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Latissimus Dorsi Breast Reconstruction



  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Sharsalo, so sorry you're hurting too. I felt the same way - like the fill set me back 2 weeks pain-wise. However, I am finally, finally feel a bit better 9 days after my first fill. I did not wake up in pain in the middle of the night. I hurt a bit when I woke up this morning, but didn't need a pain pill at 3 or 4 am. That's progress. Just in time for the next fill next week!

    Dpiggy, it's good to hear the later fills may be less painful. I have had a glass of wine or beer a couple of times. I'm not sure it did anything for the pain, but it helped my attitude!


  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Sharsalo, sorry to hear you're hurting. That's exactly how I felt - like the fill set me back 2 weeks pain-wise. I am finally, finally feeling better 9 days after the fill. I didn't wake up needing a pain pill in the middle of the night. I was hurting pretty bad by morning but not in the middle of the night. That's progress. Just in time for the next fill next Wednesday!

    Dpiggy, it's good to hear the later fills might not be as painful. I've had a glass of wine or beer on a couple evenings. I can't say it helped the pain, but it helped my attitude!

    HappyI might need one tonight. I'm going attempt going to my hand bell choir practice.

  • jbokland
    jbokland Member Posts: 275

    Warning. PUI. (posting under the influence) I had my lat flap and exchange at noon. Home by 6 pm. drycleaner should do so good! I came home with a pain ball. It continually delivers a lidocaine agent to my spine and along my ribs in the back I'm completely numb there and have no pain on either incision. I do have pain,however, in my left arm ...I'm sure that arm was manipulated quite a bit and pulled on. I've been dealing with quite a bit of stiffness and cording since my last fill after radiation so that arm is quite painful. I requested pain meds in recovery and later even took a Percocet just to manage that pain.

    This paintball is freaking amazing. they sedated me in pre op and the anesthesiologist placed a small catheter in my back under an ultrasound guide. I have zero pain and I will keep it for 3 to 5 days. Once it's empty I will remove it myself it's like this thread under the skin:imageyimage

  • marianelizabeth
    marianelizabeth Member Posts: 1,156

    I saw my PS last week just about a year post T/E exchange on BC right side and augment and implant left side. I am not jumping up and down about the implant as it is hard but PS says again this is due to radiated thin skin. My underarm is super tight and hard due to radiation too. He brought up a few options~~no nothing for now or forever I suppose, take the implants out and leave it at that and third, do a latissimus dorsi surgery. I have been reading on this site since I saw him but it looks like most of you are going from mx with T/E to LD reconstruction. Has anyone done anything like what mine might be? I decided last week to put off any decision until I see him end of May but would like to go back somewhat educated.

    :) Marian

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    jbokland! Welcome home! I'm so glad it went well. That pain ball does look freaking awesome! I want one!!

    marianelizabeth, welcome to this thread. So you'd be going from implants to a lat flap with implants I think if I've ready your post correctly. To be honest, I can't remember everyone's history here. I hope someone will weigh in. I know that Raelan, had stiff skin from radiation before getting her LD flap, but I think she still had TEs in at the time of the LD flap surgery not a permanent implant. Have I got that right, Raelan? I know she said that the flap really softened up her skin. Good luck, marianelizabeth. I hope find a solution that satisfies you. I agree with the t-shirt in your photo, btw.

    I just had to tell you all that I went to my hand bell choir rehearsal today for the first time since my surgery. I couldn't resist showing off my new pseudo-boobs to some of my buddies. I did keep things under control since we were in church and only removed my fleece pullover not my turtleneck. It was clingy enough to show off my shape. This is the first time in my life I've ever said, "Hey, look what I've got!" and been referring to my boobs. I'm calling them pseudo-boobs until my exchange. Then they'll be foobs.

  • Andrea623
    Andrea623 Member Posts: 572

    Marianelizabeth, I think ronqt had implants and went to a lat flap without the TEs. I'm like you, I had an exchange, or three, to implants, but my radiated side is tight and the skin very thin. I'm planning on the lat flap next year, and am hoping since I already have an implant that I won't have to have a TE again. I hated them! Welcome to the group, and let us know what you decide to do.

