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Latissimus Dorsi Breast Reconstruction



  • sharsalo
    sharsalo Member Posts: 38

    So sorry, DPiggy! Setbacks can be so difficult when all you want to do is move forward! I am just starting to feel somewhat better a week (nearly) out of my surgery. I hope it doesn't push you too far out from where you were.

    I was planning on having a nipple tattoo as well. I don't care if one side is erect in the cold and one is not, but I don't want to have a nipple that is constantly standing at attention!

    I will never go braless out of doors either. I have my natural breast on my left side, and I can't imagine that my reconstructed breast will match it without a bra. Right now I'm wondering how my reconstructed breast will look since it seems so tight and hard (I know it's early – I'm only one week from surgery tomorrow).

    I have my first post-op appointment today and am trying to get my questions and comments in order. I am still feeling exhausted and I get dizzy and slightly nauseated if I am up for too long. The dressing is also killing me – the tape is so uncomfortable for me. The good thing is I do feel minimal pain (only taking Tylenol); it's just the tightness and the weird flexing that's driving me crazy.

    I'm glad to hear that most of you are doing well!

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    jbokland, so your surgeon thinks we'd want to walk around with obviously erect nipples? Or we should just wear bras all the time? That's crazy talk. If he thinks we need nipples "to make it a real breast," the 3D tat should work just as well. If I could get that locally, I might consider it.

    Dpiggy, so sorry about your hematoma. Nobody needs complications.

    Sharsalo, I hope your appointment went well. I had my first post-op visit today too. It was just with the surgeon's assistant. She removed all the annoying gauze that was under the binder. Fortunately, I had no tape because that would have driven me nuts. She also checked incisions and drains. Everything is healing well. She thinks I might get 2 of the 3 drains out next week when I see the surgeon for my first fill. I hope so. I'm still tired and get dizzy sometimes too. The pain is off and on, but the tightness is constant. Tylenol doesn't help much when the pain is bad. Since they won't let me take any NSAIDs yet, that means I sometimes still need the oxycodone. I've needed more pain meds for this surgery than any other including major abdominal surgeries.

  • sharsalo
    sharsalo Member Posts: 38

    My appointment did go well and it was very short. My incisions are healing well -- I might even get some of the stitches out soon (though not from my back). I did get one of the drains removed so I only have one to deal with, though it is still producing a lot. I get to start walking more and doing some stretching exercises with my arm. I'm not in very much pain at all, though where they stuck the IV in is still killing me. My vein is super bruised! But all is going really well so far. I can't wait to build up some strength and stamina and do some thing for myself. I did walk one of my dogs (the slowest and smallest) today, so I'm pretty happy.

  • jbokland
    jbokland Member Posts: 275

    oh boo!! So sorry for your set back and your entitled to be bummed.

    Chin upSister! You've been through the tough stuff already. You'll sail through this too!

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Sharsalo, I'm glad to hear you're healing well. I just came back from my first real walk. It was less than a mile so no big deal. Since that didn't kill me, I'll try a longer one tomorrow. I didn't ask about arm exercises. I'll do that next week.

  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565

    Hi gal sistas: So glad you Two Tabbies you are healing and DPiggy's I am queen of of setbacks. Thank God I have a pain management appt tomorow. Really having a hard time. Can't figure out whether it is tightness as you all call it or a set back for me. I originally did not want to come back on boards b/c everyone is smooth sailing and I am not. Two Tabbies so glad you are coming alone as well as he rest of the gang.

    I remember is a prevois conversation with my ps about doing diep he said I would be in agony and see stars. Well I am seeing stars with this LDap. Hubby and I were driving around this afternoon in this freezing weather to do food shopping but b/c he can no longer drive, I was going to go to the Er, something is not right. Severe pain in back around boob. I don't want to scare anyone or have anyone feel bad. My anatomy is not cut out for this stuff. I am in overload with painkillers, nothing is ezsing the pain. I see PS on the 25th and I do know my PM and PS are buddies. Wonderfing if I need my kinelog injections or phenol which have not helped. PS said if this fails he is going to remove all. In my crazy imagaation I will take him up and say remove but want implant back. Am going out of my mind. Even where last drain drain was over a month ago that too acted and my pharmastaicst made all better with it. Sick and tired and this crap. No other words.

