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thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited February 2019

    Chris, I am praying that these spots will be nothing serious and in the wait time until you find out more and when you have to have scans again I pray that you will have peace. Thank you for your prayers. When I said I will be alone tomorrow I meant that I am not taking any pill for sedation to need a driver. I know I won't feel alone but hopefully not feel panicked in any way as I started taking the sedation because of claustrophobia.

    Ade, I am not sure what blue bonnets are but if it is anything like our Virginia Bluebells that bloom in the spring it will be a glorious sight for sure. That is the one thing I really look forward to in early spring and that is taking pictures of the Bluebells. I have to say I am very envious of your weather. I know most of us here are very tired of the ice storms and cold and snow that have seemed incessant since January. Tomorrow it will be in the 40's and then drop back to winter reality. Have a great time and send that early spring up this way. Those ground hogs can't be wrong can they???

    Faith, I pray that your antibiotic is just what you need. I have prayed for you for wisdom in whether to take the meds or not. Praying that you will feel much better soon.

    Ade, I was racking my brain trying to figure out who Jeanne was. LOL Maybe we'll start calling Joanne Jeanne from now on. Winking

    Have a good night dear sisters. Know I am praying for you regularly.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited February 2019

    Who said snow was only for kids!!!!!!!

    I will be leaving shortly for my MRI. Feeling good!




  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited February 2019

    Hi everyone,

    Just wanted to pop in and say I got through my MRI just fine without any sedation. They would not let me listen to music which was disappointing since I had asked after my last MRI. No room for the headphones. The only issue was the tech had a bit of trouble getting the helmet thing off my head when it was over. It was only a few seconds delay but looking back I can imagine all sorts of awful scenarios!!

    I am glad I was not sedated as I had important tax documents to read and send back and I needed a clear head.

    Hope everyone had a good Valentine's Day. Thanks for your prayers. I was very calm this morning going into the test so that was definitely answers to prayers.



  • faith-840
    faith-840 Member Posts: 926
    edited February 2019

    Nancy, you were in my prayers all day and I’m so glad to hear you got through the MRI okay with no sedation. Now we will pray that the results are good. Then you can relax and have a good trip to see your mother. Now, if only this crazy weather would get better and stay that way. Today was nice but tomorrow is going back to very cold. I’m really ready for spring as I’m sure everyone is.

    Happy Valentines Day everyone, hope it was a good day for you. You are all always in my prayers.



  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,331
    edited February 2019

    Nancy, hooray for a calm MRI. I am so thankful for the answer to prayers and that you got through this well. Now praying for the results!

    Faith, yes we all are looking forward to Spring and warmer weather.

    I met with my MO yesterday and received my scan results. There are 2 new small spots that have popped up, but since I have no additional symptoms and these are so small they are difficult to interpret, we will continue my current regimen and watch them closer and scan more often. The two spots from last time are still there but not growing so we will just watch those also. So it is a watch-and-see situation. This presents me targets for prayer!

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited February 2019

    Thank you Faith. I appreciate your prayers. I am having some issues today and I really cannot be sick again right before going to my Mom's. The weather looks iffy too. They keep changing the forecast. I am supposed to leave on Wed. and one day it looks fine on the weather and the next it doesn't. I will trust God to lead me when to leave. I take my cat with me so traveling anytime is always a concern with her. I looked up recently that we change our clocks on March 10. That filled me with hope that this winter will be gone before we know it.

    Chris, thank you for your prayers. I am praying for you as well. I hope you can have peace about this new situation. I know God can give us peace in these challenges. Have an nice weekend. I hope your granddaughter is over her sickness now.

    For everyone this banner holds so much truth. He is faithful and will bring us through whatever circumstances we are facing and I know each and every one of us always have plenty of those on most days. He does lead us beside the still waters to refresh and renew and revive us.




  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited February 2019

    Chris, may the Lord grant you peace and doctors wisdom, and may the Lord miraculously remove every spot of any concern.

    Nancy - SO glad the Lord answered our prayers for your testing! Now we ask that the results be excellent and He grant you peace as you wait. Blessings upon your travel and visit to Mom. The bluebells are reason for many to take the pilgrimage to the Big Bend National Park each spring. I think they're early this year. The temps were in the 70s and we had a perfect day - thanking the Lord for a much needed mini escape into His beautiful creation.

    Faith I pray the Lord will use those antibiotics for HIS glory and your healing.

