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thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited June 2014

    Hi Deborahanne,

    Nice to meet you. I had a mixed day of blessing and waiting. One of my friends insisted on coming and helping me to clean my house. My fatigue with fibromyalgia and the rads has done a number on me the last few weeks. She was a huge blessing for me today.  The plan was she would continue to clean while I went for my long awaited radiation after being off for six days. When I got to the clinic they said they are backed up so why don't you take a seat and see the doctor first. The machine had broken down again. I did FINALLY get my treatment in. The positive that I will take away from this is that everyone thanked me for my patience and I was able to be a good witness in the midst of a very stressful time for the workers and doctors there. I had written my RO a thank you letter and she read it before I saw her. It blessed her and it blessed me as well. She is so wonderful. There were many ticked off patients waiting for rads and you never know what seeds you are planting by a positive attitude in a tough situation.

    Three more rads left. Whoooohoooooooooooo. Hopefully the machine will stay strong. LOL

    BSF was a wonderful experience. I wish that I could be a part of that now that I am retired and have more time on my hands. My sister and I are caregivers for my mom who has dementia at 88 and is still living in her home alone since my Dad died nine years ago. She lives three hours from me and my sister lives in the same town as my mom. I go down and stay with my mom for weeks at a time to relieve my sister. So unfortunately I am not able to participate in a lot of things that would be ongoing because of that. I hope to get to be down at my mom's for my birthday on Aug. 3. I have told her I might be for weeks and I know she is really counting on that. I just might make it if I can overcome the fatigue to drive down with my cat. I haven't been able to sew her for months because of my diagnosis in March.

    I see that you are on Arimidex. I will see my MO next week to get started on that or Anastrozole which I believe are the same basically. I am concerned about the side effects since some of the big ones are what I battle with my fibromyalgia already. How are you doing on it? I was told I would be on it for five years but I saw someplace on BCO where some ladies were saying their MO were changing the five years to ten. UGH Said it ain't so! I would appreciate hearing your experience with it if that is not too personal.

    I love Phil. 4. Thanks for sharing that. I hope to get to know all of you. I am not on Facebook or any of those sites. This seems like a better choice for me. Have a great week.

    Bandwoman (Nancy)

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited June 2014

    Thanks Sally. I look forward to getting to know and pray for all of you. I hope you have a wonderful week. We have some very bad storms getting ready to hit the Chicago area. I live in a western suburb. When I heard things like 80mph wind gusts  and 2 in hail I flew outside and tried to put all my beloved plants that are in containers or hanging baskets to a place of shelter. I only have about a tenth of my flowers as I usually do but the ones I do have are peaking now and I hate to see them blown to bits by these storms. We have had so much rain here this month and it is so humid. Take care and nice to meet you.


  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited July 2014

    Jo, what wonderful news!  Congratulations!!  We'll continue to pray for continued good results.  Thanks for the encouraging news.

    Nancy, yes, I'm still in treatment - feels like forever.  The nosebleeds are a result of the low platelets that won't likely go away until the day I'm off the chemo.  This round has really knocked me out.  Small world that you did BSF at NCC.  That is a really good program.

    It's been a long couple of days and I'm pretty wiped.  I have only one more day of work and then I'm FREE, lol.  Been sleeping a lot trying to get caught up.  Hopefully the sleep will help to turn things around.

    Blessings to all.  Sue

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited July 2014

    Sue, I feel bad that you are having such a difficult time. I know you said you were retired from ministry but you have another job apparently. I sure hope you can get some good sleep tonight and make it through your last day of work.  

    We are having very serious storms in the Chicago area. Cammie (my cat ) and I spent some time in my downstairs bathroom when the wind got so scary and the weatherman was saying possible 100mph wind gusts. I don't have a basement.  The bad storm moved through and we are in warnings until 3am. PTL the He protected us. Earlier today I moved my plants to the front porch and nearer to the house when I heard how bad it was supposed to get.

    My prayers are with you. How many more treatments do you have left?

