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Latissimus Dorsi Breast Reconstruction



  • MandalaB
    MandalaB Member Posts: 52

    I wish you the best 2tabbies!
    and everyone!

    I'm a day over 4 weeks at this point and holy moly- this was way harder to recover from (and just on one side) than my original DIEP 2 years ago. OMG. God bless all you ladies having this done on both sides, I couldn't even imagine!!
    I'm just noticing a difference in the last week but I still can't bend over to pick stuff up, stare at the fridge, plug things in... Really difficult still....  I can sew again though which is great but there are so many little tiny heres and theres that just are difficult. And I bought a drill press so I wont have to hold the drill to make my jewelry! woohoo!
    I'm able to drive ok now....
    The side that had a major divet from the radiation damage is now puffy and healing well- The PS says the muscle on the side will atrophy and go down- and then they start the sculpting from there- but I am done with major surgeries and it's all outpatient from here. But it's sooooo puffy and feels weird. I would post a photo because I don't GAS who sees it but it might be frowned upon(?)- would that be ok?

    I cannot return to work because of the bad nerve damage I incurred from my treatments. God bless any of you going back to work, I don't know how anyone does it after all the crap and treatments and getting all the parts + nodes dug out and moved around and stitched up.
    My ADHD self has learned so much patience...
    And this drain is ready to go. Still draining about 25 ccs every 24 hours....

  • raelan
    raelan Member Posts: 84

    Oh Mandela - So good to hear from you and very happy your drain will be coming out next week.  I'm crossing my fingers mine will be out next week as well.  It's down to 40 cc's over 24 hours and has moved from a dark red color to a more yellow/orange.....which means the end is near.  Our drain hostage crisis will be over and we can have a big ole virtual party!!!!

    Yes indeed this is a challenging recovery, but I'm finding that with each passing day I'm feeling and experiencing slight improvements.  I started driving after the first week (once I was off pain meds), and at this point am not having any difficulty bending over, picking things up etc.  However, I do find that if I'm on my feet too long, my lower back starts to get tired and fatigued, then my shoulders and upper back kick in.  I have about a one hour limit of being on my feet before I need to sit down and let my back rest.  I also have to be careful to support my right arm when typing.  The muscle under my armpit starts to swell if I work too long on the computer without supporting the arm on some type of pillow or armrest.   Essentially, I think we can depend on our bodies to tell us when we have done too much.

    Monday will be week 3 for me and I plan to go back to work full-time.  I'll still be WFH since, well, I really need to with a drain still in and lifting, etc restrictions.  I normally take the bus into work every day (live in the suburbs, work downtown), and lug a big old backpack to the office with my laptop, lunch, etc, so that's another reason for staying home to work.  Fortunately, my company is VERY supportive of whatever accomodations I need to do my job post-surgery, so I can pretty much call the shots at this point.

    The strangest sensation I'm having at this point is just getting used to having the back muscle in the front.  When I flex my pec muscle, I can also feel the lat muscle moving.  It doesn't hurt, but my brain seems to be a bit confused about these different sensations.  I think this eventually gets sorted out, and once the muscle atrophies the odd sensations more or less go away.

    I also have some puffiness under my arm, but it's gone down significantly since my initial surgery.  I am very happy with how soft, pliable, and warm my lat breast is.  Prior to surgery, it was very firm and unmoveable.  It now matches my left side and seems more like a real breast.  


  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Hello, everyone. I hope you all are having a good weekend. 

    Sharsala, yes, managing expectations. I think mine are pretty low. Maybe I'll be surprised, and it will turn out better than I expect. Of course, I won't really know for many months since the final results won't be in until after the exchange, healing and time for everything to settle in place. I am purposely telling myself to not be dismayed if it looks crappy after the initial surgery. I'm with you though. I can't wait, and for a lot of the same reasons. I hate the prosthetics and mastectomy bras. I have a drawer full that I bought in a desperate attempt to find one that was comfortable. None of them are. It's comfortable going without them, but I hate how I look. It will be so nice to have some sort of boobs, and not have to wear any bra. We only have about 10 more days to wait. It's agony, isn't it? This is the worst waiting I've ever done.

    Raelan, that's interesting that so many women are disappointed that the implants aren't like the TE's. I hate the look of the TE's. It's just so fake in many cases. In fact, I'm thinking of ways to camouflage that for the next 6 months until exchange. I guess I'm weird, but I don't want a lot of projection. I was never big. Only an A or maybe A/B. The last thing I want is for all my coworkers to know I've had a boob job because I end up bigger than I was. My prosthetics are about the size I was. My PS said he sees me as a solid B. I might go with that, but nothing bigger. 