    Here are a few of the pics from yesterday...blessings upon your day, Ade






  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited February 2019

    Ade, your pics are gorgeous and you two make such a lovely couple. I was looking up Bluebonnets and it sounds like they are unique to Texas. They are so pretty. Very different from our Virginia Bluebells but they both have that pretty blue color. Sounds like a refreshing and wonderful day for you both and your friends. So glad you got to enjoy it. I have only been to TX once many years ago visiting one of my best friends from high school. They were in Bryan, TX but have since moved. It was in July and I just remember how hot and humid it was. I drove in my little Toyota without any air conditioning all the way there by myself from IL. That was my big adventure. Now with Cammie I am housebound. LOL

  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited February 2019

    Nancy we are in southwest "high desert" Texas in the lower middle of the west pointy jut out on the map. It is so very DRY here that in the summer the humidity is often around 15%. We quickly learned to drink water a-l-l-l day and carry it with us everywhere. We never got a snow dusting this winter at all. It is said that Alpine has the best weather in TX. I would have to say the best sunrises & sunsets for sure! Below is tonight's a minute ago in the SOUTH WEST from our back yard! We can sometimes have better sunsets in the EAST than in the WEST here! I surely don't know how. Anyway the bluebonnet is our state flower and the roadrunner (catches and eats rattlesnakes here - so very welcome!) is the state bird. From here it takes an entire day of driving to reach the northern border. Well enough Texas trivia - enjoy the sunset tonight!




  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited February 2019

    Ade, your sunsets are beautiful and definitely very different than what we normally see here in IL. I had to look at a map of TX to see where you are. I know TX is a very large state so I am not surprised it takes a day to reach the Northern Border. Interesting how different the climates are within the state.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited February 2019

    Hi dear ladies,

    Just a few short notes. I have actually been sick the last few days with some intestinal bug. So that is the bad news. The good news is that I just received results from my MRI through electronic records tonight. The suspect tumor is not deemed to be cancerous and they are not calling it what they did before. As I research some of the things my doctor mentions it sounds like these could be malformed cells from birth which could have caused epilepsy which I have never had. Unless I have more symptoms I don't need a repeat MRI for a year. So I hope to put this chapter to rest for a while and deal with the neck issues only now. I do have a follow up visit with this neurologist in a couple weeks to ask all the questions I never have gotten answers to. I would appreciate your prayers that I snap out of this sickness quickly. I have a doctor apt on Tues that I had to cancel when I was sick in Dec. and I still hope to leave for my Mom's on Wed.

    Have a good week dear sisters.



  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,331
    edited February 2019

    Nancy, so glad your MRI turned out good answers. I know you are still seeking answers to your neck issues. I too have come down with a nasty virus (not surprised since I watched my sick DGD all week!) This has made my birthday not fun, but I will make it through.

    I received answers to my PET scan on Thursday. There are 2 new spots that popped up in my chest but are so small there is some uncertainty as to what they are. There is also a slightly enlarged lymph node and some activity in one of my spine bones. So it looks like there may be some progression. My onc would not call it this but did move my next scan up to 3 months instead of 6 so we could check it all out for growth. In the meantime I have stayed on the same regimen as long as I continue to tolerate it. She did say if there is more increase she will do a biopsy to begin to look for next steps. I trust God knows all this and has His plan for me. I am ok and feeling blessed with all the birthday wishes from the many friends God has sent me. I know My Redeemer Lives and in the end will stand upon the earth. He has mastered it all already covered in His great love.


  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited February 2019

    Chris, Faith, Joanne and Nancy (and those who also need this) I pray for your swift healing of viruses and the major concerns as well, and that the Lord's grace and peace be with you abundantly as you rest your cares upon Him.




  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited February 2019


    HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO CHRIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Hope you are feeling better.

  • faith-840
    faith-840 Member Posts: 926
    edited February 2019

    Nancy, so sorry to hear about your intestinal flu but so happy to hear that you have what sounds like a good report on your MRI. Thanks be to God for answered prayers. Hopefully with your therapy your neck issues will get better also. I sure hope you can leave to visit your mother on Wednesday but the forecast isn’t looking great. Thursday and beyond looks better so maybe you can postpone for just a day to be safe.

    Chris, I’m sorry to hear that your scan wasn’t as good as you had hoped but as I’ve said before sometimes those spots disappear on the next scan so that’s what we will pray for. Sorry too that you’ve had that virus, our immune systems just don’t function as well when they are fighting cancer too. Sending prayers you feel better soon.

    Ade and Jo, thanks for your prayers, I’m still dealing with this sinus stuff. I took the antibiotic which had no effect except to make me feel awful .

    I have to stop here , my iPad is acting up again. Keeping you all in prayer as always.


