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Latissimus Dorsi Breast Reconstruction



  • jbokland
    jbokland Member Posts: 275

    Hi everyone!

    I am posting my pic of 3 month, post Bmx/radiation/LatFlap Foobs. Note the radiated side's scar is all but gone!

    I had a weird reaction to the Kenelog injection used to treat my port scar, latflap scar and the cleavage side of my right side. Both areas are still red and have broken blood vessels. still quite angry looking but otherwise not bothersome.Instead of a back incision, my PS extended my BMX incision to tunnle the muscle around. (Second photo I was home the same day after surgery with 2 drains.

    (Edited by Mods to remove pictures. We strongly discourage posting images of breasts on the boards.)

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Jbokland, wow, that's amazing how the scar on your radiated side is almost invisible. I wish I could say the same. Too bad about the reaction you had to the Kenalog shot. Did you have that on the radiated side too but not react there? Does your PS routinely use that for all scars? I have a Kenalog aerosol spray that I use on my itchy scalp. It's the only thing that helps my mystery itch but is really expensive. Overall, you're looking great!

    My latest photos are over on the picture forum. I'm not brave enough to post them here where it's more public. Nobody has commented on them over there. I wonder if that means they're really bad or just boring! Snooze I hope I've really had my last fill this time. I thought the one we did in February on the left side only was the last one, but he overshot the mark so we added some to righty last Monday. If they aren't even now, he's going to have to deflate one of them because I'm not going bigger. I feel like these 2 rocks enter a room 5 minutes before the rest of me.

    Everybody have a good weekend!

  • Warrior_Woman
    Warrior_Woman Member Posts: 819

    Jbookland - You go, Girl! You look great. My PS told me that he does the LDs because they come out looking good. It seems that most of us are happy. I am so far even with the expanders I look better than when I had the implants. I look more natural but still perky!

    Tabbies - I'm terrible at navigating the forum so I gave up. I will assume that the women who will look and comment are those with interest in the LD. I searched a while back on there for LD photos and found only a few.

    Well ladies. I picked up my 45 lb. suitcase to weight it before a trip and clearly should not have done that. I'm hoping Motrin helps my aching back. Giving everyone the heads up to be careful with lifting.

  • Honeybadger
    Honeybadger Member Posts: 51

    Jbokland--Looking good!!! Couldn't see it, but hope your injection reaction is subsiding.

    2Tabbies--I haven't seen the photo forum but I hope you're really on your last fill!!! 

    Warrior Woman-- Hope your back is feeling better and that you enjoy(ed) your trip.

    Jlow51-- It sounds like your procedure, like mine would be, involved using the patch of skin. (What's the proper term for that?) I understand some LDs do not need the new skin and some are even (amazingly) able to tunnel the lat under, a la jbokland. So for those of you who had the skin moved over, have you had complications, and in general how has it been for you? 

    It does sound like I'm hearing that the majority of the women here are glad that they did the LD flap. For many of us it's become our only choice for successful reconstruction. I am just SO fearful of facing another failure due to infection or living with a "successful" reconstruction with excessive pain or limited mobility. Do I cut my losses and just be thankful to have my health? My body has healed. How badly do I want my left breast for me to FEEL whole and healed? I know that only I can answer that. But it does help to know that I'm not alone with these feelings. Thank you ALL for your honesty, your strength and your humor. You've helped me through these several years. 

  • jlow51
    jlow51 Member Posts: 76

    Honeybadger, yes, my skin was moved from my back to cover my breast area. The skin, for me, was the most important reason for having the "flap" surgery. Radiation had made my breast skin very thin and you could see the implant through the skin. The alloderm (cadaver skin) used to reinforce my skin caused an allergic reaction both times I tried implants. I have had no complications and wish the LDhad been the first reconstruction I tried.

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Warrior, there's a core group of people in the reconstruction section on the picture forum that seem to check in on most of the threads. So I don't know why my recent posts haven't drawn much comment. Nothing much to say, I guess. No complications or anything that needs much input. I'm sorry to hear you hurt your back. I hope it's feeling better.

