thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited August 2016

    Grateful for this new day. Praying for G and Jo. Yesterday we went with my boys to an air shiw. It was hot and both my hubby and I had a hard time with the heat and walking. I still have a lot of joint pain and stiffness. Time to reealuate our limitations and accept with thanksgiving what we are still able to do. My granddaughter has appointments with social services and probation today. Please pray for them to go well so she can get into rehab soon. Thanks. Love, Jean

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited August 2016

    Good morning dear ladies,

    Faith how are you doing? Know you are prayed for.

    Aurora, continuing to pray for a financial miracle for you and your daughter.

    Praying for Alexia today.

    Joanne, praying for you.

    In my swim sessions I pray for ALL of you. Have a great day dear sisters.




  • ARCats
    ARCats Member Posts: 105
    edited August 2016

    Nancy, and to all those that are here. I need prayer for a financial break through in paying the hospital and doctor bills which lately have become so overwhelming.

    Thank you, and God Bless

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited August 2016

    Praying for you Arcats. Often medical bills can be negotiated if you ask. I recently had a bill around $250 bargained down to about $80. Love, Jean

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited August 2016

    Arcats, I have been praying for a reliable car for you and will include financial provision.

    Jean's suggestion is a good one. I had a cousin who ended up paying nothing for a surgery bill because her sister who is a nurse did some negotiating at this hospital where she used to be an administrative nurse. I would definitely try that.

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited August 2016

    ARCats, financial issues are so stressful! Please take care of yourself and know that you are covered in prayer!!

  • Lita57
    Lita57 Member Posts: 2,338
    edited August 2016

    Dear Sisters in Christ,

    So glad I found this board! I'm new to the, and I've posted on a couple of other threads. I'm 57.5 years old and was Dx'd w/Stage IV w/extensive bone mets to spine, ribs, pelvic bone, and hip bones, and soft tissue mets in the bladder, adrenals, kidney, liver, pancreas, and muscles adjacent to spine. I never had BC before, so it's St IV right from the get-go. Needless to say, I was shocked because I "thought" I was doing everything right, as many of you had done. No diet soda, no bacon w/its nitrates and nitrites, consuming only free-range, organic chicken and meats, lots of fruit and veggies, and fish, etc., and I STILL got it! (No history of BC in my family, either.) Even tho I'm still angry, I don't blame God for this - but I do feel I'm being tested, like Job was (we just finished an extensive study of the book of Job at our church).

    So it doesn't matter how or why I got this, I just have to deal w/it now and muster all the strength and determination I can to live as good a life as God now permits me to live for as long as He decides to let me live. In the past, I have led various Bible studies, taught a class on all the different types of prayer, was a Deacon for 3 years, taught Sunday School & Vacation Bible School (VBS) when my daughter was young, and gave a "Young Thoughts" sermonette for the children in front of the congregation once a month before they were dismissed to Sunday School. Even tho my parents did not believe in organized religion, I accepted the Lord at a VBS in my own neighborhood when I was 10 yrs old and attended church with friends.

    My SEs are manageable so far, but I do have a lot of back pain. I'm off the opioids cuz I don't want to deal w/their SEs (severely jacked up liver enzymes) and the withdrawal anymore. When it gets bad, I use topical rubs: Capcaisin, Topricin, and cannabis balm and an occasional Rx strength ibuprofen. I also use medical cannabis for sleeping and the deep bone pain that I often have at night.

    I pray that God will continue to give me strength and heal what He will for as long as He wills - - we all know that certain Tx stop working after a while. Altho my mets are widespread, I know His love oversees all of it. He will use this for His glory because "All things work for good to those who love God and are called to His purpose." (Romans 8:28)

    Blessings and healing to you all,


  • Lita57
    Lita57 Member Posts: 2,338
    edited August 2016

    Nancy - Praying for healing of your GI issues. They are NO fun.


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited August 2016

    Dear Lita,

    I am glad you found our Christian thread. I am so sorry to hear your diagnosis. Thank you for your prayers even though my issues pale in comparison to what you are dealing with.

