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Latissimus Dorsi Breast Reconstruction



  • Honeybadger
    Honeybadger Member Posts: 51

    Kfinnigan, Just saw your post. Congratulations on your "double FU barrel salute to cancer"!!! So happy for you.

  • kfinnigan
    kfinnigan Member Posts: 490

    lol Honeybadger!

    Warrior, I thought all along I wanted to do 3d tattoos, but have changed my mind. I will get the reconstruction doing surrounding tissue for the nipple and skin graft from groin area for the areola. We shall see how I do!

  • Honeybadger
    Honeybadger Member Posts: 51

    Warrior Woman, Thank you so much. ...and I agree with kfinnigan, I love your attitude.

    Kfinnigan, Congratulations on making your appointment for your "double FU barrel salute to cancer"!!!!! Lie it.

  • Honeybadger
    Honeybadger Member Posts: 51

    That was strange, my above post didn't show so I, sort of, repeated myself. Then  my typo: Should say Love it. Not lie it!

  • PinkThrivor2011
    PinkThrivor2011 Member Posts: 1

    Hello to all my new sisters!! I am new to this site! FarmerLucy and I have become friends here in Oklahoma!! I just had my "Vinnie's" done 2-5-2015. He was the most wonderful person ever. I will say it was more than worth the trip to see Vinnie Myers in Finksbu

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    kfinnigan, I second you double barreled FU salute to all this crap! If all goes well, I'll be done next winter. Exchange in June. Nipple building 3 months later so September. Tattooing them can start 3 months after that, and the artist I'm going to does them over several sessions. That could push the end out almost a year from now. If I need revisions...I'm not going to think about that.

    Honeybadger, I've had that weird disappearing post thing happen to me too. See you on the picture forum someday soon!

  • raelan
    raelan Member Posts: 84

    Hey Ladies - It's been awhile since I've checked in so thought I'd drop you all a quick note to let you know I'm doing great. I'm almost 6 months out from my lat flap surgery and 6 weeks from my exchange and am very happy with the outcome of both. I'm back to my old routine at the gym (3 miles on the elliptical and lifting my prior amount of weights) and have no residual loss of strength, pain, etc. My implants are being to "drop and fluff" a bit and are looking and feeling more like a natural part of the new me.

    Like many of the women who come to these boards searching for answers, I spent a lot of time researching this particular surgery. It was only after I assessed all possible options, that I then concluded a lat flap was the best (and really only) one for me. I was very scared and worried going into this surgery but it was all for naught.

  • Keryl
    Keryl Member Posts: 54

    hi everyone, ok. I am almost a year out from LD in May. Its not been easy. Before that I had several infections due to radiated tissue. Now, I am not getting nipples, BUT I am interested in tattoos to give them "faces" so to speak. Its been over 5 years since my double m and I think it's time to be done. So, has anyone had trouble with the tats....meaning infection or complication? I am not sure this is right site to ask, but it will be on Lat flap skin and incision lines which in my case, the dr. says are healthy. I would hate to start a bad thing though for something so superficial- what do you think?

  • Downey30
    Downey30 Member Posts: 199

    Hi Keryl, I went to VINNIE in Baltimore and had no issues whatsoever. I think you will do fine too. Make sure you find a very good 3 D Tattoo aritist. You will love the finished product.

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Good to hear you're still doing well, Raelan.

    Keryl, good luck with nipple tats if you decide togo that route. I'm probably going to let my PS build nipples then get a 3D tat to color them.

  • Warrior_Woman
    Warrior_Woman Member Posts: 819

    I plan to do the trip to see Vinnie when my tat time finally comes. He requires a 5 month wait after nipples. I assume I'll need an adjustment surgery after my exchange. And so, I should be finished with reconstruction sometime around the year 2020.

    Kfinnigan - Your plan is perfect but I imagine only certain docs do that procedure and mine never mentioned it. I was hoping to use the skin from my eyes and get an eye lift at the same time. Then my PS told me I'm spending too much time on the internet.

