thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • Nancy, that is what I thought when I saw you posted at 4:55 am - I'm sorry you weren't sleeping and will be praying for you and also the cyst removal and praying that you are not getting a cold. Maybe it's just the cool rainy weather. I am so happy to hear about Carol, although my nurse friend told me once that it is possible to even leave hospice, some people can be there a couple years. We don't want her to suffer but pray that she is still enjoying being surrounded by family and loved ones and resting in His arms of encouragement.

    Chris, I'm praying that you and your DH are feeling better soon, and for your scans.

    Ade, It is wonderful to hear from you and see the beautiful picture you posted. We are continuing in prayer for you and your DH.

    My nurse friend just started the new med yesterday, so she hasn't noticed anything yet. PT is helping my leg but now they are focusing on quads and found that I don't have that much strength in my upper legs which is important for balance. We had been working on the lower leg at first. So I'll be at this a couple more months. They have changed a couple of my sister's medications and she seems a little better in attitude and not as combative as my BIL calls it. Although he is the one that faces the "combat" the most.

    Praying for each of you. Have a wonderful week!

    Love, Wheatfields

  • Nancy, thank you for posting an update on Carol. I pray she is comfortable and feels Christ's loving presence. I also pray that you're not getting a cold. Colds and RSV are widespread in my area. I have a doctor's appointment on Thursday and have been told to wear a mask! 😷

  • ade
    ade Posts: 724

    I appreciate your kind words and welcome back.

    Nancy I have had many cysts removed and it's no picnic for sure and sometimes they return if they don't get every little particle, but they DO return and get worse if you don't get them taken out. I have a very expensive prescription cream that knocks an infection within 2 days and have not had a cyst grow in a long time. I may have one at the end of one mastectomy scar though - been there for 9 years). My TX oncologist said it was a cyst one time and a rib (!) another time without even looking at it!!! I have so much going on now that's on the back burner. Forgive me if I repeat here. The x-ray for the heart cath was not normal so cardiologist sent me to the pulmonologist who diagnosed my sleep apnea. He ordered a 6-minute walk and pulmonary function test (coming up soon) and a lung CT which just came back - enlarged heart, lungs and liver, partially collapsed lung(s) and some kind of growths on liver and thyroid. I sense yet more referrals coming but have the follow up for the CT scan tomorrow. We shall see.

    Don't look at my pic too closely - hair blown back, no make up and SLIPPERS ON!!! :oD

    Prayers for "all y'all" (learned that in TX for 10 years! :o)

  • Hershey, masks have not been required yet but when I had to go to urgent care so many time this summer and fall I wore my mask as there were some very sick people there at times. I saw my pcp this week and I have a predisone pack that I haven't started yet for fluid on my ears. I do have an ear ache but tylenol is nipping that in the bud. I hope you are doing okay after your surgery. I haven't heard from Carol's friend again even though I had asked her a question. I will send Carol an email but I am not sure she will get it. This friend mentioned texting but I don't have her cell number and I asked if she could give me Carol's cell.

    Wheatfields, I am praying your upper leg will get stronger with PT. When I had PT for my knee surgery recovery I really did feel like it was strengthening all areas of my legs. I hope you will find the same positive results. I'm glad to hear your sister is doing better with a change in meds. I am sure your BIL is thrilled with that too.

    Ade, you have so much going on I can see why a cyst would get bumped to the end of the line. I remember having to go to Mayo Clinic years ago at the push from one of my nurse friends. The thing is you can go in with one problem and come out with several others too. That sounds like what you are going through. My cyst did get bumped to the bottom when I knew I was going to have knee surgery in March. It was not giving me any problems until it started getting larger and infected. It is in my arm pit so not a great place. I have had a very ugly experience with a devil of a cyst years ago and it was removed at least twice and came back. My surgeon went very deep and no problem since he removed it so I get it. I have had to wait a very long time to get into my dermatologist just to evalute it and now have been waiting for the removal in a couple of weeks. Hey no problem with your slippers. In the winter I am always in my boots that I use as slippers while indoors. My hands and feet are always cold because of my thyroid disease. I have had nodules on my thryoid and finally have graduated from all the biopsies and ultrasounds. I pray your nodules will not require any of that. I will pray for all of your challenges.

    Take care dear sisters. My garbage is calling me. I still have to get it out to the curb and it is 10 pm.