    Honeybadger, I did have the flap of skin moved as well as the lat muscle. I needed both the skin and the muscle because of radiation damage. The PS said the damaged skin and muscle wouldn't have stretched enough to support an implant. I've had no complications. The back incision was quite long but healed well, and wasn't particularly painful. During my recovery, my back tired easily if I sat at the computer for too long for example. But I've had no real back pain. The patch healed fine on my foob. It is a hard decision. For me, it came down to not feeling comfortable in my own skin the way I looked flat.

  • anothernycgirl
    anothernycgirl Member Posts: 821

    jlow51, - did you try having fat grafting and a smaller implant before opting for LD flap? I am small to begin with, and ps put same small implant in both, but radiated side couldnt handle it. I am willing to try an even smaller implant on that side, hoping it may be easier for that side to accept it.

  • jlow51
    jlow51 Member Posts: 76

    anotherNYCGirl, I am a uni (left) and not small breasted. Skin grafting with my skin wouldn't get me anywhere near where I wanted to be (because of radiated skin) even after reduction of right side. And my skin was an ugly color and then with the Alloderm, it was red. It just became apparent that I had to have new skin. My first inclination was a DIEP but not enough fat in the right area due to C-sections so...Lat Flap was my choice. I just wish, I had not tried the implants and listened to my PS about the radiated skin.

    Thanks for is such a dilemma trying to decide what to do!

  • anothernycgirl
    anothernycgirl Member Posts: 821

    jlow51, - thank you for your quick response.

    I, too, was not a candidate for a diep flat, and have trusted my ps completely. I am so ready to feel better and move on, but i need more surgery no matter what. I am looking for the path of least resistance, although I'd rather not have the te removed and be concave on that side with a nice implant on the other side. Sad

    yes, it sure is a dilemma .

    thanks, again.

  • Honeybadger
    Honeybadger Member Posts: 51

    Thank you Jlow & 2Tabbies. Very encouraging.

    Jlow51, it's interesting that you say it was the Alloderm that caused the infection. My  original PS said it was the radiation that made me prone to infection. Since the other side had no radiation I was inclined to agree. The PS I met with recently, was not a fan of Alloderm and said that the rate of complications using it was too high for him to "sleep well at night"  so he stopped using it. Anyone else have thoughts or experiences?

    Also, I'm curious about fat grafting. I've heard mixed things. Some say that a lot of it is re-absorbed &/or it's unpredictable. Others say it's great for certain situations, like the edges of implants or as AnotherNYCG was saying, to help the body accept the implant. Any experiences or thoughts?

    Lastly, who do I contact to see the picture forum? Thanks all.

  • anothernycgirl
    anothernycgirl Member Posts: 821

    Honeybadger, - My ps does use both alloderm and fat grafting. Although my experience has been far from what I'd hoped, he is very highly regarded by other drs and patients in this area.

    Everyone on these boards is wonderful, - I so appreciate the input and experiences shared!

  • jlow51
    jlow51 Member Posts: 76

    Honeybadger, didn't say the Alloderm caused the infection. I had an allergic reaction to the Alloderm. It is akin to Red Breast Syndrome. Something that rarely happens. Lucky me!! Red is my favorite color but not for my boob!!!!

    I am sure the weakened state of my skin was the primary problem. My PS removed the second implant and alloderm and put in antibiotic beads for a month (that was sexy) before doing the LD.

  • Honeybadger
    Honeybadger Member Posts: 51

    Jlow51-- Thank you for clarifying. You're right. There is certainly a difference between something causing an infection vs having an allergic reaction to it. I was clearly in a mood to find something to blame. As anotherNYCG pointed out, many very highly regarded doctors use Alloderm. I've heard of Red Breast Syndrome but had thought it was another term for cellulitis. It sounds like I was mistaken. So sorry you had to deal with that. I also had very fragile, thin skin after the radiation. I'm sorry we have this in common. I'm not familiar with antibiotic beads. I'm sure it was no party. You've been through a lot, but I'm so glad that the LD flap was successful for you. 

  • jlow51
    jlow51 Member Posts: 76

    Honeybadger, have you decided on LD and have you scheduled the procedure? I read back through your post but didn't see it. I wish you the best and much success with your decision!!!

