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Latissimus Dorsi Breast Reconstruction



  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Welcome, Jodi, to our very exclusive little club!


  • jbokland
    jbokland Member Posts: 275

    hi Jodi...the journey continues!!

  • adove
    adove Member Posts: 11

    Hello again all! I am back home YAHOO and just catching up with all the posts! (Btw coming home to three dogs, mad with excitement, that all wanted to bear hug me at the same time with me holding my goo ball over my head was quite the scene I will say... :) )

    Artemis I did not faint! The doctor was smart, he just kept me talking (not hard to do) and before I knew it, it was done! You are too funny, I am happy you are out of your restraints too! :)

    Ronqt, the cording was bothering me big time too after radiation and first surgery, and after this recent surgery (two and half weeks ago now) my PS said he removed a lot of scar tissue, I wonder if this is similar to cutting the cords, he was not very specific but I will say my range of movement is much better, even with all the other restrictions of having the lat flap scar and drains etc. But yup still Tight, that does seem to be the common denominator in so much of our recoveries.

    jbookland, your scars really did heal so well! Gives me hope!

    2Tabbies, I am sending you my most positive thoughts and warm hugs, so not fair that you have to have this on your mind all weekend. But Monday will bring news of a false alarm, I believe it!

    Jlow, good for you pulling your own drains, and ramping down on the pain meds.. brave lady! Maybe a Texan trait? :) My hubby is from Texas too and he is pretty fearless!

    Thimbleberry glad you are past the surgery! Sharsalo my drain scars itch too, I am watching for redness, in case of infection but so far so good.. and the energy level is also a tough one to keep maintained. A few hours at the computer trying to catch up on work and my back is on fire and i am zonked.. hope that improves with maybe some low level exercise and yes better sleep! Once the final drain is out I expect that will get much better for me as I am a side sleeper.

    Warrior Woman glad all went well with the surgery, rest is good! Hi Jodi! Here to help with any questions you might have, for sure it is good to look ahead and hear about what others went through! Love the saying in your signature Just Keep Swimming! :)

    Hugs to you all and best wishes towards healing of mind and body!

  • DPiggy
    DPiggy Member Posts: 132

    Hi All - last Wednesday, PS took out implant on left side, removed remaining hematoma (about another 60ccs) & put in new implant.  Drain was removed on Friday, & keeping my fingers crossed this works out.  I'm taking it easy, although I feel good & no discomfort.  Just don't want this to happen again.  She does want me in an ace bandage for about a week just to keep compression on that side in case something tries to develop.  I'm glad my PS acted quickly, & she assured me it wasn't anything that I did.  It's not common, but it does happen.

    2tabbies - you're in my thoughts & prayers & I'm sure everything will be just fine.

    For all those recovery from surgery - rest, pamper yourself & sending healing thoughts your way.  You're finally on the other side!

    Soft hugs to all!


  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    adove, hooray for not fainting!

    Dpiggy, I'm glad you got that hematoma out of there. I hope all goes well this time.

  • raelan
    raelan Member Posts: 84

    Hi All - Although I've been keeping up with everyone, I haven't had much time to post in the past week. I'm pretty much back to my normal routine, working full time, dealing with kids, homework, dinner, etc. Last week was particularly crazy at work because I was facilitating a 3 day meeting and we had several folks in from out of town so there was some entertaining involved as well. I was pretty worn out by Friday night.

    I'm now 6 weeks out from my surgery and feeling pretty darn good. So good I even went to the gym this morning and fast walked 3 miles. Still have a bit of tenderness in my back around the scar and drain site, but for the most part I only notice it if I've overdone it. Saw my PS on Friday and got my last fill......YAY! Now, I'm get to sit and percolate for 3-4 months while everything settles. I have to say, I am noticing a big difference with this last fill. I can relate to the boulder sensation a lot of women talk about with their T.E.'s. When I lay down on my back my breasts point straight up to the ceiling. There is no give in these things and I'm so looking forward to my implants.

