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Latissimus Dorsi Breast Reconstruction



  • raelan
    raelan Member Posts: 84

    I'm officially drain free!!!! Feels so good to have the drain out after dealing with it for almost 4 weeks. I no longer have to remember to unpin it from my pants everytime I go to the bathroom. It's the small successes, right?

    Also got a fill of 60 cc's on the lat flap side today. Good news is, going in I didn't experience any pain or discomfort, just some slight tightness towards the end of the fill. However, my back muscles have decided to rebel a bit tonight so I hit them with a valium.....ah, sweet relief.

    All in all, feeling pretty good at this point. Plan to go back into the office full-time next week. If I tire out to much, I'll either leave early, or work a day or two from home instead.

    Oh, and posted a few photos on the picture forum for those of you who are interested. Please keep in mind the lat flap side is a work in progress......I'm only 4 weeks out so there's still some swelling that needs to go down, and there will definitely be lots of tweaks and adjustments my PS will be making at the time of the exchange.

    I'll be thinking about those of you who are preparing for your surgeries next week. Be kind to yourselves this weekend. Get a nice walk in, take a long bath (it will be awhile before you PS will allow you to soak again), get a pedicure if that's what makes you feel good. All in all, pamper yourself.

  • Artemis17
    Artemis17 Member Posts: 30

    Hi all,

    Well I'm coming up to almost 5 weeks post surgery and really feeling loads better. Lots of exercising and stretching has given me 80% rom especially in my armpit which was cut & stitched during my recon but not for my original mx & node clearance.  I guess they must haveggone in from the front last year. 

    Anywsy thanks for asking  I'm using my not so smart phone so can't really scroll through previous posts. 

    Glad you are all set for surgery 2Tabbies, annoying you had to sort out the heart scan but at least you know everything is in prime condition.  

    Yoga sounds good,  I used to do pilates but found I respond better to hot sweaty classes like combat and zumba. Im going to try the latter on Monday but know combat is a way off yet!.

    Raelan, I'm glad to hear you're doing well,  hurrah for losing the drains and I completely get what you say re the work in progress,  my flap has shrunk a fair bit and it's going to be a few months before I can get fat grafting started so im having to even myself up with padding just now. I can't where normal bras yet,  still in unattractive sports bras but I guess Rome wasn't built in a day either..

    Ok its absolutely pouring down here in the south of England,  off to brave the shops. 


  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Artemis, I hope I'm still set for surgery. I feel like I'm getting a cold. Maybe sheer orneriness can send it away. I will NOT get sick and have to reschedule! Good for you for getting back into some exercise classes. Yoga does sound like a better choice than combat for now. Combat?! Seriously? You're tough!

    Raelan, I went for some pre-surgery retail therapy today. Actually, the zipper on my rain parka broke so I needed a new one. DH twisted my arm to get a really nice bright blue fleece jacket as well. I don't soak in the tub much, but I will enjoy my showers over the next couple of days.

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    I'm sick. I have a cold. I'm really afraid this will cancel my surgery.

  • jbokland
    jbokland Member Posts: 275

    oh Dear 2Tabbies! When are you scheduled??

  • Artemis17
    Artemis17 Member Posts: 30

    Oh 2Tabbies, fingers crossed its not going to delay anything, what about a couple of hours in a steam room, hot toddies (whisky, honey & lemon in hot water), anything to create a sweat. If you're well in yourself, just a bit sniffly, maybe your surgery will go ahead, i gues its whether you have anything "chesty" building up or a cough...!.

    Will keep things crossed for you and hope its not delayed.

  • kfinnigan
    kfinnigan Member Posts: 490

    Raelan, cheers to being drain free! It absolutely makes a world of difference!

    Artemis, you sound like you are recovering well, and yeah...combat? toughie! lol awesome

    2Tabbies, a damn cold now? let us know what dr. says...if you tell him

  • sharsalo
    sharsalo Member Posts: 38

    When will you find out if you can go ahead, 2Tabbies? I'd like to be able to go through the process with you since our surgeries are so close together. At any rate, I hope you get to have it at the scheduled time.

  • Warrior_Woman
    Warrior_Woman Member Posts: 819

    2Tabbies & Sharsalo - Assuming everything stays on schedule, the three of us are scheduled this week. I wish you both nothing but the best of healthiest outcomes with easy recoveries.

    Thank you to everyone who is giving updates. It's reassuring to know that life continues well on the other side. Please keep those good progress reports coming. You're helping me to remain hopeful.

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    jbokland, I'm supposed to have surgery tomorrow. I haven't called the doctor yet, but I feel pretty awful right now.

    kfinnigan, I doubt I could slip this one buy him since I can hardly talk.