    Mandala, wow, you've had kind of a rough recovery. One of the PS's I talked to (not the guy I chose) did say this surgery takes a lot of out you. It's interesting that you say this has been harder than the recovery from your DIEP. Most of the descriptions of the procedures say the lat flap has an easier, or at least shorter, recovery. That has always seemed odd to me because they're cutting and moving a big muscle for the lat flap as opposed to a flap of skin and fat for the DIEP. I'll be interested to see how it compares to my previous major surgeries - ovariohysterectomy, abdominal exploratory, and bilateral mx. Of those, the hysterectomy was definitely the hardest although trying to reposition in bed after the mastectomy was agony. None of those previous surgeries were 6-7 hours long which is what my PS said this would be. I'd think a longer time under anesthesia, would add to the recovery. It will be an adventure into unknown territory, that's for sure. 

    Mandala and Raelan, I hope you both get rid of the nasty drains this week! That is one thing I'm definitely NOT looking forward to.

  • Artemis17
    Artemis17 Member Posts: 30

    Hi everyone,  

    Hope those of you with drains get them removed soon,  its been a long old haul for you girls. 

    My back has settled down niw & reabsorbed the fluid-5 aspirations but all ok now.

    Interesting concept of managing expectations. A lot of you have work on both sides as standard,  here in the UK we may get an uplift for symmetry but rarely an implant. I have had my reconstruction with LD flap only no implant and now the swelling has gone down there is quite a difference. Im hoping that the lipo modelling will bring it up to a near match,  I certainly can't wear normal bras and would still need a "chicken fillet" to fill the cup.

    Mandala, I agree with you that this op has been harder than I expected. I don't have full ROM & have restrictions with what I can do.  I'm working hard with my stretches and exercises and they help but after almost 4 weeks I thought I'd be further ahead. The scars are healing very well, it's the muscle passing under my arm thats sore plus where the skin is sticking to the bone now the fat and muscle has gone!.

    2tabbies you must be counting down the days,  it will come quickly now its November. 

    Everyone else, I hope you are making good progress,  I look forward to being able to turn over in my sleep and not wake up! :-)

    Love and light to you all.

  • sharsalo
    sharsalo Member Posts: 38

    Has anyone experienced any lymphedema after their surgery?

  • raelan
    raelan Member Posts: 84

    I've experienced quite a bit of swelling under the arm and around the lower part of the breast area on the lat flap side, but it's starting to subside.  So far, no issues with lymphedema.

  • DLL66
    DLL66 Member Posts: 448

    I had very mild lymphedema prior to lat flap surgery; it has not progressed at all afterwards & I am now a couple of years out.

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Artemis, I'm glad to hear your back has stopped producing so much fluid.

    sharsalo, I'm hoping that the lat flap reduces my risk of lymphedema on that side. Apparently, that sometimes is the case. Fingers crossed.

  • sharsalo
    sharsalo Member Posts: 38

    I was wondering, since I've read of cases of lymphedema occurring in people who didn't have it previously, and it improving in people who have had it (after the surgery). I've had slight swelling after flying (I wear an arm sleeve) but it always returns to normal afterwards. The surgery is coming up so fast now I think my fears are growing. I'm trying to focus on the positive!

  • andi44
    andi44 Member Posts: 23

    Raelan, I understand what you're referring to with that 'phantom sensations' - As I apply Vaseline to my incision areas, I feel it in my back instead of on the breast - very weird.  

    It's been over 2 months since my surgery and still feel very numb in my torso and back. The doctor said it could take up to 6 months to regain some feeling, but I would think that after 2 months it would start getting some feeling back. The incision made on my back is vertical instead of horizontal so, I'm thinking maybe that could have something to do with it...As far as range of motion, I think I may be at 85%. I haven't tried lifting anything heavier than say 15 lbs.

  • jbokland
    jbokland Member Posts: 275

    Shar- I have had some slight LE when aggravated by exercise. I specifically asked my PS office about the procedure he is planning (not a true Lat Flap, but a modified one) and they said if anything it may help improve.   That does not make a whole lot of sense to me, but I have an appoint with the surgeon this week and plan on discussing!

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    I just thought of something else I should have asked the PS.  Does anyone know if the lat flap interferes with being able to feel an enlarged axillary lymph node? Palpating those is about the only thing my docs do to check for a recurrence since they no longer believe in doing scans. 

