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  • mom2Bnegativex3
    mom2Bnegativex3 Member Posts: 21

    I am talking about the implant for the profile. How do youknow which one is bestfor you? How does the PS know which one to use. and yes I measured around my ribcage, actucally VS did! Thanks again!

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    Well, the overwhelming number of women on these forums are going with smooth round silicone implants.  They come in various profiles.  The two most commonly used profiles are the moderate plus and the high profile style implants.  The concern I have is the width of the tissue expander if you have a 36 inch ribcage.  I think you would need at least a 14.0 cm wide tissue expander.   But your PS measured you and so he knows where to take you.

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    mom2bnegative -

    I can usually picture someone's chest wall in my mind with height, weight and ribcage, but yours just is not computing for me.  Do you want to send me photos?

    You can PM me if you would like to email me photos privately.


  • mom2Bnegativex3
    mom2Bnegativex3 Member Posts: 21

    I guess I should say why all the questions. My PS didn't ask me what size I wanted to be. The nurse before him was talking about how unfortunate it is that I have this but it least now I can have nice big b oobs. I told her YEAH!! Well when we were talking with the doc she said that we would just fill you until you are as big as you want to be. That brings me back to if I only have a certain size TE at a certain width for my body then it can only get so big. So then I hear of the ladies that they like how big their TE are but at the exchange the implants were smaller. When the PS was examining me he held up my breast, like if it was perky (3 years of breastfeeding does wonders) and said this is what it would look like. Well I want to be bigger and he didn't ask me how big I wanted to be. He explained to me how the implant needs to fit my chest but I just want big boobs. I have never had them and I think I deserve them now.... We all do:) Should I call and ask how big i will be? Make it known that I awnt to be bigger or is this how it is done! Sorry just stressing over the little things! Thanks again!

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028
    mom2bnegative: The size of the TE has very much to do with how far you can be expanded and the size of implants which can be used.  Discuss all of this with your PS. 
  • mom2Bnegativex3
    mom2Bnegativex3 Member Posts: 21

    ok so when Iwent to VS I was 4 days out of chemo. I found a measuring tape and i am 30 1/2" around my chest. Woo chemo makes me so anxious and pariniod! lol HTH!

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    mom2bnegative:  Whew.  That is a relief.  You cannot imagine how I pictured you...shaped like a zucchini - skinny with no waist at all!

    So, I think you would do very well with the Mentor 6200 450 cc tissue expanders.  You are going to want to expand sufficiently for implants with a volume of 500 ccs to 550 ccs in Mentor high profile smooth round silicone implants.   That is my best prediction regarding what would look best and give you the size you hope to achieve.  Other issues may prevail which complicate this and so it is only a "prediction."  You might have expansion issues which would preclude full expansion.   Anything can happen.  Depends entirely on the viability of your skin flaps after the mastectomy.  Your skin-sparing MX will leave the skin and how it stretches and responds to expansion is key.  Go slowly with fills.  Every two weeks...even every three weeks if you can do it.  Rapid expansion has a higher rate of failure.  We can revisit where you are once expansion is underway. 

    There you go!  Run all of this by your PS and see what he thinks!

  • mom2Bnegativex3
    mom2Bnegativex3 Member Posts: 21

    Thanks again, Whippe! So if he is going to bring the 350 and 450 into the OR should I call and tell them I want to go with the 450? Or should I trust his judgement!

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    I would not leave anything to chance.  Tell him your preference - understanding that he is limited by his ability to utilize one size of TE or the other, based on the integrity and size of the skin flaps after mastectomy.  But you can certainly tell him you are hoping to have implants in the range I mentioned above...

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028


  • rebetata
    rebetata Member Posts: 213

     Deborah I will get my last fill today and schedule my exchange. I have all my notes with your advice so I wont forget. I hope I am able to let her know what I want.


  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    Rebecca:  You can do this!!!

  • rebetata
    rebetata Member Posts: 213

      Deborah I did it!!!!!! Thankl you for all your advice you are the best.SmileLaughing

     I got another 50cc yesterday bringing me to 750 on each side they are huge. I will have the exchange in 6 weeks to make sure I am sufficiently stretched I will see her for pre-op on April 15th so she can take one last look at them. She will take the Mentor 750 and the 800 into the OR I hope I dont look like Dolly Parton when it is all said and done.


  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    Great Rebecca.  It might be that 750 ccs will be sufficient.  They will be smaller than your TEs....but a good size for your frame.

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    Where are you in CA. Rebecca?

  • mom2Bnegativex3
    mom2Bnegativex3 Member Posts: 21

    Thanks again to everyone. I got out of the hospital yeasterday. I am not in much pain but it does feel like a heavy underwire bra. I went to meant the plastic surgeon yeasterday but only the nurse practioner was there. I ask what size I was installed and how much I got put in. She said he had my file. I def have some in. the are like little mounds. I will take pics of it soonn and post it on the pic fourm. I have a pain pump in and that helps. Thanks again!!

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028


    So glad you are out of surgery and in recovery mode.  Just try not to do too much....relax and rest and heal.  We can look at photos one week post-surgery.


  • rebetata
    rebetata Member Posts: 213

      I am in Palm Springs. What part are you?


  • winter1NY
    winter1NY Member Posts: 20

    hello whippetmom

    edited my post of March 11 to add info but not sure how to move it to top (or is it bottom) of thread?

