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thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited June 2012

    Dear Macatacmv! The wedding was wonderful , thank you so much!!! You are such a faithful servant cleaning for your prayer group and helping out a distressed woman!!! God bless you !! Your post made me smile!!!!

  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200
    edited June 2012

    Ladies, just a quick praise report. I have been trying to get to a water aerobics class at the local ymca for a few weeks now. They had a workshop for BC patients and I found that I enjoyed the class, but those classes specifically for women with cancer are not going to be offered until fall. I joined the y and signed up for the regular class. Well since then I have started a new med for my "asthma" which came on during rads, it makes me very weak and shaky. So I haven't made it to the class. Anyway I was feeling like maybe I was not suppose to go. This morning I made myself go, even tho I was very emotional. It turned out the regular instructor was not there. An old friend of mine was taking her place, I use to take her boot camp classes, and she was coming out of the locker room as I was going in. She gave me a big hug and held me while I sobbed. I felt so "taken care of". That the Lord knew what I needed and provided it for me. She put me in a dressing room in a locker room and gave me a bathing cap. I made it thro the class only having to use the inhaler once. Normal things in life that I took for granted are so hard for me now. But God is still with me!!

    Prayers for all!


  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited June 2012
    Dear Nancy, GOOD FOR YOU!!!!! Every breath and every second is a miracle from God. Smiles are coming your way!!!! Prayers are coming your way. I hope everyone here has a great day. So sorry that I have not posted for awhile. After the wonderful wedding, I gave a baby shower for my wonderful other daughter-in-law. I have the most wonderful daughter in laws. Hi to everyone here and hope you are all doing well. Blessings to you allSmile
  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited June 2012

    Hi Ladies,

    Nancy that is so awesome! Indeed God does know what you need and when you need it. He had compassion on you in such a loving way. So cool!

    Please keep me in prayer. My DH and two dogs are living at my sister's house with her DH and their two dogs. I have been unable to sleep well since we got here several days ago. I have taken four Benadryl and a Xanax just to fall asleep, and last night got a total of 3 hours. I'm so wiped out! I have a doctor appointment tomorrow with my gyn and will talk with him about it. BTW the dogs all get along so that's a praise!

  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited June 2012

    Forgot to add that we have 9 more weeks to go living here.

  • fondak
    fondak Member Posts: 271
    edited June 2012

    Hi everyone,

    I just came across this forum  (It takes me awhile to learn my way around anything to do with the internet).  I'd like to introduce myself. 

    This past year was going to be one of transition for us but I had no idea of how much transition would be going on.  I have twins that I homeschooled and it was their senior year.  Last July, I began planning what I would do with all the free time I had coming so I wouldn't have a difficult time with that part of my life coming to an end.  I was actually getting excited and then by the end of July they went to youth camp and I went to the hospital after ongoing severe chest pain.  My lymph nodes showed up on a stress test which was the beginning of this journey.

    When I told my sons they said....We know it's going to be alright.  We are going to pray knowing God can heal this if He wants.  If He does we will rejoice in that and if He doesn't we will rejoice in knowing that He is using this for His glory.  They have remained encouraging and strong through all this even with my husband out of the country for most of this time.

    God has blessed us in so many ways.  On of my sons wanted to go to seminary in California and wished so many times that he could talk with the pastor at the church who began this seminary.  Recently, they began going to a bible study group and the teacher met them for lunch one day and told them he would like to mentor them through life.  We later learned that he graduated from the seminary my son wanted to attend and was on staff with the pastor my son has learned so much from through his online bible studies.  We have all been learning and growing.  It has been wonderful to see God's grace in such an amazing way.  My other son is planning to become a nurse so I hope he will be able to encourage others in a special way with what we have been through.  He also wants to do mission work as a nurse.

    We did change churches during this past year as the church we now attend has so much more available for them to grow.  That was very difficult as far as me missing my other church family but the growth is so important.  That's one reason I am excited to find this group.

    If I could, I would like to ask you ladies to pray for me.  I recently finished up my treatment followed by a hysterectomy/ooph.  When I went back for the 2 week check up for that the gyn noticed something in my remaining breast.  His office called my breast surgeon and had my appointment scheduled for Aug moved up.  He didn't want it to wait that long.  So that's where I am right now.

    Also, could anyone share with me what studies you may be doing right now?  I am going through Philippians and I love it.  I found a link at .  In the search I put in Philippians and a list came up.  I clicked on Vol. 1 and listen for free.  I have always loved this book but I am understanding so much more than I ever have about it.

    I know this has been long.  Thank you all for listening.  I look forward to getting to know you all and will have you in my prayers.

  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200
    edited June 2012

    Rocket, praying for His perfect peace and rest to fall upon you tonight and the rest of this period of transition. 

    edited for spelling 

  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200
    edited June 2012

    fondak, welcome to this forum. My post crossed yours, so when I didn't see it until after I posted. More ladies will join in soon. I am just having trouble with sleep lately. 

