thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • auroaya
    auroaya Member Posts: 784
    edited September 2016

    Thank you Angie, and all others here praying. I do need those prayers so please keep them coming!


  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited September 2016

    Aurora, I am lifting you up in prayer! May you feel His Peace , knowing you are covered in prayer!

    Jean, so happy to hear the news about your granddaughter! The power of prayer is amazing!

    Girl53, Welcome and thank you for posting Psalm131

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited September 2016

    For all of us who toss and turn at night...Praying for restful sweet sleep. Love, Jean

    Psalm 4

    4 Stand in awe, and sin not: commune with your own heart upon your bed, and be still. Selah.5 Offer the sacrifices of righteousness, and put your trust in the LORD.6 There be many that say, Who will show us any good? LORD, lift thou up the light of thy countenance upon us.7 Thou hast put gladness in my heart, more than in the time that their corn and their wine increased.8 I will both lay me down in peace, and sleep: for thou,
    LORD, only makest me dwell in safety
  • ARCats
    ARCats Member Posts: 105
    edited September 2016


    Thank you for posting Ps. 4, the timing was perfect.

    Nancy I have seen the pictures you have posted, and I believe it's God that gives you an eye for the beauty He created. Whatever your decision is, just know it's from Him.

    I want to share what I just received:

    GOD didn't promise days without pain, laughter without sorrow, or sun without rain. But, He did promise strength for the day, comfort for the tears and light for the way. If God brings you TO it, He will bring you Through it.

    Have a great weekend and God Bless

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited September 2016

    Dear ladies,

    I will post more later when I have more time. I am praying for your needs dear sisters.




  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited September 2016

    Jean, so glad that Alexia is getting closer to getting into rehab.

    G, I continue to pray for healing and protection from infection. Praying that each day you will have less pain and more energy. You are loved dear sister.

    Arcats, thanks for your encouraging post and thank you for your nice comments on my photography. I am praying for a financial break through for you.

    Aurora, praying for your finances and for wisdom for your medical team. Praying that God will give you peace that passes all understanding as you face uncertain times.

    Faith, praying that you managed through your dental procedures. Praying for strength for you as you have your ongoing treaments.

    Angie, you are such a faithful prayer warrior and I always appreciate your powerful prayers and your spirit. I am praying for your ministry and for protection with your neighborhood "organic" garden.

    Joanne, I know with two funerals yesterday and today and DH being sick with a cold that you both are probably done in with all the family stress that has been swirling around you. I am praying for strength for you and all of your family and for protection over your six great grand children and praying that your grand daughter will get the children back in her care and that he will lose the visitation rights that has been agreed upon so far. Praying for safety for your daughter in Florida.

    Kathy I hope you are doing well. Still praying for your son and DiL.

    Mini, praying for your friend with pancreatic cancer that he is not suffering and in pain and that he will be comforted as he passes from this world.

    For all the Floridians and for Aurora, Lynn and Phyliss I pray for safety and anyone up the coast (Ellen and Sheangle) that may be affected by this hurricane.

    Ellen, praying for your leadership role in this Bible study. Praying for anointing and that you will have a great group of women who you can establish a wonderful bond.

    Char, I am praying for you as you head back to school. I know with this new teacher evaluation it has been very stressful and with your Dad not being in good health and your DH with his treatments you girl have your hands full. I am praying that you will be able to balance all of these things as you head back to school. I know your training and running are so important for you and I pray that you will be able to continue staying in such great shape.

    Bev, I am praying for Dave to be able to go to this Christian movie and that the Holy Spirit with convict him and that he will become saved.

    Vickie, I know we haven't heard from you in a long time but I still think about you and praying that you and your family are doing better.

    Debbie (foots) I miss your poems and writings. I hope you and Faithful Grace are doing well and that you are bonding and she is turning out to be a great service dog.

    Leta and Girl 53 being our newest ladies to our thread we welcome you both and pray that this will be a place that you will feel free to post and to jump into the thread any time.