  • DPiggy
    DPiggy Member Posts: 132

    Hi all - exchange went really well.  Have been somewhat tired & resting for the past 5 days, but overall everything looks wonderful!  Saw my PS today, & she removed the 2 drains & bandages - yay!  Have to wear a support bra for a while, & still have restrictions for the next 5 weeks.  Really don't have much, if any, swelling, & implants seem to be a perfect fit.  My PS said the implants will continue to mold & settle over the next month or so.  I'm finally on the squishy side & loving it!  Thanks to all your thoughts & well wishes!

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Yay! Glad to hear you're doing well, Dpiggy. 

  • kfinnigan
    kfinnigan Member Posts: 490

    Excellent news DPiggy, congratulations!  Did you let your PS do her thing or did you seek advice from Whippetmom before hand?

    2Tabbies, good question about the node detection. I wonder that myself.

  • Artemis17
    Artemis17 Member Posts: 30

    DPiggy, welcome back,  sounds like you are feeling really good & things are healing well. 

    2Tabbies, I had full node clearance so nothing there to feel but I will have ultrasound rather than mammogram on the LD side which will take in lymph nodes round my collar bone....

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Artemis, I have nothing left to mammogram.  No one has mentioned doing an ultrasound.  I've been told there aren't any tests that are any good so they just wait and watch for symptoms of a recurrence.  They do, however, palpate my lymph nodes. Both bc and Waldenstrom's could cause them to become enlarged.  I see my MO on Monday. I'll ask him if the lat flap will interfere with feeling them. It's somewhat of a moot point. I'm having the surgery regardless.  They can damn well do an ultrasound or some other scan if they think it's an issue.  I really don't like this business of sitting around waiting for symptoms even if their statistics do say scans don't prolong your life. There are other reasons  besides living longer that I might want to find a recurrence a few months earlier with a scan. End of today's rant. 

  • Artemis17
    Artemis17 Member Posts: 30

    Aah 2Tabbies I see  your frustration and no be held hostage to the "what ifs" and you don't want to be waiting for something that may or may not come along if there's a way to know earlier. 

    With all you've been through (reading your signature as I don't presume to know you) surely you have the right to demand answer's when you want them not when it suits your team.

    I don't blame you for the rant,  its far better than keeping things bottled up and pasting on a permanent smile does no one any favours. 


  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Thank you, Artemis. That's it exactly.  I feel a bit like my team has abandoned me to fate, and that they expect me to accept it with a smile. That's not my nature. My RO commented that a lot of people are happy to not have to come in for scans.  Well, maybe those people don't have a history like mine - stage III bc and 2 previous cancers. They might have a better chance of actually having seen the last of cancer. 

  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565

    Hi gals: Reading all posts, glad drains are coming out of all, DPiggy, you are recovering, Mandela you are recovering, Raelen you are doing well and all others.

    Had to go to PS today because taped bandages were coming off, so he left one, gave me two rolls and said "go on your mini vacation" and wearing the tightest sports bras. Like I said, I can open a bra store.

    He said do you remember why we did this and duh I said no.  To cover the scar tissue damage that kept me aching in the breast. Ladies, I think I am somewhat in a different scenerior than you, some of you had TE's put in, mine were long ago. When I had the TE I could not stand the touch of the breast with the TE in it.  Since the TE's I have had two capsular contractors and sorry to repeat mucho scar tissue, treated for lymphadema. Final decision was to take the back muscle to place over implant to aleviate the pain. Well that worked, but I am still getting used to the muscle over there and I have a habit of flexing my mast side.  I can't stand it when I do it, I just do it.

    Dr. asked today is implant still shifting.l I said once it did.  He said in a month we will go in and fix it. No rush. Again, wear the tightest bras.  I went into Dick's today and guess what they don't make white bras any longer. Everything is coordinated b/c all the gals are wearing tops that expose the bras and everything matches. I can't stand it  I know in Zumba we we wearing the tops that had full view and fancy bras.  So I am sure in my pile of 100+ bras I will manage to find tightest bras.

    As I write this I feel myself flexing. Ugh.

    2Tabbies, hang in there. Always thinking of you.

    As to depression after cosmetic surgery, I never went w/out a breast, so I cannot say one way or another.  It was my decision to reconstruct.  PS asked me to deconstruct with all my problems but he knew I would be crazed. 

