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Latissimus Dorsi Breast Reconstruction



  • Bink182
    Bink182 Member Posts: 11

    Thanks ladies, my PS is going to remove the pocket on the 1st of Oct. He said that wrapping it will not help.  I hope this helps. My original surgery was last Sept.  I am ready to get on with my live

  • Keryl
    Keryl Member Posts: 54

    Renee, welcome reading the string you will see that we all have different combos but many had dx, chemo and rads; many with cellulitis usually due to the radiated tissue. Me too. The LD turning out to be the best or last option, based on how we progressed. I can feel the issue under my arms, and really overall I have good sensation. but it feels a bit odd at times, tugs and pulls a bit. Initially it is very sensitive in arm pit for me because I had nodes out there too. I am 17 weeks out or so, and doing great. Sometimes my lat muscle now on my chest still thinks its a back muscle and flexes at weird times. My back gets tight and then sometimes my chest does too. BUT Overall, I can say my breast looks great, I am regaining mobility, and feeling that I will be totally fine ....No more infection, painful skin or touch and go worry.  After surgery  it was pretty slow for me at first. It's been a gradual  road and picking up speed now. Others rebounded more quickly. I advocate for PT, bio oil as soon as you can. I am 6 years out from my dx  and just got my 4 month labs back today, so feeling good. I wish you the best; everyone here is very helpful. Lean often...

    I have to say that every day is different at this point; some days I barely think about it, other days are slower for me. I have not figured out what causes what or if that even matters. The point is, its getting better. I don't think  that I will be completely normal yet, but compared to the bad days, I am so much better. What is normal after all this anyway?

    Btw way team, I can do an official backstroke, but not quite an official freestyle. I can lift groceries now and do most household chores - :)

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Renee, I can't tell you what to expect since I haven't had my surgery yet, but welcome to this thread. It's been helpful to me.

    Keryl, hooray for the backstroke and the almost freestyle! Swimming will be my measure of progress.

  • kfinnigan
    kfinnigan Member Posts: 490

    Renee, Keryl said it all very well, and I agree with her.  I'm 11 weeks out from LD.  

    Keryl, I love when you wrote "team"!!  we are a team aren't we?!  Congrats on the wonderful swim progress!

    Boy, I had a fill on Monday, and this one really got to me.  I don't have much room left for anymore, and as my PS said, we are very very near the end of the fill process.  But ouchie-wa-wa!  Hope you other gals are doing ok with your fills and are you nearing the end of your fill process?  PS said he normally has patients wait one month after last fill to do exchange to implant, but for me he wants extra time to let my skin stretch/relax.  

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    kfinnigan, yikes! That fill sounds a bit challenging. I hope you're more comfortable today.

  • tedwilliams
    tedwilliams Member Posts: 97

    I am 9 days out from a unilateral TD.  My ride home yesterday from New Orleans was 10 hours.  I finally took a muscle relaxer when we stopped at Buckees an hour +/- from home.  The pain from this surgery for me has been minimal--pain medication only at night to help me relax and sleep.  But this was my 3rd flap.  I asked the surgeon about why I was not experiencing all the things I had read on the blogs.  He suggested I had a high pain tolerance, I responded perhaps I am one tough, old bitch.  I meant to say bird, but bitch came out.  My incision runs from near my spine into the incision under my arm and under my breast.  My husbands says I have two half smiles on my from the  GAP and now from the  LD. The thick area under my arm from the rotation is not bad, but will be reduced during Stage 2.  One drain remains and should be pulled on Monday.  The surgeon taught my husband how to pull the drain by letting him do the one from my breast.  I have been walking lots each day.  I do not have an implant or TE.  Due to the amount left from the GAP flap and the added tissue from the LD I will not have an implant.  During Stage 2 more tweaking will be done on the non flap side to bring symmetry to my chest.   There is no one experience, each woman's body experiences what it experiences.  

    I did wear a Deep Vein Thrombosis machine at night  and while traveling yesterday.  It is a portable version of the DVT machine put on at pre op and wore while in bed at the hospital.  This was a rental unit and I will mail it back to the company when I am finished with it.  Had I flown, documentation was provided to TSA for the device.


  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    keryl, you mentioned bio oil. What's that? A friend sent me some emu oil after I finished radiation. It really made my skin soft. I'm a vegetarian though, so I don't think I'll buy anymore.

  • kfinnigan
    kfinnigan Member Posts: 490

    Doing better 2Tabbies!

    Jana/tedwilliams, wow that is a long drive, and with a drain to boot!  you are a tough bird lol!

