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thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited May 2014

    Sue, you may not read this till after your surgery today but I've been thinking of you so often and praying that you will feel God's arms surrounding you through the whole procedure.  You are an inspiration and God has a wonderful plan and reason for all you're going through.

    I have to quote my favorite The Red Sea Rules (yep, once again) because this little saying has gotten me through lots of "why me, God?" moments:

    I am here: by God's appointment; in His keeping; under His direction; and for His time.

    Of course, it's the time - and waiting - part that's the hardest for me sometimes!

    Joanna - welcome!  I'm 56 and snuck in here when I was 55 so I think your age is just right. As Sharon said, we can blame chemo for everything that happens and goes wrong for the rest of our lives - so I'll blame it for aging and all the white/gray hair I have now (and believe me, I don't take those little hairs on my head for granted the way I did a couple of years ago!)

    Have a blessed Wednesday - Bev

  • FridayGirl
    FridayGirl Member Posts: 137
    edited May 2014

    Dear Wandering Spirit,

    This is so very hard to go through, but you will come out the other side.  I know it is hard to believe right now, but time will go by at the rate of 24 hours a day just as before and when your oncologist gets over the holiday rush they will call you in and give you a new treatment which will kick that cancer back into touch.  I was told in Springtime that my mets had spread from my left femur to most parts of my spine, my left pelvis and the lymph nodes inside my pelvis.  I was absolutely choked, but my oncologist started me back on Taxol which I take weekly for 21 weeks (session No. 5 is tomorrow), Herceptin and Perjeta.  You are not Her2Neu so you will not need to have Herceptin and Perjeta, but you will probably be put on either a hormonal treatment or a mild chemotherapy to blitz the cancer before it gets any further.  I began the treatment on 1st May, and my tumour marker CA15-3 test on 30th April showed that I had reached a peak of 273.  My blood test last week showed that it had dropped to 220 so everything is going in the right direction, just as your treatment will work for you when it starts.  

    You are in the right place just now.  So many of the Christian women who read this thread will be praying for you, and I know that quite a few of us who regularly write on it are in the same position as you and understand what you are going through.  Please don't allow yourself to feel despair at what is happening, I have been in the same place where you are now and want you to know with all my heart that you will bounce back.  I get quite angry at times with the way that my life has turned out, but usually climb back out of the slough of despond because common sense tells me that I am not finished yet and have plenty of living to do.  Also, can't remember if I told any of you before but I was suffering incredible pain in the weeks before my treatment started.  My very last day of pain was 1st May, and since I began the chemotherapy it seems to have beaten up and kicked out all of those tumours.  I am currently exhausted with all of this chemo, but I know that it is giving me a new lease of life and at the end of the summer I will be rejuvenated.  I am praying that you will have peace while the oncologist sorts out your treatment, and that Satan can't get into your head and play about with your emotions.

    To all of the other ladies on this thread, I will be praying for you as well but wanted to leave this message for Wandering Spirit.


  • bestock
    bestock Member Posts: 186
    edited May 2014

    dear all praying sisters:

    I am checking in and will be praying for all if you ----for your affictions and prayer requests; though  I do not post often, I am so grateful for this thread. I am in "isolation," as my white counts and ANC are very low and so are my red so I am very tired, I have toxicity issues from chemo, will have reduced dose my next chemo. Nuelasta did not even bring my counts up this time.Sad

    I have reached my limit I think with the latest combo of chemo I am on   Suppossed to have one more reduced dose chemo in two weeks...???..I had so much chemo in 2003-2005 with Ovarian cancer, I think my bone marrow is tired of working. At least my ca 27-29 is coming down and the scans show largest liver met is shrinking PTL!!!!

    the Lord is always near, and I feel His FAITHFUL love all through this prolonged illness, I will continue trusting.... no matter what.


  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited May 2014

    Becky: Thank you for keeping us updated so we know what to specifically pray for in your situation. God is in control and He has it covered. We will continue to bath you in our prayers and we know that He hears each and everyone.

  • Deborahanne
    Deborahanne Member Posts: 150
    edited May 2014

    It’s been a long while since I’ve actually logged on to this
    site, but I do receive via email your postings and this helps me keep you all
    in my thoughts and prayers.

    Welcome, Joanna! Your biography took my breath away! You are
    certainly very welcome here. I just turned 58 and have found much encouragement
    with this group of Christ loving ladies. I’m praying for you in so many ways. I
    hope and pray your PET scan on the 2nd will help your doctors to
    better diagnose and prescribe effective treatment.