    Again so glad you all are moving on. I just hurt althought PS said it is just technical now. Have lost meaning what he says. Completely fed up again. No matter which of my over 100 bras I put on I hurt.

    I will end this with my love to all, don't want to be a debbie downer, G-d is testing me, he has to be. I also feel like I have another capsular contractor already had two. Just don't know, so the drama show will be in pain management;s office tomorrow.

    Again, none of this should happen to you. Love to all.


  • Andrea623
    Andrea623 Member Posts: 572

    Ronna, I am so sorry you're in so much pain. I wish I had some magical words to help you, but all I can say is I'm praying you'll have some relief soon. Hugs, love, and strength being sent to you.

  • DPiggy
    DPiggy Member Posts: 132

    Appreciate your well wishes.  I totally agree - this is for the best to avoid further complications.  I do believe I will have to start over w/ recovery on the left side, & I am going to be extra cautious on my activity.  Although my PS & nurses have said this wasn't anything I did, I'm still wondering if I could have done something different. 

    And, I made a big error - 50+cc's were aspirated, not 500. 


  • adove
    adove Member Posts: 11

    Dpiggy I am sorry to hear of your setback with the hematoma! Sending you positive thoughts that all will go well today. After all you have already gone thru, this just sucks! You seem to be taking it in stride (little bummed? I would have a Texas sized bummed going on! :P) In any case I hope your healing time whizzes past you quickly and all heals nicely.

    jbokland hehe on the "um Ok I won't do it for you then" :) I was also perusing the 3d nipple option, plus, New Orleans would be a fun place to visit and have em done.. I will say that the itsy bitsy tattoo I got for the radiation markings smarted like all hell.. and I have a full tattoo on my hip, so either I am getting mucho wimpy in my old age or that is a sensitive area to tattoo! :P

    2Tabbies, I don't know if there is a way to attach pics on this thread but if you do decorate PLEASE post em! That would be so durn hilarious! I am getting one out today and the large one is staying in as it is faithfully pumping 40ccs every 12 hrs. So I guess the green and red markers and bells will be on! :) I go home on Friday.. thanks for the tip on the yoga, I am certainly going to try it. I have almost the exact same conditions as you with movement and aches. I never wore bras, and thought I would have to to keep the new mounds in the right place, I was going to ask my PS today, if he says I don't have to I will certainly enjoy avoiding these torture devices! HAHA on parking yourself in his office! Yes and wear a white shirt and no bra, maybe that will get the point across! :))

    Kfinnigin I hear you! I am hoping the cavern and tendon will loosen up with a combination of yoga and some the wall crawling I see on youtube for cording.. my skin over the TEs was so tight too. I was so small normally that they could barely put anything each time they filled in my TE's and every time I felt like I was going to burst, ughh! They looked rather bumpy and misshapen. On the radiated side I could not move that one millimeter.. now with implants I do not have quite the same tightness and both sides seem to have more give.. phew.. it is just the entry points for the drains that are a little uncomfortable, and a little sore in the lower back.. and of course the arm lifting restrictions but I hope with the exercise that will improve!

    Artemis I hope it all evens out! And Hehe yes I hadn't thought of that with the one sided temp alert.. :P Maybe we need to invent little devices that will take care of these rather real issues. I swear I had a whole blingy, funky design for drain pockets, was about to hit the or whatever that site is, and then found they already had this.. Roo Pockets, except cannot find them anywhere.. hrrmph! So true on the post cancer treatment, the "alterations" we have had to go thru, of mind and body. The recovery is a quiet fight and yes I agree, those who have not had this experience themselves, or with a loved one, cannot quite wrap their heads around it.