    Artemis, thanks for the suggestions. I don't have access to a steam room, but I've been taking long hot showers. I was going to make a hot toddy last night, but felt so lousy that I just went to bed.

    Sharsalo, I want to stay on schedule with you too. I'll call the doc in a little while and see what he says. I'm just so depressed that I might have to wait months for another opening in his schedule.

  • raelan
    raelan Member Posts: 84

    2Tabbies - Sending a big hug your way. Do you have a fever?

  • sharsalo
    sharsalo Member Posts: 38

    I agree, Warrior Woman. It helps a great deal to hear where
    everyone is at post-surgery -- gives me a lot of hope. I have dogs and hearing
    that a mastiff can be reined in…I only have pugs! Being able to walk them was a
    worry for me. I will definitely posts updates as to my progress. When are you
    scheduled?<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

    2Tabbies, I had to postpone my surgery for 4 months and I,
    too, found it depressing initially. But it actually worked out better for me
    and the time flew by, so just know that if you do have to wait, it will
    eventually happen. You don’t want to take something on that’s hard on your body
    when you’re not prepared for it. I do hope it happens for you though!

  • kfinnigan
    kfinnigan Member Posts: 490

    When are everyone's surgeries this week? I want to send extra good juju and positive vibes your way!

    2Tabbies, I anxiously await what is happening with you!!

  • Artemis17
    Artemis17 Member Posts: 30

    So...5 weeks and definitely over the worst.  Went to an aerobics class tonight, just feels like normality is within touching distance. 

    Kfinnigan, not sure I'm tough,  just love the stress release that body combat gives. Boxing (not a real person) is very therapeutic especially when you can visualise someone who's annoyed you haha...

    All you girls with surgery this week I hope it goes well. Before you know it,  you'll be out the other side and be on the road to recovery. I've not had implants so I can't give any advice on that,  but it's surprising how quickly the scars heal & the LD flap is softening. Not quite a wobble yet but feels loads softer than the TE did. 

    Warrior woman,  are you counting down the hours?.

    Looking forward to finding out when I can get some lipo filling as I've a difference of about 2 cup sizes. Things move slow over here though so won't expect anything for a few months. 

    Ok well 2Tabbies, here's hoping your surgery goes ahead-you've had a lot of obstacles put in your way & you deserve to get through to the next stage. 

    Fingers crossed for you.  :-) 

  • raelan
    raelan Member Posts: 84

    Wow Artemis, I'm extremely impressed you were able to go to an aerobics class at 5 weeks out. I'm at week four today and still pretty sore under my arm area. I think this is partially due to the fact my PS had to dig out a log of scar tissue from that area.

    I am back to work in the office full-time today, however. Took the bus into work and everything. I'm sure I'll be pretty tired tonight.

    Went shopping yesterday for a couple of hours and bought myself a couple of nice sweaters, which felt good. I'm still experiencing some contraction of the muscle under my arm area if it use the arm too much. Fatigue sets in and it wants to tighten up. However, the overall puffiness and "linebacker" feeling is gone. I'm trying to be really careful about keeping the arm supported while I type on my computer. Otherwise, pretty much back to my normal routine, but still being careful not to lift anything too heavy.

    My next fill is in 2 weeks, and it may be my last......I'm pretty sure I'm getting close to the end. Then we'll just let things sit and percolate for 3-4 months. So far, pretty happy with the lat flap and how nice and soft my tissues have become. Feels must more natural.

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Well, here's the latest. I happened to have my regular 6 month appointment with my MO scheduled for today. I nearly forgot it with everything else going on. He did the usual blood work, and my white cells are high. So, he sent me for a chest x-ray and said he'd call me with the results. He also prescribed a Z-Pak. As I was leaving his office, my phone rang. I didn't manage to get it out of my purse in time to get the call. There was a message from the PS's assistant to call her. I tried. Their phone was on answering service because it was lunch time. It stayed on answering service until 20 minutes past what the message said it would. By this time, I was getting just a tad frustrated. I finally got through to them just as the x-ray tech came to get me for the chest x-ray. She was very kind and let me finish the call. My surgery time has been pushed back a couple hours. That's actually a good thing. I'd much rather get to the hospital at 9 than 7 as would my husband. Now, if my MO would only call and tell me the chest x-ray was clear...

    Sharsalo, I'm pretty sure a 4 month delay wouldn't fly by for me. The waiting for my surgery date has been sheer torture. I thought it would never get here. I was shopping for a jacket on Saturday, and happened to look at some shirts. My first thought was that in only a few more days I'd be able to buy whatever shirt I wanted without having to think about whether I'd have to wear the rubber chicken cutlets, as Warrior Woman called them, to make it look ok.

