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Latissimus Dorsi Breast Reconstruction



  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Warrior, I flew yesterday and didn't have any trouble. For some reason they sent a bunch of us through the precheck line even though we didn't have precheck on our boarding passes. So only had to go through the metal detector not the full body scanner. I have the note from my PS just in case, but thanks for the info on the card on the TSA Web site. Maybe I'll print one for future use. I'm glad I came. My mother isn't doing well. She's back in ICU with congestive heart failure.

    Penzance, I think you'd be fine with kayaking after a lat flap. I canoe and haven't had a chance to go since my surgery, but from the way I feel, I know it won't be an issue. Climbing might be more of a problem. That's one of the activities that I've read is more likely to be affected. I'd check with your surgeon. That said, and even though I've had a fairly positive experience with the lat flap, I would not have done it if I could have just gotten implants. No way would I have let them cut on a healthy part of my body if I didn't have to. If you're considering the lat flap to avoid implants, it might not work. Almost all of us have needed implants because the lat flap doesn't provide enough volume. It's a big surgery. I'm not sorry I did it. But if I hadn't had radiation and could have had just implants, I would have.

    I'm sorry some of you have had such rotten luck and hope you can find a solution to your pain and mobility issues.

  • sam2u
    sam2u Member Posts: 43

    2Tabbies--so sorry to hear about your mother--I hope she responds to treatment and has a quick recovery.


    I haven't had any reconstruction yet, but flew last weekend.  I got "special" inspections in both airports due to the prosthesis-just another "lovely" part of the new me.

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Sam2u, that sucks about the "special" inspections. I didn't think they were supposed to do that fir prosthetics. What airports were these? I'm glad I left mine home last summer.

  • Warrior_Woman
    Warrior_Woman Member Posts: 819

    Tabbies - I do hope all is well for your mother.

    Sam2U - That doesn't sound good. Technically, they are allowed to check everyone but I would really expect them to be accustomed to prosthetics.


  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Warrior, thanks for you concern. My mom had to go back in the hospital with congestive hear failure yesterday. She's nearly 97 and is pretty much ready to call it a life.

  • anothernycgirl
    anothernycgirl Member Posts: 821

    2Tabbies. - I am glad that you are able to be there with your Mother. No matter how old we/they are, it's our Mom, and so hard. My Mom was 98, almost 99, but young at heart. (and a 30+ year BC survivor!) Sending hugs

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    AnotherNYCG, thanks. You are so right. And there are some family dysfunction issues that are pàinful.

  • Honeybadger
    Honeybadger Member Posts: 51

    Tangles, Amieclemons and jbokland, SO sorry to hear of your various difficulties. It really makes me think even longer and harder about deciding to go for the LD. Uggh...that damned radiation. It often causes the need for this operation, and then makes it tougher to heal successfully.

    2tabbies, my heart is with you, your mom and your dysfunctional family. I can really relate.

  • vettegirl
    vettegirl Member Posts: 136

    So last week-my PS cut my lat flap boob back open and restitched me on the inside and outside-it wasnt healing well due to the radiation, I I have stitches again, sigh. Its not the whole boob but a good sized section across the front middle.

    I am scheduled for my last surgery April 30. not sure why he just didnt wait since he will be cutting me back up again then too. He is adding about 100 cc's to my left masectomy/lat flap boob to try to get better symmetry. This will put me at 1025 cc's on that side. Sounds huge, but it really isnt on my frame. I was 42DD before BC so wanted to stay as close to my natural size as I could. He is also making my nipple that day and will lipo my lat flap hump on my back to try to get it down some-I feel like a camel with all my humps and bumps.

    2Tabbies-I wish the best for your mom. It is so hard watching our parents age and not be well.....I am sure she is loving you being with her right now.

  • tangles
    tangles Member Posts: 211

    jbokland I saw an Ortho and he said frozen shoulder. Off to PT..... the PT said ummmm no you DO NOT have a frozen shoulder! She said because I can pick my weak arm up and lift my arm up with my good arm it is NOT frozen. She said because I can do that, but not lift it on its own the Ortho is wrong. Makes sense to me. I am off to see a different PS tomorrow for advice. I also had a cortisone shot with NO relief!