    Hugs to you all, I am off to get my drain out.. unfortunately every time I go to that office to get filled, drains out, even bandages changes I Faint after they mess with me! I have no idea why, I am not the swooning type! They are now putting little warning stickies on my door every time I go there.. greeeaattt! :P

    Take care everyone! :)

  • Artemis17
    Artemis17 Member Posts: 30

    Well hump day and its also switching on of the Christmas lights & arrival of the market in town so from tomorrow I can legitimately start my festive shopping.  :-). 

    Dpiggy, sorry to hear about the latest setback. This whole process does test our resilience at times. I hope you're soon back on track.

    Sharsalo, fab on losing one of the drains.  Hope the stitches come out ok. Mine were dissolvable & glued so no removal required. 

    Ronqt1, aah you sound so down, I wish warm thoughts and prayers would help in some way.

    2Tabbies, how was the walk?. Isn't it great how simple fresh air and exercise can lift the spirit. I too agree that having this BC experience hasn't given me an ephipany or greater understanding of life.  I'm still the same person,  though maybe with less tolerance. 

    adove, the stretching and walking the wall should help the cording in the armpit,  its made a huge difference to mine,  I'm 6 weeks out and although I can't get into my armpit to de-fuzz, the tendons have eased. Hope the appointment went okay with minimal fainting-unless of course there's a hunky Dr around to catch you. 

    I don't have to wear my bra 24/7 now which is great although as there's a 2 cup difference I can't go out in public. Its nice not having to feel so restricted in bed though. (oooh now that could be taken the wrong way haha).

    Right starving teenage son raiding the cupboards so it must be nearly dinner time. 

    Hope everyone else is doing ok, slowly plodding along, finding a new if temporary normal. 


  • kfinnigan
    kfinnigan Member Posts: 490

    DPiggy, thanks for the clarification - 50cc's not 500! I told my coworker 500cc as I read your comment yesterday, and we looked at each other like "EEK!" Wishing you the best today, report back!!

    Ronna, big hugs to you. What a drag you've had to endure. You don't have to sugar coat anything here, we are in the no judge zone. Wonder what will happen at your appt. next week. Hope your pain mgmt appt gives you some relief today.

    Artemis, I love reading your comments, the way you word things, I love it! You are 8 hours ahead of me, it is mid-morning here.

    I signed up for another yoga lunch class today. That will certainly kick my butt! I've had some achiness in my lat flap boob and its been bothered when I sleep on that side. Keeping tabs on it for sure.

    You recent surgery gals sound like you're doing well, you will do even better once your drains go.

    I don't think a nipple would like on my franken-boob...not sure what I will do, but not leaning toward it now.

    On another note, I am now facebook friends with a few gals here, is anyone else on facebook? Have a great day all, gentle healing hugs to all.

  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565

    Hi gals: Went to pain management today and no injections, just pain old nerve damage as usual, he ordered a new cream with an antiinflamatory. I actually made it through the day with one pain killer so not bad for me. I see PS on Tuesday and wonder if he will set a date to tighten the pocket. I have not exercised at all since surgery. FKinnegan, aches is a good name.

    You gals were discussing cording, I actually had 3 bands under my armpit that almost put me in the grave. Thank goodness for all the pysical therapists, lympadema people and pain management people who talked my PS into cutting them. He was against it, but the cords were cut, (my new breast surgeon actually diagnosed them). I thank G-d that those days are gone. Someone mentioned recently if my body anatomy was up for all this surgery. Who knows. I keep feeling tight. Does anyone else feel tight??

    Even when I meet other survivors locally tight seems to be a key word. You gals are optimistic which keeps me happy. Alot of pressure has been taking off me due to the fact that my husband is become more independent in his daily living skills. So that also has helped me. DPiggy I hope you feel well soon and sorry you have had a set back.

    Love to all, thinking of all. x0x0xx0 Hugs

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Hello, everyone. Ronna, I'm so sorry you're still in such pain. I'm very glad to hear your hubby is doing better with his daily living skills. That must be a huge relief. It's so hard to take care of someone else when you don't feel well yourself. I was interested in what you said about cording and having the cords cut. What exactly are the cords? I thought they were the normal tendons that had just tightened down, but I must be wrong on that if they would cut them.

