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thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • teka
    teka Member Posts: 4
    edited September 9


    May you feel pain free and at peace!


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872

    Carol, if you are able to read these posts this banner is for you.

    I am fervently praying for you and for your family.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872

    Wheatfields, I am so pleased to hear that your ribs are healing well. I am glad that your ribs are almost back to normal right in time to leave for AZ to visit your sister. I am sorry to hear about your great nieces scooter accident. One of my first roomates in college was a nursing major and I know the work was intense for her so I can really understand why your niece would be concerned. Will she be missing a whole semester or is that what her fear is? I will continue to pray for your nurse friend too. I struggle with fatigue and I can sympathize. Last night I fell asleep again and woke up at 2am. By the time I got to bed I couldn't sleep a wink. I finally got up at 6 to watch some TV and went back to bed but only got about 2 hrs of sleep then. So today I am dragging. It is hard to tell if I am feeling better since I feel awful from lack of sleep but I was feeling much better by evening yesterday so hopefully the withdrawal from my meds was the culprit and not something else.

    I hope you have a safe trip to AZ and I hope you have a wonderful time with your sister even though I know it is not easy at all under the circumstances.

    Have a nice evening.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872

    Carol emailed again today and said she is at home with hospice. She still has visitors and I know that means the world to her. She has read our posts and feels the love. Let's continue to pray for her and if you have anything you want to post to her she may be able to read it.

    Carol, we all love you and are praying for you during this difficult time.



  • wheatfields
    wheatfields Member Posts: 180

    Thank you Nancy, and thank you for the update on Carol. We are continuing to lift her up in prayer many times each day. Praying too that you get the rest you need Nancy and continue to feel better.

    I am ready to fly tomorrow, and packed a lighter load than I usually do.

    Praying for each of you!

    Love, Wheatfields

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872

    Wheatfields, have a safe trip and a good visit with your sister even though I know how bitter/sweet that is. I pray that your ribs continue to heal and that you will have no pain while traveling and during your visit.


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872

    Remembering 9-11

  • wheatfields
    wheatfields Member Posts: 180

    dear ladies - my BIL and I spent the night in emergency. My sister fell in her room and has gash about 4 inches long in her head which took a lot of stitching and black and blue eye swollen shut. No brain bleed or fracture in the knees where there was pain. As far as we can tell she tripped over end of bed and fell head long into the door closet. I love knowing you're all praying and also for my DBIL . Carol - lifting you up in prayer and that His peace that passes all understanding fill your heart and mind. Remembering you all in prayer.

    Love Wheatfieds

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872

    Wheatfields, I am so sorry to hear about your sister's fall. I will certainly be praying for her and you and your BIL. I know this has to be upsetting for all of you. Thank God there was no brain bleed.

    Carol, I continue in prayer for you and your family. I pray you are resting comfortably and can feel God's love and the love of all the people around you.

    Chris, how are you feeling? Is your fatigue improved at all?

    Hershey, how are you doing now that your surgery is in the rear view mirror?

    Teka, our leaves are turning already so I imagine you are getting some pretty fall scenes already. I can see why you love this time of year.

    Take care dear sisters.



  • hersheykiss
    hersheykiss Member Posts: 703

    Wheatfields, I'm so sorry to read about your sister's fall. That must have been very scary for her. Any injury to the head is concerning, and I am thankful that you are with her. I will pray for her speedy recovery.

    Nancy, Teka and Chris, I hope you are enjoying some beautiful late summer weather. My tall grasses look a tad yellow but no signs yet of any leaves changing colors.

    Carol, I continue to pray that you feel the Lord's comfort and loving presence around you.

    Recovery from surgery has been relatively easy. There were two small glitches in my discharge instructions. They listed a follow-up appointment in two weeks (my surgeon actually wants to see me in two months), and his phone number was given to an out-of-network hospital where he hasn't practiced for nearly three years. Other than those two hiccups, everything else was smooth sailing.

  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,331

    Nancy, how are you doing? Things have been quiet on this thread and I have been thinking especially of you, Wheatfields, Hershey, and Carol.

    The weather is starting to change here in the Rockies. It will be cool today and cold tomorrow, but then we get a brief warm-up. It is just enough to tease our hearty landscape. I have begun to put out the Fall Decorations and crave pumpkin bread…silly. I am beginning to feel better but I fear my stamina may not recover. My prayers are with you all. Chris

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872

    HI Chris, thank you for asking. I am glad you are a little better.