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Honeybadger and vettegirl, thanks for the concern about my mom. She's better today, but there are still some bad things happening. I'd love to quit my job and move back here.

    vettegirl, it does seem odd that you PS didn't wait until the 30th for all the revisions. Maybe he was concerned that the poor healing needed to be addressed sooner. The effects of radiation suck.

    tangles, did the PT have any idea what your problem really is if it's not frozen shoulder? I don't know how long ago you had the cortisone shot, but it might take a while for it to reduce the inflammation. I hope you get some relief soon. And a correct diagnosis.

  • tangles
    tangles Member Posts: 211

    Oh I had a cortisone shot 6 months ago. It did nothing.

    SO yesterday I saw PS # 1 and told him about the lat flap surgery PS#2 did and how bad my results are. He didn't seem to understand why I had so much back pain. He seemed to think that was pretty unusual a yr out from surgery. UGH..... As for raising the arm up he thinks "maybe" the peck muscle has fused to the lat muscle and they are sort of attached. He could go in and see if that is what is going on but no test to confirm, just open me up!! He said even if it is and he corrects it no guarantee it would stay that way with the radiated skin that is still present. ( dummy me thought I was getting rid of that radiated skin) guess I should have done my homework and realized it was not ALL going to be gone. I asked if we put smaller implants in would it help the tightness go away?? Maybe he said, again no guarantee..... The other side he would have to fix also as the implant has separated from the flap and hangs low like a mom who has nursed 4 kids!! UGH!!!!! SO I guess I am off to PS #3 for another opinion. If she agreas with PS#1 maybe I will go for that surgery. I sure wish this 2 yr nightmare would just come to an end. I am sick to death of all this pain and dr apts and surgeries. I should just be grateful I have my life!! Sorry for the rant guys!

  • kfinnigan
    kfinnigan Member Posts: 490

    tangles, I would definitely see PS#3 for another opinion. I don't like the work PS#2 two cents worth. I would probably lean toward surgery is #3 agrees with #1. Keep us posted. I have followed your journey on this thread and I know what a nightmare this process has been for you. Big hugs

    2Tabbies, thinking about your mom...and you

  • rozem
    rozem Member Posts: 749

    Tangles. I was in your boat. A year of pain. It wears on you, mind and body. Something for me finally broke. I went to see a physiatrist (Doctor who specializes in the study of muscle groups). We did a multi layer approach consiting of daily 3x a day intense stretching excercises plus saline injections to the knots in my back. She said that because the other muscles were compensating and i was so tight thats why i had pain. ( i've always carried my stress in my shoulders). After 3-4 minths of every 3 week injections and stretching I finally had some relief.

    Today i am almost pain free. I say almost because if im stressed and tense up i have to stretch out or the pain creeps in ( although not as bad as the initial pain)

    PM me if u want more info

  • Warrior_Woman
    Warrior_Woman Member Posts: 819

    I don't know if this will help anyone but I need to post it because some of the women here are living our worst nightmares regarding the LD surgery. I had my last PS & PT appointments today prior to my exchange surgery next month. I am amazed at where I started and where I am now. Prior to seeing my current PS, I had cording and my breast skin was stuck to my ribs. I have learned that it is critically important to massage scar tissue everyday to break it up and keep it from sticking. I had several months of PT prior to surgery and continued with it afterwards. The PT loosened my skin so it no longer stuck to my chest, eliminated the cording, strengthened my core, helped with posture and range of motion. I have no pain, inability and full range of motion. Even the elastic band tightness sensation has greatly lessened. My PS required PT starting before the surgery. He performs a lot of different types of surgeries but may be best known for the LD Flap. If you haven't seen the video of the surgery you may want to think twice about watching it. Here it is:

    Steven Copit LD Surgery video

    I am extremely happy with the results both in terms of my physical well being and the aesthetics. I can compare him to my PS# 1 at Penn Medicine. When I asked her about PT she told me she would order it if I really needed it. Really needed it? WTF?! My skin was stuck to my chest and I had cording. How bad would I have to get before she ordered PT?