    Wanderingspirit – I’m not sure I welcomed you before now.
    You are certainly in my prayers. Be encouraged that our hope is in Christ and
    not in the things of this world. God is our strength and refuge in the most
    difficult times while on earth. Even though there are times most agonizing, our
    hope is on the award: eternity in Heaven where we’ll never struggle or suffer

    Kate – I just read your blog. I’m praying for you
    specifically during this round of chemo. I hope and pray you have an amazing
    precious vacation in the next few weeks with your family!

    Sue – I’ve been and will continue to pray you as you’re in
    the hospital now. May this procedure be successful!!

    Becky – praying for you and that your counts will improve,
    and praising God for the good news that the chemo is working!

    Jo – so thankful to God your surgery is over and no more
    cancer was found!

    Anita, Debbie, Mini – you all are in my prayers as I read
    your postings. Praying for comfort, peace, and strength in the Lord as well as
    effective, helpful medical care.

    Carren and Bev – praying your skin heals quickly from the
    radiation! Bev, Yeah, for the hair reveal!!!

    Char, Sharon, Lucy –
    so glad you all are doing well! Char, I’m also praying for your dad and for
    wisdom for care decisions.

    As for me, I’m doing well. I’m experiencing some minor side
    effects from the Arimidex. I’m thankful it’s not too bad. I see my oncologist
    on Monday. My hair is getting longer and
    I’m embracing the gray tones and soft curls. God has been most good and
    merciful to me in so many ways!

    If I failed to mention your name, please forgive me. When
    you post, you’re not forgotten and prayed for as I see your posting in my email. I appreciate you all, for sharing your struggles, victories, and
    for all your encouraging words and prayers. I’m so thankful to God for this site!
    May we all “Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to
    which you were called and about which you made the good confession in the
    presence of many witnesses.” 1 Timothy 6:12

    Love in Christ, Deborah

  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited June 2014

    Hi Warriors!!!

    Well it's been a bit since I posted.  I have been checking in and reading but haven't posted.  Know I have had you in prayer. 

    Char/Gardengal - Great words of encouragement, thank you so much.  I may have to use that some time. 

    Bev - I love hearing about the great reveal at church.  I did that 2 weeks ago, was nervous but when we were on our road trip 3 weeks ago I didn't wear my wig once so knew it was time.  I have had nothing but great comments and support.  It feels so liberating. I posted a new pic now so hopefully it shows up when I post this.

    Sue - How did the surgery go for you?  Sorry you had to wait till the last minute to know you had a friend going with you. Unnecessary anxiety is not good.  God took care of you...Thank you Lord!

    Wandering - Sorry to hear the latest on your markers.  Praying for peace and comfort.

    Joanna - Welcome!  I joined at 57 so no worries.  I was welcomed with open arms and hearts and so glad I am part of this board. Let us know how the PET scan goes and know we are lifting you in prayer.

    Friday/Debbie - Great support post for wandering!  It actually helped me too.

    Bestock/Becky - Just know we are praying...lots!

    Deborahanne - Nice to see you, been a while.

    Well as for me.  Been on the pill Erlotinib for 10 days now.  After day 5 the rash popped it's ugly heads...all over my nose.  It looks like little tiny pimples and every once in a while they itch like crazy.  I have had some antibiotic ointment for it and tonight started taking a pill antibiotic Doxicylcine.  So this pill states not to lay down for 30 min after taking, that's odd.  Does anyone know why?  Today a few of those little buggers showed up on my scalp...great!  Well the positive is the other most common side effect is diarrhea and I don't have that so thank you Lord!  I would think that I would have had it if I was going to get it by now.  Not very happy of course as it is very uncomfortable and sore especially when I wash it.  I have been blessed all my life and have never experienced acne and this is what it is like. 

    I had a friend give me a little hand book titled God'd Creative Power for Healing so thought I would post a couple that I like.

