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Latissimus Dorsi Breast Reconstruction



  • Keryl
    Keryl Member Posts: 54

    HI everyone, I went to PT today and my measurements and range of motion good. Getting more and more strength exercises which is optimistic. Hey, I do have a question of those who already underwent the LD and also had nodes out on that side...... If you drink caffeine, alcohol or salty foods, do you feel additional tightness and constriction in the region? I have tested this over the last few months and I am quite certain that caffeine especially sets me back for a day or two. I did read about it on line re. lymph, but it had not occurred to before the LD; I can give it up but just wondering if any of this resonated with you?

  • kfinnigan
    kfinnigan Member Posts: 490

    Keryl, I had 16 nodes out on the lat side and caffeine doesn't affect me.  Salt does, I can't wear my wedding ring everyday, I try and put it on and if it only goes halfway I go without it.  But its been this way since my mastectomy 6 years ago.  The lat flap surgery in June hasn't changed anything in that regard for me.

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,502

    The decision to reconstruct or not is very personal. There is no “right way” to approach mastectomy and reconstruction (or lack of it). There is only the way that is best for you, your preferences, and your healing.

    We are looking to hear your stories and/or quotes on this topic. What is the experience of your diagnosis, treatment, and reconstruction process? What helped guide you in your decision, and select the option that was best for you? What were your feelings leading up to reconstruction, if you chose that route, and how have you felt since the surgery? If you opted against reconstruction, have you been satisfied with that decision, and what led you to that choice? Your experiences will help others newly diagnosed get through their journeys - do you have any advice for those considering reconstruction, or deciding not to reconstruct?

    Please share your age, country where you live, type of reconstruction you selected, inspiring messages, and a high-quality image of yourself or something that represents you.

    We'd love to add your story to this section: Acknowledging our Members

    Send to us in a Private Message! Thank you!

  • Warrior_Woman
    Warrior_Woman Member Posts: 819

    Moderators - You do an amazing job!

    I haven't had the surgery yet so this may not be helpful.  After my BMX & 4 other surgeries with failed reconstruction, I feel tightness across my chest.  It feels like an elastic band across my chest and around my back.  My PS said it's scar tissue that is likely to worsen after the LD.  They do massage on my to break up the scar tissue.  It absolutely is helping.  I rarely notice the tightness now.  They said for most women after the LD it takes about a year before the tightness goes away assuming the person has the PT.  

  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565

    Scar tissue was my problem.  Went to pain management and had injections, phenol, kenelog, nothing would help me, went to the lymphadema pt, who worked so hard but did not help.  After searching with the new young hot shot dr., (he actually did not want to step on my PS toes) I stayed with my original PS who said take it out.  I could not go that route.  End result the LD which has a tight feeling, don't know if it is scar tissue yet.  If it is I am in trouble.  Praying it is not, along with the fact that implant and muscle moved under the arm pit yesterday 3 times while sleeping.  I am now taped up wearing a tight bra 24/7.  The Pain Management dr. said I was one of the worst cases he had treated.  I knew this would be a big surgery with a long recovery time but I am waiting it out.  

  • Artemis17
    Artemis17 Member Posts: 30

    Thank you for the welcome Mods.. :-)

    I have had a good read through lots of the info and although there are some minor differences here in the Uk, it has been helpful. As we don't pay for our NHS treatment, we don't have to shop around, but all our PS are very good I believe as there is nothing to "make a profit" on.

    I hope some of the ladies here who have recently had this Op can give me some idea of progress, like I said originally, on the UK site there is less focus on the reconstruction side, getting through Chemo seems to be the main discussion area, so I haven't really found anyone who I can buddy up with or get "been there done that" advice.


    Anyway, I shall keep popping back in and checking other threads.

    Thank you again my American sisters


  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Artemis17, you're welcome to buddy up with us. I'm sure a lot of the experience is the same no matter which side of the ocean we're on. I'm having an LD flap with expander on one side and just an expander on the other side in November. Good luck Monday! I think you're lucky to have your NHS, btw.

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Ok, everybody, I think I'm losing it. I keep having these awful thoughts of waking up from this surgery and not being able to move my arm or it being so weak as to be basically useless. I know that's not realistic, but I can't get it out of my head. So, those of you who have already had this procedure, what was your arm strength/mobility like right afterward? If it matters, my PS doesn't do the muscle sparing version. He said it didn't matter so he doesn't do it.