    I, too, was in a transition period in my life when I was diagnosed. I am waiting on the Lord to show me what comes next. Learning patience by being a patient.

    It sounds like you have a wonderful family that give you lots of support. Also there is alot to celebrate for your sons to know what they want in life and have the opportunity to follow through.

    I will pray for peace for you. I have a ladies prayer group that meets at my house on Tuesday mornings. We pray for all requests here. I might not know your real names, but God does and we lift ya'll up. 


  • Sissydi
    Sissydi Member Posts: 183
    edited June 2012

    I too was in a transition period....two sons away at their first years of college. Hubby travels for work, and I stay at home as his schedule is ever changing, and I want to be here when he's off....interesting where God will take us with this journey. I often think he's using this time for me to show me and teach me to lean fully on Him, for every minute!

    "In a mans heart he plans his course, but it's the Lord who determines his steps".......

    One of my favorites!

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited June 2012

    Dear Rocket, Wow, nine weeks seems like an eternity, but you are one strong woman and you and your family will get through this challenge too. I am lifting you up in prayer right now and will do so daily. I hope you can feel His Hand upon you and give you peace. Dear Fondak, welcome and I am so glad that you joined us here on this wonderful thread.Prayers are coming your way for healing and peace as you wait to see your doctor again. Please keep us updated. I have finished all the Disciples Bible Studies that were offered at my church in IN. We have joined a new church since moving to CA and I am looking forward to hearing about the new bible studies they are offering over the summer. Blessings to you all!!!

  • TonLee
    TonLee Member Posts: 1,589
    edited June 2012

    Welcome fond.  Praying for you right now :)

  • fondak
    fondak Member Posts: 271
    edited June 2012

    Thank you everyone for the welcome and prayers. 

    I spent yesterday at the hospital with a friend whose husband was having open heart surgery. He is 48 and his first one was when he was 34.  He had a setback and they took him back into surgery. 

    Everyone (me included) was encouraging my friend with things like being in the best hospital, great doctors and so on.  She thought she was going in to see him and when the doctors told her that he was losing a lot of blood and they had to go back in.  Naturally she came back devastated.

    At that point, my son told her that right now we don't know what's going to happen but you know God and you know your husband loves God very much and times like these test us and in a test we can let our lives give God glory or let these times become a stumbling block for us and lead us to sin. 

    He went on to tell her that because of his love for Christ she had so much to be thankful for right now and that it is very possible things will be fine but we don't know and encouraged her to find her hope and desire in no matter what happens God will be glorified.

    That wasn't his exact words.  He sat leaning toward her with his bible open using a lot of scripture.  As I listened, I was reminded of how I can look for comfort in statistics and treatments (which I know treatments are tools God uses)

    Before cancer, I use to find hope in temporal things more than I do now.  I also encouraged others with temporal things but one thing cancer has done for me is remind me where my true hope is. There is still that ongoing battle with the flesh and I hope I will learn to DAILY desire to grow in HIm more than being around to see possible grandchildren and such.  Just think if He blessed me with both,  what a better grandmother I would be!

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited June 2012
    Fondak,  Beautiful post!!!! Thank you!!! I am so happy to be among Christian Sisters!!!
  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200
    edited June 2012

    Dear Sisters, please pray for traveling mercies and a productive doc appt tomorrow. Prayers have been answered and the Pulmonary dr had a cancellation for tomorrow. I am praying for answers and some relief.


  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited June 2012

    Dear Nancy, I am lifting you in prayer right now!! May Our Dear Lord surround you with peace and give your doctors discernment as to how to treat you and give you relief. God bless you!!!

  • fondak
    fondak Member Posts: 271
    edited June 2012

    Nancy:  I will be praying and I'm so thankful He worked it out for you to get in tomorrow.

    Kindergarten:  Finding this is such a blessing to me too! 

  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited June 2012

    Praying for you, Nancy!🙏

  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited June 2012

    Beautiful Fondak! That's such a lovely reminder to put Jesus first.

    How are you doing Nancy? Praying for you Girl.

    I want to thank you all for praying for my situation with moving, and severe sleep deprivation. Last night I finally slept a whole 7 hours! I woke up with my nightgown on inside out, but hey at least it was still on! :-) I feel so refreshed today and ready to tackle the day with renewed energy and strength. Thanks you all so much. God has been so merciful to me!

  • TonLee
    TonLee Member Posts: 1,589
    edited June 2012

    Psalm 127.."For so He gives His beloved sleep..." ;}

  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited June 2012

    Thanks, Jo-5. Such a good reminder. Chemo #4 today. My TEs are really frustrating me. So, I can use the reminders of God's love and care and my role in dealing with this.