    Dpiggy, I think you should believe your PS and nurses when they say nothing you did caused the hematoma. It sounded like you'd been quite careful. S**t happens. This process certainly seems like it's two steps forward and one back. I'm glad it was only 50 cc's that were aspirated! Having 500 cc's in there would have been awfully painful. (Small digression: I see these gals in the forums who are getting fills up to 800 cc's in their TE's, and all I can think of is that's close to the size of a full bag of IV fluids. I can't imagine having two of those hanging from my chest.)

    adove, shall we have a Bonfire of the Bras?? What's with the fainting?? That's scary. I hope they post someone to catch you. I don't remember the radiation tattoos being painful, but I was annoyed at having to get them. I more permanent reminder of breast cancer. The one in the middle of my chest looks like a blackhead. The PS said he'd get rid of it during my surgery, but it's still there. Harumph! He must have forgotten. I'll have to see if he can do that during my exchange. My "breasts" are so numb right now, that I wouldn't even feel a tattoo. The PS said I could get the oval flap scar tattooed to hide it. I can't think of what kind of tattoo would be that shape. I wouldn't want to have the whole breast tattooed? Not that I'll probably do it, but anybody got any ideas?

    Artemis, the walk was good. I was going to try a longer one today, but didn't make it. I had a bad night. Woke up coughing and in pain. I got up to take my antibiotics at 8 this morning, went back to bed and didn't wake up again until 1 pm. I'll try for a walk tomorrow. The fresh air does feel good. I'm glad you can get out of the bra for a few hours and don't have to feel "restricted in bed!" LOL!

    kfinnigan, I think I am one of the few facebook holdouts left on earth. I refuse to give in. I don't need another time suck, and I'm sure I'd get addicted. Good luck with the yoga. I should sign up for a class when I'm able instead of just using my DVDs.

  • kfinnigan
    kfinnigan Member Posts: 490

    Yoga kicked my can yesterday. I overdid it for sure and didn't feel too hot the rest of the afternoon at work. Very sore today. I really believe Arimidex plays a role in my sore joints, but I tolerate it well. My rads onc said that the tattoos are permanent so if we are ever in the hospital, docs would know/see that we had rads and see the boundary fields.

    Facebook is wonderful. I have reconnected with so many old friends all over the world. I felt the same way years ago, now its a godsend to me.

    setbacks suck, everyone take it easy and hope you all have a gentle healing day. lol felt like I should say namaste! ok ok have a good day all!

  • jbokland
    jbokland Member Posts: 275

    This is what a year looks like in getting ready for the Lat Flap: The 7 month pic is when they delayed me to begin RADs. image

  • IzzyF
    IzzyF Member Posts: 5

    Jbokland, thanks for the pictures! your scars really healed well. It's so interesting reading all these stories. I posted about a week ago that I met with the PS who said I could do immediate reconstruction with lat flap + implant, and reduction on the other side, even though I will have radiation. Yesterday I met with the BS and she gave the OK to this plan as well. I'm very happy with the idea of just one surgery. However as we all know, woman plans, God laughs!

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    kfinnigan, a good yoga class can kick my butt in the best of times. Don't overdo too much! My RO told me the same story about permanent tattoos being necessary in case I need radiation in the future. They'd know what area to avoid. I'm not completely buying that. For one thing, the American Cancer Society brochure that her office gave me said that you'd get marked with a semi-permanent marker or might get a permanent tattoo. So apparently not everyone does tattoos. Also, somebody on another forum who lives in Europe (Germany, I think) said they don't do tattoos over there. Surely, they're medical procedures are as good as ours. The tan square from the radiation also seems to be pretty permanent. Between that and the medical records, I figure they should be able to figure out what area to avoid. Also, my cancer is stage III so if it comes back, it's likely to be in some other part of the body. Bottom line, I'm not too worried that they might need that tattoo in the future.

    jbokland, I'm jealous of your skinny little scars!