    Jo I am new here and we haven't met but PTL on your good report on your biopsies.



  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited July 2014

    Hi Nancy.  I remember those Midwest storms well no matter how many years I've been gone.  I talk to my mom every night - 88 years old and lives in Glen Ellyn.  She lost power several times today and it also went out tonight while we were talking.  I will pray that all the nasty weather going through the Midwest doesn't do a lot of damage.  We get threats of storms every afternoon but then it doesn't rain here anyway.  I waited forever to get the car washed and finally broke down today.  Maybe that will bring rain to my flower garden, lol.  My treatments go on indefinitely.  My onc. is very encouraging and reminds me every visit that there are a ton of drugs out there yet to try.  If what I'm on eventually fails, then there are a lot of other things to try.

    I figure that for each day that God gives us, someone is out there working on a cure and it may very well be tomorrow.  My prayer is that each and every one of us will take it day by day until such time God heals us through the miracle of those working on that cure.  We WILL beat this ladies!

    Blessings.  Sue

  • SewStrong
    SewStrong Member Posts: 151
    edited July 2014

    Deborah, I sent a private message. Check it out. Gotta run to PT for shoulder and surgeon after that. Hope to ditch the sling. Sharon

  • Deborahanne
    Deborahanne Member Posts: 150
    edited July 2014

    Jo - that's wonderful news!!!!

    Sue - thank you for encouraging us. All the "down time" I had while on chemo was hard, but I'm so thankful for being drawn closer to God, His Word, and time spent in prayer.

    Nancy - I've been on Arimidex since December. I'm actually on the generic form Anastrozole. I have noticed some very mild side effects. At first my knee joints seemed weak, but that's mostly gone away, then I noticed that I'm stiff in the morning when I get up for the day. That has continued but it's quickly gone after I get up and walk around. Recently I've noticed that my finger joints hurt a little in the morning when I first get up, but it goes away once I get up and there's no pain at all. I never have to take any medication for the joint issues because the discomfort is so brief and goes away once I get up. Sometimes I think I'm feeling more tired than I should but it's hard for me to evaluate that. I am exercising daily to keep my weight stable and also to strengthen my bones. I'm thankful that I lost weight after chemo and I've manged to keep my weight stable. I also drink a lot of water daily and I eat a healthy diet. You mentioned that you have fibromyalgia. I was reading somewhere how you can tell if the joint discomfort while on Arimidex is due to the pill or the fibromyalgia and the answer was that the pill causes bilateral discomfort whereas fibromyalgia doesn't. Right now doctors are only recommending drugs like Arimidex which are aromatase inhibitors to be taken for 5 years, but a recent report was written in such a way that some are confused and think the report recommends 10 years. I'll find the report and post it. If you see a different report or learn something different from you MO let me know.  I hope and pray you do well on the Arimidex/Anastrozole and that you'll be in good health and not too tired to take care of and spend time with your mom!

  • Deborahanne
    Deborahanne Member Posts: 150
    edited July 2014

    Nancy, here's the link for the new guidelines.

    There's a little statement that I think some are not seeing as they
    read the article. The statement is "take an aromatase inhibitor for 5
    years; right now, there isn’t enough
    evidence to recommend taking an aromatase inhibitor for 10 years"

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited July 2014

    Hi Sue,

    I got to see what the wind damage did to several trees near my neighborhood. Big limbs were down. I had a little limb hanging from one of my trees in my backyard but so far that is the only thing I can see in my yard. I have been very fortunate that in all the years I have lived in my house we have not had many power outages. We have underground wires which really help. I hope your mom's power wasn't out for long. Did you grow up in Glen Ellyn?

    I have been praying for you that you could get a good night's sleep and get through work today. Any more nosebleeds? I know that I am one of the very fortunate ones here who has not had to have chemo. I can't imagine how difficult it must be for you and so many others here. I know in the beginning weeks of my diagnosis I was denying my own feelings because of that fact thinking that so many others had it much harder than I did. Finally I had to cut myself some slack and say I do have cancer too and it is okay to feel sad about that despite what stage I am in. I sure do pray that they can find a cure for your situation and everyone else's too.