  • Keryl
    Keryl Member Posts: 54

    hi, I am checking in. Reading some of the posts....I am a year out from latflap in May. I go for therapeutic massage regularly. it is not a relaxing massage necessarily - a lot of manipulation of the entire shoulder area. She digs at all the connections that are sore and stubborn due to recovery and a lot of time immobilized -- I still go to PT every week or every other week - all I can say is stick with it. I am so much better now -- but honestly, I will never be the same, and that is just what was dealt with this situation. I just had my 6 year remission and went to onco today. He gives me flying colors, I hope it continues.... hugs to you all.

  • Honeybadger
    Honeybadger Member Posts: 51

    Jlow- No I haven't decided yet. I've been flat on radiated side since implant failure Sept 2013. By the way, since you clarified the distinction of Red Breast Syndrome being an allergic reaction, not an infection, I looked more thoroughly into it. I now believe that it is very likely what I had. The small study I read--about the possibly of steroids possibly helping--was presented a day before I lost my breast. So much of the success in life is luck and timing...

    Keryl- It sounds like you've had a tough time. I appreciate you checking in almost a year after your LD. Congratulations on your 6 years of remission and your flying colors!!! 

    When I get wrapped up in my vanity I have to remind myself that I'm lucky that I'm able to be here and worry about my body image. I must never forget that women are fighting for their lives. 

     Whatever hardship this disease has brought you, gentle hugs to you all.

  • kfinnigan
    kfinnigan Member Posts: 490

    Had my 8 week follow up since exchange. We talked about 3rd phase - nipple/areola recon. He said he will use surrounding tissue for the nipple and then its up to me whether tattoo (which will need re-doing every 5 years) or skin graft from groin. We talked about both and recovery times and his patients that have had both done. I am going to go for the skin graft. I'm waiting for the scheduler to call with a date. (only need a local with nipple but need light general anesthesia with the graft). Anyone out there have the graft? funny thing from my PS appt. He was drawing on my lat flap boob where the nipple/areola will be and while he was measuring my right breast (I'm a uni, so right breast got a small implant), he said "this is the perfect breast shape and the nipple is exactly where it should be". I said nobody had ever said that about one of my boobs before. lol

    Also I was referred to physical therapy last week, the guy is really nice, he gave me posture exercises and tomorrow we will start exercises for my core.

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    kfinnigan, congrats on having one perfect breast! Let's hope your other one is a close match. My PS hasn't mentioned skin grafts for the areola so as far as I know I'll be getting tattoos. I think that would be my preference anyway.

    I'm pretty bummed at the moment. For the last 2 months, my PS has been telling me "late May or early June" for my exchange. He won't do it sooner than 6 months after the original surgery which would be mid-May. But my schedule and his preference pushed it to late May at the earliest. Today when his assistant called to give me a date, she said August 6! I nearly choked. That's almost a full 9 (count 'em! 9!) months after my lat flap. Her excuse was the PS is doing a lot of traveling this summer. So why did he tell me we'd do it in late May/early June on both my February and March appointments!? I begged and pleaded and whined. Yes, I did. I have no pride at this point. She checked the schedule again and somehow found an opening on June 25. That's still a month later than I was hoping, but a lot better than August. I guess it doesn't take much to push me into depression so even with the June date I feel like crying. I just want to get these hard rocks out of my chest and start the final healing process.

  • amieclemens5
    amieclemens5 Member Posts: 22

    HI Raelan, sorry haven't been on here much bc been having a real hard time with depression. Just trying to move on with your life when you feel so uncomfortable with your body and looks is so hard.

    I did tell my PS this. She said it takes 3-6 , months for them to settle and that the one side just hasn't dropped yet. Also said to wear a wrap around the top of breasts to help push it down. So I'm trying to be patient. I am realizing most pts have revisions of some kind and this will probably happen. What is an IMF?

  • amieclemens5
    amieclemens5 Member Posts: 22

    wow.. I have to say..That looks great!! They look symmetrical and shape is good. I had lat flap on Feb 3rd and am nothappy with results. Very lopsided and different shaped. Not to mention the surgery was awful!! Had 4 drains. 2 of them for 2 wks.. then had to be on complete bed rest for about 3 weeks. Would never do it again. I will try to post pics tomorrow.

