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Latissimus Dorsi Breast Reconstruction



  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    I have never understood why anyone would jump out of a perfectly good airplane, but you go, girl! You looked like you were having fun. I'd have been peeing my pants. 

    I don't know who to believe anymore on the lat flap. I should believe the 2 surgeons who told me not to worry about the strength issue, but I talked to a physical therapist today, and he sounded skeptical. As you said, it's not like they can put our lats back if it doesn't work out. I was about to go with the younger PS who wants to do LD's on both sides and do some fat grafting. He's also been very responsive to my questions answering emails promptly, and he said he might be able to avoid the skin flap with it's football shaped scar on my boobs. Now, I'm wondering if I shouldn't stay with the older guy who wants to do just an implant on the "good" side. I'm a little disturbed that he hasn't responded to my email from last week. I wanted his opinion on doing  flaps on both sides versus just one and whether an LD flap could be done later if the implant failed. I'm going to call his office in the morning and see what's up. Being conservative on the surgery makes a certain amount of sense, but I sure want a surgeon who takes my questions seriously.

  • tedwilliams
    tedwilliams Member Posts: 97


    My attempts at flaps were to avoid an implant.  This final attempt was planned with an implant.  Booby karma intervened and with the LD flap added to what was remaining of the GAP flap there is no implant. My mastectomy was nipple/skin saving and this last time there was concern that the nipple and skin would need to be removed.  The radiated skin ended up be adhered to the chest wall by little white ligament like things.  My surgeon cut each one and the skin fell into place and was soft and pliable.  I am not having any of the issues commented on with the LD.  I am by no means athletic, but I had been working in a winery and toting cases of wine.  Yesterday I vacuumed  and felt tired but not a lack of strength or any pain. I think more of my issues are fears rather than actual occurrences.  Right now the drain is my only source of pain.  

    Stage 2 will be tweaking the LD and reducing and realigning the remaining breast.  At this point the divots in my back and bottom are just that and I will not have work done on them.  A previous surgeon did some work on the DIEP and GAP scars...those were more painful than the actual surgery.  

    You can drive yourself crazy with the what ifs.  My suggestion is to find the surgeon you feel safe and confident with.  There are no guarantees and in the end you need to believe the person you trusted acted in your best interest and did his/her best.  


  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    tedwilliams, thanks for the input.  The problem is I don't feel comfortable with any of this, but I'm even less comfortable staying like I am.  I wish PS#2 hadn't compared losing the lat muscle to losing your appendix or tonsils. Seriously? Do I look stupid? Except for that, I liked him. I'm very pleased with how responsive #3 is and that he said it was good to ask questions. But I'm struggling with his advice to sacrifice both lats. Maybe I should flip a coin.

  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565

    Laughing, because all of the doctors say "stay off the internet".

    Ladies, your posts are terrific.

    Thank you.


  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Yeah, stay off the Internet and just trust them. I did that last year and ended up making a decision based on the incomplete information the doc gave me. 

  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565


    Ladies, I admire the gals who have decided not to reconstruct or who have "deconstructed", but I was not one of them and was given that option too.  This basically was my last option LFLAP. So here I am.

  • renee1008
    renee1008 Member Posts: 14

    Thanks Kari..not a runner either, but I do fast walk (most days) and like to swim...but very leisurely...

  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565

    Just came home from PS. Removed bandages, drain, and now have bra on, as usual will massage, and lift my arms for exercise. . Praying that this procedure has worked for me.  I can drive too, so mentally I am in a better place. The boob is beautiful, I just went to the mirror at home and see that is is more full on side.  Cannot complain. I go back in 3 weeks. At this point, I am hoping not to ask for a prophelatic (sic) procedure on good side.  I am abolutely fine and my scarring better not visit me.

     Maybe I can enjoy my 5 year celebration at the end of the month after all.


  • kfinnigan
    kfinnigan Member Posts: 490

    Warrior, WOW!!!!!!  I couldn't jump from a plane but you sure made it look fun!

    Are any of you on Facebook?

  • Warrior_Woman
    Warrior_Woman Member Posts: 819

    I'm on FB and will gladly friend women on here.  I prefer not to post my name publicly but will gladly message it to anyone who wants to.

    Ronna - You're making real progress.  I'm following your posts and cheering for you as I'm scheduled mid November.  I expect to miss Thanksgiving and that is an important holiday for my family.  I guess there is never a good time.  I was told this will be on par with my BMX and I was driving at the two week mark after that.  

  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565

    Hi gals, I am going to sleep now, but want to know if anyone knows when the roll will go away on side of breast. Just glad this

    craziness with me will take a rest. Warrior Woman, thank you for the cheering section. Still very much overwhelmed glad and sad at the same time.

