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Latissimus Dorsi Breast Reconstruction



  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Thanks, everyone, for all the good wishes. Surgery went fine. I'm in my room pushing the button on the PCA, sipping water, waiting for my soup to show up for dinner, and hoping I'm typing coherently.

    Sharsalo, good luck tomorrow!

  • Andrea623
    Andrea623 Member Posts: 572

    2Tabbies, I can't believe you're posting already! How are you feeling? How long did the surgery last? Get lots of rest and I look forward to hearing more details!

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Andrea, I'm pretty anal about posting, aren't I. ;-) I think the surgery lasted about 5 hours. I'll have to ask the PS tomorrow. I feel pretty good. Some pain but tolerable. I'll post more details when I have something better to type on than my phone.

  • Artemis17
    Artemis17 Member Posts: 30

    Welcome back 2Tabbies, pleased to hear it went well and you're in good spirits. Hope you take it easy & keep your pain killer topped up.

  • kfinnigan
    kfinnigan Member Posts: 490

    Excellent news 2Tabbies, look forward to more...

  • raelan
    raelan Member Posts: 84

    2Tabbies - So great to hear from you so soon after surgery. Make sure to get plenty of rest and let the nurses take care of you. Eat what you can, it will help stave off any nauseousness from the pain pills.

    Welcome to the recovery side!

  • renee1008
    renee1008 Member Posts: 14

    For those further out than 5 weeks (I will be Friday), should I be concerned that the swelling under my arms has not gone down much? It has some, but still quite a bit there, and very tender. I know a couple had posted that around 4 to 5 weeks, it was gone. I know everyone is different. Just anxious. That, and my mid back tenderness (along with a lot of stiffness) is my only physical concern.

  • Artemis17
    Artemis17 Member Posts: 30

    Hi renee, I'm jjust over 5 weeks post op and I'm still a bit puffy and tender where the muscles been fed through.  It has gone down a lot since surgery but it's still touching my upper arm when I put my arms by my side. I am able to stretch my arm above my head now though. 

    My back is mostly numb...but the scars nice and fkat

  • renee1008
    renee1008 Member Posts: 14

    Thanks Artemis, I can stretch my arms above my head also...but a little slow doing so. My scars on my back have flattened out, and most of the glue turning lose. I used coconut oil the past couple of nights on them. Felt really good and some of the surgical glue and bandage adhesive came off with it. My back is numb in a lot of places, but just below the incisions are a little puffy and very tender. I don't go back to PS until December 1st; will hopefully find out about that then. The numbness on my back is across the incisions and then in random places, so when I lie on my back it feels like I'm lying on golf balls...very lumpy. I guess where I have feeling and then not...

  • raelan
    raelan Member Posts: 84

    Renee and Artemis - Yep, experiencing similiar symptoms. Puffiness under my arm still (although it has gone down quite a bit since my surgery), and back/side tenderness. In fact, I just popped an Ibuprofen because I've been sitting at my computer typing all day and am starting to experience a lot of soreness as a result. I also have some numb areas on my back. I understand it can take 6 months or more for the feeling to return in certain areas.

    My range of motion is good. Can lift my arm to the ceiling, and bring my shoulder blades together in my back. However, I do feel some tightness when I stretch my right arm straight out and behind me. The lat muscle also likes to flex a bit when I do this. My PS did not cut my thoracodorsal nerve during surgery, but indicated he will do so during my exchange if I'm experiencing jumping/twitching of the lat muscle that bothers me. I think he typically cuts the nerve, but didn't do so in my case because he was having some difficulty locating the main thoracodorsal artery so felt it was too risky to cut the nerve at that time. He wanted to make sure I had good blood supply to the lat flap before severing anything. He was explaining this to me when he checked on me the morning after my surgery, and I was in a bit of a pain pill fog so my recollection of the discussion is a little fuzzy. I plan to get more details from him on this at my next appointment.

