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Latissimus Dorsi Breast Reconstruction



  • DPiggy
    DPiggy Member Posts: 132

    kfinnigan - my PS used Mentor Smooth Round Ultra High Profile 535cc gel implants.  She used Mentor TE's, which she filled to 550cc's, & stayed in the same Mentor family since I didn't have any issues w/ the expanders.  It won't be long for you.

    raelan - settling in to the pockets is exactly what my PS said would be happening over the next several months.  I have to wear a surgical bra pretty much 24/7 for 3 months to help w/ molding & situating.  I've been working from home since Friday, & today was my first day going into the office.  I was only there for about 4 hours, but I was exhausted.  Since this surgery was nothing compared to previous procedures, I feel like I can get back to normal routines fairly quickly.  But, I'm realizing I do need to take it easy for a little while.  It's only been a week since the exchange, & my body is telling me I need a little more time. 

  • DPiggy
    DPiggy Member Posts: 132

    2tabbies - good luck with everything.  I'm sure you'll be good to go for your surgery.

  • jbokland
    jbokland Member Posts: 275

    My PS is very fussy with pre op oders.  Before BMX, : days of showers with Hibiclense. Then after surgery; new shower head, sterilize bathroom, clean towels and linens every day ...all while drains present.  

    I had 150 cc refilled on my radiated foob yesterday...oiy!  Rough night!!!

    Saw PS today for preop visit.   I will have the flap WITHOUT an excision on my back. He will tunnel under my armpit by extending BMX incision. 2 hour surgery, and probably outpatient.  I am having 650cc silicone round, high profiles installed. ;0)

  • sharsalo
    sharsalo Member Posts: 38

    I only have to scrub twice the morning before surgery. Hmm... and some ointment in the nose to prevent MRSA. My surgery is coming up on Wednesday morning (less than a week!) and I find myself beyond freaked out. I find myself so concerned with the downside (the effect on my arm and my ability to do things, lymphedema, weird sensations that may drive me crazy) rather that the upside, that I need some reassurance. This is a good thing, right?

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Sharsalo, I wish I could say something to reassure you that it's going to turn out fine. We don't know the future, but most women do well with this surgery. I hope I get to have it on schedule. I don't believe that there's anything wrong with my heart that wouldn't have been found before now. I'm just worried there will be another screw up in communications. I'll be with you in spirit on Wednesday whether or not I get to have my surgery on Tuesday.

  • sharsalo
    sharsalo Member Posts: 38

    I hope you get to have it too, 2Tabbies. It's hard to be put off at the last moment from something you been mentally and physically preparing for. I know there are no guarantees and I suppose that's my issue -- I just don't want to compromise my health for something that isn't absolutely medically necessary, even though it is something I want for myself. Last minutes jitters, I guess. I really hope things get worked out and you'll be one step ahead of me!

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Sharsalo, I'd sure love a guarantee or two myself! Sometimes I still find myself thinking I must be crazy to have this surgery when it's not medically necessary, but bottom line is my body image is crap right now. There's a good chance the surgery will help that. I've looked at the risks and benefits and decided the benefits outweigh the risks. As near as I can tell without a crystal ball that is. I told my PS I wish he worked with a magic wand instead of a scalpel because that's what it would take for me to really like how I'd like to look. I sure wish I could take tomorrow, Friday and Monday off from work because I seriously doubt I'll accomplish much.

  • raelan
    raelan Member Posts: 84

    Warrior Women - I've never heard Whippetmom speak negatively about lat flap surgery so your comment surprised me.  l know she is a huge proponent of fat grafting to radiated skin to help repair some of the damage and regenerate tissue, but this is still in its infancy stage and the current success rate is very individualized.  I actually did two fat grafting sessions last year in the hopes I could avoid a lat flap, but it was not to be. My radiation damage was simply too severe. 

    Granted, for women who truly have options and have enough fat for a diep, then certainly for some that's the better way to go.  However, that wasn't an option for me.  I could have gone down the path of multiple stacked flaps (diep and gap) done at NOLA, however the out of pocket cost would have been horrendous even with insurance since they are out of network for me and balance bill.  And if you think lat flap surgery has a long recovery, you can only imagine the recovery for a combined diep/gap surgery on both sides.