  • ade
    ade Posts: 724

    Nancy. when garbage calls . . . one must answer! :oD

    Doc today took blood for liver enzymes and will go from there. He ordered an ultrasound for the thyroid nodule but when I went to schedule it the system said there was no appointment available! I did show him the nodule on my mastectomy scar middle end which has doubled but as I got to thinking, it didn't show up on the lung CT scan so it's probably just a cyst and not to worry. I am finally at rest with that after all these years of wondering. And you're right - getting one thing tested creates MORE!

    My total knee was in February, and I have never completely recovered. I have a LOT of pain even after going through the whole PT. Is yours "normal" yet? I told my ortho surgeon and he says it takes 6-12 months. Not me! Walking oddly throws my bulging lumbar discs for fits too. Still, Nancy, you amaze me at what you can still do!

    Chris, Wheatfields and Hershey, is it still pretty where you are? Our leaves have almost all fallen but the sky is bright blue and the temp is in the 60s one more day and I'm loving it. Winter's on the way eventually. We moved furniture to make room for the huge tree James bought last year on clearance. Not sure why he's in such a hurry though. At this stage of life, I pick my battles. That's not one of them.

    Hope you all have a very pleasant, blessed weekend!


  • Hi Ade,

    I really hope your liver enzymes is normal. I remember 10 yrs ago when I was prepping for bc radiation. They scanned your whole body if I am remembering correctly. I had so much "stuff" that showed up and I saw the results before seeing my oncologist and had myself in a tizzy and most of that stuff was no big deal except the thyroid. I"m sorry to hear about your knee. I had arthroscopic surgery in March and had a couple of setbacks but I am doing okay now. I think we all took our health for granted when we were younger and now it is a different story!

    I am very, very sick today. I started feeling poorly last night and I had a splitting headache. My pcp had ordered a predisone pack for my ear on Monday and I kept waiting and not taking it. I started taking it today. My head is full of congestion and this splitting headache is bad enough but then I started with this terrible jaw pain and tylenol doesn't seem to touch it. I got new covid tests and have read all the directions and have not taken it yet. I had to cancel Cammie's trip to the vet today for her monthly arthritis shot. I have a very important emergency HOA meeting tonight (I am on the board now) and I doubt if I will feel like that. It is on zoom but I don't need anymore stress right now. When I called the vet she said you sound terrible. At least it wasn't a video call to have her say you look terrible too. LOL

    I would appreciate your prayers.

    Have a good weekend.



  • intolight
    intolight Posts: 2,511

    @bandwoman1234 Nancy, I am sorry you are sick and are feeling so terrible. I will be praying for you for relief and a speedy recovery. I do think Covid is making another round. My DH has been sick for almost two weeks although he doesn't have the respiratory issues but he did get his booster last month so maybe that helped. Take care of yourself!

    @ade Ade, thank you for thinking of me. We are in the midst of a three-day snow storm that has closed all schools, most of the city, and several major highways out by us including I 25 south clear to the NM border. We are safe though. We have received two feet of snow and it is still snowing although it is supposed to stop tonight. I can't even get groceries delivered! I had to cancel a PT appointment but that is okay. My DD has to work tonight (nurse) so my DH is out shoveling snow so she can get her car out. I do have a scan scheduled for Monday and it looks like the weather is clear and at least in the 50s so I should be able to make it. So Ade, our trees are full of snow. It was a short fall season.

  • intolight
    intolight Posts: 2,511

    I was just reminded, in a MASH episode no less, that we are not put here to impress others, but to be Jesus for the world in His place. Sometimes I debate why I am still here, then I am reminded I am still here for a reason. May God grant us all strength.

  • Nancy, we are praying that you are feeling much better and have found something that is helping you!

    Chris, praying for you and your DH that you are both on the mend and feeling better!

    Continuing in prayer for each of you!

    Love, Wheatfields

  • Ade - you asked if it is still pretty here - yes it is - we haven't had a hard freeze yet which is unusual and the trees are still clinging to their beautiful leaves!

    love and prayer - Wheatfields

  • Thank you all for your prayers and posts. I am still pretty sick. My horrible headache and jaw pain is now gone which is a huge relief but replaced my incessant coughing. I was too sick to test for Covid so i will never know. It is probably too late to get on Paxlovid but my predisone pack may be helping. I just put in an order for delivery from Walgreens as I had no cough meds and had run out of my cold and flu meds. I still have a lot of head congestion. I just hope I will be well enough to have my cyst removed on Nov. 22.

    Chris, I hope you and your DH are feeling better. Yes, we are all hear for a reason. You are an encouragement to me and to all here. That is big blessing to all of us!!!

    Wheatfields, I don't think we have yet to have a hard freeze. Very unusual. My trees for the most part are pretty bare but there are always those stragglers that hang on after our landscapers have finished for the season.

