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Latissimus Dorsi Breast Reconstruction



  • Keryl
    Keryl Member Posts: 54

    HI everyone, I have a new issue. PT says I have some cording (webbing) in my arm pit which they couldn't get to before, but now that my mobility is better, she can find it. It is pretty uncomfortable when she massages it but have to to break it up. Its one of the things that she things slowed my recovery. Drat. Anyone else have this? How likely is it to break up, any advice?

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Dpiggy, 8 drains! Ai yi yi! You win the drain competition! I agree they're better than a seroma though.

    Keryl, I had a little cording under my arm after the lat flap surgery. I was able to reduce it quite a bit by just massaging it and stretching my arm up myself. By the time I got to the PT, it was mostly gone. I'm no expert, but I bet your therapist will be able to help you get rid of it. I did my massage and stretching in the shower. I aimed the warm water at my armpit and just gently massaged and stretched with my hand up on the wall. Good luck!

    I have to tell you all about my little adventure yesterday. Once a year the local massage therapy school gives a 3 day intensive training for massage therapists who want to work with cancer patients/survivors. They invite actual patients/survivors to come get a free massage on the last day of the training. I couldn't go last year, but went yesterday. Not only did I get a great massage, but I offered to do a little show and tell about my recon procedure. They all seemed quite interested. So, yes, I flashed my tissue expander filled, rock hard, nippleless foobs at about 15 massage therapists. If anything useful can be gotten out of this whole bc pile of crapola, I'm more than happy to do it.

  • raelan
    raelan Member Posts: 84

    2Tabbies - I would have loved to seen the reaction on the faces of all those massage therapists as they took it all in. I think it's really important for individuals who plan to work with breast cancer survivors to truly understand what we have to go through to feel whole kudos to you for being brave enough to educate them.

    So, I'm feeling very excited this morning. IT'S EXCHANGE DAY!!!!! I so can't wait to get these rock hard T.E.'s out. Have had them in for almost a year. My surgery is scheduled for 10:45, so wrapping up a few things around the house this morning, then I'll be heading into the city for my appointment. I'll drop you all a note when I feel lucid enough to let you know how it went. As far as I know, I won't be getting any drains. However, I do suspect I'll have some internal stitches on the lat side since my PS needs to do a fair amount of pocket work. That side will most likely take the longest to heal.

    Wish me luck!

  • vettegirl
    vettegirl Member Posts: 136

    Good for you 2 Tabbies :)  You have the right attitude-we have to educate, people just really dont know what we go through.  I think the majority of people's conception is that we get new perky boobs for free.  Yes-new hard, lopsided, scarred up boobs, lucky us.

    Raelan-Best of luck to you today.  Check in when you can.

    Monday was 6 weeks post op for me.  I am finally feeling way better and getting my energy back.  Lat flap area still hard and slighty swollen, but not too bad.  Boobs are starting to pop out some, but being a uni-my left lat flap boob is still smaller and still flat in front.  I hope I can get symmetrical at some point.  And more projected on that side.  I would think that 925cc would look like porn star boobs...but it doesnt since I am a bigger framed gal.  I am really not sure how much more saline I want pumped in there...PS says he can go as high as 1200cc.  I am thinking maybe 1000 or 1050 to get me back to normal-but I can decide in a couple of months when we get ready for my next revision and nipple making surgery.  I asked them where they were going to get the skin to make the nipple and the nurse said right off that boob...not sure how that is going to work.  I assumed they would take skin off my thigh or belly...hmmmm...interesting.  I am still in talk to on getting something done with the flabby tummy-dont really want the full blown tummy tuck, so will be discussing other options such as lipo or mini tummy tuck possibly.  The scar for the tummy tuck has scared me off-and the recovery time.  Dont want to look like I got in a fight with a lawnmower-they cut you from hip to hip-OUCH!!!!  Anyone else here have any tummy work done at time of revision?

  • kfinnigan
    kfinnigan Member Posts: 490

    best of luck Raelan! Sending positive vibes!