    The irony of all this is that carrying a low BMI has been proven to reduce your risk of reoccurrence, but works against you if you need any type of tissue transfer as part of your reconstruction.  

  • Artemis17
    Artemis17 Member Posts: 30

    Hi everyone, 

    2Tabbies, sorry to hear you're having to jump through more hoops!. Good job you're on the ball but very frustrating for you. Hope everything gets signed off ready for surgery. I had regular heart scans as I had herceptin as well as radiotherapy, there was a slight change over the year but nothing to prevent surgery. 

    As for the hibiscub...ouch!!. Over here we are tested for MRSA at our pre-ops & told to shower prior to admittance but not with anything particular.  I'm surprised you'd have any skin left.. :-)

    Diep is the most common reconstruction here but like some of you i don't have much belly so LD was my only option. Its not perfect & I'll need some fat grafting but I see it as work in progress & hopefully I'll soon be able to look at my reflection and not wince. 

    Jbokland, that sounds a neat way to reconstruct, you'll feel it in your armpit I imagine, lots of physio to get full ROM afterwards. :-)

    Sarsalo, the nerves are understandable, unfortunately there are no guarantees but reading through this thread everyone is being honest and even if there are initial concerns, mostly everything works out & all the issues that seem a problem immediately before/after surgery are manageable & we all see ourselves healing with the passage of time.  Hope you are able ti go into surgery with calmness and confidence that you'll end up with an awesome rack...!!.

    Dpiggy, you sound well on the road to recovery,  just don't over do it,  we have to remember it's a pretty major op & we know our bodies best. Once we get up to full speed we'll be expected to stay there so get there gradually. 

    Hugs and healing thoughts to everyone. 


  • jbokland
    jbokland Member Posts: 275

    interesting....because the nerve is not cut, this procedure will not effect my ROM.  I will also get a nerve block  from my spine to across my back to all but eliminate post op pain.   Or so he says....I will let you know!

  • sharsalo
    sharsalo Member Posts: 38

    Thanks for the calming words, 2Tabbies and Artemis17. I want to go into this with as little stress as possible and with a positive attitude. I will try to focus on the good aspects -- and I really do want this. For me, it's been 10 years without a breast, and because I'm so thin it is my only option. I know I'm lucky in so many ways, so onward toward surgery. :)

  • jlow51
    jlow51 Member Posts: 76

    Hello Ladies!  I am going to make this short. I have tried three times to post and my iPad keeps freezing up. I had Lat Flap surgery Monday. All went well during the 5 hour surgery which included a small lift to the right side, LD to the left side with lots of radiated skin removed and pec muscle release. Doc told me I could go home Tuesday but I opted to stay until Wednesday because of 2 1/2 hr drive home  I was really anxious about the surgery but so far worried for nothing!!!  I am "staying ahead" of the pain by taking meds as prescribed. I am able to move my arms well and took a walk this morning. 

    I have not posted but have kept up with you all. Sharsalo, it is a very manageable surgery  I wish you all well!


  • kfinnigan
    kfinnigan Member Posts: 490

    DPiggy, I have a Mentor TE filled to 310 cc's, my PS uses Mentor products as well.  Take it easy, no rush back to work or normal activities!

    I went to lunch time yoga and did great, it was challenging to my legs.  My arm gave me no trouble but I did have achiness in the TE all afternoon, but its fine now.

    jbokland, how does your boob feel today after that big fill? Interesting about your surgery, that's great he can use the existing incision.

    sharsalo and 2Tabbies, the waiting is the hardest part sometimes!  I'm thinking of you both and praying that everything goes smoothly up to and including your surgeries!

    Artemis, how are you feeling? 

    jlow51, congrats on being done with your surgery, gentle healing time!

    Ronna, you don't bore us! hugs to you

    Hugs to all

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Hi all. I'm sitting here at the cardiologist's office waiting and wishing they'd hurry up. I am not patient today. 

  • kfinnigan
    kfinnigan Member Posts: 490

    Shoot 2Tabbies, you are so anxious and its understandable.  Sending good calming vibes...