    I wrote to Carol today and told her we all loved her and were still praying for her.

    Thank you all for being here.



  • intolight
    intolight Posts: 2,511

    Nancy, how are you feeling today? I think this Covid strain has different symptoms, or is it a different virus? How is Cammie doing? I think we are getting all the cold weather so far this year. It has just reached 32° this morning at 8:30 with a high today of 41°. My DGD has a field trip today to the local caves. It will be warmer in the caves.

    My scan results show no changes or concerns anywhere. My past issues would show better on an MRI but this shows I am stable. The praise goes to God. Teka, thank you for asking. I am especially relieved because this is my first scan with being on a lower dosage of my cancer meds. I will now be able to go into the holiday season with less stress.

    There was a sweet man at the infusion center on Monday who was able to ring the bell after having completed his treatments which I will never be able to do. I had just arrived and was standing at the scales which was only three feet away. It is always difficult for me to watch but I am thankful for the good scan results. I will be ringing bells in heaven!

    Blessings. Chris

  • Chris, I am so glad to hear your scans are stable. I do hope that will make your holidays more relaxing and joyful. When we all get to heaven sickness and disease will be forever gone!!!!! PTL!!!

    My cough is getting really bad. I just got out of a hot bath and that really has helped. I have made arrangements with my vet that I will call them from the parking lot and they will come and get Cammie for her monthly shot and then bring her back to the car. I will have a mask on and hopefully not give anyone my germs. If it was Covid I have isolated enough days but my sense is it is not Covid. I am considering going to urgent care if I can't get a handle on this cough.

    Teka, I have not taken my temp for a few days. I usually know when my temp is rising as I feel horrible so that is some progress. I got instructions yesterday on what to do a week prior to this cyst removal. I am really debating on whether I should alert them to the fact I have an uncontrollable cough. I really doubt if I could reschedule for this calendar year. I am praying this cough will just disappear.

    I have to get ready. Take care everyone.



  • Nancy, a trip to Urgent Care may be a prudent thing to do (at least to rule out COVID). These coughs are really something. My husband started coughing last Wednesday, and by Friday morning it was nonstop. He saw his doctor that afternoon and thankfully tested negative for COVID, flu, and strep. The doctor told him that coughs are hanging around for weeks. He recommended that my husband take Mucinex, and that did the trick. I pray that you will get relief very soon!

  • Hershey, I had a few bouts of non stop coughing today that I thought I was going to be sick. It is funny because just a minute ago I took some Mucinex that one of the urgent care doctors prescribed in the summer and I was hesitant to use it. It is the 12 hr version so no going back if you have bad side effects. The cough meds were only helping a little and I did take a Mucinex a couple nights ago. I had to cancel Cammies' vet apt last week for her monthly shot and I rescheduled it for today not knowing if I would still be sick or not. I told them yesterday that I didn't want to pass along any germs so I wore a mask and they came and got Cammie from my car and brought her back. I have been thinking about going to urgent care. I remember a few years ago when I got toxins in my lungs from cleaning out my water fountain and I had to go to urgent care and they gave me a breathing treatment. I took a long hot bath today and that really did help. So I am taking it slowly to see what happens next. I realize that walking pneumonia and thosoe type of things could develop. I never did my Covid test. I was too sick to do it.

    I am really not sure what to do about my cyst removal procedure next Friday. Financially it would be best to do it now but practically if I would start to have a coughing fit after the doctor had already started the procedure that could end really badly. Also there are things I am supposed to stop taking a week before so again that may not be good for this sickness now. I guess I have a few days to figure this out.

    Is your DH still coughing now or did the Mucinex knock it out? I sure hope so.

    How are you doing?

    Take care. Thanks for checking in.



  • Nancy, my husband is doing much better. Thank you for asking. His cough began to subside once he started the Mucinex. He also drank a lot of water, so that helped with the coughing too.

    You've patiently waited to have the cyst removed. I am praying that you quickly recover from the cough and can keep your dermatologist appointment next Friday. Have a most peaceful and restful night.

  • Hershey, I am glad to hear your husband is doing much better. It feels like a miracle as I have not coughed once since taking that Mucinex last night a 9 pm. It is a 12 hr pill. I am very fatigued today and I have a bit of a sore throat but not coughing. So happy about that!!!