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited June 2012
    Dear Jo-5, Thank you for this wonderful reminder of God's free gift of grace, and knowing no matter what you are going through, He is in control and He will ultimatley see you through it. Thank you again Jo, I needed this right now. I love reading Romans, it puts everything in perspective again and again. I need to let go of my constant fear and worry, I am still a work in Progress. Rocket, so glad to hear you have gotten some sleep through all of this, I sometimes sleep in my clothes, he,he,he!!! You sound reenergized. God bless you!!! Prayers  are coming your way for continued rest and energy!!!!!  Hugs and Blessings to all hereSmile
  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited June 2012

    Hi, Jeanne, prayers are coming your way for no side effects from Chemo #4. You are a trooper. By this time next year, this will be a memory of your strength and courage during this challenging journey and I hope you go somewhere fun to celebrate!! God bless you!!!!

  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited June 2012

    Jo, so true and a wonderful reminder that we have a choice - to submit or to resist God's sovereignty. Thank you as always for bringing to Word to us and reminding us of God's love.

    Jeannie, I'm praying for rest and healing. You're going to get through this and you are doing so with a beautiful spirit.

    Bless all of you ladies. I had such a wonderful day after feeling so rested and refreshed. God is so good!

  • lcm123
    lcm123 Member Posts: 66
    edited June 2012

    Hi, everyone, I am new here.  I have not been for my biopsy, yet.  That comes on Monday afternoon.  I am really scared, but I have been doing a lot of praying.  I am praying for it to all be okay.  I now need to pray for God to help me be strong whatever the answer is.  My husband is so sad, and I have a teenaged son, who is the light of my heart.  My son and I are Christians, and I am so thankful for that.  I hope and pray my husband will be one day, too.  I will pray for all of you ladies here.  I have been reading a lot here, today, and doing a bit of crying, finally.  God Bless you all.

  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited June 2012


    You came to the right place! Everyone is so encouraging, knowledgable and kind on this thread. We have all been where you are. You can bring whatever concerns, questions and prayer requests here. We can refer you to other threads specifically pertaining to your concerns, too. If you have cancer, it's a scary journey at first when there are so many unknowns and decisions to make. Once you know the facts about what is going on and have a treatment plan,if need be, you will handle it better. God is supporting you and you can rely on his strength and love to see you through the biopsy and whatever else. I'm praying for good results!

  • Sissydi
    Sissydi Member Posts: 183
    edited June 2012

    (((((lcm123)))))....hugs......I've been there too! It's the scariest place, but the Lord was with me the whole way, and He is with you. He will reveal Himself to you through it, no matter what happens! We will pray for you; keep us updated.

  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited June 2012

    lcm123, praying for you right now. I'm praying for your family too. The Lord will be with you, guiding you and giving you His wisdom and grace. Just let us know how we can help you.

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited June 2012

    Dear ICM123, I am lifting you up in prayer right now. I am so glad you came for support, prayer and guidance. God bless you.

  • fondak
    fondak Member Posts: 271
    edited June 2012

    Thanks Jo 5  I love Romans like kindergarten I love Romans.  I've belonged to Christ for a long time but the past few years I have been learning more and more about HIs sovereignty.  It has sure given me a great sense of peace through all this.

    How are you sleeping Rocket?  I'm having the same issue.  I'm trying to take my dose of aromasin a couple of hrs before bedtime.  I was taking right when I go to bed and regardless of how tired I am I can lay there just waiting to cross over from sleepy to asleep for hours.

    icm123 You will be in my prayers.  This is a tough time.  I remember my ultrasound was on Friday and I had to wait.  I didn't expect things to be good when the technican called a doctor in and then she was trying not to cry.  We had been talking while she was setting up.  I was so sick thinking about my teenage sons but they ended up being stronger than I could have ever dreamed and it was nothing but God's grace.  They too love Christ.  I'm thankful your son does and I was will certainly be praying for God to draw your husband to him to where he can't resist Him!

    I thank God for each of you.

    Good night 

  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200
    edited June 2012

    Hello Ladies, 

    At my church we are going thru a Study on Romans on wednesday nights. I haven't been able to get there lately. So it was wonderful to do a little study on my own after reading your posts.

    I thank God for each of you, daily.  I am resting in His mercy and grace. 

     I was put on yet another med for my cough and it makes me very tired. The top doc thinks my protective coverings on my bronchi tubes has been stripped away and is not regenerating for some reason. I am to be set up with a nebulizer and take this cough suppresant along with all the other meds. I've been pretty discouraged over the weekend. I want to be more than a conqueror, but am feeling more like a baby lamb that can't get her feet underneath her. 

    The reading right before  Jo's, Roman's 8:26 about how we do not know what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us wtih groanings that cannot be uttered.  

    Thank God I have a Holy Spirit helping me through. And if He will help me, believe how much more he will help you!

    Prayers are rising up!