    Also, the puffiness under my arm is pretty much gone. I still have a little there, but most of it's due to my T.E. rather than the lat muscle. I'm finally able to wear some soft bras, which seems to pull the area under the arm in a bit and help keep the T.E. from migrating in that direction. All and all, feeling pretty good about where things stand at this point. I plan to post some updated photos on the picture forum sometime this week, including one of my back scar. It's healing pretty well, although it looks like my PS may have a little fixing to do on each end where I have some puckering.

    Glad to hear everyone is doing so well. Trust me when I say you will start to feel like your normal self again. Prior women on this board made reference to the "6 week turning point". This time-frame held true for me.

    Hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving week. I'm looking forward to spending time with my family and forgetting about BC for a few days.

  • jbokland
    jbokland Member Posts: 275

    I am now a year from my diagnosis date. Man...what a year! I decided to start a new topic: I thought it would be a good way to talk about 'if I knew then what I know now" to help the other ladies who are just starting this journey. Please go there and share your wisdom!

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Hello, my friends. I had my visit with my MO this afternoon regarding the lung nodule. As I expected, he wasn't able to tell me much without further tests. He said this was most likely not cancer, but ordered a CT scan to get more information. Since it was late in the day, we weren't able to get the CT scheduled. The radiology office was already closed for the day. They're supposed to call me tomorrow. I'll be lucky if I can get it scheduled and the results are sent to my MO so he can call me before Thursday. If not, it will be next week before I hear anything because of the holiday.

    Raelan, I'm glad you're feeling good and done with your fills. Mine are going to stretch out for 3 months. I think I get the first one tomorrow since it will be my first checkup with the PS since surgery. I should also get at least 2 of the 3 drains pulled. Right now, all 3 are producing less than 30 ml a day. If that holds, he might pull them all. Woo hoo!

    jbokland, congrats on hitting your 1 year mark. I admit to purposely ignoring mine. Your new thread is a good idea although, I don't know if I have accumulated much wisdom!

    Has anyone else had a feeling like a big knot in a muscle in your lower back on the LD side? I can't figure out why there would be something like that there unless it's the remaining muscles knotting up from the strain of compensating for the loss of the lat.

  • adove
    adove Member Posts: 11

    2Tabbies, again it sux to have the waiting drawn out, but it does sound like he is just being thorough and confirming that it is Ok. Hugs, I was hoping this could be past you by the holidays.. yay though that your drains are finally under the 30cc limit! Lucky you!! So much for the Turkey disguise! :) I feel a knot happen there when I am sitting at the computer typing for too long, I think it is just that, overcompensating for a muscle that is no longer there.. anyone else have the arm on the side of the lat surgery that THROBS right in the meat of the upper arm? Wakes me up at night.. :P Also I am noticing that if I fall asleep with my arms in any other position then straight, I wake up to pins and needles in my fingers.. my circulation does not feel the same.. hum..

    Raelen your post was so positive! So good to hear that the six week time line is a great turning point! And that the puffiness under your arm has gone, my little piece of dough seems to be going down too but could be wishful thinking. It is still rather early. How is your flexibility? If you don't mind me asking do you do any specific arm workouts at the gym. I am aiming to avoid the stiffness I experienced after radiation and first surgery because I did not do the right exercises for my arms.. :P I did all the exercises I considered fun and paid for it in the end with not being able to move my arm freely.. :P

    DPiggy so great that your PS was so proactive and that you got that out (wow 60cc in a pocket under your skin, phew) and are healing well!

    jbokland love the topic I already jumped on to the thread and waffled.. :)

    My first Big Errand Day was yesterday, I will say it Exhuasted me! I was actually surprised to feel so zonked, I thought, all I am doing is driving, walking and then driving again? But my back and site where the drain enters were sore as all hell.. It was a long drive (one hour to town) and to even get started we have a four mile sea to cross by boat but I thought I would handle it better.. will take it easy this week!

    Hugs to you all!

  • kfinnigan
    kfinnigan Member Posts: 490

    DPiggy, so glad things went well and you aren't feeling any discomfort. Take it easy girl!

    Raelan, yay on turning the healing corner and feeling good!

    2Tabbies, poo on having to wait for the scan, sending good today is a big day for you-drains pulled and first fill, hope you have a great day.

    adove, I can empathize with you on being exhausted after your big day out. I still find myself tiring out sooner, when my back starts getting fatigued, that's where I feel it first-my back and I'm almost 5 months out. And I also experience the pins and needles in my left lat flap side arm when I sleep on my side. That never happened before. Also, when I rub my upper arm it sure does feel sore in there.