    Jesus bore my sickness and carried my pain.  Therefore I give no place to sickness or pain.  For God sent His Word and healed me. (Psalms 107:20)

    That which God has not planted is dissolved and rooted out of my body in Jesus' name.  First Peter 2;24 is engrafted into every fiber of my being and I am alive with the life of God. (Mark 11:23; John 6:63)

    Jesus bore the curse for me; therefore, I forbid growths and tumors to inhabit my body.  The life of God within me dissolves growths and tumors, and my strength and health is restored. (Matthew 16:19; John 14:13; Mark 11:23)

    Growths and tumors have no right in my body.  They are a thing of the past for I am delivered from the authority of darkness. (Colossians 1:13, 14)

    Lifting you all up in prayer...stay strong and trust and believe.  Remember that God loves his daughters and will never leave us.  Blessings to you ladies...xo...Lucy


  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited June 2014

    Hello my sisters. I have hit the 2 year mark free and clear. Yay. My liver enzymes were also "nearly normal" for the first time in 2 years. Pharrell's Happy song has been my theme song this week!


  • JoAnnaP
    JoAnnaP Member Posts: 2
    edited June 2014

    Thank you sweet ladies for your warm welcome.  As I see prayer requests come up, I'm a prayin.  Love this connection so much.  God is so good!!!

    Had my PET scan this morning.  It's been six years since I had one.  Now the wondering.  My doc has left the country for three weeks and I am leaving to fly across county on Wed.  Hopefully his PA can deliver me the info via phone.  Not sure I can wait three weeks.  

    So wild having a PET scan.  So many thoughts ran through my head but then I would turn them into prayer, yet so distracted and sleepy without my coffee.  I desire God, my Heavenly Father to so be on the Throne of my life, that the results won't change good or bad.  He is forever true, right?!!  


  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited June 2014

    Evening all.  A lot has gone on in a week's time!

    JoAnna we're praying those scans show NOTHING!!!  Six years is a long time so good to have a check up so you can go another six years.  Lucy, doesn't it feel weird to have your hair come back another color?  Looks good though.  Sorry about the weird side effects from the Erlotinib.  Back to the teen years!  Mini, those are great results you've had.  Praying for another two to a hundred years free and clear!  Becky, it sounds like you've had some good news for a change.  So sorry about the counts - I'm in my week two from chemo where my counts are down so I can relate to being tired!  You too Deborah.  Glad the side effects are minimal and will pray for them to continue to be low to nothing.

    As for me, I was released from the hospital last night.  I ended up being in an extra two days but so glad to be home where I can actually get some sleep!  The surgery went well and now I need prayers that it actually worked and will dry up the pleural effusion for good.  I'm sore where the drain tube was and will continue to be sore for another few days to a week.  Hoping to do my kid job on Thursday so I need a quicker recovery than the doctor probably knows will happen, lol.

    I was never able to connect to the internet via my laptop but was able to read my email via my phone so I was able to keep up with the thread and of course had lots of time to pray.  Blessings to all and thanks so much for the prayers!  Sue

  • bestock
    bestock Member Posts: 186
    edited June 2014

    Praise the Lord, and thanks to you all for praying for me. I am still suffering side effects(esp low white counts---- BUT.. I  found out my tumor marker(CA 27/29) is really good at this time Praise the Lord.!..  it is 34 (within normal range, last test was 83 an it went up to 203 at the beginning of these new drugs)I have had 5 treatments of Epirubican and cytoxyn, they are difficult, but my Onc calls them the workhorses of Chemo.  THANKS FOR all the prayer --- and God will get the Glory..He still is in control..I am going to be praying for all of you--Joanna, Sue, Debbie, lucy, mini1 and Deborah....oh well praise the Lord as He works in all of our lives, even if we are not doing well in the eyes of Man..Our souls are doing well!!!!


  • magdalene51
    magdalene51 Member Posts: 2,062
    edited June 2014

    I've been lurking around this thread for a month and a half and decided I need to jump in and say hi. I have a long and complicated relationship with Jesus, but really started following him late, in my early 40's. 63 now. The past few years have been pretty spotty for me, though. I struggle with lots of musculoskeletal pain and fatigue: arthritis, degenerative disc disease, fibromyalgia, etc. I've let that keep me away from church, classes, small groups and all the things we need to keep growing. I've even let my Bible reading lapse (though I have much hidden in my heart). 

    I have an amazing prayer support system, and how I've been lifted up and truly felt it through the past weeks drives me back to him. It's going to be a while before I feel strong enough to go back to church, but I've got to keep trying to keep the connection clear. 

    In 1998 I got a phone call that my brother in law and friend had just been diagnosed with cancer. As I sat there trying to grasp the significance, The Lord gave me this verse:

    I Thes 5:18 Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.

    Shortly after my dx, I was sitting with a sweet sister and she said, The Lord told me to give thanks for this, and I don't know why. I said, I do.