    Before I had the LD flap surgery I really considered foregoing reconstruction. It was surgery # 6 and I read too many horror stories. Based upon my experience, I believe the variables that made a big difference for me was 1. having a surgeon who specializes in LD flaps and 2. PT with a physical therapist who also specializes in LD flaps and 3. luck.

    The improvements I've experienced due to PT are measurable and I would recommend it for anyone even before you start to experience difficulties.

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Tangles, I truly hope you can get some relief. Maybe some of the things rozem and Warrior have mentioned will help. I would have loved to get rid of all my radiation damaged skin too. I understand your frustration in how long this whole process can drag on. I'm coming up on 2 years myself, and I am not a patient person. Hang in there, and feel free to rant anytime.

  • Keryl
    Keryl Member Posts: 54

    Hi, yes, I have had the pec muscle get adhesions and tighten up so so much. PT helps but you have to stay on it or it comes back. I had cording in arm pit too. Anyway, this whole thing is constant and while I have come so far, it is not going away. I am getting stronger though - -I can lift more weight and reach heights etc. I am looking forward to tattoos in May.

  • Thimbleberry
    Thimbleberry Member Posts: 18

    Many months have passed since my last post, but I wanted to add my 2 cents to the Lat Flap finale. I had my exchange less than 2 weeks ago. I am more than happy with the results. My PS is a true miracle worker. Somehow he managed to get my radiation mutilated side to match my non radiated side. Everything is healing so quickly. I tried on my pre-cancer swimsuit, and Victorias Secret actually fit and look normal. I am not a spring chicken, so my exercise is daily, but simple. I do not feel limited in any of my arm or shoulder movements. For those of you who have limited surgery options as I did, take heart and give this operation consideration. My best friend during this journey was a positive attitude

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Thimbleberry, so good to hear from you. I'm glad you're happy with your results.

  • Thimbleberry
    Thimbleberry Member Posts: 18

    Howdy to you, 2Tabbies! It only seems like yesterday that you, WarriorWoman and I were scheduled just days apart for our initial Lat Flap surgery. Time has a way of marching on without us noticing. I spend my winters in a 55plus RV Resort. It is amazing to me how many of the women here went without reconstruction after their masectomy. It is interesting how curious they are about my procedure....there is a lot of "Show and Tell" where I am concerned. Thank you for the information and encouragement you gave me at the beginning of my "Flap" journey

  • kfinnigan
    kfinnigan Member Posts: 490

    Great to hear Thimble!!

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Thimbleberry, I'm glad I was able to provide some useful information. Yes, it does seem like the 3 of us were just having our LD flap procedures. In another way, that feels like ages ago to me. Probably because I have so much going on in my life, and because I'm impatiently awaiting my exchange. I'm jealous that you've already had yours. People do seem interested in the LD procedure. I gave a show and tell to a one massage therapists.

  • Warrior_Woman
    Warrior_Woman Member Posts: 819

    Thimbleberry - I'm right behind you. May 6th is my exchange. This past 6 months has been the longest stretch since my diagnosis. Nobody has poked, cut or poisoned me. Some days life feels normal and then reality hits again. I'm glad you're happy with your results. Based upon how things are going, I expect to be happier than I imagined. Frankly, I was at the point of just not wanting to be flat. When I embarked on the LD Flap, I had grave reservations because of the nightmare postings. Some women have reported serious concerns. It does not appear to be at any higher of a rate than other reconstructive surgeries. My surgeon told me there is only a 1% failure rate. I really want to cross the finish line this time. It's getting close.