    I will be flying north tomorrow, I have my letter from my PS in case I set off the alarm at the airport lol!

    Shout outs to all reading and/or posting here. Love to you all and gentle healing hugs all around. Cheers!

  • jbokland
    jbokland Member Posts: 275

    Just had my pre-op appointment, signed a package that was worthy of a new mortgage agreement! One for implants, one for Lat Flap, one for port scar revision....sheesh!

    Just another week.....

  • Artemis17
    Artemis17 Member Posts: 30

    Evening everyone....

    Firstly, Happy Thanksgiving for Thursday, i dont think i will get online for a few days as now im back to work i dont get the free time to spend online. Here in the UK, we obviously dont have this holiday, and imagine you view Thanksgiving as the same as the 4th July, an excuse for a celebration. Does the whole of the States shut down, and do you find it takes the shine off Christmas, or is it one month long party?. :-).

    So, being back to work full time, exercising and running the home, boy i miss having that me time. As Raelan says, once you start to feel better, it all falls into place quite quickly and recovery is very visible. Much better emotionally than the original mastectomy surgery as theres not the fear of the unknown, chemo, rads etc, and so when you feel ok you pretty much are..!

    adove, fab news to hear youre back home, are you enjoying good weather?. I expect the dog walking is keeping you busy, dont overdo the chores and duties though...Hope the sore drain sites ease up soon. You asked about exercise, well i found the following were all pretty good. Shoulder shrugs,up down, circles, forwards and backwards: arms behind the head, elbows out to 90degrees and bring them forward in front of your face: also let your surgery side arm hang down, then trace circles, lines, all directions, increasing the size as movement becomes easier. bring your arms in front of you clasp your hands as if youre hugging a tree, deep breathing while doing this. Also walking your fingers up the wall, or placing your hand flat on the wall anad rotate your wrist/hand. I have full ROM now and the cording has all but gone as well.

    Dpiggy, hope the surgery site is settling down and the new implant feels more comfortable now. With the haematoma gone, hopefully its plain sailing now for you.

    Raelan, getting back to normal is great isnt, i guess we will have residual tightness for some time, but our bodies are pretty remarkable in recovery. I am on the picture site, same user name, and the general feeling seems to be my scars are healing well. I havent any dog ears or puckering, but i have lost the volume i had initally, but i dont have any implants etc so im not doing too badly and i will have fat grafting in a few months.

    2Tabbies, have you had your first fill yet?. I didnt realise you start the filling process so quickly after surgery. I hope you feel a little reassurred speaking to your GP, if they was real concern im sure theyd be rushing your tests through, its still rubbish having to wait for the all clear and thoughts that are straightforward through the day grow and fill our minds with worry in the wee dark hours of the night. Sending positive vibes to you....I dont have a knot feeling in my back, but its tight and when i bend i can feel it stretch like elastic.

    Jbokland, does getting things signed mean its full steam ahead, or is there still a wait involved?. I have no understanding of the whole financial process you guys have to go through which sucks on top of all the emotional stress ill health brings. If you dont have insurance then does it mean you dont get treated at all???.


    Well, i hope everyone else is doing well and progressing as much as possible. If there are setbacks, face them with grim determination, we are strong and have all come so far, whats a few more miles... ;-)



  • sharsalo
    sharsalo Member Posts: 38

    Congrats Warrior Woman on the surgery and thanks Raelan for the update -- it's nice to have something positive to look forward to. I had my second post-op appointment today and I had my last drain removed and all my stitches taken out. Not bad for 2 weeks! I will get my first fill (probably not very much according to the PS) next week. He seems to think everything is going very well. Now I have to focus on my ROM, which isn't very good right now (so thanks also for the exercises, Artemis17), and massages to get the breast supple. Nothing like feeling yourself up on doctor's orders! Still pooped but trying to build up stamina slowly by walking on the treadmill; my only real issue currently is that my back gets fatigued really quickly and the twinges have me still taking an occasional pill.