    When all this is done maybe I ought to take a computer class LOL

    thanks for all you do

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    If you need to update information you have to just put it in a new post.  I was able to retrieve that old post though...but I never would have seen it if you had not given me the heads up...

    So you have moderate height TEs...350 ccs, which means you are just slightly underfilled if you are 340 ccs.  If  your PS can really get 450 ccs in those pockets....that would be excellent!  So keep reminding him. 


  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028


    I am in Long Beach. 

    Good thing you are having the exchange surgery during warm weather.  It is a good time to wear light and loose clothing...but in Palm Springs....that would be most of the year!


  • winter1NY
    winter1NY Member Posts: 20

    Hi again

    I hope I'm not being a pain as I am so grateful for your knowledge but are you saying you are doubtful it can be done  and does that mean it would be smarter to get more fills?? Or is this my anxiety talking  (don't know if I mentioned I have alloderm if that makes a difference)

    thank you!! 

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    WINTER:  Ask as many questions as you can possibly ask me!!! LOL!  That is why I started this thread!

    No, au contrare, I think it is fabulous that your PS has the "implants larger than expanders" approach to the exchange. My PS has the same approach.  My implants, for instance, are 125 ccs greater than were my TEs.  It is ENTIRELY possible....I do not doubt for one minute that it can be done.  I just want you to remind him to at least squeeze those 450's in there for you....I think you will be happier if you get at least 450 ccs.  

  • winter1NY
    winter1NY Member Posts: 20

    thanks so much whippetmom, I am now feeling very optimistic and looking forward to the exch in April and getting rid of the "rocks" 

     PS I have been avoiding hot tubs/jacuzzi ever since the BMX, but now that summer is coming was wondering if these can do any damage to silicone implants?

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    winter... The hot tub questions is purely subjective.  I personally will not submerge my breasts in a jacuzzi.  I cannot wrap my head around the fact that my Alloderm slings and thin skin might be roasting under the heat of the jacuzzi.  I research too much to do this.  I would be very apprehensive about this also if you have any dermatological issues or sensitivities.  That said, if you can control the heat and cleanliness of a home-jacuzzi system, that might be acceptable.  But the level of heat and questionable maintenance of say a communal hotel jacuzzi or hot tub at a gym -  PERSONALLY, I would not even consider it.  I did sit in the jacuzzi at the hotel a few months ago on vacation, but the water reached only to my waist. I just would not want to risk it.  Here is a thread on re: this topic. I think I would keep my "affected" arm outside of the hot tub - just as a prophylactic measure - the side which had lymph node dissection.  But I am a nervous ninny...and there are many things I am willing to give up to keep my new breasts and implants healthy and happy.

  • Dublin4
    Dublin4 Member Posts: 48

    Hello whippetmom,

    First, thank you for this thread.  I am just starting the process.  I had my surgery on 3/1.  I have TE in and my PS will be using mentor implants.  He told me he was only able to get in about half the fill he wanted to on 3/1 due to my chest muscles being well defined (lifting weights).  He also said that it was not a problem and that he would make it up on future fills.  I was a small B and want to return to the same size.  He said that I will get fill about every 3 weeks and that they will be between 50-100cc (1 1/2 - 3 1/2 oz).  The fill would depend on how well I can take it.  He said the next step (exchange would be in about 4-6 months, again depending on how well I take each fill.  First, does this all sound correct?  Second, any words of wisdom questions to ask, etc.

    Also, at times the expanders fill like they are digging into my skin and actually tighten up is this anything to worry about, or just normal.  I also asked him about some of the small indentations for lack of a better word and he said that they will all smooth out during the process and exchange.

    OK, I think that is enough questions.  Any help/insight would be appreciated.  I would like to have a great end result.  THANKS!!!! 

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    dublin:  Read my instructions above and I can help you figure out where you are going...I need your TE info - style, etc....height, weight, can PM it to me privately if you wish. 

    Think of how a deflated soccer ball looks - actually - the TE is a cross between a football and a soccer ball based on style of TE.  But when deflated, there are sharp edges and hollow points in the ball.  This is what happens with the TE and your PS is all smoothes out with expansion.  It is an uncomfortable process for some but it will be a distant memory some day!

    Provide me with more info and I can help you get an idea of where to go with implant sizing.


  • rebetata
    rebetata Member Posts: 213

      Deborah I was re reading some earlier posts and I saw you said that 750 would be smaller than my TE's. I dont feel as though I have much chest right now. I am wondering if the implant will have more shape and projection than these.

     I am gonna push for the 800 now I am concerned about it.I want to be as close as possible to having a full "C".  I have too much time to think now I may go crazy.


  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    Rebecca:  I think that you have said that your PS is going to try to use the largest implants she is able to get into the pockets at the time of exchange, right?  I thought you said that you felt "huge" at 750 ccs....which is why I felt that 750 would probably be fine. If you feel that you just want to go for the gusto and get those 800's - then tell your PS how you feel about this.  You certainly have sufficient expansion for 800 ccs.  Did you ever send me your photos?  I get so many photo emails I cannot remember who I have seen and who I have not....

    You can PM if me you want to email me photos so that I can take at look at your TEs and see what things are looking like...


  • rebetata
    rebetata Member Posts: 213

      I e-mailed some pics before my last fill so I will take more tonight when I get home and e-mail them to you again. I dont feel like I have the projection I thought I would have.