    Have a great night dear ladies. I am going to share some pics I have been working on.






  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited September 2016

    Grateful today for cooler weather and God's strength.... Able to walk outside over 2 miles today. He is amazing. 6 months since my hip replacement and October will be a year since active treatment. Now only on daily Femara. Still praying for my granddaughter Alexia to get into the rehab. She has a court date on Tuesday and asking God to keep the door open and not let her get remanded to jail. She is on the rehab waiting list so the judge can be patient. His heart is in God's capable hands. Amen.

    Prayed generally for God to meet the needs of all of you. Love, Jean

  • Lita57
    Lita57 Member Posts: 2,338
    edited September 2016

    Nancy, You NEED to make a calendar or get in touch w/ a greeting card company.

    Ladies, please pray for my back, which is keeping me from living a fuller life. I have the bone mets and compression fractures PLUS degenerative arthritis and bulging discs. I had to stop taking Norco for pain because it jacked up my liver enzymes, and that's not good because I also have mets to the liver.

    Thank you!

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited September 2016

    Lita, I prayed for you today before going out to shoot more butterflies. I am praying now that you can get some relief from your back pain. Praying that there will be some other alternatives for you. I have bad back pain especially after going out with my camera for an afternoon and I can really understand how awful that can be. I know my situation is entirely different from yours but when it comes to the pain from muscles I have many stretching exercises I do that can quickly relieve some of the muscle issues. I will continue to pray for you for relief.

    Here are a couple more pics from today. Thank you for your encouraging comments. I am finding out making a calendar is way more than I had realized but I am still going to give it a go even if it is giving calendars to my friends and family as gifts as a trial balloon.





  • longtimesurvivor
    longtimesurvivor Member Posts: 88
    edited September 2016

    Hi All-

    Well here in VT the weather has sure shifted! I haven't posted in months, but do follow along and pray when I do. This summer was very fulfilling helping some friends start a foundation in honor of their 22 year old son (my sons best friend) who died a year ago of osteosarcoma. For me, it felt good and right to get my head off of myself and breast cancer. They are not believers, but have faith of some kind after being raised Catholic. That is very common in our state. Anyhow, I am not sure how much more energy I should put into the work with them after a year is up- mainly because I am not sure if it is honoring the Lord - I hesitate to proselytize (like I have them trapped) and while they know of my faith I am not bringing the gospel to them. I have a bible study partner who tends to think I should be more intentional with my witness to them because otherwise it serves me and (as stated above) makes me feel good to "do" good. Does that make sense? Thought I would put the question out there to you ladies.

    Also I had scans last week and my cancer is not responding as well to Herceptin again, so in November I need to start on a different set of chemo drugs. Not a surprise, but nevertheless is a bit jarring. Will be able to have a good Fall at least!

    Nancy- I agree you should make a Calendar!



  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited September 2016

    Oh, My!! Nancy, the butterfly pictures are just beautiful!! My son and daughter-in-law are doing so much Better!! Thank you for all your prayers!

    Allison, you are a wonderful Christian example and role model! You lead by example, prayer and acts!! It is the Holy Spirit's job to convict them!! Pray every day for them!! Just my thoughts!!

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited September 2016

    Good afternoon ladies,

    I hope many of you are enjoying the holiday weekend and possibly getting outside to enjoy the weather if it is like it is here. Unfortunately I had a rough night and did not make it to church. My insomnia which has started to be a problem again left me up in the night trying some old supplements for sleep. Not a good combo and had the exact opposite effect and I was nervous and wired so I was not able to make it to church today and I really hate that. I think I am going to veg for the day at this point.

    Teka and Allison thank you for your nice comments.

    Teka, because I have been so busy shooting butterflies the last few weeks I haven't been posting on the bird thread since I haven't been shooting birds as of late. I had bought a new long lens and as soon as I did the egrets I like to shoot seemed to disappear when I wanted to get some pics. Good to hear from you.

