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Latissimus Dorsi Breast Reconstruction



  • ahdjdbcjdjdbkf
    ahdjdbcjdjdbkf Member Posts: 188

    I had really great luck with latissimus dorsi reconstruction. The scars were a big thing to get over, I will admit. But I look great in a lightly padded bra with light support. My other side was just an implant and I'm fairly symmetrical. The great thing is I'm very physically comfortable. My scar line on my back is a bit numb but I don't think about it.

  • Warrior_Woman
    Warrior_Woman Member Posts: 819

    Pattif - I am so sorry you're going through another trauma from BC. This entire experience has been a trauma for me. I've had more things go wrong than I ever anticipated. I don't think anyone can diagnose you online and I wouldn't want them to. I've had people try to help me with medical advice and it only serves to heighten my anxiety. Someone said something to me once on here and it really helped. I wish I could remember who said it to thank her. Pertaining to reconstruction she said, "Everything can be fixed if you're willing to be patient." This was especially helpful when I was facing the fear of no reconstruction.

    Mariasnow - So glad you're well. The only bothersome thing about numbness is getting an itch. Ever try to scratch an itch on a numb spot? It's like the itch is there but the scratching isn't making it stop. It's so weird. I have an arsenal of instruments to attack myself.

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Pattief, I'm sorry you're having complications. I don't know where else they might be able to take skin from, but these plastic surgeons have a lot of tricks up their sleeves. Don't give up hope. I do know what debridement is. That's just the process of cleaning the dead tissue away so a wound can heal. I hope that doesn't sound awful to you. From what I understand, it is not painful since the tissue has no feeling. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.

    HomeMom, good luck with the drain. I hope the fluid accumulation slows down for you, and the darn thing can come out.

    Mariasnow, it's nice to hear you're happy with your results. I hear you on the scars. Do you have any tricks for learning not to mind them? I don't mind the horizontal one on my "good" side, but I'm not thrilled with the pointed oval flap surrounded by red scars on my cancer side. The skin color is much lighter than my chest because of the darkening of my chest skin from radiation. So the very white patch is the first thing I see when I look in the mirror. Other than that, I'm pretty happy with how things have gone so far. Can't wait to get rid of these expanders in a couple months.

    Warrior, I know just what you mean about an itch in one of the numb spots. I don't seem to get them near my back incision, but for several days I was getting an itch right where the nipple would be on my left foob. It was so frustrating that scratching it did nothing to relieve the itch. Such an odd feeling too.

  • jbokland
    jbokland Member Posts: 275

    isn't wildly frustrating to have an itch you cannot find? I end up just slapping and shaking the whole foob!

  • kfinnigan
    kfinnigan Member Posts: 490

    Regarding drop and fluff, my PS said it would take 2-3 months for the implants to "settle" and he was right.

  • tangles
    tangles Member Posts: 211

    Patti my skin was not black but looked very angry and looked to be failing so my doctor had me do hyperbaric oxygen treatments. Not sure if they helped or my skin would have just healed but the skin came out ok. Everything else was and still is a big fat hot mess but the skin is not dead!!! Ask about getting in some treatments. I was put in day 5 or 6 after my surgery once a day for several weeks. He wanted me in sooner but I could not function until then. Good luck!

  • homemom
    homemom Member Posts: 841

    Thanks 2 Tabbies - it is still there and it will be 3 weeks on Thursday when I got back to the PS. It seems to be slowing down - 30 - 35 cc's a day - but I have to get to 20 per day for two days to get it out. Today it was 10 cc when I got up and it looks like another 10cc now with like 7-8 hours to go. With today and tomorrow the two days before my next visit, it doesn't look like I'm going to make it again UGH.

    I had implants put in in 2004 so I know what to expect from the settling in period. It all gets better with time!

    I have no incision in my back, he went in through my arm pit area. I'm still numb from the mx, so scratching an itch can be challenging. I had one that I thought was in my arm pit on the left side, but I scratched my elbow and it worked!

  • jbokland
    jbokland Member Posts: 275

    Home Mom- I am now almost 5 months out from the same sugery with the same doc. I had the back drain for 4 weeks. Overall I did very well except a frozen shoulder which is getting better.