    Tabbies, cool about the massage, did you have to be face down? If so, how did that feel, and did they get your back scars? I love massages but I worry about getting them in the future.

    No tummy work for me, keep us posted Vettegirl.

    Had my 3 week appt yesterday with my PS. Exchange was 3weeks ago today. Reminder, I'm a uni, lat flap on left, implant on right.

    He said I am healing beautifully and thanked me for being such a good patient and taking such good care of myself. He removed a couple of sutures on my lap side. He answered some questions... I cannot lift more than 10 pounds until the 4 week mark , which is next week on Wednesday. I need to start massaging the implants once a day and he showed me how but only the right side for now one more week for left side. He said it was fine that I am NOT using the ace bandage and I also don't have to wear as a big pads under my bra he just gave me little ones to wear over my incisions. No housework or harder exercise until the four week mark. Still have to sleep on my back until 6 week mark. Wait to get a bra until 3 months then I can wear whatever kind I want. He loves the jockey no seam bra I'm wearing, second time he asked about it, said its perfect.

    Dpiggy, we have the same bra. He will see me in 4 weeks and he will also remove some skin tags that he sees at that time, to finish my look lol.

    He said the volume and symmetry looks good he noticed the flap on the left side isn't laying flat on the bottom but he said he has to be really careful about fixing that part because of the blood flow that it is supplying and let's wait for many months until it settles and it may flatten some on its own. Wanted to know if I was happy with the whole experience and I said I was so happy and I shoulda done it years ago!

    He was really pleased at how I look.

    The right implant only side had swelling that comes and goes, all normal, but that's the side that bothers me with tightness in areas, always happens after some activity.

  • paige-allyson
    paige-allyson Member Posts: 82

    I've been very happy with my delayed reconstruction- Lat flap with implants. If I'm unfocused in this post I ju had scar revision, fat grafting, and the nerve on the lat reconstruction side cut. It was causing visible pulling and discomfort . Also had some lipo of leftover fat on my implant only side. My PS said it's been driving her a little crazy - seems to be some extra fat tissue left behind by the surgeon who did my mastectomies. I love my PS and love her enthusiasm for her work. She was really excited for doing this revision because she thinks it will take my results from very good to great. No complaints here! I'm Struggling with a little pain tonight that the Vicodin isn't quite doing it for. I'm Hoping and expecting it won't last long. Reading posts and writing is a good distraction for me right now. Overall the reconstruction process has been very manageable and I'd make the same choice again in a heartbeat

  • Warrior_Woman
    Warrior_Woman Member Posts: 819

    DPiggy - You really got the double whammy. 8 drains might be a world record. Ugh!

    Keryl - Yes. I have had cording and my PT dealt with it easily. It first appeared after my BMX and again after my LD. I think it is gone now. Stay on top of it and you should be OK.

    2Tabbies = Lucky you. I'm not letting anyone touch me if they're not properly trained and there is no one in my area. Unfortunately, it will be a long time before I get another massage.

    Raelan - Go! Go! Go You! Congratulations and all the best for an easy and complete recovery!

    Vette - Everyone says the 6 week point is a milestone. Good for you!

    kfinnigan - Excellent news. The finish line is in sight!

    Paige - It is reassuring to hear another success story. Most of us will agree that we were terrified of this surgery but one by one we're getting through it. I'm very glad I didn't quit and I went ahead with this.

    Nothing new on my end, Folks. Just living my life and trying to be a normal person. Loopy

  • raelan
    raelan Member Posts: 84

    Happy, happy, happy. Echange is over and I'm doing good. Pretty sore since a lot of pocket work was required on lat side, and a little on other side. My PS used exactly what I wanted ....Allergan, style 20, 550cc's (on left) and 450cc's on lat side. From what I can tell , they look great. I'm not taped up and no drains.

    Will definitely need to stay on top of the pain meds the next few days. Internal stitches are a bit uncomfortable. I'll post more when I'm a bit more lucid.