  • Linda54
    Linda54 Member Posts: 509

    I haven't been active on BCO in several years but I do try to help if someone sends me a private message asking about my surgery. I had immediate bi-lateral LD flap with expanders replaced by silicone implants.  My surgery was 6 yrs 5 months ago...I know it is good to hear from someone who has a few years behind them with this surgery so that is what I am doing back here posting with an update.  I was 54 when I had the surgery and now I am headed toward 61.  I am very active  running, biking, strength training, spinning, gardening and working as a hair stylist.  It takes a long while to get strength back in the upper body. I remember just trying to turn over in bed was an ordeal. A year later I was happy that I could finally crank the gas leaf blower.  It takes patience and time.  When I had the expanders it felt like a boa constrictor was squeezing my chest especially when I would run. I thought when I had the exchange the tightness would go away but was very disappointed when the iron bra feeling remained.  I must say that this far out from surgery I still have the tightness but it doesn't bother me like it use to. Even without a bra on it feels like I have one on.  I haven't had any problems with this surgery and the implants have done well.  There's nothing I cannot do, I can do push ups again..I am not a swimmer, golfer or mountain climber so I cannot say how, through the years, this surgery will affect those activities. I know there are some negativity about the LD surgery as there is with all kinds of reconstruction surgeries.  Not everyone will be pleased or be without problems.  Most of the time you do not hear from people like me, only the ones who are having problems and seeking help on the forums.  I have no complaints except for the tightness and I can live with that.  I hope I have helped by coming back to post an update on my LD reconstruction.  Please feel free to send me a PM if you have any questions. I do not come to the forum on a regular basis so I may not see your responses or questions.  God bless each of you.

  • Linda54
    Linda54 Member Posts: 509

    2Tabbies, saw your post before I logged off and wanted to assure you that you will have arm movement....God bless you.  You will do exercises to gain more mobility in your arm...each day will be a little better and soon you will be lifting a gallon of milk again and raising a window Smile

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Linda54, thanks for your response. Just in case you don't see this,
    I'll PM you as well, but wanted to post here for others to see and maybe
    respond. You aren't telling me that it will take a year or more for me to be able to raise a window or lift a gallon of milk are you?  How long did it take until you were able to do those things and other normal every day activities? I have a laptop that I have to
    haul back and forth to work. It probably weighs 10lbs. I will need to go
    back to work 2-4 weeks after the surgery so I can't take a year
    (or even months) to build up to it. I just can't. I know you meant to be
    encouraging, but I find this so depressing. I don't have any other
    options for recon. I just want to look like a normal human female, but I
    do need full use of my arms within a reasonable time frame.The PS categorically told me not to worry about strength issues. I know there's a recovery period, but just how long are we talking about?

    Can anyone else weigh in on the "iron bra" feeling? Does it ever go away or become minimal? I've had some of that since the mastectomies over a year ago, but it's gradually gotten better and is pretty minimal now. Thanks, everyone.

  • Artemis17
    Artemis17 Member Posts: 30

    Morning Linda and 2tabbies (well its 6am here in the UK)

    I appreciate your replies. I have 24 hours to go and am feeling more nervous now than excited. Having read through many posts, I'm hoping to not have too many issues with how it feels immediately after surgery as  I've had a TE in for over a year whixch has ben very uncomfortable so im thinking immediate relief when that baby gets taken out...Also had the nodes etc removed last May so I already have a lot of residual numbness and im not going to be having an implant put in, just my own tissues. maybe im naïve though??.

    I live with my teenage son, but for the initial days once im discharged i'll be moving in with my boyfriend, otherwise I'd definitely not be able to rest up...Im visualising feet up, snacks on demand and free reign of the TV remote control haha...To be honest, im a very active, fitness type person, so enforced rest will drive me scatty.

    Can anyone shed an light on the "under arm bulge" where the muscle is threaded through. Is it a significant bulge, and if so does it eventually disappear?. Alos, I read about involuntary jumping/twitching of the flap, is this while doing things or just relaxed??.


    AS always thanking anyone who take the time to respond.Smile




  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Good morning, Artemis. Although, it's still evening here if a bit late. I can't help you with your questions. Just wanted to say hello and sympathize with your nervousness. I think your plan of putting your feet up and being waited upon is a good one for as long as you can stand it. I'm not used to that either. I'm sure we'll both be chomping at the bit to get back to our normal routines. I'll be thinking of you on Monday and hoping all is going much relief from the annoying TE. A year is a long time to have one of those.