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited February 2019

    Faith, I sure hate to hear that the antibiotic made you feel worse. I'm sure that is so frustrating. Praying that you will find some solution to these allergy issues so you can feel better. It can't be anything growing since it's winter so I wonder if that would help to figure out what is the source. Environmental, foods?

    Chris, I pray that you will continue to have peace until you your MO is for certain what is happening. After more reading of my MRI report I have an additional tumor on my skull which wasn't mentioned before. Since the doctor didn't even mention it in her notes I am not going to worry about it and keep living one day at a time. As Ade's quote of Dr. Charles Stanley loosely translated There are circumstances that we have no control over but God has it. We are where we are supposed to be. I hope we can both take comfort in that and put all of our concern at Jesus feet and let Him bear our burdens.

    Ade, thank you for your prayers. I pray that you are feeling refreshed from your trip.

    Joanne, I continue to pray for you and your family. Praying you feel better and can leave all of your family's problems at Jesus feet and let Him carry that load for you.

    Lita, praying for your eyes, especially and that God is giving you strength in your weakness.

    Debbie, (Foots) praying for you physically and emotionally.

    Have a good night dear sisters.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited February 2019

    Hi dear sisters of faith,

    I did not leave today as planned. After hearing of another ice and snow storm I decided I would leave tomorrow which looks to be a good day for travel in the midst of many that do not.

    I had a doctor apt yesterday and one of my neighbor's works in this office as a receptionist and has worked in medical settings for many years. I told her about my brain tumor and she came out from behind her counter to talk to me privately. I asked her who she would recommend as a neurologist within my network (which is a huge network) just to see what she would say. She did recommend the doctor I currently have but have had so many frustrations in her lack of communication among other things.

    This lady had her as her doctor as well and only mentioned some negatives when I told her my experience with her. She then told me when she was in her 20's (she is my age I think) she had one of the largest benign brain tumors they had ever seen. She had gone to several doctors before actually getting this properly diagnosed. She recommended U. of Chicago hospital where they are the experts in brain tumors. She had all of her surgery there and highly recommended me seeking out a second opinion. What left me rattled was I said I am sure in my doctor's mind she has much more serious patients to deal with and doesn't want to bother talking to me. This lady said it IS serious. So I went home with lots on my mind. She just said what if the doctor is wrong. What doesn't make me feel very secure is the fact that I don't really think they really truly know what is in my brain as the two MRI's three months apart have come to a different conclusion and the last one showed another issue on my skull. This is where she said they have many different diagnostic tools as this teaching hospital that might be more accurate than an MRI. So I would ask your prayers for wisdom and direction. I do have a follow up apt with this neurologist which I don't think she realizes. I have not responded to her notes on my MRI to remind her I have this follow up.

    It does feel good to have an extra day at home that I can get some things done and just take a beat before going to see my Mom. I am still having some stomach issues.

    While I am gone I will still keep up with the thread but may not be able to post as regularly as I do simply because the evenings I spend with my Mom are without internet and I don't do email on my not up to date phone.

    I will continue to pray for you. Chris, Faith, Joanne...praying that you will feel much better. Lita, even though you may not be reading the threads we still have you covered in prayer. Ade, keep posting your beautiful sunsets.




  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited February 2019

    I have so much trouble journalling so I decided to work on a drawing journal instead

    "My Favorite Bible Verses" - this is one page I did.


  • faith-840
    faith-840 Member Posts: 926
    edited February 2019

    Nancy, I’m glad to hear you decided to postpone your trip for a day. I think the weather looks better and this will give you a chance to take a deep breath and not rush your decisions concerning your brain MRI. I’m sure it was very disconcerting to talk to that woman at the doctors office, but a second opinion is always a very good idea. We will all be praying that there really is nothing to be concerned about in your brain. Have a safe trip and try not to worry. It’s all in God’s hands.

    Keeping everyone here in prayer, both those posting and those just reading behind the scenes.


    Faith (in the future

  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited February 2019

    GmaF that's a great idea and I'm sure you're blessing the Lord. I have journaled for years myself. I have several great devotionals I read each morning and then I pray over what I have read - what the Lord has said to me, and my response to Him. I don't keep the journals when they're full because some of my prayers are quite between the Lord and I and not other's eyes. I bare my soul to His loving ear. There's just something (I guess you could say) therapeutic about it. I applaud you for finding a way to do it your way, what is comfortable to you. Does anyone else here journal too?

    Nancy, you're doing the right thing to wait until the weather's better to travel. You surely DON'T need the stress of dangerous roads! I pray the Lord blesses you with His presence and your safety as you travel and may you have a great visit too. We are all praying for your brain tumor to NOT be a serious thing for you and that God will bless you with His peace throughout whatever lies ahead. Fear is an awful thing. My life has been seeped in it and I fight it to this day. That being said, our Lord is our Rock and our firm foundation and we shall not be moved. Amen?