    2Tabbies, I hope you don't have to wait too long for (hopefully good) news.

    Happy Thanksgiving to everyone! I think I may pick up a fitbit on Black Friday to help monitor my activity level.

    Good healing to all!

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Sharsalo, we are almost on the exact same schedule. I had my second post-op appointment today too and HAD ALL 3 OF MY DRAINS PULLED!!! Whoot! A shower is on the schedule for tomorrow morning. I'll be feeling myself up on doctor's orders too. He said to use the moisturizer of my choice on all the scars to keep them soft. I can't say that I'll get a thrill out of this though since I'm completely numb. I also got my first fill today. He added 180 ml to my right side and about half that to me left. The left side is the one with the lat flap so it already had more volume from the muscle itself. I'm fairly symmetrical now at least as far as volume goes. I was a little surprised he added so much since a lot of posts I've seen here were smaller amounts. He didn't add much at the time of the surgery, and I wasn't feeling any discomfort during the fill so I guess he felt my body could handle this much. I trust him on this. He's done plenty of these. We're also taking a fairly long time overall - 3 months for the fills and 3 months of sitting and letting it stretch. I don't have any pain just more tightness. Feels like I'm wearing the proverbial iron bra. There's also some pulling at the fold under each pseudo-boob. That's where he sewed muscles together. It's uncomfortable but not too bad. Even at this early stage, I feel that I would look relatively normal in a clingy shirt or bathing suit. It helps that I wasn't big so I'm not anticipating or wanting that look. I've decided all of this is my Christmas present to myself this year. A new set of boobs for Christmas! I'm also out of the awful binder. He said I can wear a soft sports bra or anything that will provide light compression if I want. I have a compression camisole that I got when I had lymphedema under my arm so I put that on, and I DIDN'T HAVE TO STUFF ANYTHING IN THE POCKETS TO SIMULATE BOOBS! No rubber chicken cutlets as Warrior Woman called them. Can you tell I'm happy? Still have ugly scars, but I look so much better in clothes.

    kfinnigan, I would definitely call this a pretty good day. My friend Anita drove me to my appointment, and we had a nice visit also. That was fun. Good luck with your flight tomorrow. I hope you're not going anywhere with bad weather. Let us know if you set off any alarms! LOL!

    Regarding the lung nodule, I now have a chest CT scheduled for first thing tomorrow morning. It took a little work and a little begging on my part (I'm not proud at this point) since as usual a ball got dropped. But my MO should be able to get the results tomorrow if he calls for them. Fingers crossed.

    Artemis, honestly, talking to my MO didn't reassure me any more than the information I'd found on the internet that said most of these nodules are benign. Even if he had thought it was cancer, I don't think he'd have been in a hurry to do anything. Unfortunately, it seems there's no reason to rush with me anymore. If it is cancer, it's Stage IV. He's been very clear that it adds nothing to your lifespan to find it on a scan versus several months later when symptoms occur. Since months don't matter, I know he wouldn't have rushed anything on this no matter what he thought. Regardless, I'm not stressing badly over it, but I will be relieved if I hear good news from him tomorrow. I'm sure there's at least some subconscious stressing going on in my brain! Regarding fills, they're sometimes started at the time the TEs are placed. My surgeon just did a very small one then. When do you start them over there?

    Adove, I was a little disappointed that I didn't have a chance to dress one of my goo balls up as a turkey. I told the PS I was going to do that, and he got a chuckle out of it. I don't have the pins and needles feeling you describe. I guess it depends on what's pressing on what. Sounds like something is pressing on a nerve or cutting of circulation in your arm. I'm not surprised your errands wore you out. It sounds like kind of a long day what with the boat trip and all. I hope you're resting now.

    jbokland, hooray for getting the consents signed! One more step out of the way. That is a ton of paperwork, isn't it. I agree, it's almost as bad as a mortgage. We're counting down the days with you.