  • april418
    april418 Member Posts: 11

    Hi All.  I'm brand new to this forum.  Just had a Latissimus Dorsi flap reconstruction with tissue expanders 3 weeks ago today - 8 months after BMX.  It was comforting to read all of your posts and know that my concerns were normal.  The tight bra feeling is still there, but feeling so much better this week.  5 drains and stitches are out but I still have to sleep propped up.  Still lots of swelling and tightness under lat flap arm.  My first fill is Wednesday -- looking forward to it but also a little nervous.

    Question:  Does the bulge under the lat flap arm go away?

    Question:  Right now the lat flap side breast is bigger than the other side.  Do the fills even them out?

    Peacestrength:  I had 24 lymph nodes removed and got lymphadema right away in 2006.  It's been under control and barely noticeable now so I was also worried about aggravating it after the lat flap surgery.  My PS told me it shouldn't affect it and he was right.  I was diligent in the hospital about needle pricks and blood pressure cuffs, and have been trying to keep the arm elevated on a pillow while sleeping.

    JBokland:  Good luck with your surgery tomorrow!

    DPiggy:  I like your "wine tip" before fills.  I can do that!

    2Tabbies: Hope your pain subsides soon.  You're only 3 weeks out of surgery and still dealing with that pain and swelling and a fill too. Future fills have to be better.



  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    April418, welcome! You're right on track with several of us who had surgery in November. I hope you're right that future fills cause less pain. It seems logical.Since the fill itself was painless, I got lulled into a false sense of security, I think. Regarding your questions, like you, my lat flap boob was bigger than the other side. The first fill almost evened them out. The lat side is still a little bigger. I'm betting my next fill (next Wednesday) will even them out. My understanding from what I've read here and elsewhere is that the bulge under your arm from the lat does shrink. I've been surprised mine isn't bigger than it is. I only notice it if I think about it.

    I've decided to name my left pseudo-boob Latisha. Get it? Latisha?

    WinkingI was at a concert tonight, and she decided to go into a rock hard contraction. That was fun! Not. It wasn't painful just very weird. It felt like there was something alive in there that had jumped.

  • jbokland
    jbokland Member Posts: 275

    I am 2 days post op. Doing pretty well...may have overdone it a bit yesterday with lots of moving around. I did a few dishes, walked down the driveway to the mailbox, just up and down a lot. This pain ball ...On Q, is a life saver. I am numb across my back and around to both incisions. I'm dying for a shower but can't with the ball. Will have to wait til it's empty ... Just whore baths for now. Sleeping in the recliner with my wife next to me. I tried to get her to up to the bedroom...she refused to leave me. It must be lov

  • Andrea623
    Andrea623 Member Posts: 572

    Jbokland, I'm glad you're feeling good, but remember not to overdo it. Let your wife take care of you, she sounds like a sweetie. That Q ball is a real life saver. I had one after my BMX, and wasn't sure how much good it was doing till it ran out. Wowser, I found out it made a lot of difference!

    Have a good weekend everyone, and fast healing!

  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565

    Hi bc sisters: have been reading your posts. Wishing you all well. Yes, in addition to my pocket opened, there was scar tissue as well. On Wed I had a capsulorrapy, (sewing of the pocket). They kept me overnight due to severe pain. It is now Saturday and the pain is excruciating unfortunately. The dr. did tell me it would be painful. I am on oxys and antibiotics. I could not even stand up after first day. I was sent home second day reluctantly, but it was diffit was difficult. Instead of not taking it ez after LD flap I am doing nothing. I am sorry I cannot stay on longer. Love to all,

  • Andrea623
    Andrea623 Member Posts: 572

    Ronna, I'm so sorry your journey has been such a painful one. I pray you'll get relief soon.