    I had a really unexpected down time a few weeks ago when I knew the end of my treatments were in sight. I posted on another thread thinking I was crazy for feeling that way. I guess that is very normal from what others have said. My physical therapist who is a lymphedema specialist says she gets lots more tears at the end rather than at the beginning. My RO also said that is very normal. I have two days left and I can feel some of that sadness under the surface. Because my treatments were delayed a week because of the radiation machine breaking down that made me anxious to be done but I have found that I cannot predict my emotions at all these last few weeks. I didn't allow myself to cry at all for weeks and weeks but it did finally hit me a few weeks ago and I was finally able to cry and let it all out. Fear and worry come to the surface when we face the now what stage? I am sure I am not alone in these feelings whether I am a Christian or not. I do know that the Lord will be with me no matter what and He has certainly sustained me all these past months. There is still a surreal aspect of all of this journey that I don't think has truly sunk into my being yet.

    I sure hope you have a good night tonight and that you can get some much needed rest. Take care.





  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited July 2014

    Hi Deborah,

    Thank you for sending me that link. I haven't had a chance to read it yet but I certainly will. Thank you for sharing your experience with Anastrozole. I had a voice recorder when I saw my MO for the first time in April. He mentions Anastrozole so I am assuming that is what I will be on as well. I will see him next week and then find out the scoop.  With my fibromyalgia I am stiff every morning and do a ton of stretching to function. Now that I am in PT with an injured rotator cuff it is hard to find time to do all my shoulder exercises plus all the other stuff I usually do. Fatigue is my biggest issue with the fibro and has certainly been a big issue with rads. I have only two treatments left and will be glad to feel what normal is again. I guess that is what I fear most with this drug and the weight gain that I have heard about. I do exercise all the time. I am a lap swimmer but have not been able to swim for the last four months but I am walking in the mean time. I am into good nutrition as well so hopefully that all will help.

    I so appreciate this thread and all of you. It truly has been a blessing. Take care and have a great July 4th holiday!



  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited July 2014

    Good evening all.  Sharon, how did it go with the PT today?  Good news I hope.  Deborah, thanks for sharing the info and the words of encouragement.  It's been awhile since I've read one of Randy Alcorn's books but he was always a good pick.  Brings back fond memories.

    Nancy, I'm so glad to hear that you didn't have any storm damage and your flowers survived.  I grew up in Elmhurst and then returned to the Chicago area after college and settled in the southwest suburbs.  My brother (also a pastor) has a small church in Morris that got a lot of damage.  The church where he was at for 35 years was a big AOG in Joliet that fortunately was missed.  I don't know if you remember the big tornado that ripped through Plainfield and Joliet back in the early 90's but that church took a direct hit and it took several years for the area to recover.  I feel bad for him because he's trying to build up the church and they're struggling so prayers for them are welcome.

    I find it funny that we had no storms but our power went out in the middle of the night last night.  Thus, I woke up ten minutes after I was supposed to be at work this morning.  I'm so glad I have a wonderful boss who has been one of my biggest supporters through this journey.  He told me to drive safely and he'd see me when I got to work, lol.  I guess God thought I needed an extra hour's sleep this morning!

    Have a good night and blessings to all.  Sue

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited July 2014

    I have a friend who lives in Morris. Wouldn't that be something if she went to your brother's church. I am sorry to hear it got a lot of damage. I certainly remember that horrible Plainfield tornado. We had some staff that lived there and had tremendous damage to their homes. Oversleeping is such a jolt to the system. I am glad your boss was understanding. I just got off the phone with my mom. She calls me when her TV's closed captions stops working. I am sure she had no idea how late it was. I should have been to bed an hour ago. I have my double whammy tomorrow. I have rads and PT with one of the therapists who is not at all influenced by the clock. Our one hour sessions have turned into 1 and 45 min and by the time I drive home in rush hour I am totally done in. I am glad you got a little more rest that you thought. I am sure you needed it after the last two nights you have put up with.