    I remember when I first got my dx I was shocked. I figured I would be the last person to get cancer. I was into juicing for years and then into nutritional smoothies and spent a fortune at Whole Foods for organic products. I soon realized that it was absolutely pointless to waste any more energy on the how did this happen but more on Lord, you I know you will help me deal with whatever is to come. I am glad you have some alternatives to the usual pain meds. I can't tolerate pain meds so your topical products peaked my curiosity, Does your topical meds help you? I have some real pain issues that I need to explore some options.

    I will certainly be praying for you and I am sure that our prayer warriors here will as well. I have been through some periods of anger and I can certainly understand that. I pray that the Lord will give you the strength to deal with your present and your future. No one knows what the next day will hold no matter what their circumstances but we do have our hope in the Lord that said He will never leave or forsake us. Feel free to post anytime. There are some very special ladies on this thread.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited August 2016

    Dear Ladies,

    Please pray for Joanne. I will not go into specifics but please cover her and her family in prayer. I hope she won't mind me requesting this.



  • faith-840
    faith-840 Member Posts: 926
    edited August 2016

    Nancy, congratulations on the VIP nomination, you certainly deserve it. Thank you and everyone for your prayers, I'm doing pretty well. Did I mention I had to have a very unexpected root canal and will go back this week again to have the temporary filling removed and replaced with the permanent one. It's an unpleasant and expensive procedure but it could be worse. I have been very busy the last couple of weeks, a couple of friends and I gave an 80th birthday party for our dear friend who has the terninal cancer. It was a wonderful celebration with our many lady friends from our church choir. We had fun, good food and sang together.One of the things we sang was a song called "Total Praise". If you haven't heard it, you might find it on youtube. Its just beautiful. There is nothing like a "girl party" who also like to sing together and praise God.

    While I haven't posted much, I've been reading and praying for all your requests. There seems to be so much to pray for with so many serious problems of illness and finances and addictions. The problems of this world seem overwhelming sometimes, with the earthquakes,floods,wars and our terrible political situation in this country. I know God is there to hear our cries but do you ever wonder if He gets tired too?

    Mags, I'm sorry you now have lung mets, I also have them and I hope you know there are lots of treatments for this metastasis especially since your cancer also seems to be estrogen + like mine, and remember, prayers work wonders.

    Lita, I'm glad you found this thread, sorry you have to be here but the women here are great people to have praying for you.

    Keeping you all in my prayers. Have a peaceful night everyone.

    Faith (in the future)

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited August 2016

    Dear Jo, so sorry to read all the challenges that you have on your plate right now! Please know that I am praying for you! I pray you feel our prayers and find comfort knowing so many people care about you!

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited August 2016

    Lita I wI'll be praying for you. Glad you found us. Welcome. Jo I just prayed for you and your family. G, I hope and pray you are healing well. Mags I am praying that He will be with you as you go through this new treatment. God is still good ladies. My granddaughter Alexia should hear in a few days if she will be accepted into this rehab. Social services still needs to get on board. Hubby and I both have appointments to see an orthopedist in a few weeks as we both have a lot of joint pain. Love, Jean

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited August 2016


    Lord, my heart is not haughty,
    Nor my eyes lofty.
    Neither do I concern myself with great matters,
    Nor with things too profound for me.

    2 Surely I have calmed and quieted my soul,
    Like a weaned child with his mother;
    Like a weaned child is my soul within me.

    3 O Israel, hope in the Lord
    From this time forth and forever

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited August 2016

    Good morning dear ladies of faith,

    Jean, thank you for that scripture. I think many of us could use this banner.




  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited August 2016

    Thank you Faith for your kind words. I pray that your dental procedure goes smoothly this week. You have certainly had a time but I hope that once the dental things are over that you can have a period to relax from the stress of the ongoing treatments. God takes us through different seasons in our life. I feel very blessed the last few days of feeling those green pastures and the still waters that God allows us to rest and restore our souls. I have been through a tough time these last few months and I have to say maybe some of the hardest God has allowed me to go through but he has brought me out of the tunnel. He really comforted me so much when I was in so much grief over a lost friend from this thread. God is good all the time.

    Joanne, I must have missed your post as it looks like we were posting at the same time. The post about the puzzle is really a good word for us. God has been showing me that our protection from the enemy comes from when we draw very close to the Lord and stay in communication with Him and read His Word. Just as He gave the Israelites manna from heaven to sustain them in their journey through the desert He has given us His word as our fresh manna everyday. I am praying hard for you and your family.