    I had some disturbing news today. Remember that chest x-ray that my MO ordered the day before my surgery just to make sure I didn't have pneumonia? The one that I was told was "fine" so I could go ahead and have surgery. Apparently, it wasn't fine. There's a nodule in one of my lungs that wasn't there before. I found this out when I called the MO today to get copies of the blood work he did that day to track my Waldenstrom's. So he wants to see me on Monday. Sigh. What next? And why didn't they call me before now to tell me this? I could have seen him this week.

  • jbokland
    jbokland Member Posts: 275

    Oh Dear 2Tabbies...I guess it was best not to have that worry with you through surgery but you have to wonder about you not being notified. Nodules are often benign so here's to good thoughts and false alarms !

  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565

    2Tabbies: I looked cording up so I do not make a mistake in my interpretation. There were 3 right in my armpit.

    Cording feels like a tight band under the skin, often starting in scar from the lumpectomy or mastectomy, or more often in the scar in your armpit, no matter whether you had sentinel nodes (1-3 nodes) removed, or had an axillary dissection (more nodes removed). Very often cords feel like piano wires under the skin, and may be just one, or a bundle going along together, or fanning out. Some cords just go from the armpit to the breast or chest wall, or just a small way down the upper arm. Some cords can go all the way to the elbow or even the wrist, usually along the inner arm. Occasionally cords can extend down towards the ribs.

    Cording is also known as "axillary web syndrome". "Axilla. I myself was making weekly visits to er due to my cording,. Saw stars, when I changed breast surgeon she felt them and PM dr. insisted they be cut. totally unmanagable. Today they are gone, but again my problem is scar tissue (feels so tight).

    My PS finally cut them, even while in OR before they put me out, I kept pointing to the areas where they were. Somehow they have never returned.

    2Tabbies, i wish you well and only healthy wishes for you.

    Artemis: Hello to you as well and of course all others.

    JBokland: Again thank you for your photos.

    Some of you gals are very proficent when it comes to terminology ie., amount of cc's. I have no idea why I never paid attention to these numbers. I do know after one fill PS could not do it. Body would not allow fill. So after the 5 months we did the exchange.

    I now have 4 hours to myself. I should make my way back to gym. Of course no zumba, but eliptical would not be a problem. Been on leave for so long have to get myself geared up to go.

    I wish all my bc sistas well and with love.


  • kfinnigan
    kfinnigan Member Posts: 490

    2Tabbies, oh crikey on the lung nodule, praying for false alarm too. wish you could have gotten in sooner also.

    jobokland, your scars look good. My boob looks freakish with angry scars!

    izzy, good luck as you proceed!

    Ronna, big hugs and aren't you freezing in NJ? It would be hard for me to leave the house.

    I'm still SOOOOOOO sore from that yoga class on Wednesday, sigh.

  • Thimbleberry
    Thimbleberry Member Posts: 18

    Hello ladies, I've been catching up on all your has been awhile. I had my surgery on Tuesday (11/18), all seems to be progressing satisfactorily. I do have one problem that others may share.... The ONQ pump that is supposed to gradually release painkiller is not is as big today as it was the day it was inserted. I called my PS, and he said to just leave it in until my post op appointment. That means I am carrying around this "ball and chain" until Monday. What a nuisance! On the bright side, it is like carrying around weights to build up strength. Such is life in the BC world

  • kfinnigan
    kfinnigan Member Posts: 490

    Congrats on being on the other side of your surgery Thimbleberry! I didn't have that pain pump so I can't relate, but you seem to be looking at the bright side. How long was your hospital stay?

  • Thimbleberry
    Thimbleberry Member Posts: 18

    I had surgery at 9:30 AM on Tues., and was released for home at 8:00 AM on Wed. Not bad for an "old" lady! But I only had my left side done. I'm sure it would have been a different story had it involved both sides

  • kfinnigan
    kfinnigan Member Posts: 490

    I had only one side and was in the hospital 3 nights. wow you were a "quicky" lol!

  • jlow51
    jlow51 Member Posts: 76

    Hello, Ladies! I am at 2 1/2 weeks of recovery. Had a good first week but did too much last weekend. Paid for it this week sooooo I am trying to rest as I should. Taking very little pain meds mainly Advil. My scars are healing. My skin on my breast was completely replaced doing away with all my radiated skin. The scar completely encircles my breast area. I did not receive a fill to the expander and will not until incisions are completely healed. I pulled my last two drains. Didn't sound like much fun when the doc said to do it but it was no biggie.