    Artemis, the way our insurance system works is that you get very good health care if you can afford insurance. Otherwise, not so much. Basically, the way the system works is that when you go to the doctor, hospital, etc., they bill your insurance company. Usually, the insurance doesn't cover everything. You'll probably have a standard amount called a copay that you have to pay for a doctor's visit for example. Most insurance doesn't cover 100% of costs anyway, so you have to pay what they don't cover. If you don't have insurance, you have to pay out of pocket. Many people end up bankrupt when they have a big health issue like cancer. By the way, most people get their health insurance as one of the benefits of their employment. They usually still have to pay part of the premium, but it's much more affordable than trying to buy insurance as an individual. Hence, you have people who can't leave a job because they need the insurance that it provides. Things have changed recently with the advent of the Affordable Care Act which you'll probably hear called Obamacare. This makes it mandatory for everyone to have health insurance. It also requires the insurance companies to offer "affordable" plans that cover specified services. If you are below a certain income level, you get subsidized by the government so that you should be able to afford one of these policies. A lot of people are now able to get health insurance because of this. My sister and her husband are among them. It's far from perfect though. Some people have ended up paying more for their insurance and there are still some people who fall through the cracks. There are also two government insurance programs that have been around for decades. If you're really poor, you can get Medicaid which is the government's health care program for low income people. What it covers varies from state to state. If you're 65 or older, you get Medicare which is the government's health care program for older people. That doesn't cover everything so you really need to buy a supplemental insurance policy. That's not a complete explanation of our "system," but I think it gives you the basics. Is it crazy? Yes, it absolutely is. As I said, if you have good insurance, you get excellent care. If not, you don't. And you may go broke. There are also issues with insurance companies denying coverage for something that a doctor thinks is necessary. A lot of the costs of our health care system is because doctors and hospitals need huge administrative staffs just to deal with insurance companies. Well, I can see I'm heading for a rant so I better quit! I think the paperwork jbokland was referring to was not anything to do with insurance though. She was talking about the consent forms the patient has to sign giving the doctor and hospital permission to treat them. Do you have to do that? It's called informed consent. They want to make sure you know what you're signing up for them to do, and it also protects them somewhat against law suits. Malpractice claims are another huge issue over here. Phew! I've written a huge post!

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Yeah, it's me the chatterbox again. Just wanted to say that I'm going to post updated photos on the picture forum in a little while if anybody wants to look.

  • adove
    adove Member Posts: 11

    Where is the picture forum? :P

    2Tabbies WAHOO on the drains! And out of the binder! Double bonus! :) I was pretty much on the same fill schedule, every three months and two fills done in total, not including what went in right when I had the mastectomy. On the last fill they pumped me up with 160cc's in each, which was absolutely a lot, I guess they figured go big go home since I was flying out next day.. Fortunately the King Kong squeeze went away after a few days. :P New set of boobs for Christmas, ya gotta fit that into a carol somehow! :) You had lymphedema? Was it very noticeable to you? My arm looks bigger but I think it is because I am getting chubby from not being as active as I used to be..I am grateful that you got your scan. Begging? Phooey! You deserve to have the peace of mind on an ASAP schedule! Hon it makes me a little grrr at your MO to hear that thinks he doesn't need to rush anything.. it is his absolute commitment to give you the best care he possibly can, so whatever is important to you should be taken care of PRONTO! Want me to come up dere and give him a Bahama Mama slap upside the head? (though my slapability is somewhat reduced as of late, I am sure I can still pull something off!) :) Boo on the decorated goo balls, if you kept them maybe they can still go on the table centerpiece? :)

    Kfinnigan happy travels! Hehe on having to bring the letter, I didn't even think of that.. could have helped with a possible lengthy explanation.. Magnets Ma'am.. just magnets I promise.. :)

    Jbokland, a week! :) I do remember the mountain of paperwork...

    Artemis, we are in the same boat about Thanksgiving, former British colony so we don't have the holiday but there are enough Americans around to score on the good food! My hubby and I live on a little cay, separate from the mainland, so the wonderful thing is that the dogs have the run of the place, no dog walking needed! But I do tag along sometimes so my expanding boongie can get some exercise! :) And THANK YOU on the list of movements! Absolutely will put them into my routine, cannot wait to get full ROM!