  • tedwilliams
    tedwilliams Member Posts: 97


    I am 4 1/2 weeks out.  I carry my purse, my laptop and I open windows.  There is not a great deal of tightness but it is there.  I just have to remind myself to walk and hold myself normally.  Sometimes I go into I must protect my left side and that is when I hurt.  The first time I cut the end off of an onion it was more about fear than not being able to put pressure on the knife.  The last week and half I have been driving, shopping and just getting back into life.  My next step is to check out physical therapy.  I can raise my arm over my head, do forward and backwards circles.  I just need someone to coax me back into truly stretching and moving.

    The bulge under my arm feels like a fat boob.  I notice it in clothing, but none of my friends have noted it.  And several of mine would honestly tell me if they thought it looked really noticeable or bad. Here in south Texas it is still hot so I wear sleeveless clothing almost daily.    There are days my left side feels heavy and swollen.  Those are the days I probably have done too much--carrying a half case of wine or a box of treasures from the resale shop.  A quick massage of my arm and side with a time out on the couch usually takes care of that feeling.  

    I worked in a winery, so going back in 2-4 weeks is not an option.  Lifting cases would have caused a panic for me and my coworkers would have been running to take care of me.  Not fair to them during the wine trail season.  So I am not going back.  This time out allows me to work on Advent calendars for the grand babies.  


  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    tedwilliams, thank you for your post.  That makes me feel better. I know everyone is different, but at least it sounds like carrying my laptop and walking the mile between where I have to park and my office should be possible within a reasonable time frame. How fun that you work in a winery.  I live in a big wine producing area. If I had a more physical job, I wouldn't be planning to go back too early either; but I just work at a computer all day. 

  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565

    2Tabbies, with all my problems as you have read, yes, you can move your arm.  I can extend it out, although there are some restricitons while doing certain activities. On the 10th it will be one month, I am not lifting or doing things I should not. I am even driving with one arm. 

    2Tabbies, I sympathize with your anxiety and always here for you.  I have to call PS tomorrow and let him know even taped up I had an incident last night again implant fell from pocket, remember, I am not a good healer. 


  • Linda54
    Linda54 Member Posts: 509

    2Tabbies, I had a double LD..cut on front and back both side so both my arms were affected.  I went back to work in my hair salon in 4 weeks, 2.5 weeks started walking on the treadmill then at 6 weeks started adding running to my walks...week 12 I ran 10 miles. Then I started back with light weight workouts.  Did you have both sides done? If not, I think when you return to work you will do fine carrying your laptop and walking.  I do not remember just how long it was before I could lift a gallon of milk but it wasn't too long.  I had to get back to work also since I own the salon but no heavy lifting required in a salon. 

    Artimis17, I remember early on my muscle would jump when I would write...doesn't do it anymore but I can make both my boobs jump by flexing...and as to the bulge under the arm, I did not experience that.

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    ronqt1, thanks for your response. At least you CAN drive even if it's one handed. I have a car that steers really, really hard so driving is probably going to be tough for a while. I'm sorry to hear your implant still isn't stable.

    Linda54, I will be having the LD flap on the side that got radiation and just an implant on the other side. So both sides will have incisions but I'll only lose one lat muscle. It's good to hear that you were able to go back to work at your salon after 4 weeks. Thanks.

  • Andrea623
    Andrea623 Member Posts: 572

    Ronna, can your PS go back in and tighten up the pocket? I know that would mean another surgery, but you can't keep having the implant under your armpit!

  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565

    Hi Andrea, that is exactly the plan.  I have to call him tomorrow.  He told me that when it initally happened, that would be the worse scenerio.  

    Hugs, hope you are doing well.

  • Andrea623
    Andrea623 Member Posts: 572

    Ronna, I'm doing okay. Rads side still doesn't feel good, but it is what it is, at least for the time being.

    What kind of dog do you have? Your photo is adorable!

    Please let us know what your PS says tomorrow. I hope it can be taken care of soon. 


  • Artemis17
    Artemis17 Member Posts: 30

    Oh, I didn't even think about not being able to drive.!. I'm having left side LD which is the gear changing side as we drive on the opposite side to you guys & my cars not automatic. 

    Linda, Interesting to hear the under arm bulge isn't a given,  maybe I'll escape one too.

    5hours until I have to be there,  after a couple of weeks of sleepless nights thinking about the op, I'm hoping once today's over with I'll sleep better. .

    I will post once I'm back although it maybe a few days until I can online.  Catch you all later.

  • Andrea623
    Andrea623 Member Posts: 572

    Good luck Artemis17! I'm wishing you all the best.