    I have spent a very long time looking for someones post and I found it and now have lost it. I think it is time to give up and look more tomorrow. Take care. Two more treatments and I am done. How did you feel today?



  • SewStrong
    SewStrong Member Posts: 151
    edited July 2014

    this is a link I got from a Triple Negative Breast Cancer thread. I haven't viewed it yet but was afraid I'd lose it. I'm getting ready to check it out. Sharon

  • SewStrong
    SewStrong Member Posts: 151
    edited July 2014

    SUE, PT went well. I'm able to sleep without the sling and go without it at home but wear it 3 more weeks if I go out in a crowd where it can be bumped. I can't lift my arm at all. I start PT tomorrow for the upper arm. The surgeon said it won't take long to get it moving again. We'll see about thatThis is. TRIPLE NEGATIVE thread. I havent seen it yet. s

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited July 2014

    Hi Sewstrong,

    I don't think we have met. I am new here but I see that you are in PT. I am in rads and injured my rotator cuff during a breast ultrasound in March. I have been in PT since the middle of May and will have two more treatments stretched out over the next two weeks. Is yours a shoulder injury as well or did you have surgery if you don't mind me asking?


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited July 2014

    Hi ladies,

    I will FINALLY finish rads tomorrow after the machine breaking down last week and having to go into this week. I don't feel much of anything yet. I felt an extreme sadness a couple weeks ago when I could see the end in sight. I am not sure what I am supposed to feel and I can't predict my emotions lately. Does anyone have any thoughts on what it was like to finish treatment? I will still have to go to the clinic to finish PT so my life is still interrupted and may not get back to what ever normal is (or was) for a while. My fatigue is great and has been for quite a while. How long should I feel fatigued? I would appreciate any feed back. Thanks.

    Bandwoman (Nancy)

  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited July 2014

    HI Ladies - Nancy, so glad you're finally done with rads!  I finished up on May 16 and kind of know how you feel - it's nice knowing that all the "active" treatment is finished but I also had a couple of PT sessions after rads. I'll also continue herceptin infusions every 3 weeks till November. It's kind of nice, though, that now the doctor appointments are getting fewer and farther between and when I go it's mostly for checkups and routine "stuff".  I don't think a whole lot about the possibility of the cancer returning - I figure I've done all the treatment that was recommended but more importantly, I know that God is in control of whatever happens.  As my pastor says, not everything that happens to us is good but God will use it for good. I've been so blessed by all that God has brought into my life in the past year - and this thread and you ladies are a big part of it.

    I'm now visiting with my family in Erie, PA and looking forward to Char and her husband, Jeff, driving up here from Pittsburgh (about 2-1/2 hours) on Saturday!  I'll be driving home to Texas next week and staying overnight with Sharon and then having lunch with her and Deborah - yay!  Wish some more of you lived along my path - but even if we have to wait for hugs in heaven, we'll all get together then!

    As far as rads - I was so pleased that by the end of rads, my skin was just a little bit pink. Well, that next week, the skin started breaking down and I ended up with awful red, open areas. It looked horrible but never felt as bad as it looked - lasted for almost 2 weeks then finally healed up pretty quickly. Hope you'll have an easy time of it - but it's almost over now!

    Well, my sister is waiting to go for a walk - have a great day!

    love, Bev

  • SewStrong
    SewStrong Member Posts: 151
    edited July 2014

    Bev, can't wait for your visit. Don't expect me to go wingless because I tried fixing my hair yesterday and it looked worse than before I started. 

    Nancy, I finished 30 radiation treatments on Christmas Eve last year. At first, I didn't notice any tiredness at all, but a few months ago, I found myself running our of steam about halfway through the day. I've been finished for six months and can report that it might be just a tad bit better. I don't know if it's age or radiation, but I know I'm more tired than usual. I don't think everyone reacts the sameso don't be disheartened by my experience. I'll be 70 in November, so I'm sure that has something to do with it. I was told I would have a scar on my lung that shouldn't affect my breathing, but I question that. I get winded quicker than before and blame that for part of the exhaustion.