    Carol emailed and said she is no longer able to read the BCO posts. She is very fatigued which I think is normal. She thanked us for our posts for her.

    I have not been good. Since last weekend my life has been upended. It sounds like a soap opera. One of those days involved helping an elderly neighbor who I really didn't know at all. Come to find out he probably has dementia and was very volatile. I was actually scared of him. I took him for some apts and groceries and when we got back to his place none of his keys would open the door so the police and fire dept had to get involved. That is just one little part of the week.

    I went to urgent care on Thursday with this cycst infected again. He drained it and I am on antibiotics again. I got a flu shot on Tues and have felt really bad since then. I tested positive for Covid with a home test kit I had to order and have delivered. I went to urgent care last nigtht and took the pvr test. I tested negative. I am supposed to retest today and if positive pick up my Paxlovid that is waiting for me. I was supposed to take a neighbor for her colonoscopy out of town and her first ride got Covid. So I am a bit stressful with that. She knows I tested positive.

    I have been more stressed out recently due to a really bad situation regarding our landscapers very aggressively trimming pine trees that were put in for a sound barrier and privacy and now the residents have neither. Some are irrate. This falls into my category and I have been stressed to the max to the point I felt like I literally was in stroke territory. Not exagerating. Our lawyer had to get invovled because it is a he said she said situation. I am so frustrated because with me being sick I can't do much now.

    To top it off I have another suspected spider bite on my neck.

    I really do need prayer. A good elderly friend called me and was twisting my arm off to resign from the HOA. She knows it is affecting my health.

    I haven't posted because of all of this. I do need prayer.

    Carol and her family really need prayers now. I really feel for her DH right now not being able to do much and just waiting. Carol said she is comfortable but not eating much. She wasn't eating much before hospice so I can only imagine how tough this is on Carol and her whole family.

    Well I have to go retest. I had confusion with this test kit. Not as user friendly as what I have used in the past. All of my kits I had were expired beyond their extended expiration.

    Have a good weekend dear sisters.


    Nancy (excuse errors.( No time for editing)

  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,331

    @bandwoman1234 Nancy, so sorry you are going through all of this mess. You have such a servant's heart and to struggle through extra problems isn't right. Of course I will increase my prayers for you. Thank you for letting us know specifics so we can pray smarter. I will include the HOA situation. Stepping down is a personal decision I know well as I had to do the same thing when I was diagnosed. I just couldn't handle it anymore. It is important to take care of yourself. Thank you also for the update on Carol.

    A short note about our own little trouble…Four months ago we ordered a new sliding door to improve access to our new deck. It finally arrived Thursday but was the wrong size, and they came and measured themselves! It took me two days but we had it all refunded. We'll figure something out.
    Love, Chris

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872

    Chris, I am sorry to hear about your door fiasco. That has got to be SO frustrating.

    A little good news. I tested negative for Covid and I think that is accurate. I had some trouble with this test yesterday and even reading the directions to find out if it was negative or positive were a bit confusing. I feel certain that today I did the test accurately and am pleased I do not have Covid. The doctor said I probably have some other type of virus in her notes to me last night if I tested negative today.

    I have a dilemma. There is Paxlovid waiting for me at the pharmacy. I owe nothing on it. The shelf life is only 12 months I believe. Should I go ahead and take it just in case for future needs or would that cause future problems with my insurance if I were to get Covid after the shelf life had expired and them refusing to pay for Paxlovid it.

    Any thoughts would be appreciated.

    Wheatfields, how did your trip go? How is your sister doing after her awful fall?

    Hershey, are you feeling back to normal now?

    Teka, we have hit 91 degrees today. I hope your September is much cooler.

    Take care everyone.



  • wheatfields
    wheatfields Member Posts: 180

    Hi Nancy, I am so sorry about all of your distressing events that are happening and will be praying for just the right decision on everything. I have never liked pills and am quite sensitive to them so I probably wouldn't take the Paxlovid now. But then I don't know if that is good reasoning.

    Thank you for the update on Carol, we are continuing to think of her and praying for her throughout each day.