    Sharsalo - Thinking of you and hope all is going well with your surgery this week.

  • renee1008
    renee1008 Member Posts: 14

    thanks Raelan...guess I shouldn't rush things.....and like you, sitting at a computer all day (up to full days this week) at work doesn't help. Popped an ibuprofen earlier myself... My lat muscles flex when I reach to move the shower curtain...that's the main time I feel it...not painful, just odd... not anticipating any other surgeries so I guess cutting the nerve was never discussed with me.

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Hi, all! things are still going well. The Foley catheter and PCA pump have been discontinued. I'm on oral pain meds plus an IV injectible as needed. I managed a short walk, and may get to go home tomorrow. BTW, my IV is in my foot not only because my arms are at risk for LE, but also because it keeps it out of the surgeon's way. This makes doing the happy dance hard, but that's ok! Regarding range of motion, I can raise my right arm (non-flap side) over my head with minimal stiffness and almost no pain. On the left (flap side) I can raise my arm almost all the way up with a biit more pain and stiffness. I'm surprised and happy.

    renee, the golf ball feeling does not sound fun.

    Sharsola, I hope you are at least under way bynow and all is well.

  • DPiggy
    DPiggy Member Posts: 132

    Glad to hear you are doing so well 2tabbies!  Happy Healing!

    renee1008 - I am about 7 months out, & I too experienced the golf ball feeling down my back.  I can honestly say it's been awhile since I had that sensation, so I'm thinking yours will subside in the very near future.  I still have some back numbness, particularly below both my incisions.  Doesn't both me, just feels weird.  I'm sure the puffiness under your arms will subside as well.  Stretching is great to loosen the muscle & help things return to normal.

  • sharsalo
    sharsalo Member Posts: 38

    Hi all! Surgery went well and I am in my room recovering. Morphine is my lovely friend. Hooked up to lots of stuff and a bit loopy but all is good and pain is manageable.  Doc grabbed my hand and let me feel my "mound" after surgery.  :)

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Hooray, sharsalo! I'm glad it went well. I got glimpse of the top side of my "mounds" today when the PS stretched the tube top binder thing so he could take a look. It's ridiclous how happy it made me to see even the littlest bulges there instead of a concave surface.

    Warrior Woman, you're up next!

  • renee1008
    renee1008 Member Posts: 14

    2Tabbies, sounds like you are doing really well....just the fact that you are on here speaks a lot! And your range of motion so soon is great!

    DPiggy, thanks...words of encouragement are great...I will definitely start stretching more...anything to help things get back to normal. Like you said, not painful..just weird.

    Sharsalo, again...just the fact that you're on here is amazing...morphine or not!

  • DPiggy
    DPiggy Member Posts: 132

    2tabbies & Sharsalo - happy to hear you guys are doing so well!

    Good news from all! 

  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565

    2Tabbies, Warrior Women, Good luck to you both on your long awaited surgeries. Due to unexpected family drama Fl trip cancelled.

    I went to my primary this morning and we spoke about my scar tissue and the fact that MY ps wll not stitch me up for awhile. He said due to the fact that I have been manipulated for so long in breast area there is a chance I wil always have the scar tissue.

    However, glad to hear that some of you have gone to aerobics classes, I went to an arthritis fit class at the JCC and had a hard time lifting my arms. No big deal. At least I made it to the class.

    One lesson learned, I purchased travel insurance and b/c my breast reconstruction was an obstacle it is considered a pre-existing condition. I then called the airlines direct and they were more charitable. With letters from Plastic Surgeon and hospital where my son is they will lower the charges if and when I rebook the flight (within the year).

    Nothing much to say taking a breather at the moment and good wishes to my sistas today on way to surgery. Like most of you, the LD Flap was my last option. I can feel the scar tissue zooming through and praying to G-d it goes away but it wont.

    Again, wishing successful surgeries to all and happy healings.


  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    I get to go home today! The PS is very happy with everything.