    Thanks for all your kind thoughts

  • sharsalo
    sharsalo Member Posts: 38

    Hi everyone! I haven't been on in a while -- work has me slammed -- but I've tried to keep up with the thread now and again. I have my pre-op appointment tomorrow morning for my exchange, which is scheduled for February 24. It's come sooner than I expected since my surgery was in November, but I only had one side done. I will ask all sorts of questions tomorrow, but I know he's planning on doing some sculpting to make my reconstructed breast match my natural breast. I'm super excited to have it done. This hard melon breast is so large compared to my natural breast, and today I was busting out of my dress on one side. I haven't looked into anything re nipple, but I just wanted to say that I had so many fears and worries going into the lat flap and none of them have been realized. I have full mobility, and other than some soreness still when I lay down on my side, all is good. And no prosthetic is the best thing ever!

    Congrats to you, Raelan! That's great news; I'm glad you're doing well and I'll be keeping a close eye on the thread to see how you're progressing.

    I hope the rest of you ladies are doing well. I hope to keep up with the thread more often. :)

  • DPiggy
    DPiggy Member Posts: 132

    Sounds like everyone is doing well.  Happy Healing to all!

  • raelan
    raelan Member Posts: 84

    Doing better today. Still pretty sore and bruised, but starting to turn the corner on the pain. I'm sleeping a lot because the dilaudid knocks me out. I got the script for my lat flap surgery but never used it. Definitely need it for this one due to all the IMF work...already starting to see some pretty bruising

    I just posted a photo on the picture forum if anyone's curious about how things turned out.

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Raelan, so glad to hear all went well. It really does hurt when they start mucking around in the IMF area, doesn't it. I could have sworn my PS sewed barbed wire in there. Glad to hear you're feeling better today. I took a peak at your photos, and you do look great even with the technicolor bruises! What really surprised the massage therapists was when I told them about the 3D nipple tattoos. Nobody was aware of that.

    vettegirl, I think you're right. People have no clue what we go through or that we don't exactly look picture perfect when we're done. This web page explains how they do the nipple reconstruction using the skin right on the breast. I'm glad you're feeling better.

    kfinnigan, I was on my back for the massage. They do whatever areas you want to work on. She did a lot of work on my head and neck because I have some stiff areas on the back of my neck. She also did my hands, arms, feet, legs. So no, she didn't get to my back scar. My PS didn't want me to have any deep massage there yet. I was surprised, but he said it was still possible to tear something. Heaven knows I don't want a seroma or hematoma.

    paige, happy healing, and how nice to have a perfectionist PS!

    Sharsalo, how nice to hear from you! I'm jealous your exchange is so soon. But we were surgery buddies! How can this be?? Lucky you, though. I now have a mental image of your "melon breast" trying to bust out of your dress.

  • Kthielen
    Kthielen Member Posts: 176

    2tabbies, good for you for showing off your foobs!! I tend to feel the urge to show people how they look too! Everyone thinks it is just a simple boob job.....

    I need to find this photo site and check it out!

    I plan on just getting the 3D nipple tattoos:)

  • Keryl
    Keryl Member Posts: 54

    For those interested in massage; I agree with ensuring you go to someone that knows a bit about what you've been through; and is wary on lymph too, not too aggressive there - always massage toward the heart etc; but I have had some great massage while lying on my back working on neck, shoulders and reaching under to shoulder blades and sub scapula. Also lying on your side is also a good alternative and then they can get at your back and shoulders without pressure on your chest. I think this is important because since my surgery and balancing exercises etc. my entire neck shoulder area is a bit tight and finicky. that works well. most of all, enjoy, and give yourself a break!

  • DLL66
    DLL66 Member Posts: 448

    Vettegirl, I had a mini tummy tuck in June. I didn't need a revision, but I was scheduled for knee surgery & the same PS that did my reconstruction was able to coordinate a double procedure. When the orthopedic surgeon was done, they passed me off to my PS. Neither procedure was very long, so stacking them allowed me to just go under anesthesia the one time & take vacation time off from work once. I'm very, very happy with my decision & outcome.