    About my shoulder. I had rotator cuff surgery twice on my left shoulder but one of the four tendons couldn't be repaired. I chose to have a complete reverse rotator cuff replacement surgery. I'm in therapy for that now. How did you tear a rotator cuff in a CT scan? !

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited July 2014

    Hi Sewstrong,

    I am sorry to hear your delayed reaction to rads. I know my RO said that the usual is feeling fatigued three weeks after rads are finished. She said because of my fibromyalgia it could be longer. Then she said the most she has heard of was two months. So who knows. Everyone does seem to respond to things differently so I guess time will tell. I sure hope you can get your energy level back.  I injured my rotator cuff in a breast ultrasound and they had me rolled over with a pillow under my side and my arm was left totally unsupported and I was in so much pain about 5 seconds into the procedure which seemingly went on forever. I should have spoken up and I didn't. Boy, did I learn my lesson there. My therapists have called my injury a tendon impingement and not a tear. However I have not had any scans or MRI on it but apparently if there is a tear some movements would be impossible and they evaluated me and my primary doctor also told me it was not a tear because of certain movements I was able to do. Did you have your replacement recently? How long have you been in therapy? My insurance has only approved 15 sessions and I had three per week for two weeks in a row and then they suggested taking the last few and spreading them out. So I will have three sessions spread out over three weeks. They said I might want to take a break and see how things go and then start all over with a new script from my doctor if needed.  I have really hurt my upper back several days ago and I am in a lot of pain. I think it is from overdoing on the shoulder exercises. I hope your therapy goes well and that you won't have to have any more surgery.


    Bandwoman (Nancy)

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited July 2014

    Hi Bev,

    Sounds like you finished rads about when I started. My skin broke down just at the perfect time when the boosts had already started and those troublesome areas were not in the targeted area for the boosts. When the rad. machine broke down last week and I had six consecutive days off I was amazed at how fast the skin started healing. I have three medical apts next week so I still feel in the thick of it. I started having some chest pain issues and I will be having that looked into on Monday. I think it is muscular but my RO wanted me to have it checked out by my primary doctor. Enjoy your visits. I am so new here I do not know all the ladies yet but I can tell this is a special bunch of people already. Take care and safe traveling.


  • SewStrong
    SewStrong Member Posts: 151
    edited July 2014

    Hi Nancy. After four shoulder surgeries, I feel like a rotator cuff expert. With my rotator complete tears, I couldn't lift my arm up in the front, rotate it out, or  lift it to the side without excruciating pain. My surgery was June 2 and I've been in therapy for a month just for my forearm and elbow. With the replacement surgery, the surgeon made me wear a sling that immobilized my upper arm in all directions for a month before foing PT on it. I had to sleep in it. Now they're doing therapy on my upper arm. It's improving already. I can lift my arm about 20 degrees. At first after removing the sling, I couldn't lift it at all. My advice to you is to do the home therapy they tell you to sod and don't skip it. It is crucial to getting out of pain. One surgery took me four months but my arm finally got the full range of motion and stopped hurting. Good luck to you. I'm praying for your full recovery. Sharon. 

    Bev and Char were supposed to meet today. I know that Bev is thrilled to get to meet her. They were to meet in Erie, PA at 11:00. I hope they're having a grand time. 

    I changed my avatar to show my kinky, curly hair. I should be thankful to have hair, but I didn't know my hair was so curly. This is the first time I've been brave enough to show it. 