    Sharsalo, how are you doing?

    Warrior Woman, you're almost there!

    Ronna, I'm so sorry you had to cancel your trip. I'm glad the airline is being at least a little flexible.

  • IzzyF
    IzzyF Member Posts: 5

    Hi everyone,

    Today I went to talk to the plastic surgeon to see what immediate reconstruction options there are for when I have a mastectomy in December. My goal is the least number of surgeries possible. I was most interested in a Goldilocks mastectomy where the skin is folded over to make a breast mound but the ps said my breasts weren't big enough (they seem plenty big to me but anyway) and she didn't seem very confident of the technique so I wasn't going to insist. Her recommendation was latissimus dorsi flap with a silicon implant, and reduction on the other side, all at the time of the (skin saving) mastectomy, so just the one surgery. I was surprised that this was even a possibility since I'm having radiation afterwards. In any case I'm seeing the breast surgeon next week and she'll have the final word, but has anyone else had this type of operation with radiation afterwards?

    I told her that my goal is to have very small breasts afterwards. I was hoping not to have an implant with the LD but the ps said that if you don't have an implant the projection isn't right and it doesn't look like a breast. She didn't have any models to look at (public hospital in Europe). Can anyone recommend a link with photos of different breast sizes that I can print out to show her?



  • sharsalo
    sharsalo Member Posts: 38

    Great news,  2Tabbies! I am still in the hospital and may have to stay until tomorrow.  But everything looks good; I just need to manage the pain. And the hospital food is awful, haha.

    Itsy, I had radiation but it was prior to this sur

  • kfinnigan
    kfinnigan Member Posts: 490

    2Tabbies and Sharsalo, both of you sound really good! and 2Tabbies, you are going home today, woohoo!!

    I remember after my lat flap surgery, I teared up when I saw a mound on my chest, after 6 years it was very emotional. Now that my TE is over-expanded and I am in wait mode, I do catch myself looking down and smiling at my chest. Looks good in clothes, heehe!

    Ronna, what a bummer about your Florida trip being canceled. Glad the airlines will work with you, but bummer nonetheless. Hope your family drama isn't too taxing on you, and good for you for attending that exercise class. Great stress reliever.

    IzzyF, I wonder about getting radiation after the lat flap - seems it would ruin the fresh skin from the back. I had radiation after chemo, and it really alters your skin. Keep us posted on your situation please. hugs to you.

  • jbokland
    jbokland Member Posts: 275

    so I drove all the way across town to find the right size for a fabulous little holiday dress that I saw at Marshalls. I was so excited to find the size Large I was looking for! I ran the fitting room and I packed my hour-glass figure in this tight-fitting dress (think Marilyn Monroe in her heavy days). I stood very tall, sucked in my belly and thought..."if I could loose 5 pounds, it may work"! Then it dawned on me...I will have drains for the holidays! Unless I was willing to stick those bulbs up my butt, there is no way we would all fit in the cute little dress.

    maybe next year.

  • Artemis17
    Artemis17 Member Posts: 30

    Raelan, sounds like you're doing just fine. :-). I'm not sure if my nerve was cut but so far my flap is quite still when I use my arm. Maybe its because we don't pay for our treatment but most heathcare professionals don't give us-the patient-a great deal of post op information. Even if you ask, very little is given.  I mean I've not had any details of any of my cancer related surgeries.....

    2Tabbies,  wow you're firing on all cylinders,  almost home too.  You soundrreally pleased with it all so far.  Hope the recovery is as straightforward as possible. 

    Sharsalo, hope you get on top of the pain and get home too.

    I had radiotherapy 25 blasts & with good care and constant moisturising my skin completely recovered.

    Raelan, I was told 6 months too although I hope i don't have to wait that long for my first fat grafting. 

    Jbokland, such a bummer re the dress....maybe you could get a bigger size & pin the drains to a bandage??. Sounds like it's worth having the dress for the future anyway ;-).