    Ladies, this seems like such a trivial thing but I have to share this with you. I live in a suburb of Chicago and was used to driving in the city many times by myself throughout my career. I was the victim of a gang crime and I had a harrowing experience a few years after that. I have not driven into the city for a very long time because of fear. I made a huge step forward in facing that fear and bought an Ipass transponder for my car for getting through the tollways. I am driving up north of Chicago tomorrow with another photographer friend and if we make it to our destination and back I will feel like I have climbed Mt. Everest. We are visiting the Chicago Botanic Garden as they have a butterfly exhibit there and it will be closing next Monday. I have had on my heart for a few weeks to make a butterfly calendar. Those of you who know me knows that the Lord opened this whole new chapter of photography into my life during my radiation treatments. I am in this not sure what to do with the calendar stage right now. Do I go pro, do I make it a Christian calendar do I just give them out as gifts. Printing is very expensive for this kind of undertaking so that is where I am at with that. I would appreciate your prayers of protection on our adventure tomorrow and guidance for what God wants me to with this gift he has given me.

    I had two of my photos published in the paper this week on Sunday and another one today. I am completely amazed at what is happening and I do give God ALL the glory in this as He clearly was in this from the beginning.

    Thank you all for your support, prayers and encouragement. I may not be posting tomorrow and you will know why if I don't.



  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited August 2016

    Good afternoon ladies,

    I don't post much these days but read and pray for all of you daily. I did want to give you an update, as my visit to a new oncologist has brought about a change.

    For whatever reason, I have had a new oncologist every three years; I think they have short term contracts and then are replaced. My new doctor is very nice, and listened to my concerns. However, he made it very clear that he wanted me to go back on hormone therapy , either Tamoxifen or another aromatase inhibitor. After some discussion, I decided to start back on Tamoxifen because I seemed to tolerate it better than the AI. Not real happy about it, but I do understand that I should do anything I can to prevent a recurrence. we go again...praying that my body tolerates the Tamoxifen as well as before and that it will work effectively. The blood clot side effect may play a role with the likely hip surgery I'm facing. Trusting Jesus day by day...

    I did get to see Awesome Grandson Cal today; Stephen needed his birth certificate for his new job so I met Sarah and Cal halfway for lunch. He's having "daddy withdrawal" after having Stephen at home with him for three months. Such a cutie though...

    Joanne, lifting you in prayer..sounds like you are going through some tough times.

    Nancy, enjoy your trip into Chcago; may this opportunity for you turn out to be a blessing for many. Oh...and congratulations for being a deserve it!

    G, hope your recovery is going well and that your family is being a great home health care team!

    Love you all..may God bless you!


  • mysunshine48
    mysunshine48 Member Posts: 915
    edited August 2016

    Hello All,

    It seems I don't post much these days either, although I do not forget to remember and include all on this thread in my prayers. I just read several pages and some are going through difficult times. God knows who we all are and I will ask for His grace and guidance and help for all of us tonight. Especially, Lita and Jo.

    Congratulations, Nancy! Happy that you are on the brighter side of life now. You have been through a lot, and yet, are always here for all of us.

    I have just been busy! I thank the Lord many times everyday for my return to good health and all my blessings. Through all of this, I certainly have realized the fragility of life and how sweet each day is.

    In 3 weeks I will be going to my daughter's to spend a little time with her family. Then, off to Oregon to visit my sister and husband and her children and grandchildren. Then, fly to Hawaii for 2 weeks to visit my son and family. Back to Oregon for another week before returning to Florida. I will be gone about 6 weeks!

    I will continue to pray for each of you


  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited August 2016

    Ok, lost my post/prayer. Praying always as I read these post.

    Nancy, congrats on VIP nomination and praying for coverage on your trip to Chicago!

    Jo-5, praying for your prayer requests. Custody battle is such a hard thing.

    Lita, Welcome! Sorry you had to join us but glad you found this thread. Praying that your treatment plan gets the mets under control quickly and regression is seen and NED will come soon! Praying for any SEs that you may face and that they are none to minimal. Continued prayer for your medical team and support team!