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Jana, I agree with kfinnigan! You are tough. And you should use whatever turn of phrase you want! I hope your doc got a laugh out of it.

  • raelan
    raelan Member Posts: 84

    So looks like I'm going to be joining all you ladies soon.  I've had quite a journey to get to this point:

    1. BMX March of 2012.  Delayed reconstruction
    2. Chemo, then radiation, finished in September 2012
    3. Waited a year to start reconstruction to let the radiation damage subside.  Was scheduled for lat flap in September of 2013 then cancelled my surgery to try a new technique involving fat grafting.
    4. Had 2 fat grafting sessions to the radiated side to help repair the damage.  Fat grafting was in September 2013 and December 2013.
    5. Waited 3 months then had TE's placed March 2014.  Started fills.
    6. Finished my fills in June and made the decision to move forward with a lat flap.  While the fat grafting definitely helped, my radiated breast is still too firm and ultimately my PS and I both agree I won't have a good outcome if I go with implants alone on this side.
    7. So I'm currently scheduled for surgery on October 13th.  A little nervous about it, but I think I'll do ok.  My PS seems to think that since I already have my TE's in and they are completely filled, the surgery will be a bit easier on me and my recovery will primarily be in my back.  He says I'll only have one drain, which I like the sound of.   All told, I'm ready to get this behind me.  2 plus years working through this is a long time.    
  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Welcome, Raelan. I understand about being ready to put this behind you. I've only been doing this bc gig for about 14 months, and I am so ready to be done. From what my PS said, it will be a year or more until I reach that point. I hope you'll be done sooner than that since you already have TEs.

  • Keryl
    Keryl Member Posts: 54

    2Tabbies, Bio Oil is just a topical healing oil that hydrates and nourish, recommended for scar healing, but also in general for damaged skin. It is made with PureCellin oil which is a  natural blend that helps it absorb quickly of vitamin A, lavendar, chamomile, rosemary and calendula. It is amazing, for me anyway.  Once the scar on my back was completely closed my PS recommended it to soothe the very tight,  sandpaper feeling and calm the incision down. I think it has helped with my stretching too. It really worked, and feels great.  Oil aborbs very quickly. You can get it online or some  pharmacy type stores. Its about $20 for 4 oz. but often I see it on line for $16.99; my PS does not advise using any of the scar gel stuff (mederma etc) so the Bio Oil was a real find for both my skin and the scar. I think I will use it forever because it is just a great product. (I sound like a commercial) 

    KFinn, Congrats on getting to the end of the fill, you can head down the runway to the exchange shortly! Yes, we are a team that has gone through a pretty unique experience; finding individuals like all of you has been so great. Otherwise I would feel so much more alone because there aren't that many people that you want to or even can talk to about this entire issue, for very long anyway. I think I even grossed out my best friend at one point. You all actually KNOW (and care) about the topic, so I thank you for being there! 

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    keryl, thanks for the info on Bio Oil. I'll have to give it a try. My RO gave me a calendula cream for my skin during rads. It was pretty good, but I have to say I hated the smell of it. I don't think I could use that particular cream again. I got some coconut oil after reading in another forum that it is sometime recommended for vaginal dryness. I've been using it on my chest, and it makes my skin pretty soft. It does not absorb quickly though. However, it smells great! Like coconut macaroons!

    Btw, I see has Bio Oil at $15.99 for 4 oz. Here's the link.

  • kfinnigan
    kfinnigan Member Posts: 490

    Raelyn, you should get good results with the lat flap.  My PS has said numerous times, that without the flap, a tissue expander and implant would not have worked.  I was dx July 2008 so I am a delayed reconstruction gal too.  Wishing you the best in your upcoming surgery day.

    The bio oil sounds wonderful!  I have a couple of other oils I am using at the moment that are nice also.  My PS also said I didn't need the scar creams.

    So I'm still trying to get used to this 'huge' (to me) new TE on my chest lol, I keep knocking into things and knocking it with my hand/arm.  I haven't had anything there for over 6 years and its amazing that something is there, although its hard and doesn't move.  PS said that when you exchange to implant you lose 1/3 of the projection.

  • DPiggy
    DPiggy Member Posts: 132

    kfinnigan - the TE's are a little awkward, but overall, look better than I expected.  I had my last fill 2 months ago, so mine are getting a little softer & do move a tiny bit.  I see my PS next week to discuss my exchange surgery which will be scheduled sometime in Oct, & will be smaller as well.