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    jbokland, it sounds like you're doing well. Boy, would I love one of those pain balls. Maybe it should be called a NO pain ball. Mine is gradually easing off, but there are still times it's still bad. DH said I was groaning in pain during the night. I don't remember that, but sometimes it still feels like somebody is tightening a steel cable on one of the ribs under my pseudo-boobs. Usually Latisha, but sometimes the other side. (I need a name for her too. Silicon Sylvia?) I can always count on you for a laugh. Whore baths! I've apparently led a very sheltered life. I thought they were just called sponge baths. I'm glad you have your loving wife to take care of you.

    Ronna, I'm so sorry you're still in such pain. I hope the surgery solved your problem, and when the pain from the surgery itself is gone, you'll be much better. Sending gentle hugs!

  • jbokland
    jbokland Member Posts: 275

    I will be pulling the pain ball's almost empty and I will be on my own for discomfort. I am looking forward to my maiden adventure of climbing our steep staircase and getting into the shower. I've only had 3 Percocet since surgery and it's been to manage the muscle pain in my arm...which is better. I started knitting a blanket for my grandson ( who is due May 1). I'm not a big knitter and find myself really tensing up my arms when I do so...maybe i will relax my grip as I get better at it. We spent the night relaxing with popcorn and The Hungar Games movies. I would have killed for a glass of wine!

    My foobs are SO much smaller than the originals! We were planning on 650cc and I ended up with 700 and 600. Guess that's all the rad side could tolerate. I am 5'2(almost) and had DD most of my life. This is quite a welcome change! They seem to sit wide but I know they will be migrating a bit.

    Lol. My sister asked me to define whore bath...I told her it was generally done in a gas station bathroom with crunchy paper towels

  • Warrior_Woman
    Warrior_Woman Member Posts: 819

    Ronna - If I could reach through this computer with my magic wand my first wish would be to help you along your very difficult path.

    jbokland - From what I am taking from your posts you're doing as well as we can hope.

    I still have 2 drains. They may get pulled this week. I sleep a lot. I am working from home for a couple hours per day. It is draining. I can take off but I'm trying to preserve my sick time.

    Tabbies & everyone - I made a pdf of my PT exercises and I will try to post it now. If it doesn't work send me your email in a private message and I can send them. It's 3 simple exercises to start and honestly they help.

    I still take 2 percoset per day. It worries me that Alleve and anything else I've tried doesn't seem to make much difference. I will ask my PS this week but I am worried I should be off the pain meds and I'm not. My back gets tired and aches after a while of sitting up or standing and the TEs are hurting my ribs.

    Otherwise I am blessed. This world is filled with wonderful things and that is where I want to keep my focus. I hope each of you has a comfortable week ahead. image

  • jlow51
    jlow51 Member Posts: 76

    Hello, Ladies, I have been very busy lately and have had to catch up with all of your post. So glad, 2Tabbies that you are doing better, jboklund, rest!!! It was so hard for me to ask for help with little things but I made mself; ronna, I am so sorry you are having such complications and pain!! Will be saying a prayer for relief! Welcome to all you new ladies.

    I had 21 to my house for Thanksgiving. Needless to say, that called for a couple of days of couch time afterwards!!

    I had my first fill last Thursday, prepared for pain....took a Tramadol before I left home. (PS is two hours away.) glad I did.....240cc's!!! I told him he might as well send morphine home with me. He Told me the new skin will handle it much better than the radiated skin and it has. Have taken a Tramadol or Aleve daily after the fill. The little booblet is taking shape and it is warm!!!!! That is what I hated most about the implants......they were cold.

    Thinking of you all and hoping the days ahead get better and better.

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    jbokland, I hope the demise of the pain ball went ok, and you enjoyed your inaugural shower.