    I don't know why this is his will for me but I am confident that nothing comes to me but through the filter of his great love for me. And so I am giving thanks.

    Thanks for listening. 

  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited June 2014

    Hi Ladies...Happy Tuesday!

    Mini - Awesome news...way to go!

    Joanna - Praying for good news from the PET scan, no wait...GREAT news!  I don't like them at all, make me very uneasy.

    Milehigh/Sue - Yes hair feels odd to the touch and I am liking it short like this.  It is so different from what I had as I did hair color for years.  I see my mom in the mirror every morning now, kind of fun.  Glad to have it actually...thank God!  Praying for your lung to be and stay strong.

    Bestock/Becky - Stay strong in the Lord.  Great news on your markers...Glory be to God! I don't have those as my test don't show well with markers apparently.

    Magdelene - Welcome...glad you jumped in to join us.  I hope you find this board a place of strength and support.  We are women who love our Lord and give Him glory for his love and for being with us on this journey.  Maybe you can share a little more of your journey with us so we can know a little more about you and how to support you in prayer.  I think you will find you like it hear and stick around.

    I am still hanging in there and the fun rash on my nose is starting to heal up now with the antibiotic ointment and they put me on some pills too.  Day two on the pills so praying it does the trick.  I pray this does not get any worse being as I have to be on the targeted therapy pills for a while.  God is with me...He knows my heart and my needs but mostly He knows what I can bare.  Hope to go back to work a couple of days a week next week or in a couple of weeks for sure.  I was hoping to be released yesterday but MO was on vacation when I went in for my treatment.  How dare she go on

    Have a great evening Warriors and keep up the good fight...xo...blessings


  • magdalene51
    magdalene51 Member Posts: 2,062
    edited June 2014

    Thank you so much for your warm welcome. Here's a bit of my history. I'll try not to be verbose.

    I was born into a dysfunctional family, 5th in birth order, but the first died in infancy. There were two after me. My mother loved the Lord but trusted the church to teach us, which it really didn't. My father, a Pearl Harbor survivor, was an atheist, terribly damaged emotionally, very distant, a 30 year Navy vet who expected complete obedience from his children without showing any affection.

    I spent my adolescence in a suicidally depressed state, as my parents marriage of 32 years was disintegrating. They divorced as I graduated high school.

    I spent my 20s and early 30s in rebellion, a child out of wedlock placed for adoption, 2 failed marriages, 4 miscarriages and an abortion.

    At 36 I married for a third time, and though it's never been a cakewalk, I know that this was God's choice for me. The Lord led us both back to him together, and at our 10th anniversary we renewed our vows in our church. We are now married 27 years, and as my health deteriorated he encouraged me to close the graphic arts business I had worked at 18 years and retire. He works really hard so that he can take care of me. 3 years ago my older cousin (77) moved in with us after her folks passed, to take care of me when I had surgery, and she is still with us, spoiling us, loving on us, praying for us; she loves our church and is very active, singing in choir and leading a support group.

    I found a lump, and on my 63rd birthday had the mammogram and ultrasound that showed the cancer. On of my dearest friends is nurse to her ob/gyn husband, and she was with me through that and spent the afternoon telling me what to expect. She's been a phone call away. Her husband scrubbed in on my BMX and came over to take my drains out last week.

    I'm so blessed I can't even comprehend how much and how, and why? It's not like I've been faithful or good. It's purely grace. Incomprehensible.

  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited June 2014

    Madalene, so glad to have you join us.  Welcome!  Looks like you've been around the block a few times but this is a great place to land.  You'll have lots of friends and support here my sister.

    Becky, always so glad to hear your good news.  You've had a long haul too but God has been in the driver's seat from day one for all of us.  The gentle reminder from Madalene is a good one.  1 Thes. 5:18 really does fit.  No matter what, we'll give thanks.

    Blessings and prayers to all tonight.  Sue

  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited June 2014

    Have a wonderful weekend Warriors...know you are in my prayers all the time.  Blessings to you all.

    "My body is filled with the love of God and I am a light and no sickness or disease can live in me"!  Thank you Jesus!