    Hershey, praying that you are feeling back to normal. And Chris, I am sorry to hear about the door not being the right size. I know how disappointing that is after patiently waiting.

    My sister is getting better, and after a couple days in bed with meals in the room was ready to get going again. Since Monday she has been out in the dining room and visiting with the other ladies, and walking around with her walker. The staples and stitches come out on Monday. She has met another friend there in memory care so there are about 4 of them who pretty regularly sit together and visit, seeming to have a good time. However, whenever my BIL shows up he seems to get the cold shoulder from my sister and she gives him a hard time about not taking her back to the apartment. She seems upset with him that he has the freedom to come and go and do "what he wants" and she doesn't. My nurse friend and I are taking a short trip Monday - Wednesday to the Black Hills of SD (South Dakota).

    Praying for you all,

    Love, Wheatfields

  • teka
    teka Member Posts: 4

    Our tiny marble size sprinkle tomatoes are delicious. Husband uses mayo to anchor on a sandwich.

    I'm done washing inside and outside windows. At a snail's pace! A perfect start to fall.

    A cool and rainy day in the North Country.

    BBL to catch-up on prior posts.

    In my prayers one and all.

  • hersheykiss
    hersheykiss Member Posts: 703

    Nancy, I'm so sorry you find yourself in the middle of a whirlwind. I will pray for discernment and clarity, especially around the HOA situation. As far as Paxlovid goes, I've called my pharmacy in the past when a prescription is not necessary. The pharmacist handles the insurance details and then moves the medication back into stock.

    Wheatfields, thank you for sharing the positive news about your sister's recovery. It's so nice that you and your nurse friend are taking a trip together to the Black Hills. I've never been but would like to visit someday. I hope you have a safe and relaxing trip!

    Chris, how disappointing that the new door wasn't correctly measured (and by professionals no less). Four months is a long time to wait for a door that isn't the proper fit. I'm glad that you were able to get a full refund.

    My recovery is going well. Saturday was a beautiful day, so I cleaned up the iris beds in my front yard. I was pretty tired by evening and slept a straight 8 hours that night. That is unusual for me, but I guess I really needed the rest!

  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,331

    hersheykiss, what a win to be able to work outside a little. Yesterday we had a high of 53° but it is back to 68 right now heading to 70. It is supposed to keep warming a bit for the rest of the week before temperatures start to slide back down. I guess our warm weather is over…sigh…

    Nancy, I hope you are feeling better today. You have been in my continued prayers.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872

    Hi dear sisters,

    I am pleased to hear of some good news and answers to prayers.

    Hershey, working in your yard is definitely a good sign. I am glad to hear that. Thanks for the info. I have not even called my pharmacy to stop the Paxlovid yet. I have possibly another script there too so I don't want to confuse them.

    Wheatfields, I am guessing you are on your trip to the Black Hills with your friend. I hope you have great weather and a wonderful time. I am pleased to hear your sister is recovering well and has friends she eats with. That is huge. I will continue prayers for your BIL as I know this must be so difficult for him and for all of you. Enjoy your trip.

    Chris, your door fiasco reminds me of my new locks on my windows fiasco in the sprin of 2023. At least I had the new windows. Now you don't even have the door you were waiting on. Hopefully you can find another company that will know how to measure. It all sounds so simple doesn't it?

    Teka, that is quite a sandwich. Your little tomatoes really came out great. Kudos on the window washing. I have not even started and will have to watch videos to even remember how my new windows work. I did not want to tackle them because of the cicadas mites that can come through screen windows!!!! I have a bite on my neck that I think is a spider bite. I may not even to my windows until spring.

    I told a neighbor that I would take her to her out of town colonoscopy on Wed. I told her that a couple weeks ago when I was feeling pretty good. When I got sick I texted her and said maybe try to get a back up in case. The bad part is I WAS the back up. I texted her tonight (even though I am not feeling well) and said I was still planning on taking her. She must have gotten to bed very early to start her prep and didn't see my text. I told her I had plenty of KN95 masks that we could both wear if needed.

    My neighbor's husband has been driving a bus for our school district and said there were 30% of the kids out sick today.

    I am to go back to urgent care as the doctor took a sample to see what kind of bacterial infection I have. If I have to change antibiotics after already being on this one it will be a hard pill to swallow. (Pun intended but painfully true.)