    Sharsalo congrats on the last drain! I am the same way with the fatigue and twinges.. I think we have to keep reminding ourselves that it has only been a couple of weeks, and they did do quite a rearrange there.. :P I have not been doing much in the way of massages, my doc said not really needed when I asked him about it. Funny how different they range on some of their processes.. and my stitches still have a line of glue there so I was thinking that the moisturizer would not sink in? I am so not going near the back scar yet, still so tender..

    Hugs to you all!

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    adove, the picture forum is a private forum that you need permission to access. You need to contact nowheregirl and request permission. After you've been on for a while and proven by your posts that you're truly a woman going through this breast cancer ordeal and not some evil lurker looking for thrills, she may grant you access. Since we post photos that we don't want the whole world to see, she keeps access locked down pretty tight. Drop her a pm and ask about it.

    My fill schedule is actually a bit different from yours, adove. I'm getting one every 2 weeks over a 3 month span. Then I'll sit and stretch for 3 more months before the exchange. I definitely have that King Kong hug, and in the middle of the night, the muscles all decided to rebel against being stretched. One wrong move, and holy shit it hurts! Yes, I am taking my pain pills now and am very glad I got a prescription for a refill yesterday. I feel it's a small price to pay for getting to look normal again. I do have to think of a Christmas carol involving 2 new boobs. All I Want For Christmas Is My Two New Boobs?

    I had lymphedema in 2 arm last year. I think I had some of it under my right arm right after the surgery in August, and I didn't recognize it as lymphedema. I thought it was just normal swelling from the surgery. My arm didn't swell until December. I thought it seemed a little swollen one day but wasn't sure. We happened to be going to get a Christmas tree that day. By the time we got home, it was definitely swollen. Apparently, helping my husband carry the tree from where we cut it to the car really aggravated it. I got an appointment with a lymphedema physical therapist as soon as I could. She massaged the fluid out of there, and I haven't had any trouble since. Thank God. I also have lymphedema in my right ankle and foot because lymph nodes in my pelvis were removed for biopsy when I had ovarian cancer in 2003. The lymphedema didn't show up until 9 years later. It's not too bad. I wear a knee high compression sock which is hot and uncomfortable in the summer, but what are you going to do. Exercise seems to help it especially swimming. I hope you don't have it.

    The begging I did on the CT scan was with the scheduler at the radiology office so she'd really try to get it approved and scheduled today. There's nothing that's going to make my MO act like something is an emergency if medically it doesn't matter if we get a test down right away or later. I guess I'm supposed to take comfort from his assurance that it really doesn't matter. Maybe someday I'll feel that way. The big good news here is that I got the results of my CT scan from this morning, and it doesn't look like anything serious. The MO's assistant called and said they don't see anything solid on the scan so I guess that means no tumor. He thinks it might have been a small spot of infection from my cold and just ordered a follow up chest x-ray in 6 weeks. Big sigh of relief! I do hate to think that my immune system is so depressed that I'm getting pneumonia that easily, but it's way better than lung mets!

    LOL! I did NOT keep my goo balls. Somehow, I don't think they'd have been welcome as the Thanksgiving centerpiece! Speaking of which, you all have a happy Thanksgiving. Artemis, and anybody else not in the US, just have a great Thursday.

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Artemis, somewhere you asked about Thanksgiving. I can't find that post so I don't know if anyone answered you. Thanksgiving is a pretty big holiday and is always the "official" kickoff of the winter holiday season even though Christmas stuff has been in the stores since October. Thanksgiving is the biggest travel time of the year since most people try to spend it with their families. It's my favorite holiday since it hasn't been commercialized as much as Christmas. I guess nobody but the grocers have found a way to make much money off of it since there are no gifts involved and not even costumes or much in the way of decorations like for Halloween.

    The Friday after Thanksgiving has become known as Black Friday because it's a big Christmas shopping day, and many stores get their budgets "in the black" from sales on that day. They've started opening earlier and earlier on that day. Some of them now open on Thanksgiving and stay open all night through Friday. It's crazy. A real mob scene. I hate crowds and hate shopping so I don't participate, but some people love it. Somewhat as a backlash, we now have Small Business Saturday which promotes shopping at your small local stores. I do occasionally do some of that if there's something I had planned on buying. But any shopping on Thanksgiving weekend tends to be too crowded for me. Then there's Cyber Monday on the following Monday. Maybe you have that as well since it's promoting internet shopping. Ugh! Too much shopping!