  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565

    Hi gals: I got home on Sat eve and am trying to figure out what is supposed to be healing.  Since I have had te's, breast implants and now the lap flap, I am bandaged in front and back, (I go to PS on Thur. still am draining), surg was 5 hrs he said I was a great patient, but after my tons of surgeries, I have no idea what to look for the next few days. On Thurs I will ge tthe story. I guess I will bring my gym bra with me> they will call to confirm. Otherwise I feel pretty good, except for my squeezy ball attached to me. I have no idea (what went where) I am sure implant is still in there.  Please forgive if I sound out of my mind. Having a husband with early dementia is no help here either, thank God we have had help for him.  I am wearing the pink tube top, bandaged in back and front. I managed to wash my hair, exercising my arms. This is the first time I said do what you have to in all the years with my history with him. I was afraid to go and look. I guess the hurting now is the healing. I am not new at this, I really am a pro, just mixed up with this procedure. I am not touching anything jus draining my little rubber red ball.  Love u all, and thank you and hope all who had surgeries around my time are recuperating well.  thank you.


  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Ronna, I'm glad you are home and doing well by the sound of it.  I know those horrid pink tube tops well.  Do you only have one drain? That's nice. If anything about the drains can be nice.  Keep healing! 

  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565

    2Tabbies, I guess it is the back that is draining. I am laughing because so used to the breast implants have no idea what is where on me.  Thanks for responding. Hugs, Ronna

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Things do get confusing, don't they! From what I've read about the LD flap, the back is more likely to get a seroma than the chest, so you're probably right that that's where the drain is coming from. Lucky me, I'll get 3. One for my back on the LD side, and one for each breast.

  • kfinnigan
    kfinnigan Member Posts: 490

    Dpiggy, if you wear a tshirt or a thin material top, can you clearly see the flap on your boob.  Mine is slightly raised above the rest of the boob/expander, so I can tell, and I wonder (i need to ask my PS) about this when the TE gets exchanged for an implant if if will be more in line with the boob or still be raised a bit.  I won't be able to wear thinner tops without a bra if it stays like this. (I'm hoping to not have to wear a bra at all times!)

    Ronna, congrats on being done with the flap surgery!  I only had bandages over the flap and back, no type of garment was covering me.  After the drains were all pulled (I had 4, 2 for the flap boob and 2 for the back), then I was wrapped in ace bandages for a couple of weeks, or after 1.5 weeks was told I could wear a tight camisole, which I had plenty of those type tops for layering in the winter.

    I was in pain after my surgery.  The TE was so tight on my chest and every move I made hurt.  Not to mention the back being moved to the front.  I had a bit of a bulge under my armpit, that went away after a few weeks.  My PS kept checking the flap and was happy that it was pink and warm, he said he would have known while I was in the hospital if it was going to fail or not.  You will learn more Thursday.  Report back and keep us posted!  gentle hugs, get lots of rest and walk around the house too.

  • DPiggy
    DPiggy Member Posts: 132

    kfinnigan - fortunately, flap is not raised; it's flush to the skin.  I do wear form fitting tops & nothing is visible.  It may just take a little time before it settles.  When is your exchange?  I am so looking forward to getting rid of these heavy pouches.  I swear they also make me feel warmer than usual.

    I was also in a considerable amount of pain following my surgeries.  I know I had both bmx & double lat, but I'm convinced my discomfort was from lat.  Feeling good now, but that was a tough time for me.

  • 2bluestars
    2bluestars Member Posts: 10

    Hi Ladies....

    Back spasms are mostly gone.  I did learn from my ps that they are caused by the drain.  I still have that one in, but the spasms are much better, mostly gone.  The drain comes out Thursday...gawd I can't wait, it's been in 3 weeks now.  I feel like I can't move forward till it's out.  The point where it goes in, the stitches are pulling so I'm not comfortable but not hurting so it's all good.

    My right ld side, looks pretty good, I have a nice round mini boob.  The non cancer side, they just put in a te and it looks ridiculous, but trying not to focus on that.  I had my first fill last Thursday, only 50cc's, it was weird, but not painful.  Felt a little tight and heavy, but not bad.  My armpits are the most uncomfortable.