  • Hi Teka,

    Today is the first day in 12 days that I actually think I have a little motivation to do some filing and paperwork. I have basically laid in my recliner for days and was wondering if my energy would ever come back. I knew I had to get busy and get my house straightened and cleaned so when I have my procedure on Friday I can lay in my recliner again without all the pressure of the "shoulds" that I am feeling now. I remember taking a class for teachers called Dealing with Stress or something of that nature. One of the teachers said you should never "should" on yourself. Sounds like a catchy phrase and there is a lot of wisdom in that but I have never conquered that yet!

    Cammie gained a tiny bit of weight this last visit so I am pleased about that. I actually thought she should have weighed more as I have had to increase her appetite stimulant from every five days to every three days but it is working so I am pleased about that. She actually played with her ball a few nights ago. She puts it in her food bowl as if to tell me look what I did while you were sleeping. LOL How is Teka (your cat) doing on his meds. Is Teka a boy? I don't remember. How are you doing? DH and family?

    Take care. I called to make Cammies next apt since I was sitting in the car a few days ago and the techs came out to get Cammie. The receptionist called me back and she said I forgot to tell you I am having my other knee done in Dec. I bet you are really glad that is in your rearview mirror. This lady had such an awful time with her first one that she vowed she would never have the other knee done. After she finally got past the horrible pain she decided to have the other knee done.



  • I woke up feeling good about tackling my big too do list so I am taking a little break and getting ready to tackle my bathtub. We had our first snow of the season today. I got my hose drained and disconnected from the house just in time. Whew!!!

    Have a nice weekend as Thanksgiving is near.



  • Nancy, praying for the cyst removal tomorrow and that you will be feeling fine and not overdoing anything today. We did have a little snow on the rooftops yesterday. And the hard freeze came along with it.

    Chris, so glad to hear of a good report on your scans.

    I'm trying to pretend that I don't have a cold, but I do, although it's on its way to the end. My sister keeps telling me that she would like to go back to the apartment even for just a few hours. She sounds very reasonable talking about it, like there is no reason she shouldn't be able to go back over there and watch TV for the afternoon or wash a few clothes. But of course everyone is wondering would she remember after she got there that it was just for a few hours.

    Praying for each of you!

    Love, Wheatfields

  • intolight
    intolight Posts: 2,511

    @wheatfields Sorry you have a cold and hope you recover quickly. Praying for you and your sister.

    @bandwoman1234 Nancy, I will be praying for your procedure tomorrow. I am so glad you got a handle on your cough and feel you can make it through. I keep procrastinating cleaning my bathroom…ugh!!! Maybe tomorrow…

    I had a long, but good day today. It started with one hour of physical therapy, then my DD and I drove to the Outlet Mall (about 45 minute drive) so she could find a couple of dresses for her cruise. After going through at least six different stores and trying on dozens of dresses, she bought one pantsuit. (It is gorgeous!) So we stopped by Penney's on the way home and she found the dresses she needed. We grabbed quick take-out for dinner and I am now home. All-in-all it took eight hours from the time we left the house. I will probably suffer a little tomorrow but it was good to get out. I did use my scooter at the mall because it is a lot of walking. Tomorrow I have the dreaded dental appointment, but I'll survive.

    Thinking of you all. Chris

  • Wheatfields, thank you for your prayers. Yes, I hope I didn't overdue it today. I just now finished everything except figuring out what I will wear for tomorrow so I am going to relax a bit before trying to go to bed much earlier than I usually do.

    I know when my Mom was in assisted living and my sister and I would still drive her all the way near where she used to live for her hair apt. I know my sister and I had discussed if we should ever drive by her house while she was with us and figured that would NOT be a good idea. My Mom resigned herself to the fact that she was not going back to her home. I have to admit that I was quite surprised when she adjusted to her new place. I know that has to be really hard when your sister has not adjusted fully to living in her new home. I really hope that she will one day soon make that adjustment. I do hope you will get over your cold. After all of these days I still have sinus congestion.

    Chris, thank you for your prayers. I had a long day as well but not as fun as your day was. I am glad you had some time with your daughter and was able to help her pick out some clothes for her cruise. I pray that you will not be hurting tomorrow. I am praying that same thing for me as well.

    Teka, I am glad to hear Teka is doing well on her meds. Cammie has been having a lot of trouble with hair balls which I find a bit odd since this is the time she is adding fur and not shedding. When she has hair balls she doesn't eat much so that is not good. She is getting closer and closer to 17 yrs which a year ago I didn't think she would make it to 16.

    Have a nice weekend everyone.



  • hersheykiss
    hersheykiss Posts: 729
    edited November 2024

    Nancy, I'm hoping your procedure went well today and you are resting at home. Praying for a speedy recovery.