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Send more, kfinnigan! Now I'm waiting in the exam room.  I just don't want this to screw up my surgery.  I've waited too long and have everything all arranged.  Don't pull the rug out from under me now! 

  • Andrea623
    Andrea623 Member Posts: 572

    2Tabbies, I'm sending tons of good luck your way, and have my fingers crossed for you!

    Jackie, welcome to our group and thank you for sharing your story. It's so nice to hear when someone is pleased with their surgery. I wish I didn't have to wait for my LD surgery, cause my radiated side feels more irritable by the day. I'm about out of FMLA, so I need to wait unless something dire happens.

    Sharsalo, when is your surgery? I'm on my iPad and it's too hard to scroll around on it. 

  • sharsalo
    sharsalo Member Posts: 38

    Sending good vibes your way, 2Tabbies. I hope you get good news. :) Andrea 623, my surgery is scheduled for Wednesday morning, Nov. 12. I just had my call from the anesthesia nurse, so it feels real now!

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Big sigh of relief. I am cleared for surgery.  I had to have an echocardiogram. It showed nothing wrong, but I need to see the cardiologist again in 3 months to discuss a further workup since the EKG had

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Big sigh of relief. I am cleared for surgery.  I had to have an echocardiogram. It showed nothing wrong, but I need to see the cardiologist again in 3 months to discuss a further workup since the EKG had an anomaly.  I'm hoping that a new EKG won't find it. Maybe it was a fluke. I don't need heart problems on top of cancer. 

  • Warrior_Woman
    Warrior_Woman Member Posts: 819

    Tabbies - Told you so.  :)  My husband goes through this hassle often.

    Jackie - Thank you for posting.  I love to hear the positive outcomes.

    Sharsalo - I'm right behind you on Thursday.  The plan is to discharge me on Saturday.

    kfinnigan - I cannot wait until yoga or anything that affirms that I'm doing well.  Good for you!

    jbookland - I have wipes to wash with and aside from that only directives for clean clothing.  I've cleaned my house but it certainly isn't sterile.  Now I'm freaking out about my shower head. I'll soak it in vinegar.  

    Raelean - The communications were in private messages and it did upset me as the LD is what my doctors feel are my best option.   

    Ladies - While advice online may be a great source of information, our doctors are the ones who have the expertise and have examined us.  In many ways the LD flap is safer with fewer risks of complication and a shorter recovery time compared with diep.  I agonized over what implants to get with my prior exchange and ultimately I brought photos to my PS and simply asked that she get me as close to looking like those as possible.  I left the decision to her as to what implants, the size, etc.  She did a great job.  I really liked them but then the infection developed and now I'm here.  And so, while there are newer procedures and fancier alternatives, there are some legitimate advantages to the LD flap.  At this point I want to get done with this mess.  I have no room left for further complications.  I'm one week away and I'll be very happy not to be filling my bra with rubbery chicken cutlets any longer.  

  • kfinnigan
    kfinnigan Member Posts: 490

    Warrior, well said and hope you sail through this surgery and recovery!

    2Tabbies, yay on being cleared! 

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Warrior, I never believed there was really anything wrong, or at least anything urgent,  since the surgeon hadn't been concerned, and I have no symptoms.  (So is the cardiologist just doing a CYA by making me come back in 3 months?  Don't know.) My main concern was, and still is, that all these various doctor's offices get their act together and get my official clearance to the surgeon in time.  The cardiologist assured me they'd send it right over.  They have not. I called and checked.  Needless to say, I will check again tomorrow.  This is ridiculous.  It also turns out that the reason my PCP was even involved was a screw up on the part of the hospital where I had the EKG done. Without telling my PS, they sent the results to my PCP.  My PS was not pleased. I thought it was strange that my PCP had to sign off.  I'm sure sick of screw ups.

    I totally agree with what you said on the lat flap and am also looking forward to ditching the rubber chicken cutlets!  Thanks for the laugh! 

    Thanks, everyone for putting up with my rants. 

  • DPiggy
    DPiggy Member Posts: 132

    2tabbies - glad to hear all went well!

    kfinnigan - sounds like our protocols are very similar.  I'm listening to my body when it tells me to slow down & rest.  And, although the exchange procedure was a walk in the park compared to the LD, I find that I tire easily.  But, it's only been 8 days, so to be expected.  I'm just impatient & try to hurry back to normal routines. 