  • kfinnigan
    kfinnigan Member Posts: 490

    2Tabbies, I totally understand about being bummed about your date (my lat flap was June 25, 2014!) My exchange was 6 weeks after he told me it would be. Damn schedulers...I'm still waiting for my scheduler to call me back.

    amieclemens, sorry to hear of your troubles. hugs

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Thanks, kfinnigan. I agree. Damn schedulers. Or maybe I should blame the PS for promising something he couldn't deliver. Could he really be that clueless about his schedule? I had to call them back today and verify that I'll be ok to travel, lift suitcases, etc. by July 21 since I have a trip planned. It can't be rescheduled because it's for a conference. They said I should be ok.

    amieclemens, I'm sorry you've had a rough time. The drains do suck, and it's hard to be patient when you aren't happy with your body as you said. I've had my own struggles with depression and hating how I looked. That's why I decided to get this surgery. I couldn't stand the way I looked flat. If your surgery was only in February, you're not seeing the final results yet. I hope it improves, and you end up happy with it. IMF stands for intra-mammary fold. It's the fold under the breast where it droops down.

  • Sue1968
    Sue1968 Member Posts: 1

    hi everyone!

    I had my surgery on 2/25/15 bilateral mastectomy with latissimus dorsi flap with expanders. How long does it take the latissimus dorsi muscle to relax?

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Sue, my PS said it takes a full 6 months for the muscles and other tissues to relax and lose their elasticity. I also asked him if it ever stops contracting altogether, and he said no.

  • Warrior_Woman
    Warrior_Woman Member Posts: 819

    Tabbies - That sucks. This entire experience has tested my patience. Had I had my way I would have been finished with this mess 1.5 years ago. I have been given misinformation about timing many many times. I need to plan my life and the inaccuracies make it nearly impossible. I should have had my surgery in March and now it's May. Honestly, August is a huge disappointment. The summer will be gone. Everyone reminds me this is not a race. At least we're only dealing with the aesthetics.

    I just returned home from Belize. HappyI went diving for shark, stingray and barracuda - against medical advice! Absolutely no problem with swimming or pulling myself onto the boat. Looked great in a swimsuit.



    This was another grand FU to cancer.

    Hope everyone is well. And to the newcomers, yes, I'm very glad I did the LD. No regrets.

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Warrior, what a great way to say FU to cancer!

    At least I was able to get a surgery date in June after I begged and pleaded. Of course, then I felt like a whiner.

  • kfinnigan
    kfinnigan Member Posts: 490

    I have a date scheduled (May 4th) for my nipple/areola reconstruction! So ready to put all this behind me and give a double FU barrel salute to cancer! haha

    Warrior, love your attitude and photos, good for you. What a wonderful trip you took! Good for you!

  • Warrior_Woman
    Warrior_Woman Member Posts: 819

    I'm all for whining, complaining, nagging and bribing if it gets me through this mess faster.

    kfinnigan - I'm guessing it will be another year before I catch up to you. That must feel good. Are you doing the 3D tattoos? I decided to go see Vinnie Myers to celebrate when I am finally ready to cross that finish line.

  • Honeybadger
    Honeybadger Member Posts: 51

    2Tabbies, such a bummer that you have to wait. Don't feel like a whiner though. You've got to do what you've got to do to get through this.

    Warrior Woman, thanks, for the amazing pix. Love your "grand FU to cancer" !!! So inspiring.

    Amieclemens, I really hope everything improves for you physically and emotionally. I hope all these wonderful women here can help give you the strength, comfort & info you need. I'm still deciding of I'll have the LD or not but have found a great deal of support here. 

    How do I get to the picture forum??? 

  • Warrior_Woman
    Warrior_Woman Member Posts: 819

    Honeybadger - Nowheregirl moderates the picture forum and grants access once she is reasonably certain the person is legitimate. To do this, she looks at your activity on and the number of posts you've made. You can message her to make a request. She may wait for you to post more before granting access.