  • Carren-LB-at-2-0-clock
    Carren-LB-at-2-0-clock Member Posts: 63
    edited July 2014

    Mini - I, too, have just logged in after a while. I am so sorry to hear your financial predictament. I am thinking we all have similar situations. Our car, for example,was 'voluntary repossessed' which here means the baliff comes to pick it up and our credit is in the toilet. On the positive side we live in a province where it is "Cease or Sue" - so at the least, we do not owe anymore money on it. This really REALLY reduce my stress level financially. I bought a book BEFORE all this (cancer) started called 'Fixing the Money Thing'  Gary Keesee at my local Christian Store. Now that I have the time to read - it is helping me with our finances. Why am I telling your this - here - in your situation - I do not know. Maybe to empathize with you, perhaps to encourage you, maybe even to give you hope. Change your focus on what you can NOT do financially but look to what you CAN do. Maybe you have a book like this on your bookshelf that might help. Forest and trees again - until I saw the pathway thru. God will light the pathway for you...with me, it is usually with HUGE NEON ARROWS - which I tend to not see right away. (Humour)

  • Carren-LB-at-2-0-clock
    Carren-LB-at-2-0-clock Member Posts: 63
    edited July 2014

    Left Breast is causing havoc these days. I was trying out work - at work - one day; you know, the phasing back in on lighter duties. Well Monday - I must have pulled the muscle under the left arm (I am assuming) and the next day my 'grapefruit' had turned into a mega-watermelon! Turns out is was July 1st - holiday here in Canada - and I refuse, absolutely REFUSE to go to any hospital on a holiday (lots of childhood spent in hospitals on holidays - peas in the ears, slivers between the toes and so on). So, because I am an adult (60) I made the only choice possible - stayed in bed. From 11am Tuesday until 9am Wednesday. Quite a lot of it, actually, shivering uncontrollably, talking to God, wheeling 'n dealing (you know we all do it) and finally gave up. Husband drove me Wednesday to the Cancer Clinic. Turns out the inflammation causing the swelling is what caused the shivering. I was told to take Aleve morning/night and drink lots of water (for fatigue). I only talked to the Oncology RN and not the doctor - and since after putting cold packs on the 'beast' each day since - it is not going down in size.  I know, whine, whine, whine - I tell myself some women do now have theirs so be grateful. I am. I am also concerned there is an infection - how I do not know. It is 55 days since my last radiation. I was asked (by RN) if I had a good regular MD?  SO, I can assume from that - they have basically done their stuff and now I am shuffled back to my MD.  Question: Has anyone else had this effect - breast swelling - have you had any satisfaction with any home remedies?  I have use cold compresses, ICE PACKS and such but nothing touching it this time. What are your ideas?

  • SewStrong
    SewStrong Member Posts: 151
    edited July 2014

    hi Carren. I don't remember seeing you on the thread. I noticed your diagnosis of estrogen- and progestin -  are ou also her2- as I am. In other words, triple negative, as I am. TNBC. I'm surprised you had a lumpectomy with the negative status and the size of your tumor. I experienced a little case of what you described and was told it was a small case of lymphodema. My MO actually asked if I had a boyfriend or husband who could massage it!!! Try massage I do it myself. Don't need the extra help.  

  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited July 2014

    Hi Ladies - what a wonderful day I had - a great kiss from God!  Char and her husband, Jeff, came to visit and we spent the day making some fantastic memories. Thanks so much, Char, for being such a special friend and blessing.  The weather cooperated with a gorgeous summer day so we had a picnic lunch at the beach and then my dad gave us a tour of Erie (isn't that on everybody's bucket list?!). 

    Next on my 2014 Breast Cancer Victory Tour (my husband's description of my cross-country travels) is heading southeast to visit with old friends and co-workers in the Harrisburg, PA area for a few days. I'll then head to Kentucky to spend some time with Deborahanne and Sharon - can't wait!

    Here's a picture of Char and me - I'm the cute boy on the right, of course!  :)


  • SewStrong
    SewStrong Member Posts: 151
    edited July 2014

    I'm waiting on you, Bev. It's warmer down here in Kentucky. You won't need that jacket. See you and Deborah soon. 