    Warrior, I have the exact same worries as you about still needing pain meds, and it sounds like I also have the exact same pains as you - tired, achy back and TEs (or something) hurting my ribs. After feeling better for a couple days, I seem to have had a relapse. I woke up this morning with a lot of pain in my ribs. I have never need pain medication for this long. When I asked the PS's assistant about it, she said to keep taking them. If necessary, they'd help me taper them off later. I don't like this, but what can I do. I preserved my sick leave last year during treatment. I didn't have short term disability. This time, I do have STD so I'm not pushing things and trying to take as long as I need. But feeling guilty about it. I can see the exercises you posted but not enlarge them enough to read the text very well. I'll PM you. Thanks for posting them.

    jlow, if I had had 21 people for Thanksgiving, I'd still be on the couch. That's also a huge fill you got. Yikes. I'm glad you seem to be tolerating it well. Was your implant cold because it was just under the skin not under a muscle?

  • jbokland
    jbokland Member Posts: 275

    I am doing well! We pulled the pain ball this morning and I enjoyed my first shower! My wife said ( in the same voice she uses on the dog) "wanna go bye bye in the car?"-woof., We did a few light errands and checked out an open house. I took some Advil and am really pain free. I'm sure the procedure he did on me was much easier than the traditional Lat flap.

    We decorated the tree and it reduced me to tears...happy tears. I'm grateful for this shitty year.

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    LOL! The two of you (you and your wife) must be a real hoot in person. So glad you are pain free.

  • DPiggy
    DPiggy Member Posts: 132

    Ronna - you are in my prayers.  Sending soft hugs and love your way.

  • raelan
    raelan Member Posts: 84

    Ladies - It's been a busy week and I'm just getting caught up on all the posts. Sounds like everyone's making progress (albeit more slowly than some of your would like).

    I am happy to report that I'm 8 weeks out and am basically back to my old routine. I worked out a few days ago at the gym (eliptical and weights) and felt really good. I took it easy, and went with lower weights than I was previously lifting so I can work my way back slowly. Spent all day yesterday decorating the house, putting up the tree, and doing all my other typical weekend activities (laundry, changing sheets, grocery shopping). It was a very busy day, and I noticed that my stamina has increased significantly over the past 2 weeks. My back got fatigued a few times, so I stopped and rested for about 15 minutes or so, but besides that I was able to cram in a lot of activity in one day. The swelling under my arm is also gone, which is a relief. I still have some minor tenderness where the flap was tunnelled through, but it's now more of an ache. The lat muscle also wants to tighten up periodically, but I've noticed the number of times this happens during the day is decreasing. It's generally at it's worst when I'm doing an activity that requires using my arm in a raised position (shoulder height) without any kind of support. Annoying, but painless.

    All in all I'm doing well and I hope you find this encouraging. The recovery from this surgery is gradual, but it does happen.

  • sharsalo
    sharsalo Member Posts: 38

    Thanks so much for posting, Raelan -- I do find it encouraging! My back has been giving me a lot of pain lately. I may be overdoing it, but it gets so fatigued and sore, so it's so good to hear how well you are doing. I go back to work tomorrow (just part-time, thankfully) and I'm nervous about how I'll do. I find it frustrating to not be where I want to be and I just have to tell myself it takes time, so your posts are definitely helpful!

  • april418
    april418 Member Posts: 11

    I've been feeling really good this week and not in any pain. My concerns are a large bulge under my arm (right below the armpit) on lat flap side - not sure if fluid is accumulating or if its just major swelling. I guess it's all normal considering it's only been three weeks. Also, I will never take sleeping on my side for granted. Can't wait until I can do that again!

    Ronna - I pray your capsulorrhaphy surgery is a success and you start to feel real relief from your pain soon.

    Jbokland - You sound like the worst is over and your spirits are high. Being able to take a hot shower always helps a lot. I'm also expecting my first grandchild May 25. Something to really look forward to.

    Warrior. - Be good to yourself and take all the rest you need. Maybe your back is hurting because you probably have had to sleep in a propped up sitting position for three weeks (sounds familiar). Hope you get your drains out this week and start to feel better. Thanks for posting your PT exercises.