    Anyway, just stopped in to say hello, thinking of all, 


  • DPiggy
    DPiggy Member Posts: 132

    kfinnigan - I let my PS do her thing.  I have complete confidence & faith in her abilities, & to date, she has never steered me wrong.  She is one of the best in her field, & in particular, the LD surgery.  I did my research, but it didn't take me long to realize who was the expert.  On day one, she told me if I chose to go other routes, I would have to find another doctor.  She was adamant about this being the only option for me & other surgeries would fail.  I have to say, it took me 4 weeks post op to appreciate her work, & I was really rough on her during that post op period because it was pretty tough; I never thought I would feel good again.  I remember telling her about 2 weeks out that I regretted having the surgery.  I also consider myself very fortunate that I haven't experienced any major complications.  I'm keeping my fingers crossed that will be the same w/ the implants. 

    Soft hugs to all...

  • raelan
    raelan Member Posts: 84

    Hi ladies - Just stopping by to give a quick update on my recovery.  Unfortunately, the drain hostage crisis is still in effect. I'm getting really close to being under the legal limit, but not quite there yet. I think I'll end this most recent 24 hour period at 35cc's, so getting close.  I need to be under 30 cc's for 2 days in a row.  

    Most of the swelling under my arm is gone, but I can still feel the muscle in that area contracting periodically if I use my arm too much.  I'm currently training myself to use my computer mouse with my left hand, which is a really interesting mind/hand coordination exercise!

    DPiggy - Congratulations on a successful exchange.  I can't wait to be in a similar situation!  Just take it easy and let those implant settle nicely into the pockets.

    Mandela - Hope you got that nasty drain out today and are celebrating tonight!

    2Tabbies - Bet you're in major countdown mode, huh?

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Ronna, do you have something like this amongst your 100 bras? I bought one of these because I had some lymphedema under one arm after my mastectomy. It fits quite snugly. They have other models too.

    Dpiggy, I'm going to let my PS do his thing regarding what implant to use also. Since he's reconstructed more breasts than anyone in the state including many lat flaps, I figure he's probably pretty good at it. He's the Breast King after all! I hope your PS's judgement proves perfect.

    Raelan, you hit the nail on the head. I'm in major countdown mode. One week and 4 work days to go. Did anyone else have to shower with Hibiclens twice a day for 5 days? I'll be lucky if I have any skin left. That stuff is harsh. My PS is apparently very meticulous about infection control. For my previous surgeries, I only had to wash with Hibiclens the night before and the morning of the surgery. 

    I had a weird message from the pre-admissions screening office at the hospital today. The message said that I'd missed my appointment last Friday for a phone call from one of their nurses. Au contrair! I talked for half an hour with Mary last Friday. I tried to get hold of them to straighten it out, but had to leave a message. Mary was having difficulty getting her computer to work when she was interviewing me so I wonder if some the data never got entered. My PS's assistant said the hospital would cancel your surgery if you didn't go through the pre-screening so it's pretty important that they've got it on record.

  • kfinnigan
    kfinnigan Member Posts: 490

    Ronna, glad you saw your PS again and he said to go on your mini-vacation and that in a month or so he can fix you up!  sounds encouraging and I hope you have gentle healing.  

    DPiggy, did you get silicone implants and what kind did you get?  I'm trusting my PS and he sounds like yours.  I'm so happy for you.  

    Raelan, what's up with your drain still producing?  I'm going to send good thoughts your way...

    2Tabbies, they better get your records straight!!!  I never had to wash with Hibiclens, just regular soap.

    Healing hugs to all and really good thoughts too!

    edited to add:

    I am able to sleep somewhat comfortably on the lat flap side now.  The TE is filled to the brim it feels and it goes toward my arm (I call it my ridiculous volcano boob, lol) so it is in my way most of the time.

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    I finally got called back by the surgery pre-screening folks at the hospital. They found the information from the phone call I had with them last Friday. The box on the computer screen that says "complete" hadn't been checked probably because the nurse I talked to was having a problem with her computer. All is well, and she assured  me they wouldn't cancel my surgery. 

    Raelan, I hope the drain hostage crisis is over soon. Let's hope next two days have minimal drainage.

    kfinnigan, I hope that volcano boob gets out of your way! When is your exchange?

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    I do not freaking believe this. I just got a call out of the blue from a cardiologist's office saying I'd been referred there because my preop EKG showed an abnormality. So I need to be checked out by the cardiologist before I can have my surgery. This is the first I've heard of any of this. What's weird is the referral to the cardiologist came from my primary care not from my PS who ordered the EKG. I am not pleased that I got this news from the scheduler at the cardiology office. I am really not going to be pleased if they say I can't have this surgery. How the heck can something be wrong with my heart? I just went to the Y and swam for half an hour this morning. I climb stairs every day. I have no shortness of breath or chest pain. Is my entire body falling apart at age 57??? I happen to have an appointment with my PCP this afternoon. I'm going to find out why the heck she didn't call me and tell me what was on the EKG. I also called my PS's office. The receptionist said this whole thing sounded weird. She's going to have someone get back to me. Surely it's just a mistake on the EKG, right? If they did another one, it would all be normal. Please tell me that's true.