  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited June 2014

    Good Morning all and happy weekend to all.  I'm asking for prayer today for my lung issues.  I'm recouping well from my pleurodesis but Thursday I began having shortness of breath again - the very thing the surgery was supposed to curtail.  This surgery has a 93% success rate so I'm praying the shortness of breath is only a side effect of the surgery.  I go for my follow up with the doctor on Monday and the x-ray will show whether it worked or not.  I will be devastated if it didn't work!  In the meantime, I'm back on the oxygen for the first time in months.  God is good.  Sue

  • ADJ
    ADJ Member Posts: 203
    edited June 2014

    Dear Sue, 

    Such a brave, patient soul you have. May God supply your every breath and need according to His majestic mercy .  Be well in Jesus' name!


  • NeverForsaken
    NeverForsaken Member Posts: 157
    edited June 2014

    So grateful to have found this forum!

    I have been reading your prayer requests as well as the responses, and am praying as well. I agree that promising to pray for a brother or sister in Christ, is a covenant...Because of memory problems, AKA Chemo-brain... I am trying to be better about praying on the spot when someone asks..

    It also helps to make a list. Winking

    I have been so lifted in prayer from many blogging friends throughout the world over these past few months especially, and I am here to encourage you that prayer is very powerful...and Yes, when we are not able to pray, or read the Word...The Holy Spirit is faithful to help intercede for us...(with groans and murmurings) And don't we all feel those intercessory prayers!

    And although I am so very grateful for all the love and support I have received from my friends and family, there is nothing quite like being able to share a common experience with others who can truly understand pretty much everything we are going through. I found it difficult to share with people what this cancer experience is really like on my blog that I have had for many years, without feeling like I was trying to garner sympathy, when I only wanted to convey some I began a new blog mostly about breast cancer and some other chronic conditions that many of us face.

    The Rooms In My Life

    By writing about the cancer I strongly feel that I am exposing something very sinister and evil to the light of Christ, and that, according to Ephesians 5, only good will come from it.

    Again, I am so very grateful to have found a forum of sisters who are shining their lights, and illuminating every dark corner of this disease...Turning fear into faith!

    ~Blessings & Love~ Lisa

  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited June 2014

    Amen and welcome Lisa!  So glad you found us.  Your prayers are always welcome and I've said this many times, watch out when women pray!  We've had so many answered prayers on this thread so we'll all look forward to having you along.  Let us know how we can pray for you too.  Blessings.  Sue

  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited June 2014


  • Moochelle
    Moochelle Member Posts: 4
    edited June 2014

    I just signed up here today, although I have been reading here for quite awhile.  This is a lovely topic and my second post.

    Cancer has definitely brought me closer to God and grateful for all that I have in my life

  • keepthefaith
    keepthefaith Member Posts: 856
    edited June 2014

    Hi ladies, I haven't posted in a while. Welcome newbies!

    I have finished my chemo, rads and am now on Tamoxifen. I have been very fortunate in all of my treatments, that my SE's have been minimal. 

    I have been going "topless" for a couple of weeks now and only wear my wig on work-related errands, appts.  It's been very nice not to mess with all of the long hair, styling, drying, etc. And, the heat here in Central Texas makes it almost necessary!

    I hope that you all have been doing well with treatments, tests, scans, appts, etc. I think of you often and pray for you also. It's so nice to read your encouraging  posts! 



  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited June 2014

    HI Ladies - especially the new ones - welcome!  Terri, I'm like you - haven't worn my wig for over a month and stopped wearing hats about 2 weeks ago. I sure don't like my hair - the short, curly salt-and-pepper isn't anything like the long brown-with-a-bit-of-gray sprinkled through it that I remember - but it's mine and I sure don't take it for granted the way I did a year ago.  :)  Love your hair, Lucy - and also the post.  It's particularly good for me these that my treatment is finished and I'm starting the new normal (well, till I get into reconstruction in November), I sure don't want to start thinking that I can do any of this without God right by my side and I absolutely agree, Moochelle (welcome!) - cancer certainly got my attention.  As I've said before, a book I read right when I was diagnosed reminded that when something bad happens, don't ask why - ask How can God be glorified? Keeping that perspective certainly helps prioritize what's happening....

    My chest finally healed after rads (last one was on May 16) - it was pretty ugly for a couple of weeks but never felt as bad as it looked.  I started on Arimidex on Monday and so far, the only SE I've noticed is sleeping a little worse than usual - but since I haven't slept straight through the night for 10 years, that's not too big a deal. I can usually sneak a nap in during the day anyway!

    Sue, how are you doing? Hopefully you're feeling much better since your post about having problems after surgery. 

    Lisa, I'm glad you found us, too. I've told so many folks what a blessing this site has been. My family, friends at church, and neighbors all have been an incredible support through the cancer journey but having others who can help with SE and information about BC is such a gift from God. 