    2Tabbies, so sorry about the nodule. I bet it is nothing and the docs felt the same.

    Ronna, the cording sounds painful. I continually feel for it.

    jboklund, your scars have healed well!!

    Thimbleberry, they wanted to send me home the first day after surgery.... I asked to stay one more night!

    kfinnigan, I will be so glad when I am ready for exercise!!

    Reading your post daily and thinking healing thought for all.

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Hi everyone. Thimbleberry and jlow, it's nice to hear from you. I'm glad you're both doing ok. Thimbleberry, I've never even heard of that ONQ pump. I just got the usual oxycodone to take at home. I don't like to take too much of it, but the PS won't let me take any NSAIDs until 2 weeks after surgery. I can only take Tylenol which doesn't do much. After my mastectomy and other surgeries, I could take ibuprofen which was enough most of the time.

    jlow, good for you for being brave and pulling those drains. If my doc said it was ok, I'd be pulling mine. They are stitched down. But I could get DH to clip those stitches. I hope 2 and maybe all 3 will have low enough drainage amounts to come out at my checkup on Tuesday.

    Ronna, thanks for the explanation of cording.

    Thanks everyone for the good wishes on this lung nodule. I'm hoping it's nothing. My MO must think that it's at least worth following up on since he wanted to see me in his office early next week. He'd have just discussed it with me on the phone otherwise. I'm assuming he wants to do a followup CT or MRI or something and wanted to see me early in the week so we can get that scheduled for next week. I'll find out when I see him late on Monday.

  • sharsalo
    sharsalo Member Posts: 38

    Thimbleberry and kfinnigan, I was only in the hospital one night too, though they had planned for me to stay for two (I had only my right side done). I was glad to be out of there and thought I could do all I needed to at home. Glad you came through the surgery, Thimbleberry, and welcome to the other side!

    I am 10 days from surgery and doing a lot better. My stitches are itching like mad -- hopefully I will get some taken out next time -- but I had to go back on pain meds after starting the stretching exercises and being more active. My range of motion is a little bit better but there is still so much I can't do, and it makes me a little crazy. I still have very little energy and need to walk more to build up stamina, but I get pooped really easily. It's still hard to sleep at night as well, since movement at night (I'm a squirmer) is really painful. Sneezing and burping aren't much fun either! But I'm pretty happy with where I'm at, though I have many more angry scars than jbokland -- in the front one across my breast (plus parts of my old mastectomy scar) and one under.

    2Tabbies -- ugh. I hope this lung nodule turns out to be nothing. Seems like the universe doesn't want this to be an easy thing for you; there's always something else to deal with, and I'm sorry about that. I hope that otherwise you are healing well and feeling better.

    Well wishes and good healing to all!

  • Warrior_Woman
    Warrior_Woman Member Posts: 819

    Hi Everybody! I am back and survived the surgery well. They actually look pretty good. I have some discomfort in my right arm from scar tissue being removed. jbookland - You look great! Thank you for posting the progress. I am sleeping most of the time except they make me get up and walk a few times a day. I am so glad to hear everyone else is coming through this too. I am just very tired and hate all the meds. I'll post more soon. Keep the good news coming. You women are wonderful and I wish for you everything good the world has to offer.

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Sharsalo, I'm in the same boat as you with the squirming at night being painful. I hate that I still need pain meds. I didn't need them for this long on previous surgeries. I need to walk more too. I'm not as pooped as I was after my hysterectomy, but I sure don't have a lot of energy.

    Warrior Woman! I've been wondering about you! Glad you're back, and doing well.

  • Jodi040812
    Jodi040812 Member Posts: 15

    Hi ladies! I'm officially joining in here lol! JB knows me:) we are chemo sisters! My BS wants to lat flap in The beginning of next year. Reading up on it, but nothing is better than hearing directly from the pros- y'all! I'm far off, but appreciate all the information!!