  • kfinnigan
    kfinnigan Member Posts: 490

    2Tabbies, OMG, what the heck?  I didn't have to have ANY tests run before my lat flap surgery!  Let us know what happens at your PCP appt. this afternoon.

    I'm waiting for the schedule to call sometime this month, I told her I want my exchange first thing in January since I couldn't get a December date.

  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565

    2Tabbies, keep us posted on your cardiologist situation.  As to the bra, when I was undergoing pt for lympadema I did buy something similar. Senior moment, don't remember where, but I have two of them. Not exactly the same but almost, if that makes sense. I am now wearing one of the coobies after taking my sturdy bra off, getting nervous b/c I can feel where the pain was pre-surgery.  If I put my hand and finger there, I can make it stop.  Again, the purpose of my surgery ws to cover the pain. 

    Also 2Tabbies, my hubby prior to shunt surgery in brain had to wash his head with Hibiclens. He had a shunt put into his brain and the shampoo was some kind of cleanser of infection. It really is amazing how all these doctors of our have their own techniques.  All I was given at discharge were instructions post surgery.  My problem is I push to the limit and I can't sit down for a minute. Alot of nervous energy.

    OK, time to make dinner.

    Love to all, sorry if I bored you. Hugs,,,,

  • Warrior_Woman
    Warrior_Woman Member Posts: 819

    2Tabbies - You had better be alright.  We're doing this surgery together.  (BTW - My husband always has abnormal EKGs before surgery and he is fine.  It's just a hassle to get cleared.)

    Ronna - You have earned this vacation!  Have a blast.

    Ladies - Regarding implants, Whippetmom certainly knows a lot but be advised that she thinks the LD flap surgery is a poor choice and one made by surgeons who don't know how to do microsurgery.  If you speak with her, be prepared that her response may be upsetting.

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    I just got back from seeing my PCP, and here's the scoop. Apparently, she has to give her ok
    before I can have surgery. I did not know this. I assumed the surgeon
    made the call since he ordered the tests. She said there were changes in
    my EKG and wanted a cardiologist to look at it before she’d sign off
    for the surgery. (Given that the last EKG I had was 12 years ago, I’m
    not surprised there were “changes.” They did not do an EKG last year before my mastectomy.) She also said, she’d relayed that
    information back to the PS’s office, and they were supposed to have
    called me. However, I talked to them earlier today after I got the call from the cardiologist. It sounded like this
    whole thing was news to them. I was told the surgeon saw nothing in the EKG results that worried him. So somebody dropped the communications ball somewhere.
    Also, my PCP only got the results of my preop tests today. I had them
    done Oct. 27 so somebody (PS's office, I assume) took their time getting them to her. It’s a damn good thing that cardiologist happened to
    have an opening tomorrow, or I’d probably have to reschedule my surgery.
    It took 4 months to get on the surgeon’s schedule. I sure don’t want to
    wait another 4 months. Anyway, my PCP said that the difference in the EKG was "probably
    nothing," but since I’d had radiation, and that can cause heart damage,
    she didn’t feel comfortable signing off until I saw a cardiologist. Of
    course, she’s heading off to Miami tomorrow for a conference so how’s
    she going to sign off? She assured me that it would still get done. Why
    am I not reassured? She said not to worry about it. Like that's going to happen.

    Warrior, I can't imagine that I'm not ok. Honestly, I swim, walk, climb stairs, lift weights. Wouldn't I have had some symptoms if I had a heart problem? What I'm concerned about is not that something is wrong with my heart, but that with all the delays and screw ups, we won't get this straightened out in time for me to have surgery Tuesday. I am not a happy camper at the moment.

    That's interesting about Whippetmom thinking the lat flap is a bad choice. It happens to be my only choice unless I want to travel all the way across the country for a GAP. And from what I've read about the GAP, it's not the greatest choice either. Some of us don't have options. I don't have the luxury of a pristine, scar free body so that I can have one of the abdominal procedures. Even if I did, the PS said I don't have enough fat there. (Could have fooled me.)

    Regarding the Hibiclens, it seems to be the standard at my local hospital. I've had to use it for all my breast biopsies and surgeries in the last 2 or 3 years, but usually only the night before and morning of surgery. This time it's twice a day for the 5 days before.