for a big B ,maybe small C. Before BC I was a full C,with these expanders my C cup bras will not fit,way too small.

    Thanks in advance for your advice.

    Love and prayers


  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    Dee:  The style your PS intends to use is great.  The sizes he will take into the OR - just fine.  He is right - you will not be as large as your TEs.  Just remind him just before surgery that you are hoping for 325 ccs or 350 ccs.  Everything sounds good to me.  When is your exchange surgery?

  • DFC1994
    DFC1994 Member Posts: 11

    My exchange surgery is April 7th. He said 3-4 weeks is what he waits after last fill. I hope this is effecient time to stretch.I will remind him 325 or 350 CC's.

    Thank you so much.

  • Susie123
    Susie123 Member Posts: 82

    Thanks for your response whippit mom. I saw my PS today and she answered all my questions. I'll be a 38c after the exchange,using the high profile mentor silicone implants. I'm 3 weeks away from my exchange. She will also make nipples at the same time, and fix the leftover skin under my arms left from the bilateral mast. Awesome!


  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    Dee:  The longer the wait after the last fill the better.  Two months is better.  Many of us wait three months.

    Susie:  You might want to find out what size [volume] implants she intends to use, in light of where you are volume-wise with your tissue expanders.  I would hate to have you upset after the exchange - finding that you are smaller than you wanted to be. [I say "smaller" because in most cases, this is the major complaint after the exchange.  Only rarely does anyone complain about being "too large" after the exchange.]  Referable to bra size, unless she takes a 38 C bra into the OR, I don't know how your PS is going to guarantee you a definitive cup size.  Implants change in shape after the exchange.  They can drop enough to make the nipples completely out of place.  The nipples can be done under local anesthesia.  Nearly every medical treatise I have read suggests waiting at least two or three months for recreating nipples.  It is not necessary to get the entire package all at once.

    Congratulations and we look forward to seeing the end result on the pictures forum!

  • mom2Bnegativex3
    mom2Bnegativex3 Member Posts: 21

    so I have read through th header and I understand that the TE expands you but don't you have to have a bigger TE so you can be big? My PS said I could be as big as I want. They would just fill me until I am done BUT if you start with a small TE you will only get so big. My masct is on the 16th. they plan on using siltex style 6200 either 350, 6.6 projection  or 450 or 7.0. I am 5'5" 131 and measure 36. My plastic surgeon took this measure thing as big as the expanders and held it up to one of my breast to measure me to see if it fits on my chest. I jsut wnat to have bigger boobs and not be disappointed! Thanks for reading. Hope Imade sense!!

  • winter1NY
    winter1NY Member Posts: 20

    Hi Ladies

    I greatly appreciate all the info I have gotten from this thread.

    My question: I have Mentor TE's filled to 340ccs. PS says he can put in Mentor round 450 at time of exchange.(without having more fills) Does this sound good? . I was told that my skin is very "tight" on my frame which I think is accurate. I'm 5'7'' 140lbs (130 before all this as have not been able to jog in months!) and have 32 " ribcage and narrow frame.

    Any advice you can give would be greatly appreciated ...Many thanks

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    mom2bnegative....The Siltex 6200 - 450 ccs, which is 12.7 cm wide is the one I would want.  This would be a very good size of tissue expander for you since you want to be in the upper volume category with implants.  A nice size for your ribcage.

    winter1ny:  Which Mentor TEs do you have?  Style number [there are three] and what is the recommended volume of your TEs?  You have 340 ccs of fill, but are they 350 cc TEs or 450 cc TEs?

  • mom2Bnegativex3
    mom2Bnegativex3 Member Posts: 21

    Thanks, Whippe! So what is the difference between all of the profiles? Is it all in proference? mine ore the med plus or something similar. What do the high profiles do? Sorry part chemo brain and part scared out of my body!

    I read wome that are B cups and are 350 cc so that is why I think that I will end up small. Why is it what you would want? What is "good" about them? what do you have/had if you don't mind me asking? So can you tell what size I will be at the end? I would like to be a full C or a  small D! Thanks again! I wish every one the best!!!!

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028


    What are you referring to?  Profile of the TEs or implant profiles?  The profile of the TEs - low height, moderate height, full height - refer to how much they expand the upper pole of the breast - how much they expand the pectoral muscles. The 6200 is the moderate height - which is a good style for you.  What a 350 cc implant will look on one person vs. another can be VASTLY different.  I know women with  350 cc implants and they are wearing a D cup bra.  It all has to do with so many variables.  Height, weight, ribcage dimension, chest wall - is it bony or do you have lots of adipose tissue - any chest wall deformities - all of these things come into play.  You say you "measure 36."  Where did you get this measurement?  Did you measure your ribcage - circumference around the ribs just under the bra line? 36 inches does not sound right.