    2Tabbies - glad you got out to a concert but sorry to hear about your relapse and the recurring pain in your ribs. Hope you feel better before your next fill. Don't feel guilty about using your sick time to rest - you need to feel good again.

    Jlow - congrats on your first fill...sounds like it went great.

  • jbokland
    jbokland Member Posts: 275

    April-I had some underarm swelling under my arm after Bmx. We treated it with Lymphatuc massage to move the worked beautifully

  • kfinnigan
    kfinnigan Member Posts: 490

    Ronna, sending hugs and positive vibes your way, sorry you are in such pain.

    jbokland, you make me smile and so does your wife's doggy talk, heehee!

    Read all the posts, everyone hang in there. Thinking of you all and sending healing thoughts your way! love to all

  • marianelizabeth
    marianelizabeth Member Posts: 1,156

    Thanks for your comments but it looks like most people go from T/E to L/D surgery and I think that at this point I am not prepared to have another surgery just because my implant on BC side is hard~~rads! But I will see my PS in May and maybe by then I will have a change of heart or be more used to my Implant. Good luck to all of you with your surgeries and recoveries

  • DPiggy
    DPiggy Member Posts: 132

    Warrior Woman - what you're experiencing is perfectly normal.  Listen to your body & rest as much as you can.  I experienced the achey back feeling as well, but it does get better in time, & I'm sure you'll be off the pain meds soon.  You're almost 4 weeks out - give yourself another week or two.  Like you, I had a double lat, & it does take time to recover.  I just remember hitting that 6 week post op mark & realizing I was starting to feel somewhat normal again. 

  • Warrior_Woman
    Warrior_Woman Member Posts: 819

    DPiggy - Everyone says 6 weeks is the turning point. Boy am I looking forward to that time. As long as this isn't something that lasts forever I will be just fine.

    April - Our surgeries were the same day. I still have discomfort so good for you! I had bilateral and have had swelling under both pits since surgery. If you're having what I and most others experience it is the muscle and in time it will settle down. When in doubt, however, always check with the PS.

    LADIES!!!! My last drains were pulled today. We all know that it's like your birthday, Christmas, Chanukah and Kwanzaa all rolled into one.

    I was also told to resume the PT exercises I had prior to surgery. This is added to the stretches I posted several posts up. I scanned them and I'm posting them for anyone who wants the information. Let's all remember, however, that what may be good for one may not be good for all. And so, if you're thinking of trying them please check with your docs.

    Be well & be awesome everyone!


  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Sharsalo, how did your first couple days of work go? I'm concerned that my back will kill me when I have to sit at the computer for several hours and that I'll just plain run out of energy.

    marianelizabeth, good luck with whatever road you take.

    Warrior, congrats on getting the last drains out! That is a big relief. And thanks for the exercises. I have a fill tomorrow and will check with my PS about PT. Last time he told me to do whatever I wanted as far as light exercise, but to do it slowly and stop if it hurts. He also said he'd probably release me for strenuous exercise when I see him tomorrow. I'll be happy to try swimming again.

  • sharsalo
    sharsalo Member Posts: 38

    2Tabbies, my first few days back at work weren't too bad. My back didn't ache or twinge at all, though the skin is still really tender around the scar and it was uncomfortable to lean back against my chair. My arm did get tired and achy while using the mouse (too many emails to go through!) and I was fatigued pretty easily, but I also am only working part-time this week so I'm only there 4 hours. Plus, my colleagues were keeping my workload really light, so I wasn't too taxed at all. I think next week, when I go back full-time, will tell the tale. Riding the bus home and having to hold on to the bar while standing was a bit uncomfortable.

    I had my second fill yesterday morning before I went in to the office (again 30 cc's) but thankfully this time the pain was slight and easily tolerable. I am still really tight (some of my irradiated skin is not wanting to give even a millimeter) and need to work more on my stretching and flexibility, but I also got the okay to do some light resistive exercises. I am happy about that!

    When do you go back to work, 2Tabbies?