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Warrior, LOL! I hadn't thought of an eye lift. I'll be happy if I get a teensy bit of liposuction at my exchange or for a revision. :-) I'll have to ask my PS about the eye lift. I like to make him laugh. I've already figured out what I'm going to say to him when I see him for my exchange. I'll tell him I'm happy he could meet with me because I have a couple things I want to get off my chest. Literally. Oh, so literally!

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Does anybody know if I'll have trouble at airport security because of the magnets in my TEs? I've got to take a hurried trip to visit my mother who is sick. The last thing I need is to have TSA thinking I'm a terrorist and feeling up my foobs.

  • Honeybadger
    Honeybadger Member Posts: 51

    So sorry to hear your mom is ill. When I had TEs and went from US to UK my PS gave me a note, just in case. But nobody questioned me,  or felt me up. (Yikes!) So I never needed to show it. The note, that is, not my boobs.

    By the way lol on having something to get off your chest! 

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Thanks, Honeybadger. I probably don't have time to get a note from the PS, but I can call tomorrow and try. I wouldn't mind having it just in case. My mom is doing better so fingers crossed that the worst is over. I hope I remember to make that joke about getting something off my chest!

  • kfinnigan
    kfinnigan Member Posts: 490

    LOL Warrior, 2020...and believe me, I have a lot of tightening around my legs/belly that he could use, if only he would!

    2Tabbies, love your wit also! And I went through the xray machine at the airport without any troubles, I did get a note just in case, only because I wasn't given my tissue expander info card when they placed it...but I never needed the note. Good luck, when are you going? I hope your mom continues to improve.

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    kfinnigan, my PS wrote me a note just in case I have trouble with airport security. They're first suggestion, since they don't have the medical device cards that they really should have given me after the surgery, was that I just tell the TSA agents before going through the scanner. "Hey, Mr. TSA Agent! I've got magnets in my boobs that might set off your scanner!" Um, no. I don't think so. This way, if I happen to be the fluke that sets off the damn scanner, I can just hand them the note.

  • raelan
    raelan Member Posts: 84

    2Tabbies - Good to have a note, just in case, but I'd be surprised if you have any problems.  I flew a couple of times with my T.E.'s and never once had a problem.  Passed through like any other normal person with metal in their body.  

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Raelan, I had to laugh a little at your comment. Having never had metal in my body before, with the exception of the fillings in my teeth, I don't know what happens when a "normal person with metal in their body" goes through security. Smile I thought that's why they were supposed to carry a medical device card.

  • Penzance
    Penzance Member Posts: 39


    The magnets in the boobs bit really made me laugh. I may have to make several trips from the UK to France during treatment, and I am worried that if I need to wear a wig, or a headscarf, they might ask me to remove it at the passport checkpoints...

    Re recon using latissimus dorsi, I didn't real all 151 pages, but I see some women did weight lifting etc. afterwards. If I use this method, once healed, would I be able to resume kayaking, assisted pull ups and possibly indoor climbing? I had been looking at fat grafts, but do not carry much fat, however I do have nice muscles on my back so could possibly spare some :) I just don't like the idea of getting implants.

    Thanks in advance.

  • kfinnigan
    kfinnigan Member Posts: 490

    Funny comments Raelan/2Tabbies!

    Penzance, my PS says I will be able to do all things I did before the lat flap surgery. Best of luck with your treatment!

  • tangles
    tangles Member Posts: 211

    I have not checked in here for a long time. Its been a little over a year and I am still having LOTS of complications. Saw a new Dr. for pain management and we are going to try Botox in the muscles surrounding the areas. Also going to try some botox on the arm/shoulder that I have not been able to raise up since the surgery.  Going Monday to get an opinion from a different plastic surgeon. Could these implants be causing all my pain or is this from this Latt surgery?? Oh if only I could go back in time I would NEVER have done this! Biggest regret of my life!!! Live with pain everyday since. Miss being able to go for bike rides and walks with my family. Glad there are so many positive outcomes. I guess I am just the rare case that this was such a nightmare!!