    Hope everyone has a peaceful day and restful night.  Time for me here in the UK to head to bed.  

    Catch you girls tomorrow. 


  • Andrea623
    Andrea623 Member Posts: 572

    Sharsalo, it's good gearing you're on the other side of your surgery now! Both you and 2Tabbies posted the same day as your surgeries. You've set the bar for the rest of us! J/K. I'm glad your pain is manageable, be sure to stay on top of it. Get some rest and post when you're able.

    2Tabbies, you're going home already? I didn't know the hospital stay for the lat flap was so short! How are you feeling?

    Ronna, I'm sorry to hear you had to cancel your trip. Will you be able to take it at a later date?

    Izzy, I had radiation, but it was two years ago. I plan on a lat flap next year. I think most of us have radiation before reconstruction. I know of women who have had radiation after a DIEP flap and the flap has come through with just some shrinkage. If you're unsure of the recommendations of your PS, can you go for a second opinion? Good luck, and keep us updated!

    Hugs and blessings to all!

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Izzy, the reason I had to get the lat flap was because I'd had radiation. I wanted minimal surgery - just implants. But the failure rate is too high after radiation. As others have said, I wonder if radiation wouldn't damage the flap tissue. I know recon is done before radiation sometimes, but I thought that it was usually implants only. If they fail, you still have the option of the flap procedures.

    jbokland, bummer about the dress! Snug clothing is not an option with the drains though. Between the dressings and the drains, I feel like the Micheline man.

    Artemis, I don't know if I'm firing on all 4 cylinders! I'm not sure I ever do, but I think I'm down to 3 at the moment. I'm happy that the surgery so far has gone smoothly. I hope I won't be shocked and disappointed when I see my chest on my Tuesday post-op visit. I'm trying to "manage my expectations" as we were saying earlier.

    Andrea, my PS had said I'd be in the hospital anywhere from 2 to 4 nights. The other PS I consulted had said it could be as little as 1 night, but I think that would have been pushing it.

    Sharsalo, I hope you get paroled tomorrow! I'm going to miss the raspberry sorbet the hospital had though. That was good.

  • Andrea623
    Andrea623 Member Posts: 572

    So, when I have the lat flap, it'll be replacing the implant on my rads side. My question is, does the TE go over the pec muscle, with the latissimus over the TE, or is the TE still under the pec muscle? I'm not seeing my PS till I'm ready to schedule my surgery but I'm curious about the placement of the TE/implant.

  • sharsalo
    sharsalo Member Posts: 38

    I am home now. Only had to spend one night in the hospital; I can manage it from home just as well. I have some lymphedema in my arm -- slight, so I think wearing my arm sleeve should be fine. It's so strange to have something there after 10 years! Hope everyone else is doing well!

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Yay, Sharsalo. Good to hear you're home. Sorry about the lymphedema, butat least it doesn't sound like it's too bad.

  • kfinnigan
    kfinnigan Member Posts: 490

    Andrea, all I remember my PS saying was that my pec muscle was thin and fried from radiation and that my TE is under my lat muscle and flap and the newly moved muscle is protecting it.

    jbokland, your surgery is Dec. 4th, I'm hoping your drains will be pulled before the holiday, unless you are planning to go to some parties prior. I bet that dress is cute!

    Artemis, my PS doesn't cut the nerve unless someone really wants it cut because of the lat jumping, etc. after surgery. He said it makes the muscle atrophy when you cut the nerve and you will lose volume on the breast. I doubt yours is cut. I've never asked for my path reports or any reports from my surgeries. I even asked my Onc what stage I was at a visit after my mastectomy. She said she didn't want me to define myself by a stage, she's cool...but she told me since I asked.

    2Tabbies, I apologize for my lack of brain cells lol...did you get a TE or implants with your flap? You will be so happy on Tuesday!

    Sharsalo, welcome home! Hope the lymphedema gets under control asap. Happy healing to you.