    Allison, first of all I am very sorry to hear that the Herceptin is not working for you as it has in the past. I can imagine that is very alarming. I am praying that your medical team will be able to find another treatment option for you that will work for you.

    Allison, I think that the Holy Spirit has to work through YOU and with much prayer I would let the Lord lead you as to what to do. i would not just listen to well meaning friends even though they may confirm what the Lord is already telling you. I like to live out my faith in front of nonbelievers first and show them love. I know the Lord can work through many situations and there are different styles of witnessing. People can accept the Lord all by themselves and some go to church and respond to an alter call or by listening to an evangelist or some may be invited to church by a neighbor and then accept the Lord through a message by a pastor. As to feeling good from doing good what is wrong with that? The Bible talks about Christians bearing fruit. One way of bearing fruit is by doing good things. Faith without works is dead. However some mistakenly try to earn their way to heaven by doing good things and to be accepted by God in that fashion. Our salvation is not based on works but by faith in Jesus. I know that you know all of this but some reading may not. I remember many months ago you wanted God to show you your purpose and I think you believed that this foundation that you became involved in was part of that for you at that time. It could be that God only intended on you being part of the beginnings of the foundation. I really can't answer that. It could be that God is telling you it is time to move one. Again only you can know that. I know that is is not always easy to know what our direction should be. Sometimes instead of appearing black and white it is often gray and we don't know what to do. Sometimes we have to walk through doors and trust God is with us. Sometimes God obviously shuts doors for us. What I can pray for you is that God would speak to your heart and tell you what He wants you to do. I didn't mean to sound preachy and I hope this helps you some.

    Let us know how it works out.

    Ladies please pray for Joanne. I know she and her DH have just been run through the ringer lately and they had two funerals this week one day apart. They are feeling stress from so many different directions and I know her DH has been sick. I pray that the Lord will encourage their hearts and this situation with her great grand children is so wrong. I am praying that justice prevails and the children will be able to return to their mom without this man ever having visitation rights for the present time which is NOT the case right now. I am praying protection over these innocent children and that they will not have long term emotional problems caused by this man and this situation.

    Le'ts continue to pray for G's complete healing after her surgery.

    Have a great holiday dear sisters.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited September 2016

    Kathy, thank you. I am so glad to hear that things are much better with your son and his wife. PTL How are YOU doing? We must have posted at the same time as I am just now seeing your post. Have a great weekend.



  • auroaya
    auroaya Member Posts: 784
    edited September 2016

    Allíson I agree with what Nancy and some other have said. I think a personal witness is as much or more powerful than a direct "preaching". And the end result is up to the Holy Spirit acting on them

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited September 2016

    Allisonn, my first mother in law was a saved Catholic as was my closest friend. Both now with Jesus. Most don't have any problem accepting Jesus as their savior. The other doctrinal stuff is really not important. Just my thoughts. Love, Jean

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited September 2016

    Teka, nice butterfly pic! Good job. The couple days I was at our local Arboretum I was hearing a tour guide talking about the Monarchs were way down in our area because of the cold weather we had to start the season. I saw a sad article in the paper this week. This lady was writing in and saying it is a shame that the efforts to get rid of the mosquitoes also did a number on the Monarchs ready to migrate. She mentioned a neighbor that has a butterfly garden and had seen around a hundred monarchs in her yard recently. Then after the mosquito control truck came through the next day she found many dead in her yard. There is a big effort for everyone to plant Milk weeds seeds as that is the only place the Monarch will lay her eggs.

    Mother Teresa was truly one of the most selfless individuals of our time. Her legacy and good works will live on for generations. Thanks for sharing that pic.