  • amieclemens5
    amieclemens5 Member Posts: 22

    Night nurse, I have same situation. I hurried into doing the lat flat as PS felt I would have better results since my skin was so thin on top. One side looks nice but it's droopy while the other is up higher different shape. Not to mention surgery was an awful experience. I would never recommend it as a first option. I have been depressed.

  • amieclemens5
    amieclemens5 Member Posts: 22

    Tangles..sorry you're having all these problems. Hang in there. Have you tried occupational therapy?

  • gabriellaM
    gabriellaM Member Posts: 25

    Hi everyone, it's been a year and two weeks since my lat flap surgery and I just wanted to post an update, especially for those who are thinking about/weighing up all their options.

    I am one of the good outcomes -- no complications (I did have seromas in my back that were painless and resolved in a few weeks), I can exercise and do everything I did before surgery, I'm really happy with how my breasts look (I can now wear strapless and spaghetti strap dresses and never need a bra Smile), and overall have absolutely no regrets. I never had chemo or radiation so that probably made things easier (I had my surgery for DCIS and BRCA mutation).

    My recommendations for women considering the operation -- ask lots of questions (I'm sure you already are!), try guided imagery before surgery (there are various recommendations on line -- I listened to a 20 minute audiotape every day for 2 weeks prior to surgery -- it helped calm me down and maybe was part of the reason I never needed anything besides tylenol/motrin post-op), ask for a PT referral after surgery (once your PS clears you of course. Mine would not have recommended PT unless I had brought it up), swim once you're allowed (I think this really helped stretch/strengthen my reconfigured muscles), remember for many of us there are temporary complications but in the long run we get past those and get back to our lives!

    Ironically the prophylactic surgery to remove my ovaries (which I had 6 months ago, due to BRCA mutation) took a lot more out of me (and that procedure took less than an hour, as opposed to 9 hour lat flap operation)! Some of this is unpredictable but be patient with yourself and give yourself time to heal.

    Good luck to everyone going through this!

  • gabriellaM
    gabriellaM Member Posts: 25

    I also wanted to say to Tangles I'm so sorry to hear that you are still having pain and struggling after this operation. We had our surgery around the same time and I remember you had issues from the beginning. A year is a long time to live with chronic pain and not be able to enjoy life. I hope with some more time and treatment you find some relief.

  • tangles
    tangles Member Posts: 211

    I will say NOT having radiation makes ALL the difference in the world. Trying to get rid of that radiated skin is a challenge. Plus it has no blood supply and tightens back up. I believe that is a big part of my issue!!!

    Yes it is VERY depressing to not be able to do the simple things in life I so enjoyed like going for a bike ride with my family. I cant support myself up on the bike. Oh I could go on and on. but wont. Hopefully there is some pain relief for me in the future as Now that I have kicked this cancers A$$ I have a long life to live out and don't want to do it in so much pain!!!!!!!!!!!

    PS Yes I have done LOTS of therapy

  • amieclemens5
    amieclemens5 Member Posts: 22

    Tangles..sorry you're having all these problems. Hang in there. Have you tried occupational therapy?

  • Warrior_Woman
    Warrior_Woman Member Posts: 819

    Tabbies - I've been through airport security several times with expanders and no problem. The TSA's website has a card you can print and complete. There is an entire section to address concerns of women with bc. I wrote breast reconstruction on the card so that I would not need to discuss it but it never came up.

    I'm am very sorry to hear the concerning reports from those who have had disastrous outcomes. It seems that the LD surgery either goes very well or quite poorly. That was the fear for most of us going into it. I am wondering if PT has been tried. My surgeon ordered PT for several months before the surgery as well as after. I assume it helped as I have no pain and full mobility with no limitations. I don't know if I would have a lesser outcome without it. I do know that if I skip the exercises for several days I start to feel tighter. I suspect I would be restricted in mobility without it.

  • jbokland
    jbokland Member Posts: 275

    Tangled- my shoulder is a mess since my lay flap and exchange! I finally saw an ortho for it and he confirmed the frozen shoulder. I got a cortisone shot but I haven't seen a big difference. Off for a PT evaluation next week. Ugh, it really is painful when I move or twist my arm wrong.