    Wheatfields, once my mother moved to assisted living, we chose not to drive her past the family home. She had adjusted to the assisted living arrangements, but there were a few times when she became quite emotional about the house. We felt it was in her best interests to not revisit the old neighborhood.

    Chris, the shopping trip with your daughter sounds like a lot of fun. I am glad you enjoyed the day and hope your dental appointment was uneventful.

  • intolight
    intolight Posts: 2,511

    Nancy, praying there were no complications for you today and that you can rest comfortably.

    Wheatfields, once we placed my mother-in-law in her assisted living place we rarely took her out. She was fine as long as we just went to visit her there. When we took her out she got agitated. They took the ladies out as a group for organ recitals, etc., but as long as she was with the same group she was fine. It was a very small, unique home.

    I actually made it fine all day out with my DD. We were gone almost eight hours! I also did well at the dental office today but now I am totally exhausted and can barely function. Hopefully tomorrow night I can go with the family to take my DGD to see Santa, but if not, that's okay. We are going early as my DD and DGD are going on a cruise in a couple of weeks and it leaves them little time for extra festivities this year.

    Have a warm and safe weekend. Chris

  • Hi everyone,

    Thank you all for your prayers. I was quite nervous and I got to my apt a half hour early only because this place has been difficult for me to get there even with written directions and my GPS. Today I decided at the last minute to go a different way and that worked out very well.

    As a little backstory when I had my breast ultrasound ten yrs ago the position they had me in injured my shoulder and I had to have shoulder PT along with radiation. So this very young and sweet tech asked me about the positioning of my shoulder and I told him my history. The surgeon who is fantastic was so great in letting me take very short breaks to reposition my shoulder and that helped a great deal. I had to laugh because they brought a big garbage can in next to me if I needed it since my history of getting sick during local procedures was not a good track record. I had no problem and things went as well as they possibly could. They will send the sample off to the lab but I am fully expecting it to be benign.

    I do have some pain tonight and Tylenol is not completly doing the job. I know I can ice but I am going to ride it out and hopefully tomorrow will be better. I have been resting in my recliner with Cammie on my lap most of the day.

    I did hear from Carol and was so tickled to get her email. I hadn't checked my email until tonight and I was getting on here to write to you all and Carol had written. Her sister is staying with them to help out Marty and they have increased her pain meds. She sends her love and I told her we would all continue to pray for her and send her love.

    Chris I am glad your dental apt went well and you didn't suffer from your big day yesterday.

    Thanks again for your prayers.

    Have a good weekend end dear sisters.



  • Teka, thanks for the pretty and cute banners.

    Everyone have a wonderful Thanksgiving day.



  • Happy Thanksgiving! I am grateful for each and every one of YOU, and I hope your day is full of love, laughter, and joy!

  • intolight
    intolight Posts: 2,511

    Thinking of you all this thankful day as I am thankful for you all. Nancy hoping you are well and having dinner with family. I am a little teary sitting while the ladies are in the kitchen. This is hard for me. I brought my side dishes and now I'm done. Not my best day but I'm hanging in here. God is good.

  • Hershey, I hope you are enjoying this Thanksgiving Day.

    Chris, I know this is hard for you letting others do work in the kitchen but I am sure you have spent many hours in the past waiting on everyone else so now it is your turn to sit and rest. I am alone today. Because of Cammie's issues I only ask my neighbor to come over while I am gone a couple of days at Christmas. I had planned on cooking yesterday and having leftovers today but I didn't feel like it. I am not sure I feel like it today either but I have to eat something. I am a bit panicked because my underarm bandage is coming off earlier than I thought is was supposed to. Nothing is open now for me to buy some surgical tape. When this cyst got infected a couple months ago I couldn't get a bandage to stick. This young medical tech that put on this bandage did a great job and he used liquid adhesive and not using too much because my skin gets very irrated with adhesives. That may have been a mistake. So I have rumaged through my medical stuff and I have a lot of gauze and bandaides but no adhesives that will help. Trying to get a bandaide to stick in your armpit is a challenge.

    I was going to reach out to my nurse neighbor that lives across the street but I didn't know if she was home and I didn't want to bother her on a holiday. I will ask her tomorrow if I haven't figured out anything by then. I have stitches so I am concerned about getting an infection.

    I am thankful for every one of you too.



  • intolight
    intolight Posts: 2,511

    Nancy, how are you doing? Is your incision healing better? I have been praying for you.

    Teka, Wheatfields, and Hersheykiss, I hope you are all feeling well enough as you prepare for Christmas.