    Special prayers for the ladies on this board that are Stage 4. Praying that your treatment plans are bringing on regression and that your SEs are minimal to none! Praying that any pain is under control. If any of you are in the process of switching treatments, entering trails, etc. praying that God continues to guide your medical team as they decide on the next steps.

    Those that are in active treatment -- chemo, radiation or surgery.

    Love across the miles!


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited August 2016


  • Girl53
    Girl53 Member Posts: 41
    edited August 2016

    Does anyone love Psalm 131 as much as I do? It has really blessed me this week.

    "Lord, my heart is not proud.

    My eyes are not haughty.

    I don't concern myself with matters too great or too awesome for me to grasp.

    Instead, I have calmed and quieted myself

    Like a weaned child who no longer cries for its mother's milk.

    Yes, like a weaned child is my soul within me.

    O Israel, put your hope in the Lord --

    Now and always. "

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited September 2016

    MySunshine, prayers for safe travel! Enjoy your family!!

    Ellen, praying that the inhibitor keeps you cancer free!!

    Jo-5, Praying for your dear great grandchildren!

    Nancy, you are such a gifted photographer!! May Our Lord guide you in your new adventure!!

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited September 2016

    Wow Girl 53, I just posted Psalm 131 a few posts back. Sounds like the Holy Spirit is speaking to us. Love, Jean

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited September 2016

    Good morning dear ladies.

    I will have to post later but just wanted to tell you I made it to the Chicago Botanic Garden yesterday but I am totally wiped out. I have had insomnia again lately at didn't have much sleep before the trip. We came so close to have a bad accident and the Lord really was protecting us. Going home we were in the heart of rush hour and it was just madness. This person cut me off and it was an absolute miracle that I saw it coming and stopped and that I didn't get rear ended. I think I will need a few more trips driving to feel more comfortable but I am so glad we made, had a good time and I got some very interesting new kinds of butterflies.

    Ladies I am going to post and hope she doesn't mind.

    Aurora really needs our prayers. I will wait to hear if she wants me to post for her.

    Girl53. I love the Psalms. It is usually my go to place when I am in great need. Thank you for sharing and welcome.

    Kathy, thank you as always with your encouraging spirit.

    Ellen, I will be praying for you as you go back on Tamoxifen. I can only imagine how that news hit you but I understand and I am sure you do too. Glad you got to see little Cal.

    Lynn, sounds like you are one busy lady.

    Angie, thanks for your ongoing prayers. I am praying for your needs as well.

    Thank you all for your special comments to me. I certainly appreciate it.

    Now off to get ready for swimming.



  • ARCats
    ARCats Member Posts: 105
    edited September 2016

    Hello everyone!

    Welcome to all the new people that have joined us!

    I'm happy for those that are with family or friends enjoying the end of the summer, are venturing out to do new things or just enjoying life. Because God has given us His joy, the joy of knowing His promises are true and nothing and no one will EVER separate us from His love.

    My prayers are with all of you. For those in treatments, unnamed requests, and those facing difficulties, God knows what each and everyone of us is going through. I thank God that we can come here and express our concerns, fears, expectations and know that others are praying for us without any condemnation. I thank God everyday for each and everyone of you. May the blessings of the God of Abraham, Issac and Jacob be with all of you.

  • Girl53
    Girl53 Member Posts: 41
    edited September 2016

    Jean: I didn't read whole thread so didn't see your post...hope no one minds a repeat of that wonderful Psalm. It is so very comforting, isn't it?

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited September 2016

    Thank You, ARCATS !!! Your post was so encouraging!

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited September 2016

    My granddaughter Alexia was finally approved after 2 months, for the rehab and is on their waiting list! There are more hoops to jump through but this is definitely progress. Thank you and please continue prayers for her. I am crying tears of joy. This could be life changing for her and my sweet little great granddaughter.

    Praying for Aurora. And glad your trip went well Nancy.

    Love, Jean

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited September 2016

    Girl53, I am so glad you reposted that Psalm 131. It confirmed for me what the Loed was telling me/us. Thank you. Love, Jean

  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited September 2016

    Aurora, my prayers have been intently covering you for the last few weeks. I continue to pray for your family, support team and for your medical team. Praying for no progression and that the good news you received a few weeks ago continue to encourage you. Praying that any pain you are in is under control.

    Love across the miles,