  • kfinnigan
    kfinnigan Member Posts: 490

    Raelan, your photo looks good!

    DLL66, good to hear from you and what a great idea to stack that surgery!

    Good info on the massage, didn't think about just laying on the back. Will we ever be able to lay on our tummy and get one? Guess I need to ask my PS that. He did say I'll be able to do everything I did before...

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Kfinnigan, I'm assuming I'll be able to lay on my stomach for a massage eventually. It's just the rock hard TE's getting in the way (literally) now.

    Kthielen, access to the picture site is strictly controlled for privacy reasons. Message Timtam and ask for permission. There's a thread about it somewhere. I'll look when I get to a real computer instead of my phone.

  • MarneyH
    MarneyH Member Posts: 11

    Well, didn't get my last drain pulled bummed out. PS wants me to go another week just to be on the safe side. I get why but I am so over having the dang thing, it just makes everything so much harder like getting dressed, taking showers, sleeping etc... On the brighter side, he said everything looks great and he cleaned up my back incision (removed the adhesive with the dried blood) and it looks amazing! looks more like a scratch than an incision so that was a plus. I did ask about having drains with the exchange and he said "maybe". It all depends on how much space there is once he gets in there...I guess if there is enough space, fluid can build now  I'm praying that I have no space  in the next few months :)

    Question for everyone... Do you have lower back pain, or more pain by your incision or above it?

    Hope everyone has a great weekend and awonderful Valentines Day :)

  • Warrior_Woman
    Warrior_Woman Member Posts: 819

    Marney - My back pain was annoying for the first however many weeks but it stopped at some point. It doesn't bother me at all any longer.

    Raelan - I may need pocket work too. No drains? My PS is promising no drains.

    And the good news - After 1.5 years of F#*^! cancer tx, chemo, 6 crappy surgeries and missing planned vacations, parties and all sorts of good stuff, we're finally going away. Belize! But here is the best part. My old swimwear doesn't fit because I had large D cups before and now they're B+ / C and perky. Yesterday I tried on 5 swimsuits and they all fit! Every single one looked good on my. That has never ever happened before. Gone are the days of having to only buy suits that can support my huge boobs. So you know what I did...I bought all 5. Ha! So there! I'm glad for a little bit of justice.

  • Kthielen
    Kthielen Member Posts: 176

    thank you 2tabbies....I will message Timtam!

    Good for you WarriorWoman, you rock those swim suits!!

    MarneyH, my back pain varied. It did hurt below the incision, I would say it felt like my lower lung area for a while....

    It was always very tired feeling and sore if I was up too much and resting would get rid of it. I am finally feeling much better and my back is just hurting slightly here and there, I can tolerate being on my feet more. The turning point was 3 weeks and 2 days post op.

    Now I get to watch my foobs grow:))

    Best Wishes


  • MarneyH
    MarneyH Member Posts: 11

    Thanks Kthielen & Warrior Woman, it's nice to know that at some point the back pain does ease up. it's not really pain, just soreness like you said Kathy. It's only been 3 weeks and it does vary depending on how long I am up and about. Yesterday I felt like a rockstar so after the doctors appt,  we went to lunch and then a b-day party that evening...I am definitely paying the price for it today :(

    Kthielen, do you still have any drains?

    WarriorWoman, I am jealous! have fun in Belize and like kathy said, rock those swimsuits! I've always dreaded bathing suit shopping, even though I've always been small busted, I just never felt comfortable in one. So kudos to you for finding 5!!!

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Marney, my sympathies on the drain, but I guess it's better than getting a seroma. On the back pain, mine was more of a general ache and tired feeling in my whole back. Mostly it happened if I spent too much time on the computer. It's gone now. I agree with you on swimsuits btw. I haven't felt like I looked good in one for a couple decades, and it has nothing to do with bust size. I was always only an A/B. I do love to swim though so I get into a suit at the Y regardless.