    Well wishes to all...

  • tedwilliams
    tedwilliams Member Posts: 97

    Dear All:

    Have hit the seven week mark since surgery.  All is going well.  Sleep on my stomach, began yoga and signed up for an exercise class.  Massage therapy has been a big boost to my confidence in moving forward with recovery.  She shows now mercy and stretches and pulls.  The only side effect has been a tenderness in my lower ribs on the LD side.  I can grab my 120 lb American Mastiff and make him mind.  I don't feel a weakness nor a loss.  Muscles are relearning  tasks.  Stage II is Dec. 3  in New Orleans.  LD was my last resort.  I had no expectations for perfection, I just wanted a sense of normal.  My husband has stood by my side in all this and it has not been easy on him.  I still gag at the smell of a hospital and work very hard for balance and calm.  I read all of your stories and understand the anxiety and uncertainty.  Only you can define your normal and your expectations.  For me the LD is finishing the journey and allowing me to find the new normal of cancer.  

    Best wishes to all going into surgery in the near future.  I truly believe having a positive mind set and realistic expectations is the key.


  • sharsalo
    sharsalo Member Posts: 38

    Thanks, ladies. You all amaze me. :)

  • raelan
    raelan Member Posts: 84

    So pleased to hear everyone is doing so well.

    2Tabbies - Yay on getting your test behind you.  I have confidence everything will fall into place.  You are very tenacious!

    Tedwilliams - Great to hear where you're at only 7 weeks out.  Gives me a lot of hope as I'm currently at 3.5 weeks.  It's nice to have some insight as to what to expect down the road.

    sharsalo - The days will fly by and before you know it you'll be putting on that lovely surgical gown and cap, then drifting off to la la land.  Know that those of us on the other side will be here to help you through those first couple of weeks.  You too, 2Tabbies.

    As for me, hip hip hoorah, tomorrow is drain removal day.  Seems like it's taken forever to get this darn drain out.  I was at 40 cc's for about 6 days in a row, then finally yesterday I was at 30cc's and today looks like it will come in around 25cc's.  So, by 9:30 or so tomorrow I'll be drain free!!!!

    Been working full-time from home this week and it's going well.  Plan to go back into the office next week.  I'll play it by ear and see how I do.  May still need to work a couple of days from home next week if I get overly tired.

    Otherwise, I can tell things are starting to heal.  The nerves in my back are beginning to wake up and my skin feels sensitive at times (kinda like it's sunburned).  Still have quite a bit of tightness under the arm, but I think that will resolve itself over time with stretching and muscle atrophy.  Also, I think my PS dug out a lot of scar tissue from my radiated IMF and under my arm, so the area is still very sore.  All in all, make slow, but meaningful recovery.

    Keep thinking those positive thoughts.  It really does make a difference.    

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    jbokland, it will be interesting to see if your recovery is easier than ours since you will not have the big back incision. I would think it would be even though they're still moving the muscle. 

    It's good to hear from all of you who are recovering well. Kudos on doing things like yoga. Tedwilliams, a 120 lb mastiff? Really? I couldn't wrangle one of those on a GOOD day! That's quite the big doggy!

    Raelan, hooray for the drain coming out tomorrow! The hostage crisis will be over.

    jlow, good to hear your surgery went well. Stop in again when you feel up to it and let us know how you're doing.

  • jbokland
    jbokland Member Posts: 275

    I just scheduled my surgery for Dec 4th!   Counting down the days! I must say the TE refill after radiation has been painful. Freaking thing is up to my collar bone!   It has aggravated a little bit of LE in that arm, so I'm in a sleeve.  

  • vettegirl
    vettegirl Member Posts: 136

    Jbokland-I just sent you a PM.  I believe we have the same PS and will be having the same surgery :)  Yours will be about three weeks or so ahead of me, so I will be watching your progress.  Cant wait to get these TE bricks out!!!  I got pumped to 950ccs yesterday and am having to take muscle relaxers today-I am SORE!!!!