  • longtimesurvivor
    longtimesurvivor Member Posts: 88
    edited September 2016

    Hey everybody- Wow. Thanks for reading and taking the time to reply! Very encouraging. Thank you, thank you!!! It isn't that - feeling good about ones efforts is "bad" or ungodly or anything like that. It's just that if it becomes and end unto itself, if is not honoring the Lord, and (for me) can be a temptation to be a people-pleaser...which can make me feel good, look good or whatever. That's the crux of what I'm wrestling with. I agree with you all that it is the Holy Spirit who convicts. But we are instructed to open our mouths. Not that God can't work if we don't. I believe it is an act of obedience and faith on our part to do so, to speak the hope, as well as live it in front of others. There is a time for everything though. I think I will focus on praying directly for natural opportunities to share more of Jesus with them and what He has done, and the boldness to go forward with it. If God shuts the door, then that will be that!!

    Oh how sad about the mosquito and butterfly issue. Ugh. Lord one day we will have a new earth and I can't help but believe it will have perfect balance again!

    Blessings- for a good Labor Day, good sleep and great faith


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited September 2016


    Tonight I am so grateful for the family get together at a restaurant to celebrate my precious daughter Angie's 51st birthday. Her whole family was there.... she and her husband Rob, my grandson Bob a college senior, Alexia and baby Valentina. My hubby if course was there and our oldest son David. How wonderful to be together. I don't know when I got old enough to have a child in her 50's! God was so good to me, allowing me to see them continuing to function in the midst of Lexis rehab problems. We didn't talk about them if course since I am not supposed to know and David and my hubby know nothing. Crying tears of thankfulness. I love you ladies so much. I couldn't have gotten through the last 2 yrs without you all. 14 months of breast cancer treatment, a hip replacement, my husband's physical and emotional handicaps, my granddaughter's's been a lot to deal with. Thanks to all here for your prayers, love and support. Jean

  • longtimesurvivor
    longtimesurvivor Member Posts: 88
    edited September 2016

    adorable little granddaughter, Jean..


  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited September 2016

    Hi, Nancy! You are such a thoughtful and kind person, always thinking of others before yourself!! I am doing good, thank you for asking!! We do have our condo on the market!! We are finding that where we live in the South Bay of Los Angeles is very expensive!! We have a small place, and as our family is growing, we did find a bigger place two hours inland for half the cost!! I would so appreciate prayers for the sale of our condo.

    Love the pictures of your family, Jean!! Your great granddaughter is adorable! Just want to hug her! My oldest granddaughter is about her age!!

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited September 2016


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited September 2016

    Kathy, I will certainly be praying that your condo sells. How great for find a larger home for less money. That is a win win. You are always so kind, thank you for your encouragment.

    Jean, Valentina is really growing up. So cute.

    I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday and especially to those who are still working. Those three day weekends can be a time to recharge. Angie, praying for you as you juggle work and family and ministry.

    I think of She Angel as well and even though she may never see this I am still praying for her as she had so much going on when she last posted.

    Have a good night dear sisters.



  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited September 2016

    My granddaughter Alexia has court tomorrow. Please pray they don't put her inside. She is on the waiting list for rehab so hopefully that will keep her out of jail for now. Thanks.Love, Jean

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited September 2016

    Dear Jean, Oh My! Why jail?

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited September 2016

    Oh dear Jo, bless your heart, thank you for that post. I have been and will continue to pray for you and yours whether you post or not. God has this. That's what he keeps telling me "I have this." Love, Jean

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited September 2016

    Praying for you dear ladies.

    Joanne, prayers for you and your family. If you don't have time to post we all understand.

    Jean, praying for Alexia today and many days in the past.

    Leta, praying for a solution to your awful pain.

    Praying for those who need a financial miracle.

    Praying for those who are in active treatments and have to change drugs and for those who are in the midst of treatments.

    Some banners need to be repeated at this is one of them.




  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited September 2016

    Always praying for you, dear Joanne!! Our God is an awesome God!! Nothing is impossible For Him!!!

    Please rest and take care of You!!

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited September 2016

    Thanks for the prayers,for Alexia. The judge let her stay on probation since she is on the waiting list for rehab. God is good. Love, Jean

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited September 2016

    Praise the Lord, Jean!

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited September 2016

    Jean, that is great news! Thank you Lord.