    I hope you continue to recover well

  • vettegirl
    vettegirl Member Posts: 136

    Another one here with the same doc and surgery-I too had my back drain for 4 weeks.  I had an infected back for almost 3 weeks of that too.  Have my final-I hope- surgery-tomorrow with same doc-getting my nipple made, my left side filled up a little more, and getting my back lippoed where the lat flap was-I have a hump there.  Have to be at hospital at 5 am.......

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    vettegirl, do you still have a TE on your left side, or do you mean your getting fat grafting when you say you're getting it "filled up?" I hope all goes well tomorrow. Sorry about the early arrival time. Ugh!

  • vettegirl
    vettegirl Member Posts: 136

    2Tabbies-No TE, I have a Saline implant.  It is currently at 925cc's and PS will add 100ccs tomorrow for last revision (I hope) to get symmetry with my lift side. 

  • jbokland
    jbokland Member Posts: 275

    Best wishes Vette Girl!! No more infections. BTW...I wish someone would lipo me!

  • Warrior_Woman
    Warrior_Woman Member Posts: 819

    Vettegirl - All the best for an easy time with great results.

  • kfinnigan
    kfinnigan Member Posts: 490

    You go vettegirl!

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Thinking about you, Vettegirl, and hoping everything is spectacular!

  • vettegirl
    vettegirl Member Posts: 136

    Thanks everyone :)  Surgery went well.  Was home at 11 am.  I am wrapped like a mummy-a binder across my whole abdomen-have to wear for two weeks.  Didnt expect that.  Also have the surgical bra and a cone like styrophoam over the new nipple.  They take that off at post op next Weds.  I dont think he lippoed extra-drats!  I am bruised and have stomach incesions that bled quite heavily yesterday...but nothing too horrible.  Jbok-I am actually talking to our PS about liposculpting when I get well.  He doesnt do it himself-doesnt have the equipment but has gave me a referral of one of his colleagues.  I plan to get my belly liposculpted sometime later this year.  I lost 11 pounds in April but have so much flab since BC.  Its like the whole body turns flabby-ugh.  One day post op-and feeling pretty good :)

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Glad it went well, vettegirl.

  • Honeybadger
    Honeybadger Member Posts: 51

    Vettegirl, So glad to hear that you're doing well. Also, congratulations on losing 11 lbs! I'm wishing you continued good health and healing. All these positive stories give me hope, if I ever get the courage to go this route.

    Tangles, my heart aches for you with all the difficulties you've had. I sincerely hope that you can be rid of your pain and finally resume all the activities you enjoyed.

    Thanks to all you brave women who post here. I sometimes feel so frightened and alone. I'm so sad when I look at my ribs on one side and a pitiful unfinished boob on the other. These huge scars across my front... But after everything went wrong with the other surgeries, how do you/I get the courage to do the lat flap? I know so many of you had complications that lead you here. Where did you  get the strength to go with this surgery? I have my health, strength and range of motion. I am so afraid to jeopardize that.

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Honeybadger, I didn't have complications, but because of radiation, I probably would have if I'd have had TEs and implants without the lat flap. Radiation and prior surgeries reduced my options. Basically, I had 2 - stay flat or go with the lat flap. I hated my body flat. I wanted to smash the mirror every time I saw my reflection. I also hated the things I had to do to look normal even in clothes. So the lat flap was worth the risks to me. Find a surgeon who has done a lot of them with a good success rate and few complications. Most of us come through it ok.

  • Warrior_Woman
    Warrior_Woman Member Posts: 819

    Honeybadger - My LD was surgery # 6 for me and in a couple days I will have surgery # 7. I contemplating quitting before the LD because of fears of ruining my life completely. Fortunately, I went ahead with it. I'm very satisfied with the results so far. Hopefully I'll feel that way come later this week. The crazy part is I have surgery down to a science. What I will tell the anesthesiologist, what I'll wear, how stuff will get done, etc. My husband knows the dance all too well too. I suppose that makes it easier. Ultimately I went ahead with the LD because I found a PS I had confidence in. I would never do this with someone who doesn't do them all the time.