    Raelan, I don't have a fever at the moment. I'd been running around 99 which isn't technically considered a fever. Early this morning, it was 100.4 which is a fever. But I've been feeling better the last few hours, and my temperature is 98. Maybe I'm through the worst of it. I just hope that chest x-ray was clear. Did you use a roller bag for your laptop when you went to work on the bus? I have a similar situation for getting to work. I don't have parking so I either take the bus or park about a mile from my office. Either way, I carry my laptop in a backpack which obviously isn't going to work for a while. I'm not even sure I'll be able to pull a roller bag the distance from my house to the bus stop and then from the bus terminal to my office. I weighed my backpack with the laptop in it - 18 lbs. That's not going to fly.

    Here's hoping I'm still on schedule with Warrior Woman, Sharsalo and the other person who's screen name I've forgotten. Thimbleberry? I know we had a fourth person scheduled for surgery this week.

  • Andrea623
    Andrea623 Member Posts: 572

    2Tabbies, I hope you're feeling better so you can have your surgery'

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Andrea, thanks. I do feel better. Not completely well, but better. My MO never called with the results of the chest x-ray. I guess he forgot. I'm assuming if there was anything bad like pneumonia that he or the surgeon would certainly have called. So in the absence of any other information, I'm assuming surgery is still on. I just hope the anesthesiologist doesn't have any problems with it. Maybe by tomorrow I'll cured! ;-)

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Latest update on the continuing drama of 2Tabbies recon: I still haven't heard from my MO, but the anesthesiologist just called. I told him what was going on, and he didn't seem too concerned unless I get worse before morning. He said he and the surgeon would have a chat first thing in the morning and call me. He also said the people who have problems are usually smokers and people who "aren't motivated" to do their deep breathing, etc. after surgery. I told him I never smoked, and I'm pretty motivated. Boy, am I motivated! He also said that if we do have to postpone, he's sure the surgeon would get me on his schedule in a week or two not the 4 months that I had to wait for this appointment. Apparently, the two of them are med school buddies. So I'm feeling pretty optimistic.

  • sharsalo
    sharsalo Member Posts: 38

    Good news, 2Tabbies, and good luck! I'll be right behind you.

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Sharsalo, if I'm capable of working my phone tomorrow night, I'll let you know how it went.

  • Artemis17
    Artemis17 Member Posts: 30

    Thanks Raelan although I was flapping about like an injured bird at times,  it was more a psychological step to be able to go. I'm impressed you're back to work full time. I'm doing a few hours from home but not in any hurry to be in the office & face rush hour so good on you!. I'm stretching but not lifting on my ld side, still a bit puffy below my armpit. 

    2Tabbies, all sounding pretty positive for surgery as planned, look forward to hearing from you afterwards. 

    It's Armistice Day today,  a very important remembrance time over here, thinking about everyone who not only fought in the 1st WW, but in all conflicts & I give thanks to those that sacrificed their tomorrow's for our today..!

  • DPiggy
    DPiggy Member Posts: 132

    Wishing all those scheduled for surgery this week postive thoughts & sending many soft hugs.

    2Tabbies - happy to hear your surgery will most likely happen.  I'm sure getting on the antibiotics as quickly as you did helped quite a bit.

    Happy Veterans Day to all!  Many thanks to those who have served and sacrificed to keep us safe and preserve our freedom.

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Anesthesiologist just called, and we're on! Hallelujah! I'm off to the hospital and will check in when I can. Sharsalo and Warrior Woman, good luck if I don't manage to get online before you head off to the hospital yourselves.

  • sharsalo
    sharsalo Member Posts: 38

    Thanks 2Tabbies! And good luck and good health to you!

  • raelan
    raelan Member Posts: 84

    Yay 2Tabbies. We'll have you in our pockets today. Remember to stay on top of those pain meds and drink lots of fluids when you get out of surgery. It helps clear the anesthesia out of your system. Best of luck and post when you're up to it!

  • jlow51
    jlow51 Member Posts: 76

    Today is 1 week post surgery for me and I am doing well. I have lots of energy today and trying to not overdo. What a difference one week makes!!! My first post op appointment is Thursday. I know one drain will come out for sure, hoping for two!!

    I amthinking of all you who have surgeries this week!!

  • vettegirl
    vettegirl Member Posts: 136

    Yay 2Tabbies :) Congrats to all having surgery today, hope all goes well with each of you. We will be watching for updates :)

    Jlow-that is great you are feeling so well.

  • kfinnigan
    kfinnigan Member Posts: 490

    cheering on the surgery and post surgery girls, waiting for more updates!!

  • Andrea623
    Andrea623 Member Posts: 572

    Yay, 2Tabbies! I'm looking forward to your next post. Sending lots of good thoughts to you!

    Jlow, it's wonderful to hear you're doing so well!