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited July 2014

    Hi Sewstrong,

    I think your curly hair is cute. I have short curly hair too but it has always been curly. We have some things in common. I am a retired teacher as well. I was a band director at both a Christian School and in the public schools. You must be an expert on shoulders after four surgeries. Gee whiz!!!!!!!!!! I took four days off my shoulder exercises because it was aggravating my back so bad I couldn't stand it. I could feel myself losing ground with weakness in my arm. I resumed the shoulder exercises today but didn't push it too hard. My problem is with my fibromyalgia and constant neck and back issues I already do a ton of daily exercises for that. I have to come up with a plan that incorporates both. My arm pain has been going on almost four months but it usually takes my muscles longer to heal than the normal person. I didn't start PT until two months into the pain. I was in the midst of recovering from the bc surgery so it wasn't feasible then.

    I am trying to keep everyone straight. Not easy. lol  You are expecting friends from here it looks like. That is awesome that you can meet in person. I have trouble remembering the real names and who goes with what user name. LOL


    I suppose I will eventually get it. Enjoy the rest of your weekend. We are getting some awesome weather here the last few days.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited July 2014

    You two look so cute! What a blessing to meet in person. Is this the first time you have seen each other? I love the idea of a Victory Tour. I might have to think on that one. Great idea!  Enjoy your time together and your travels.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited July 2014

    Hi Carren,

    I had a seroma that developed after my bs in March. In fact it is still there. My nurse navigator suggested me rolling up a sock and putting it in my bra. That was before rads when I was still recuperating from surgery. I did try it for a few days.  That did allow the lymph fluid to disperse but when I took the sock out at night by the next morning it would be back. I am in PT for shoulder issues and I am seeing lymphedema specialists. If there is any hint that it might be lymphedema you could buy a compression sleeve and gauntlet(glove.) I wear this as a prevention when I exercise or do anything strenuous. My insurance paid for part of it but they are quite pricey. My PT said if you ever notice any kind of swelling in the arm to wear the compressions sleeve for several days but never at night. Sorry you are experiencing this. I imagine that would be scary and frustrating. I hope everything resolves and you can get a definitive diagnosis.


  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited July 2014




    Hello Ladies and newcomers:

    As I told Bev today, I am faithfully reading the thread but had pretty much burned my candle from both ends the last few weeks and feel like I have finally come up for air. My dad went home after spending  8 weeks with us recovering from his fall. He had a skin biopsy from his cheek on Monday and will get results this Monday. Prayers are always welcome and appreciated. Had a wonderful day with Bev and her sweet family today. I feel so blessed to have met her on this site and so especially blessed to meet her in person. She is just as wonderful in person as she is on here and no she does not look like a boy. I know she misses her longer hair but it too will return in time. But her hair looks great now..and I am not just saying that to be nice. I know Sharon and Deborahanne will be blessed and so fortunate to meet her too.

    Updates: I am back in PT for my knee. I am finally seeing some improvement. Swelling is going down for the first time since January and I am gaining flexibility and strength. Just stiff after sitting awhile, otherwise...light at the end of tunnel perhaps? Hubby and I are going to PT together. He has four more weeks and is 95% there. It has been a long recovery for is rotator cuff surgery. I never thought his shoulder would finally become unfrozen. All in God's time. 

    My one year anniversary is soon approaching and I go in July 24th to see my breast surgeon. While Satan tries to cast doubts, I am trusting that God took care of it all a year ago and there is no more.

    I was in the Outer Banks last week.  God sure spared us having to evacuate. We had such beautiful weather and then Arthur showed up this week. I am thankful that I did not have to depart with my 90 year old father and two dogs. I shared photos of my dad hubby, self and fur family. Also my favorite part of each day...glorious sunrises. If God could bless us with such beauty here on earth, what must He have waiting for us in heaven. I am sure this cannot even compare and yet my limited vision cannot even imagine how beautiful heaven must truly be.  I was reminded as we had a few good days of wind, particularly our last day, that even though we cannot see or touch the wind, we can feel it. We do not see where it comes from or where it goes yet we know it exists. So God wants us to know that like the wind it is by faith that believe He is always with us. 

    Blessings to each of you. Know that you are in my prayers.

    In Christ,