  • vettegirl
    vettegirl Member Posts: 136

    Thanks Honeybadger.  For me, looking at the whole big picture-the total outcome of my surgeries/recon, is what made me move forward wuith the Lat flap.  I only want to go through this once and want things to be the best they can be.  You will be fine.  Like Warrior says-just make sure you have a PS who is well qualified.  If you live in Fla-we have the best PS here.  He does not cut your back but tunnels the muscle under your arm.  Maybe you can research and find a PS who does the Lat flap like this-I think it makes a ton of difference not to get your back cut.  May be worth a plane trip here....

  • vettegirl
    vettegirl Member Posts: 136

    WW-Good luck with your next surgery.  I just had number 6 last week so am right with you.  I too feel like a pro-I never get scared or worried anymore.  Just bring it on and let the healing begin.  I hate being bound up like this-not sleeping worth a crap-its heavy and hot...but this too shall pass.

  • Honeybadger
    Honeybadger Member Posts: 51

    Vettegirl, I love your attitude. Especially "Bring it on and let the healing begin." And for the tough parts "This to shall pass." So true. I appreciate your advice regarding a qualified PS. I doubt that I'd be a candidate for the tunneling through method because of very thin & fragile radiated skin. I live in Long Island, a suburb of NYC. There are many excellent surgeons here, but if anyone would like to recommend one in this area, especially if they take insurance, please feel free. You can private message if you like. Many thanks and best wishes to you all.

  • Honeybadger
    Honeybadger Member Posts: 51

    2Tabbies & Warrior Woman, I nearly missed your posts! Thank you both for your encouragement. I feel like you did, 2 Tabbies, wanting to smash the mirror & hating everything it takes to look normal. It's hard enough after 50 to hold it together without this cancer ©?@p. Warrior Woman this would be surgery 6 for me too; so I can relate to knowing the drill, although it's been over a year now. That strange familiarity can help. I just kept hitting road blocks every time I was on the verge of being out of the woods. I have to hold on to the knowledge that this can work for me. I'm glad you were brave enough to pave the way. Wishing you the best of luck on your next round. Please keep us all posted.

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Honeybadger, don't worry too much about the back incision. I haven't had any trouble with my back. The incision feels a bit tight, of course, because they removed a flap of skin to use on the breast, but it's not painful. The area is also a bit numb like my chest, but that is improving. I know what you mean about maintaining your appearance with just the normal after 50 issues and not needing anything else!

    I had to count to see how many surgeries I've had. My exchange in June will be #5 not counting biopsies and implanting the port for chemo. They haven't all been for breast cancer though. Two were abdominal procedures for ovarian cancer, and one was a foot thing. I've pretty much got this surgery thing down to a routine too.

    I'm trying to hold it together today. My mother died last Tuesday, and today would have been her 97th birthday. I miss her.

  • anothernycgirl
    anothernycgirl Member Posts: 821

    2Tabbies, I am sorry for the loss of your Mom. I lost my Mom a few years ago, just short of her 99th birthday, and I still think of her every day. How fortunate they were to live such long lives and to be so loved. They live on in our hearts and memories. Sending hugs to you.

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983

    2Tabbies. My condolences on passing of your Mother.

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Thanks, NYC and Myleftboob. NYC, you're right that our mothers were lucky to have lived long lives and been loved. My mother had kind of a tough life in a lot of ways though. I trust all her trials are over now.

  • Honeybadger
    Honeybadger Member Posts: 51

    2Tabbies, my heartfelt condolences to you on the loss of your mother. They say that you can tell the quality of a tree by the fruit that it bears. Judging by what a thoughtful and helpful person you are to so many people here, your mother must have been a very good woman. 

    Thank you for all your input regarding the Lat flap. I'm glad to hear that you're healing well. I really appreciate you taking the time to answer during such a difficult time.

  • vettegirl
    vettegirl Member Posts: 136

    2Tabbies-So sorry to hear about your mom.  Losing a parent is one of the hardest things in life we go through.  We are never ready-no matter their age. 

    Honeybadger-thanks for the kind words.  While this disease makes it hard for every day to be an "up and positive day"-I try to stay as positive as I can-it helps.  This disease has already taken soo much-I cant let it take my spirit too.  We are all on borrowed time-with or without this disease-I want to get as much out of life as I can.  One thing this has really showed me was how short life really is....i cant control what has happened to me, but I can control how I react to it.  I really just want to get the best out of each and every day.