    I would appreciate your continued prayers. I reached out to all of the board members a few days ago and said I need help on this big project that pretty much fell into my lap. By Saturday I had heard from all of the board members offering to help. By then the president had already called me and said he could take the lead on this since I have not been feeling well. So that was a huge weight off but I spent a long time today working on the same project as he had not reached out to our landscaping account manager yet. This is a time sensitive issue which I am trying not to stress over.

    I am on thyroid meds and I saw my endocrinologist last Thursday. She hinted that maybe I was on too much thyroid. I didn't think so at the time but I am wondering if she is right. I need wisdom in how to proceed.

    I hope all of you have a good week. I know we are all continuing to pray for Carol.



  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,331

    Nancy, how are you feeling? I have been praying for you.

    This thread has been a little quiet lately but I know everyone is busy trying to live everyday to the fullest. I am just hanging around trying to be helpful.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872

    Chris, thank you for your prayers. I got dressed yesterday for the first time in a few days so that was improvement. I did a very crazy thing on Tuesday. I got a call and I was in bed and I answered even though I didn't know who it was. It was social services calling about the incident when I was helping the elderly gentleman last week and he got locked out of his house. I called 911 and was able to talk to the policeman while the fire dept was trying to get the door knob off. I told him I questioned whether he should be alone as he had no one. He said he would contact social services and he may have said they will call me. So I spoke to this lady for a while. Then my neighbor who I was supposed to take to her colonoscopy on Wed called me and said she had found another person who could take her. I was so relieved as I was feeling really awful the night before. So I finally got off the phone and was getting ready to take my morning meds. My mind was obviously not focused on what I was doing as I was thinking about the previous phone calls. I realized I had taken some of my night meds that puts me to sleep. So that really goofed up my sleep schedule! I have never done such a thing before.

    My neighbor called me out of bed this morning. I apparently I had turned off my alarm clock and didn't realize it otherwise I may still be sleeping well into the afternoon. With that long winded answer I am doing better.

    I take my last antibiotic pill today and then I am done. I got a good report. When I was at urgent care last week and the doctor drained this cyst he took a culture. I just found out yesterday the type of bacteria I had should be knocked out with my current antibiotic. I am so thankful I didn't have to start another course. My stomach was staring to rebel with all of this built up antibiotics in my system.

    I see my dermotolgist on Weds to evalute this cyst and give me an opinion whether or not she will be able to do the sugical procedure. Even if she can it would be in a future apt.

    I need energy to get bags of mulch out of my driveway and hopefully installed by my last tree which never happened. I have sealcoating of my driveway next Wed so I have to do something soon. I don't feel like doing it today but maybe tomorrow.

    I got a text that a good friend of ours passed away. They had moved her to a facility in Idaho and she was mentally and physically not well for a long time. She and her close friend started a Christian Camp many years ago called Camp One Way. Many people got saved at their camp and I was one of them back in the summer of 1972, the first year they opened.

    How are YOU feeling? Have you had time to enjoy your new deck this year? Thank you for your prayers and reaching out. I do appreciate it. You have my prayers always.

    I have not heard anything from Carol since I last mentioned it. I know she had said she was going to try to post on Facebook and copy it to me or BCO but she may not have been able to do that. Her DH is supposed to email me any news of her passing but I know that would not be on the top of his list. I have continued to pray for him as well knowing how difficult this has been for him and the family and of course for Carol.

    Take care.



  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,331

    Nancy, so nice to hear you are doing better even if not complete. I am sorry for the loss of your friend. It seems like we lose someone or hear of someone getting newly diagnosed almost weekly. Perhaps that is the sign of our age…

    I was able to go to Hobby Lobby and Home Depot with my DD today. I would have loved to stop at JoAnns too but just didn't have the energy for all three. I only had one emergency potty run which I count as a win…sad. Now I get to decorate the house for fall/Halloween. My DD and DGD really like Halloween and my DH obliges them. I never did much before, but I do like fall since we moved where there are actually different seasons, so I make sure there is plenty of that. Those errands completely wiped me out but I am hoping to recover to fix dinner. My energy level hasn't improved on the new lower dosage, but my stomach doesn't hurt as much. I'll take it.

    Love and prayers to everyone here. Chris