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Good luck, Artemis! 

  • raelan
    raelan Member Posts: 84

    Best of luck Artemis. We'll be thinking about you. 

    My surgery is one week away, so starting to count down the days.    

  • Keryl
    Keryl Member Posts: 54

    I can't tell if moderators comment were meant for me or just coincidently just after my comments on caffeine reaction, but anyway, I am off and running and making tons of progress; certainly not without difficulty, so just trying to keep questioning a few changes all along the way that might be helpful to you.   I've tried to weigh in on the decisions and decision process also; I am still not sure where I will land overall. Everyone is so different, my best to you all! 

  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565

    Hi gals:  

    Artemis17: best of luck on upcoming surgery

    Andrea, I have a poodle who is going to be 8 in Dec., my rescue crazy dog.  He is cute however and that is one of the best pics I have of him without a haircut. Thank you.

    I did go to PS this am., he said it is not unusual for the pocket not to close. Not to panic. He said I am doing great.  He said to wear the tightest bra I have 24/7 and there could be a 50/50 chance it will close on its own.  Of course I panicked feeling nothing there, I am not in the medical field.  I go back on the 28th and again worse scenerio a short surgery to close the stitches in the pocket.  I think I might have mentioned it. my beautiful husband was diagnosed with early dementia late last year, he had a shunt put into his brain causing more stress necessary than we both need.  During my last surgery I had to hire a caregiver to help out with him and my friends pitched in too.  I have recently started to push too hard in managing us without the caregiver for him. They are back and I am trying to rest as much as I can.  He also asked do I have the pain which led to this surgery and I said no.  I am praying that the scar tissue stays far away and not having to do with the pocket not closing. I know my PS is giving me the confidence to get through this he has always been my biggest cheerleader. We tenatively have plans to travel to Fl mid November and now dont know if we can get there.  

    Andrea, you are right, it is what it is.  I never had rads so I don't know the feeling of what you are going through but you have my best wishes.

    Raelan, good luck on your upcoming surgery.

    Hugs to all, going to lie down and rest.


  • naiviv
    naiviv Member Posts: 308

    Hello all.

    Have been absent and trying to catch up.   I will be 9 weeks tomorrow since my  LD leftie surgery and I continue to improve daily and 19 weeks post DIEP.  Physical Therapy has helped me tremendously with range of motion on left side and to be able to move and do more physical activities without fear or guarding my surgical areas. I can sleep on both sides.  I try not to carry anything too heavy on that arm because that is also my lymph node arm and I was told not to carry heavy purse or pc bag on that side. I just can't carry om my right shoulder, doesn't feel right so I carry in my hand.

    Remember we don't lose the Lat muscle fully, only a piece is taken for the breast. So most persons will regain the same use they had before surgery.

    Be well, heal quickly


  • kfinnigan
    kfinnigan Member Posts: 490

    Artemis, thinking of should be done by now and on the healing side of things!

    I remember walking around like my left arm was in a sling for 3 weeks, I was very protective of it and walked gingerly.  Then things just fell into place and the arm straightened out, the little bulge under my arm went down and I walked normally again...for me all around the 3 week period.

    This last fill has been tough for me, a throbbing pain on my side and under the boob my lat flap surgery with TE was June 25th.  The scheduler called and they have no openings til January, so at least now I know I can enjoy the holidays.

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Is it always true that only part of the muscle is used? I thought that was only for the muscle sparing version of the LD flap.  I could swear my PS said he uses the whole thing because if part was left it didn't really function anyway.  He said it's other muscles that compensate for the loss of the lat. 

    Ronna, I'm so sorry about your hubby.  That must be so stressful.  I'm glad you've got some help so you can rest.  

    Vivian, nice to hear from you.  I'm glad you're doing well. 

    Kfinnigan, sorry you're hurting from the fill.  It must feel like a long haul since June.  Bummer no appointments are available until January, but as you said at least you won't be recovering from surgery during the holidays.  

    I just wish November would get here so I can get my own show on the road. I stopped by the PS's office today to drop off a form I need filled out for work.  I asked if there were before and after photos I could look at besides the ones on the website since the surgeon's assistant had told me those were old and not the best.  I'm a bit anxious to get an idea of what I might look like in a year.  The beautiful, shapely receptionist looked at me like she had no idea what I was talking about.  She's obviously clueless about how someone in this position might feel.  Or maybe I'm the only one who wants to see the potential outcome ahead of time and wasn't satisfied with "look at the website. " I feel like a neurotic mess.