    It does tend to become one big part between Thanksgiving and New Year's. Thanksgiving is still my favorite part.

  • adove
    adove Member Posts: 11

    Hi again 2Tabbies, yes I can imagine privacy would be good for the picture forum, I guess I have had to parade mine out to so many doctor, nurses, friends that I have totally lost me sense of propriety, but you are right, ewww on the evil lurkers!

    I totally misread your schedule, every two weeks ouch.. they must have taken my travel into consideration and spread to out over such a long time. Yes I remember the expanders were so uncomfortable, I think I would trade the accelerated fill schedule to be have had them out in six months for sure. I had them in for almost two years, many a sleepless night there! And your Christmas carol totally works! :)

    I am really going to pay attention to the lymphedema. Well muddo that you had to deal with the ovarian cancer too.. sounds like you have truly been on one hell of a roller coaster ride.. you seem to have such a positive soul and an awesome sense of humor.. makes a difference I think.. Yay on the results coming back as an infection (yes funny how we can say sentences like that, but we know the bigger picture!) :) I feel confident you could have worked it with the goo balls! I am annoyed I lost my port cause that was a neat looking thing and would have looked great on a Christmas tree!

    Happy Thanksgiving to you all, have a wonderful day with friends and family!!

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    adove, yYour port as a Christmas tree! Oh, that would be too funny. I'm kind of sorry I didn't keep one goo ball to make into a turkey.

    Can't imagine having the expanders for two years! Nooo! I bet they did work your fill schedule around your travel.

    The ovarian cancer was "easy" compared to breast cancer. It was caught very early just by chance. I "only" had surgery. I had a hysterectomy-oophorectomy, and that would have been it, except the pathologist who looked at the tissue during the surgery made a mistake on the diagnosis. She called it a "tumor of low malignant potential." With that diagnosis, they don't biopsy lymph nodes so they closed me up without taking any nodes. I got a second opinion on the pathology, and it turned out to be carcinoma. So 8 weeks after the original surgery, they had to do another one to biopsy lymph nodes. Those were all negative so that was the end of it except for the stupid lymphedema that showed up 9 years later. But overall, I lucked out with the ovarian cancer. So far I've lucked out with Waldenstrom's macroglobulinemia (a rare form of non-Hodgkins lymphoma) too. It's not causing any problematic symptoms so they just watch it. Breast cancer, on the other hand. Well, you know the story there.

    I hope everyone who celebrates it is having a wonderful Thanksgiving. Happy day to everyone else too!

  • Warrior_Woman
    Warrior_Woman Member Posts: 819

    Hi Everyone - I just want to say Happy Thanksgiving to everyone even to Artemis. LOL I have a lot to be thankful for and much of it comes from the support of you great women. I still have 2 out of 4 drains and they are a long way from coming out. I started physical therapy. Honestly, however, I sleep most days. I get up to shower and take a walk. I care for my animals and I sleep. I guess my body needs it. Tabbies - I hope all reports are good. We have come to live our lives in a constant state of waiting for the other shoe to drop.

    Also, since I had the LD on both sides I want to report that I don't have any regrets so far for this decision. I really don't see any big disadvantage of having done both. One side hurts more than the other but that's about it. My right side has been my problem side all along.

    Love to you all. Be good to yourselves. Smile

  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565

    To my LD Flap sistas:

    A belated Happy Turkey Day. Reading all posts and glad that are recuperating nicely.

    2Tabbies and Warrior Women: Special thoughts for your gals reading your posts.

    As for me, more surgery this week. Was in ER last week for an OD of pain pills and usual breast pain. PS was pissed off at me that I did not call him direct instead of going to ER. My head is spinning with all pain and now I have figured out (having gone through this before), this is more than pocket opening. I am assuming another capsular contracture, which has been following me all through my journey with this friggin surgeries. So surgery is to be scheduled for the week coming, I will know more on Monday when they get the date. Either a capsular contractor or a seroma. I will bet my last dollar I have one of the two. PS said to me when I saw him Monday after ER, the pocket cannot possibly give you this much pain but I was too disheleved to tell him all the pain I had. My pain management guy is having a compound to relieve the pain around the chest and ribs. Anyway, 2Tabbies, you gave a good explanation of the 65 and over insurance explanation. Right on point. I had to purchase my supplement after going on medicare this year. The companies make you crazy but my hubby has had AARP UNITED HEALTH CARE for the past 10 years, they have been great, so I took Plan C. Ladies, I have family members in insurance business, stick with Plan C, no matter when supplement you take.