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983

    Hi Ladies. After much thought and research I really thought I was going to have the Diep flap surgery but didn't relish the thought of it at all. (even though my tummy makes me the perfect candidate) I never really gave the lat flap much consideration until I met my 3rd PS referral. I'm now seeing her on the 22nd to give her my decision and I'm 95% sure on the lat flap surgery. I do have a question however if you could be kind enough. Once the surgery is performed and they put the expander in, can you were a bra of some sort? I want to be out and about and with my prostetic foob no one can even tell. I know it seems vain but you know. Mabey a partial foob? Thanks

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Warrior, I'm glad you're nearing your exchange. I so wish I was still neck and neck with you and Thimble. I have 10.5 weeks to go. I hope you end up with great results. Like you, I just wanted not to be flat anymore, but after seeing some of the fabulous results here and on the picture forum, I'd love to look normal. I know it's unrealistic, but I'd love to be able to look in the mirror and not see evidence of cancer even naked. In short, I want my PS to exchange his scalpel for a magic wand. Maybe I'm just feeling needy because my mom is so sick.

    Myleftboob, welcome! First, you're not being vain or at least no more vain than I am. (See the paragraph above for evidence.) Instructions on what to wear after the initial surgery vary from PS to PS. I don't remember exactly what my PS said because I had no desire to wear a bra especially once I had my first fill. (I had a bilateral MX so bilateral recon.) I think after you get the drains out, and the initial healing is done, you will be able to wear a bra and pad it to match your other side.

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983

    Thanks 2Tabbies. I hear you on once I get the drains out for sure. Still remember those puppies after my UMX. I'm a large C on the right so I have to wear a bra for support. I just want to look normal in clothes is all. I'm sure my local lady will have various forms for sale.

    I've booked my first vacay in years for January 2016 and in the event I don't have my exchange done by then I still want to be able to look balanced in a bathing suit etc. It will still beat wearing the prostetic and having it float away on me for sure.

    Weird when I tell my friends about my decision, they can't believe I'm not electing for the surgery with the free tummy tuck. I don't see it as free however being such a big surgery. I live alone and am self employed and petrified of not being able to get in and out of bed etc without assistance and such a long recovery time. Never mind the hit financially with no sick benefits. I was really thinking implants were the path of least resistance but when my PS explained the due to my size and that the result would be better than with implants alone I was intrigued for sure.

    Healing vibes to everyone here in the thick of it!

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    When is your surgery? Unless it's December, I would think you'd be fine to wear a bra by January. You might not even need a prosthetic depending on how much volume you've gotten from fills. For that matter, maybe you'll have had your exchange. Unless, of course, you have a doc like mine who waits at least 6 months from the initial surgery for the exchange then has the audacity to schedule himself a vacation so that it ends up being even longer. Harumph! ;;-)

    Ah yes. The mental image of floating prosthetics. I was always afraid they'd either float or sink to the bottom so I never wore them in my bathing suit. But I just swim at the Y really early in the morning. Anybody else who's there at that time of day isn't awake enough to notice how I look. Now I'm rocking the TE stripper boob look. Like 2 half grapefruits under my skin.

    I agree with you on the long recovery from the DIEP and TRAM procedures. I didn't want that either even if I had been a candidate which I wasn't. Between radiation and prior surgeries, the only procedure I was a candidate for and could get locally was the LD flap. I might have been a candidate for a GAP (butt flap). The prospect of losing some fat from my butt was attractive, but the need to travel across country for the procedure and the long recovery were not. That recovery sounds horrible. I read you can't sit for a month. Even though the LD flap wasn't an easy surgery, I probably could have managed on my own during recovery except for driving. You do have some one who can drive for you, right? You definitely can't do that for at least a couple weeks. And don't plan on reaching for anything on a high shelf for a while.

    Good luck!

  • shorfi
    shorfi Member Posts: 437

    Hi Warrior Wom... I am a patient of Dr. Copit, and I had my 3D tats done by Josh Jersey at Copit's office. It took about 1 1/2 hours and he did a beautiful job. I am so happy

    ThumbsUp. You can even be reimbursed by your health insurance.

  • patty101014
    patty101014 Member Posts: 14

    has anyone gone in expecting Lat flap and woke up having had the PS use the serratus instead? I was supposed to have lat flap and TE on cancer side and alloderm with TE on the other. But since I had large enough and long enough serratus, he used those on both sides. I think this is considered a good thing but cannot seem to find much info online

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Patty, that is interesting. Never heard of using the serratus, but it does sound like maybe it's a good thing. Lucky you! Did your PS explain why he preferred to use that muscle over the lat when he saw that he could?