    The winds are blowing so hard here that you can hardly stand up! WOW! The sky is blue without a cloud - but I'M NOT GOING OUT THERE TODAY! I'd feel like a KITE!

    Love and blessings to you all,


  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,331
    edited February 2019

    Ade, I do journal but I am inconsistent. I have paper journals especially since some people have gifted me with some beautiful ones, but I am more faithful on the computer since I am a paper perfectionist and can edit it. (Silly I know). I have told me daughter where my file is for when I am gone, and I am mindful of what I say praying God can use my journaling for the salvation of my 2 unsaved kids. I also write poetry in there. Since this is not really true journaling, I use my paper journal for my "heart" journaling. If that one speaks to someone after I am gone, then I pray God uses it.


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited February 2019

    Hi dear friends.

    I am at my Mom's house now. I left on Thursday but it is always hit the ground running now that she is 25 min away in her facility. She lost a second tooth a couple weeks ago and it looks so bad as you can obviously see it. She will go to the dentist after I am back home and I have no idea what will happen. She cannot afford a huge dental bill and I am starting to get concerned about applying for assistance for her. Unfortunately all those needed documents are at my sisters house so I just need to lay these at Jesus feet and know in His timing it will all work out.

    GM, I love your drawing and the Bible verse. I rarely journal and my handwriting now is very comprised due to ?????? so I wouldn't be able to decipher my own writing. I have typed some things but so much is between the Lord and I that it is not meant for anyone else.

    Ade, my sister warned me that high winds are coming here and my Mom's house has no garage and the tree next to her driveway has already partly blown over and a big section is dead. So, I am praying it doesn't fall over on my car or the house.

    Now that I am at my Mom's house the fear of not feeling well and getting here etc is past. I really am not fearful of this brain tumor at the moment. I am trying to deal with each day as it comes. I know I was getting totally overwhelmed after scheduling all of my PT sessions in March but again once it starts I will just have to deal with one thing at a time.

    Chris, did you see your birthday banner. I know you were sick but I didn't want you to miss it as you are a very important part of this thread.

    Joanne, praying this spot is nothing and that when you see your new doctor she will be a great replacement for you special doctor that retired.

    Faith, how are your allergies or sinus related issues doing?

    I have the afternoon to get some things done and then will play Bingo with my Mom this evening. If you could I would appreciate prayers that she can make some friends at her facility. Her two special friends are not there now. One died and the other moved to ???? She keeps saying she is lonely now so that is hard to hear.

    Have a good weekend dear sisters.



  • Lita57
    Lita57 Member Posts: 2,338
    edited February 2019

    Nancy, does she REALLY need to have that tooth fixed, given her age, condition, and the expense? Is anybody really going to care? If your mom is over 90, you have to think about these things. Naturally, if she WANTS to have it fixed, that's a different story, and you have to adhere to her wishes out of love and respect.

    I'm not going to get any of my teeth fixed anymore. Of course, I'm stage IV, why would I? It's a waste of money, as far as I'm concerned. I still get cleanings and x-rays to watch for osteo necrosis of the jaw, but that's about it. I'm already permanently bald - the rest of my hair will NOT grow back after a year and a half.

    As you get older, you stop being so vain. It really doesn't matter that much any more when you come to terms with the fact that you'll be circling the bowl a lot sooner than you anticipated.


  • Lita57
    Lita57 Member Posts: 2,338
    edited February 2019

    Nancy, As you know, I have over TWENTY BRAIN TUMORS in my head. I can't see very well anymore and I drop things constantly along with my balance and dizziness issues. And now I have terrible edema in my thighs, calves, and feet from the Gemcitabine chemo. I just have to leave it in the Lord's hands and trust His will. I did have some edema massage therapy sessions and am tracking my sodium diligently. There's not much else I can do.


  • Lita57
    Lita57 Member Posts: 2,338
    edited February 2019

    Chris, I used to journal a lot, but now that I can't see that well anymore, I've had to give it up. I used to write a lot of poetry too.

    I really miss it, but this is the Lord's will for me now.

    Have a blessed Sunday, especially those of you who are dealing with heavy-duty weather.


  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,331
    edited February 2019

    Nancy, I am so sorry I did not thank you for the banner. Yes, I saw it and smiled knowing you were thinking of me. You all are special to me. I spent my birthday being sick--my whole family is really sick with this virus. MY GDG had a fever for 12 days before it finally broke. Most of that time she spent at home with me as her caregiver so it is no surprise I got sick. It was all I could do to drag myself around the house. I missed Valentine's Day and my Birthday, but thankfully my fever never went over 100*. I am finally feeling better. We went out tonight to our regular Saturday night haunt, all of us coughing, but I still don't have enough appetite for dessert.