    I'm praying for you all, my sweet sisters. I check the thread often even if I don't have a chance to post. When I lay awake at night, God brings you all to mind and I pray right then. Hey! It's just like my pastor says.....not everything that happens to us is good but God will use it for good. He uses my insomnia to give me extra time to pray for y'all!

    love, Bev

  • Moochelle
    Moochelle Member Posts: 4
    edited June 2014

    Salty Jack - that is a great way to look at insomnia !!

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited June 2014

    Hi all,  I haven't posted here in quite a long time but have been reading and continue to pray for all, especially  my Sisters-In-Christ.

    JO-5, you have been on my mind often lately.  Praying all is well with you and DH and all issues resolved, aside from our normal 'aging' aches, etc.


  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited June 2014

    Good post all. I definitely agree with praying on the spot. Otherwise, I forget. And we all know where the road to good intentions leads.

    I got my Tamox filled last week and found that it's from another manufacturer. I'm not thrilled to be taking it at all, but at least with my old Rx I had minimal SE's. The new one really affects my sleep (even more than my normal insomnia) and my vision. I talked to the pharmacist and he blamed manufacturer shortages and insurance coverage for the change. I'm going to have to start calling around to find a pharmacy that carries mine. :-(


  • Deborahanne
    Deborahanne Member Posts: 150
    edited June 2014

    Bev and Mini - What time of day do you take your pill? I've been on
    Arimidex since December and always take it between 9-10am and haven't
    noticed any insomnia. Before starting it I tried to find out if there
    was a time of day best to take it and it seemed that women that
    complained the most about side effects took the pill in the evening. I'm
    not sure this will help you out but it certainly would be great if it

    Welcome Magdelene, Lisa, and Moochelle! You'll notice some
    us only occasionally but even if we are not posting often we are seeing
    the posts and praying on the spot. This is the best place I've found for
    encouragement from ladies who know what you're going through. Even
    though our stories vary, we are sisters in Christ who share the
    struggles that come with cancer, especially breast cancer.

    Jo-5, Terri, and Patoo - good to see you all! 

    Sue - You are often in my prayers! I'm praying the surgery was a success and if there is a problem, I'm praying for comfort and another excellent solution! 

    Joanna - I'm praying you'll not have to wait too long for your PET scan results! I know how hard it can be waiting.

    "God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble." Psalm 46:1

    In Christ, Deborah

  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited June 2014

    Patoo - good to see you again! Where in Central Jersey? I grew up in the New Brunswick area but haven't been back there in many years. I probably wouldn't even recognize it - lots more interstates and housing developments, I'm sure.

    Deborah - I've been taking my pill first thing in the morning (about 6:30). The first 3 or 4 nights I laid awake for an hour or so in the middle of the night but now the past few days I've been sleeping better. I started reading on the arimidex thread and wow, how depressing!  I like this thread lots better - I've kind of decided that rather than worrying about how I feel and starting to take all kinds of other meds to deal with SE, I'm lots better off just praying and depending on God to help smooth out the bumps along the BC road. Think I'll stick around here more.  How's this for a good verse for us all:

    Rejoice and exult in hope; be steadfast and patient in suffering and tribulation; be constant in prayer.  Romans 12:12.

    God bless you all, my sweet sisters!


  • Deborahanne
    Deborahanne Member Posts: 150
    edited June 2014

    Bev - I've looked at the arimidex thread as well and also found it very depressing/discouraging so i'm staying away from it and staying here.  My boss was on arimidex for 5 years and she did great. I've noticed some very subtle side effects with joints -slight stiffness first time in the morning going down the stairs and very occasional, brief discomfort above my knees going up the stairs. It's nothing that requires medication and getting up and moving causes no pain or problems at all. I'm exceedingly thankful to God that I'm doing well.

    ROMANS 12:12! One of my favorite verses! Almost exactly a year ago, part of this verse was posted under a painting in the procedure room where I had my biopsy. After being told by my doctor that she was certain I had cancer I was left alone in the room where I saw the painting and verse underneath. All that was posted was Rejoice in hope. I knew there was more to the verse so my first thought was WHERE is the rest of the verse, I need it ALL!

  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited June 2014

    Deborahanne - I try to take my Tamox as soon as I wake up in the morning. If I forget and take it after 11:00-12:00, I'm going to be up until the wee hours.