    Ladies, I want to thank you again for your posts, I do not always keep up daily, dealing with a sick hubby, but I do not forget you. I am hoping that this will be an outpatient procedure otherwise my life gets complicated this week. Kids are out of the question to come and help overnight, so I have to hire a respite care aide to come and help for hours. Will do anything for my guy because he was always here for me during my journed and basicaly still is. I feel guilty having problems because he needs me but my therapist told me that I am first. If I am not first then I cannot help him. Perhaps I can count on my friends and other family members to help us out. If I made it through 3 days in hospital for LD Flap I can get through this. Just looking for pain to disappear.

    Love you all really and I hope I did not go off point. 2Tabbies, have been reading your posts very carefully and I only wish you good health. Warrior Woman, glad you are coming along. Everyone else, be well and will be back soon.

    With hugs,

  • jbokland
    jbokland Member Posts: 275

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    jbokland, were you speechless earlier? Happy

  • jbokland
    jbokland Member Posts: 275

    One year ago, friends and family gathered at the beach before my BMX. We had a bonfire (illegally) to burn my most expensive 36 DDD bra. We passed around a tacky, boobie replica coffee mug filled with fine red wine. We took turns sharing funny stories about my giagantic boobs as we sipped out of the nipple. Everyone danced around the fire and we wished my breasts well in their next life. image

    Yesterday, we reconvened to celebrate again before my reconstruction. We attempted to dig up the remnants of the bra. A game was created and had everyone placed a shell where they thought it was buried. Despite using the metal detector to locate the underwire and clasp, we came up empty handed. We will try again tomorrow! image

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    jbockland, that is so awesome! I hope you find what's left of your bra. I had less to lose but still miss 'em. You'd never find what would have been left of one of my A bras. No underwires for one thing! After being flat for over 15 months, I feel gigantic in these TEs. Your surgery is almost here!

    Ronna, I'm so sorry to hear you're still in such pain and had to go to the ER. The stress you're under between your own health and your hubby's isn't helping, I'm sure. Stress makes pain worse. I'm sure your therapist or pain doc has given you some relaxation techniques, right? You're therapist is right that you have to put yourself first for now, or you won't be able to help your husband. I hope you can get all the caregiving help you need, and that this next surgery fixes your pain problem. Let us know what you find out Monday. Big HUGS!

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Where is everyone? Still in a post-Thanksgiving food coma? Out shopping?

  • jbokland
    jbokland Member Posts: 275

    Could be, 2 Tabbies! Or recovering from shopping...

    I am home now from the beach and will buckle down for my surgery Thursday. 3 days of Hibiclense showers, pre-op labs, last minute shopping. I am fighting a sore throat and eating Zicam to fight off any of the crud that's out there.

    Beach time with friends and family was glorious and relaxing. The unpacking and laundry; not so much. I wandered into a beach boutique and found a beautiful silky poncho that doubles as a scarf the you can wear 7 different ways. Perfect to hide the drains for the holidays. Beats gluing the glitter on the squeeze-balls!!!

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Oh, crap, jbokland, don't get a sore throat! That's exactly what happened to me 3 days before my surgery! Hence the chest x-ray and the nodule drama. I'm sending thought rays to zap those viruses! Do you ever flush your sinuses? That can sometimes reduce the load of viruses and fight off a cold. Did I remember to trying doing that when I was getting sick? Noooo! Of course, not!

    I had to do 5 days of Hibiclens showers. You're getting off relatively easy. I saved the bottle though. I'm sure I'll have to repeat the process for my exchange.

    Excellent on finding the poncho! Come on though. Don't you secretly want to decorate up the squeeze balls??? :-)

  • jbokland
    jbokland Member Posts: 275

    yep, nothing says Happy Holidays like beaded grenades