    Hugs and good health to you. 

  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565

    Hi gals: Back again, will have to read posts on the gals who have completed this surgery. I had an extremely uncomfortable night, and am very queezy now  Saw the roll on the side and I don't think I was prepared for that.    I think I remember some of the posts talking about the side roll. Not a happy camper today so hope this feeling goes away. I also felt numbness which I had not felt since original mastectomy.

    Hugs and a L'Shana Tova to my Jewish bc sistas.

  • kfinnigan
    kfinnigan Member Posts: 490

    Ronna, the side roll should go down with time and I'm sorry to hear you had an uncomfortable night!  Are you feeling any better yet?  Take it easy today.  Are the pain meds making you queasy?  What's going on with that?  sending hugs to you

    Warrior, we will connect also on FB!  I love to see sista living life and enjoying it!!

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Ronna, I'm sorry to hear you aren't feeling well today. kfinnigan might be right on the pain meds. Remember you're not that far out from surgery so I don't think I'd get too worried about the side roll at this point. You've probably still got lots of swelling.

    I have a question for everyone. Would you rule out a surgeon just because he isn't board certified? PS#3 in my post above is not board certified.

  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565

    FKinnigan and Two Tabbies, I called dr. this morning who will think here comes the complaining. FKINNIGAN AND TwoTabbies, I am really trying to figure the stiches in back are the cause and yes uncomfortable with the roll and it could be the meds, plus funny feeling in chest. Hoping that goes away too. Thank you for kind words.

    2Tabbies, just noting that I would want a board certified PS only.

    I am on FB.

    Hugs to all, 

  • DLL66
    DLL66 Member Posts: 448

    I would also rule out a PS that is not board certified.

    For me, wearing a snug bra with wide sides helped keep that side roll flat. I am a couple years out from bilateral lat flaps & both sides are pretty flat now.

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    ronqt, I hope you doc doesn't think you're just complaining. I'm afraid the one PS I'm looking at (#2 - the older guy who is board certified) thinks I'm a worrier and a high maintenance patient since I've been asking a lot of questions. More than the average patient, I guess.

    DLL66, thanks for you input. How are you doing as far as arm strength? That's my main concern.

  • DLL66
    DLL66 Member Posts: 448

    My arm strength is pretty good. I can still swim & do pretty much everything that I could before. 

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    DLL66. Thanks. That's good to know. I'm leaning toward keeping my scheduled surgery with PS#2. He might not use the absolutely latest methods, but he's board certified, and has done a lot of LD flaps. I just wish he hadn't made the ridiculous comment about losing the lat muscle being no different than losing the appendix or tonsils. I hope it was a slip of the tongue because he was just running out of ways to try to convince me that I'll be able to continue my regular activities without the lat. He comes very highly recommended so I guess I can forgive that comment.

  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565

    DLGG Thank you. 

    Two Tabbies: Your surgeon No. 2 sounds like my guy. My guy is a cheerleader although I don't feel that way at the moment. He has always been right. I am also working on keeping my arm moving, since I have been through the arm thing before. 

    I have good arm movement at the movement, on leave from gym due to surg and home issues, but can't wait to get back and Zumba.



  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Ronna, I'm glad you have good arm movement and understand your desire to get back to exercising. Zumba isn't my thing, but swimming is. I'll be very impatient to get back to it, I'm sure.

  • Warrior_Woman
    Warrior_Woman Member Posts: 819

    Tabbies - I also vote to rule out a PS that is not board certified.  And I want one with lots of LD experience.  The PS I am seeing is the one who made the YouTube video.  It's what he is know best for.  I think some of the carefree attitude comes from the fact that they see this everyday and they don't perceive this as a huge deal.  I prefer that attitude to someone who is hyped up about it.  

    Ladies - Isn't the roll on the side swelling?  I am accustomed to feeling my ribs when my arms are at my side.  I did not realize that the "roll" will last a long time?  Doesn't the swelling subside in a couple weeks / months?  I wasn't planning on rolls for years.  What is a reasonable expectation?  Frankly, I like feeling my ribs as it keeps me from thinking I'm fat.  Will I lose this?   

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Warrior, I can understand the surgeon being somewhat carefree since it's just another day at work for them. But they also have to realize that it's a lot more than that to us. I guess he's just not used to having a patient question him so thoroughly. I am nothing if not thorough. I hope I didn't piss him off. The last thing I want is somebody who's pissed at me coming at me with a scalpel. I'm assuming that he's probably forgotten all about this by now and not holding onto any annoyance with me. I sure wish that at some point he'd answer my email, but I'm done pursuing it.