    I know God has a plan for us in the midst of this storm.

    Praying all of you have a blessed Sunday worship. Chris

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited February 2019

    Lita, I am glad to see you posting. I know you have so many issues to deal with but it is still amazing to me that you are still with us knowing all you have been through. It is funny how everything is relative once we see what is really important.

    My Mom's finances is a concern. I attended my Mom's church today with my sister without my Mom for the first time. I was talking with a good friend of my Mom's and she was talking about how outrageously expensive her dental work was and how many people can't afford it.

    Until the dentist sees my Mom I am not sure what the solution is. Yes, at this stage watching her money disappear is like watching sand in an hour glass so we will have to prioritize at this point. Even with her dementia at 93 she is still very aware of things and initially was embarrassed how her missing tooth (which is quite obvious) looked but probably not so much. Since I have just been with her a few days I am not sure but she hasn't mentioned it.

    Chris, I didn't expect you to thank me but I knew you had been sick for your birthday and I just wanted to be sure you saw it. That must be a nasty virus and I sure hope you are much better.

    A friend sent me some things to give me a smile and this made me laugh out loud. Maybe this will give you a smile too. Laughter doeth good like a medicine.


  • faith-840
    faith-840 Member Posts: 926
    edited February 2019

    Good evening everyone, I’m sorry I’ve been MIA again. Life just gets too busy sometimes, but I really don’t like it when I stop back in here and so much has been posted it’s hard to catch up. I do pray for all of you daily though. Lita, it is so nice to see you here with all you are going through, I think you’re amazing! I believe God has very special plans for you to keep you here.

    Ade, your pictures are amazing, you really do live in what I call, “God’s Country “ even if you have to put up with lots of critters.

    Nancy, I’m sorry your mom has an issue with her teeth right now. Yes, dental work is very expensive. I don’t suppose there’s a dental school in the area there. They will do dental work for a nominal charge. I’m sure it’s very concerning watching her money dwindling away. I’m praying you find some answers to this situation and also that she finds some new friends. That would be so good for her and your peace of mind.

    Are you planning to return soon? We are once again having bad weather, very windy and cold. I hope you can choose your travel day carefully. Some snow is also predicted at the end of the week so be careful. This winter just doesn’t seem to want to end.

    Thank you everyone for your prayers but I’m still dealing with these sinus issues. I believe it’s a combination of weather and allergies, both environmental and food related. I don’t know what I’m going to do besides take allergy meds. I think I’m too old for allergy shots to do any good. I’ve had these issues forever but they are so much worse now. I wonder if it’s related to my immune system being in high gear fighting cancer? It’s sure doing a good job of that. My blood tests today were good with the tumor markers being all normal and everything else also in normal range. Praise the Lord! I guess if I have to choose, I’ll take the allergies over cancer.

    Sending love and prayers,

    Faith ( in the future).

  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited February 2019

    Faith, our son here in town has those severe sinus issues too. His doctor said to take a XYZAL at night and a Claritin in the morning. Both are over the counter and it has actually HELPED him! Yes, sinus is better than cancer - but can still make life miserable! Praying you can get relief soon. Glad you like the photos - that will change as we are relocating back to Ohio in God's timing. Back to WHITE SKY again - yuk. Oh well, His will not mine.

    Joanne, you know I'm lifting you up to the Lord in prayer too. (Where we lived on OH between Dayton & Columbus, Miami Valley was called 'SINUS Valley'!)

    Nancy, I would love to send you some weather relief if I could. This is the cold day at 69 and blue sky, and the rest of the week is in the 70s. (NOT rubbing it in. ~ When we relocate back to Ohio I am in that winter boat with all of you again next year.) But I pray you have safe travel home, a good visit with your mom, that there is a good solution to her tooth problem and finances, and that as you hit the ground running upon your return the Lord will give you supernatural strength and His peace and joy.

    Lita, you give us all hope and encouragement and we pray for you most often. Hope you feel our love and encouragement to you.

    We are STILL jumping through hoops to get James' meds application approved. We were blessed to get another month's worth (2 shots) of samples from the clinic an hour away last week. (Sure beats the 3 hours trip to his office!) Will call Monday for an update & praying for good news....FINALLY.

    Hugs to all of you,


  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited February 2019

    P.S. Nancy that Thin Mints thing isn't working for me either! Loopy