    Warrior, congrats on finding and BUYING 5 suits! Enjoy that vacation. You've earned it.

    Kthielen, I think Timtam changed her name to nowheregirl. It's still Timtam on the picture forum so I'd forgotten. Here's the thread that talks about the picture forum. Enjoy watching your foobs grow! It's been interesting. My lat flap side had looked bigger to me then they evened out after a few fills. But with the last fill he only added saline to that side to fill out the upper pole. Now it looks bigger to me again. Maybe it's just because it droops lower.

    Speaking of pocket work, I'm going to have some at the exchange too at least on the lat flap side. The foob on that side extends to far to the side and threatens to crawl under my arm. He's going to tighten that up. Who knows what else he'll decide to do.

  • MarneyH
    MarneyH Member Posts: 11
    I agree seromas for me. Funny, my last remaining drain was putting out an average of 25-30 cc's every day (PS wants it at under 20). Had my appt yesterday so a no go on the drain and today hardly anything, maybe 15. So I'm pretty sure my appt this Friday will be the's going to be the longest week ever! I thought I might check out our Y for swimming too. During the Summer, I swam a few times at a friends pool after my BMX and it felt so good, seem to really help with my ROM. Never been into yoga, but swimming sounds like a good idea.
  • jbokland
    jbokland Member Posts: 275

    I had my first massage in over a year! I was a little hesitant about a)laying in my tummy b) massaging over the lat flap are. It was awesome! The therapist had a boobie pillow that was quite comfy and she worked my tight areas of my lay flaps very gently. Happy Valentines Day

  • Kthielen
    Kthielen Member Posts: 176


    No more drains for me! Had them both removed 10 days post op.....I am praying I won't need drains for the exchange, they are the worst part!! I am sorry you have had to have them in so long. For me, the longer they were in the more uncomfortable or sore it was at the insertion site. I will be thinking about you this week and praying you get it out on Friday

  • Kthielen
    Kthielen Member Posts: 176

    2tabbies, thank you for the link! My lat flap side is bigger also, I figure they will even them out by the end:)

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Marney, this will be the week. You'll get rid of that blasted drain!

    jbokland, sounds like a lovely massage. I'm going to have to schedule another one sometime soon.

    kKhielen, I just have this mental image of the PS filling up one side then the other in an attempt to get them even until I end up looking like Dolly Parton. Shocked He told me he plans on taking a tuck, so to speak, in the outside of my lat flap boob since it's too far toward my underarm. If I simulate that by pushing on it, it looks fairly close in size to the other one. I'm sure he'll get them relatively symmetrical.

  • Warrior_Woman
    Warrior_Woman Member Posts: 819

    jbookland - Did I hear massage? I could really use one but I've been afraid. I only had one node for the SNB but between that and the lats gone I am afraid a massage could cause harm. Was this any special type of massage? Are we OK for getting a massage? Jeez I would love one.

  • jbokland
    jbokland Member Posts: 275

    Warrior- I had a good conversation with the therapist and she did a great job. I found it sooo soothing. The non lat flap side of my back was actually tighter from compensating.

    My Lat Flap is still 'tight' under my arm. I'm over 2 months it everyone's else movement going?

  • vettegirl
    vettegirl Member Posts: 136

    Warrior-Enjoy your trip to Belize, sounds awesome :)  And good for you on the 5 bathing suits.  I agree that if it feels good-do it.....we have been through so much.

    Jbok-the massage sounds wonderful-hope to do that later this year, not quite ready yet.

    I am 7 weeks now and doing much better.  My lat flap area is still hard and a little sore, but not as swollen or as sore as it was.  My left lat flap implant breast is still quite hard-I am trying to massage and get it to soften.  It has dropped and projected some but is style not 100% symmetrical with my natural boob.  I see my PS on the 27th.  We will be discussing my final surgey soon-hope in early april, want to be healed and ready for summer by end of may at latest.