    I think the roll under the arm is both swelling and the lat muscle itself. I know I've read some posts by women who said they didn't notice it after a while. Good for you for being able to feel your ribs with your arms! I saw my RO yesterday, and she said I looked liked I'd lost weight in the last 6 months. I think she was shining me on.  I've changed up my exercise routine in hopes of some weight loss and increased strength, but the scale doesn't budge, and my clothes aren't any looser. Thank you, Tamoxifen. That's what I'm blaming it on anyway.

  • DPiggy
    DPiggy Member Posts: 132

    Ladies - the roll is very normal & will subside in time.  It's due to both swelling & the lat muscle being repositioned.  I asked my surgeon around two weeks post op if this would go down; I felt like I had a loaf of bread under each arm.  She assured me it would, & eventually it settled into place.  I also think stretching helped quite a bit to soften & loosen that area.  My husband is a PT, so I'm very fortunate.  He helped tremendously with the overall tightness (front & back), & no loss in range of motion. 

    Saw my PS on Monday, & my exchange surgery will be scheduled sometime between 10/18 & first week in November.  I'm starting to get that anxious/nervous feeling again, but I am looking forward to saying goodbye to the TE's.  It's been almost 3 months since my last fill, & will be happy to get rid of these heavy pouches.  I know this surgery is nothing compared to the bmx/lat, but I will have same restrictions for 6 weeks following - no lifting, pulling for 6 weeks, sleeping on sides for 3 weeks, lifting arms above my shoulders, etc.  Once again, it's the unknown.

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Dpiggy, ah, yes. The joy of the unknown. I hope you get your exchange scheduled soon and all goes smooth as silk. I'm so ready for all of this to be over and so freaking scared of what I'll end up looking like. Then there's the worry that I'll be the odd person who ends up with problems because of losing the lat. I'm not worried about the pain, etc. from the surgery. I normally do fine with that. It's temporary. It's the long term consequences that make me nervous.

  • sistagirl
    sistagirl Member Posts: 8

    Merrellgirl.   I chose LD flaps as I donot have enough belly fat for diep or tram  I took ps advice and am much happier than implants alone. My skin was thin from breast lift and implants years ago. You could almost see the implants thru my skin &  ps felt the implant would eventually work it's way thru skin. It has been 8 wks out now and I have 360cc.  My back is loosening up well from arm circles and stretching and bio oil. Like I said earlier I am lucky not to need rad or chemo or any lymph nodes out ad mine was prophylactic due to dense breasts and many years of biopsies etc. I keep thinking how I will look when done and will probably go to 6 or 700cc I am 5ft 6in at 135 lbs and overall feel very good. That is pretty much my story. As I said before I am very fortunate and thank God everyday  good luck to you too I hope you are doing well.

  • Andrea623
    Andrea623 Member Posts: 572

    2Tabbies, I had to chuckle when you used the phrase, "shining me on". I haven't heard it in years! We used to say that back in high school, and I had forgotten it till you mentioned it.

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Andrea623, I'm happy to have provided a trip down memory lane. :-)

  • raelan
    raelan Member Posts: 84

    2Tabbies - Your PS #2 also sounds a lot like mine.  In fact, he made the exact same statement to me regarding "it's like losing your appendix" and "only extreme athletes might be impacted by it".....which I'm not .  I took it in stride because he's never steered me wrong, has been 100% spot on with everything he's told me to date (I've had 4 surgeries with him already.....2 fat grafting, and 2 T.E. placements), and he genuinely knows his stuff.  He specializes in reconstruction, has done A LOT of lat flaps over the years, and is very experienced.  I think his statement was intended to reassure me that it's been his experience that most women do fine with this surgery.  My personal opinion is you want someone very experienced who's done a lot of lat flap procedures to increase your odds of success.

    I have a good friend who went through a lat flap procedure about 10 years ago and was quizzing her the other day about loss of strength.  She really didn't think she lost much, but did say if she's really thinking about it she notices a difference in "feel" on her back (she only has a lat flap on the right side).  Overall, she stated any loss of strength over time has probably been due more to the aging process than the lat flap.

    I'll only be having a lat flap on my right (radiated) side.  The left prophylactic side will be implant only.  My PS feels he can get my right side to about 95% of the left side symmetry-wise.  I'm good with that.  Would rather keep the muscle on the left and have a slight difference between the 2 than sacrifice it for perfection.

    I also agree with the others that indicated they wouldn't go with a PS who isn't board certified. For this particular procedure I think you really want someone who's spent a lot of time at the table with a scalpel.     

  • kfinnigan
    kfinnigan Member Posts: 490

    DPiggy, I'm waiting anxiously with you while you wait!  big hugs