  • IntheATL2014
    IntheATL2014 Member Posts: 41

    I have been reading the most recent posts (a few dozen).  I am new to this topic.  I have been using Brava/AFT since April, with a fat transfer and TE at the time of the mastectomy in Feb. (no rads, chemo, or extra node removal), then a transfer in May that took and another in July that failed.  I just had a consult with a second PS today.  Oh, and had a biopsy Fri. on the other breast only to find out it has also gone rogue.  Another mastectomy soon.  Today's PS said that the left breast-under-recon had damaged skin from the infection of the TE (removed in March) and scarring.  He thinks that lower boob skin needs to go and be corrected with LD.  Since I have to have the other breast gone, he could do LD with both.  I am reluctant about TE (uncomfortable the first time, and infection risk times 2) and definitely not interested in permanent implants.  After reading all the commentary, I am really feeling challenged with all the recovery issues.  With the Feb. surgery, I was fine right away.  As soon as the infected TE was removed in early Mar., I instantly felt human again.  Went to the beach and swam and kayaked less than 3 weeks later.  I love to swim and snorkel and kayak.  My first question to the BS after my diagnosis was "How soon can I go to the beach and swim and snorkel?"  With another mastectomy and bilateral LD, I understand more is involved in recovery.  Just feels daunting right now.

    Thanks for allowing me a place to communicate while my head tries to explode from feeling overwhelmed and trying to make decisions I can live with.  Thank you for all your posts.  It does help to read them and think about what all this entails.

  • sistagirl
    sistagirl Member Posts: 8

    Hello everyone: I just had a double LD flap done 5 wks ago after failed skin sparing mx with tissue expanders & implants due to very thin skin. This LD surg is so much better. I had 6 drains for 2 wks but no seroma thank goodness. My back incisions are healing great but I use bio oil (rec on this site). Stretching and arm circles help alot.  The front feels warm and pink and I have sensation (none before) I am very happy with the LD. I have had 3 fills and have 300 cc's now.  Look & feel soft even with expanders. I have low dose valium for muscle spasm but don't have many...stretching my back helps. Hope this info helps.

  • sistagirl
    sistagirl Member Posts: 8

    dear renee...I had double LD flap 5 wks ago. If I touch my chest I only feel it there...not my back as some people have said. In fact my underarms feel soft and very natural. My back feels tight but I walk & stretch alot. This is SO much better than my previous surg with TE and implants alone. Movement really helps. I am very lucky though as I do not need any chemotherapy or rad as mine was prophylactic. However it's been a year already and I sort of feel like I'm in limbo...I do read these blogs alot and feel better as women who have not had this experience cannot relate. Good luck to you. As everyone has said the drains are yucky but once they are out it is much easier..honest..

  • MerrellGirl
    MerrellGirl Member Posts: 21

    sistagirl from florida,

    What made you decide on LD recon?  Did you consider free flap surgery at all?  I know you are only 5 wks or so out, but can you feel the sensation of your back muscle on your chest?  I finished rad treatment in May and have to wait until Nov for recon, and I still don't know what is the best choice to make.  I have painful TEs now so I really want to finalize my decision to give me something to look forward to. . .thanks for sharing.  MerrellGirl

  • kfinnigan
    kfinnigan Member Posts: 490

    DPiggy, exchange isn't scheduled yet.  As the TE fills the flap gets more in line/flush, I will ask him how he thinks it will be when he does the exchange!  Doing the BMX and the flaps must have been tough.  My mastectomy was 6 years ago and was a piece of cake for me. This lat flap is much more involved.

    2bluestars, yes when the drain comes out you will feel so much better!  and the fills are weird huh?!

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    I have an appointment with a third PS tomorrow for a consultation. Even though I already have an LD flap scheduled in November with PS #2, my breast surgeon suggested I see this other guy just to see if he had any other ideas. He's more recently out of school than PS's #1 and #2. I'm pretty doubtful he'll have anything better to offer since I'm not seeing anything in all my web searches other than traveling somewhere for a GAP. I'm not doing that. There is something called a thoracodorsal artery flap (Tapflap). I found this web site:

    A woman on one of my other forums had one, but she lives in the Czech Republic. I've never heard of anyone here having one. Even if PS #3 says he'd do it, I'm going to want to hear that he's already done a bunch of them with good results before I'm buying it.

  • Pilates4me
    Pilates4me Member Posts: 38

    two tabbies,

    I had a tdap with TEs in May in the US.  I had my exchange 5 Sept. You can see my pics on the pic forum where my name is Strange Science.  I see my PS for suture removal today and I've promised more pics.  

  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565

    Hi all, my back where drain is killing me seeing dr. in about 2 hours. Am scared and don't know what to expect. Hope the drain and all the messings under tube top can go. Remember, I only had one side done and implant was changed to a smaller one. My back is in agony I guess that is where they cut. Just hurt so bad.  Will be back.

    Pilatess4me: As a second opinion a very young dr with all the new skills mentioned the TDAP to me. However I went to my original PS for the Lat flap.  Again, I am a pioneer on this journed but had the lap flap done because of failed implant problems.

    Be back later.
