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Latissimus Dorsi Breast Reconstruction



  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    I have a really comfy recliner I could use.  My big problem is the LD flap will be on my left side and I sleep on my left side.  Can't sleep on the right - can't breath right.  What a mess I am - LOL!  I did a lot of sleeping on my couch when I had the lumpectomy and also when my BS & RO were trying the mammosite rads.  The tubes made it difficult to sleep in a bed.  I did end up doing 6 weeks of rads.  I am taking in all the sleep info and hope I can get some rest.

  • kerrberlady
    kerrberlady Member Posts: 42

    I wish I had a recliner to sleep in.  I actually did sleep in my bed, on my side, with many pillows around me.  When I was awake, I spent my day sitting on my couch or laying on it, but again, lots of pillows.  My daughter stayed with me, as I live alone, the first week and we had more laughs about me getting out of bed.  She called me a turtle.  Because I had no strength in my arms, due to the double MX and double lat flap surgery.  I did sleep on my back that first week, but couldn't get up in the morning.  She would try to help, but I knew I had to do it on my own.  It was difficult when she said I reminded her of a turtle.  I learned how to use my abs, and basically sat up that way.  
    I did get even with her though.  At Christmas time, she was due for gall bladder surgery.  She had the same issue of getting out of bed because of the incision in her belly button. Now her husband and I both called her a turtle.  I found a tshirt of a turtle online trying to turn over off it's shell and sent one to her and myself.  Again we both laughed about our "predicaments".  

     After about a month, I had been able to sleep on my side again. And getting out of bed became much easier.  The only issues that I have anymore is that as the day goes on, the incisions on my back become tight from bra wearing.  Since I am one month past my exchange and have to wear the bra 24/7 I am ignoring it, but it's difficult.  I have recently also started to add weights to my exercise routine, working on my arms and strengthening my back. I have never been able to do pushups, so I dont' even try.  I figure if I focus on my legs and my abs, that will keep my core strong and the issues with my back will disappear eventually.  

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    Sure is quiet here.  I am scheduled to have my flap surgery 3 weeks from today.  Have been busy doing a work schedule for when I am off work for recovery.  Had several big projects at home to finish and now trying to get my sewing room in order.  I do a lot of quilting and hope I can at least do some hand quilting while I am at home with the drains.  I also have a few books on my Nook so I will have pllenty to read.  Going to be interesting when it comes to sleeping.  My surgery is on my left side and for the most part I sleep on my left.

  • jwilco
    jwilco Member Posts: 209

    Yes, it has been quiet around this thread.  Not sure if that's good or not.  I always check to see if there is a question I've been asking myself.  My revision is looking better each day, but still bruised.  I'm back to work this week and so far so good.  I think I still have some swelling, more on one side than the other.  I'm hoping the two breasts look closer in size by the time the dust settles.  It's still questionable but maybe with a UMX it is harder to make them exact.  Heck, maybe they were different before but I never dwelled on it.

     Jo - you sound like you have a good handle on your surgery being all set to go.  For the sleeping on your left side.  Here's my take on it.  The first couple of days you will have pain meds and I know for me I tried to time them so I was taking one around the same time I was planning on going to sleep for the night.  That might help you get through the night without being on your side.  Then slowly as you feel better you will find a way to get comfortable.

    Well, I better get off the computer.  I signed up for Pinterest and well, I just can't figure out what to do with it. 

    Anyway, I hope everyone is well. 

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    jwilco - I know I had some trouble sleeping on my left side after my lumpectomy and after a few days did maange to do that with the help of an extra pillow.  I may be able to lift the head on my adjustable bed and sleep that way.  I will just have to wait and see.  

    As a retired Air Force veteran, I am still in the habit of getting things organized well in advance - still that way since I got out of the military in 1996.

    I also signed up for Pinterest and am slowly figuring it out.

    Hugs to everyone. 

  • nurseronda10
    nurseronda10 Member Posts: 109

    Went back to PS Monday to get expanded again (100 ml on the left and 60 ml on the right).  I asked to get a refill on the pain medicine and he said to use Ibuprofen.  Right side hasn't bothered me too much, but the left TE feels  like it scrapes my ribs every time I move my arm.  Feel much better today.  There are so many people that abuse pain meds, that it has made it hard on those of us that really need them.  I couldn't tell the Ibuprofen decreased the pain any.  Case Manager with my insurance company called this morning and basically said the majority of her patients with TE's sleep propped up for comfort.  Guess I will be sorta crabby from lack of sleep until I get these things out.  I am a side/stomach sleeper.  

    Have a great day! 

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    nurseronda - You are right - there are those in this world who use and abuse pain meds and it does make it difficult for the rest of us.  I do hope you get some pain relief and some what sounds like much needed sleep.  HUGS!!!

  • fitzdc
    fitzdc Member Posts: 755

    Sleeping does get easier. I was so pleased the night I was able to sleep on my side  it was about 2 months after surgery.  Howver, i still find it uncomfortasble to sleep on my right side (UMX side) as there is a knot at the end of my scar.  PS to deal with that in June - during revision.

  • CherylinOhio
    CherylinOhio Member Posts: 149

    Hi all. I am 2 weeks post surgery. Drains came out Tuesday, that hurt a lot and felt weird as they were about 6" inside of me. Now that they are gone I am much more comfortable. Implants still feel like tupperware in my chest. I can't lift or sweep or anything, can't stand being so still. Tightness get better each day though so that is good. See PS again next week. Hope everyone is well.

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    ckgrayoh - Glad to hear you are doing well and the drains are out.  Each day will get better.  I am scheduled for surgery in about 2 1/2 weeks.  Can't wait to get this over with.

  • jen78
    jen78 Member Posts: 74

    Hi Everyone. I had bmx with lat flaps and TE's on Monday. I was in the hospital x 5 days, which was good as I needed the help. The pain is manageable - it's more the discomfort. I didn't have a recliner but got one yesterday just in time to come home. I don't know what I'd have done without it. Getting up is hard. Justbwanted to chime in. I think I made the right choice. I was able to have skin and nipple sparing. The nipples were kind of a long shot, but they look like they're hanging in there.

    Good luck to all of you.

  • nurseronda10
    nurseronda10 Member Posts: 109

    Jo1955 - I slept 10 hours last night.  I am now able to sleep not so propped up, probably 30 degree angle now, but still on my back.  I know you will be glad when your surgery is over.  The waiting is horrible.  

    ckgrayoh, glad you got rid of the drains!  I had a weird burning sensation when the nurse pulled them.  I had two in my back, but didn't feel them come out at all.  My back is numb around the incision.  I have tried to describe what the expanders feel like and yes, they do feel like tupperware.  It definitely is a weird feeling.  Seems like by the end of the day, the tighter the feeling in my chest.  I go back to work in less than 3 weeks.  Really dreading it as I work 12 hour shifts.

    Jen78, I had nipple sparing on the right and mine looked kind of like it had been run through the mill the first few days.  PS said to keep it clean and keep Aquaphor ointment on it and keep it covered with gauze.  He said the skin would sluff off which it did and is now healing. 

  • jalerch
    jalerch Member Posts: 2

    Can anyone speak to life "after" LAT reconstruction?  This is an option being presented to me.

    I'm too thin/fit to gather adipose tissue from other areas (bi-latteral MX, 5'11, 135 lbs.)  One side will be radiated, the other will not.  The radiated side is the limitting factor.  I wakeboard, swim, surf.  I also cycle, but I don't anticipate that being a problem.  I don't compete, but it takes all my skill and muscles to perform mediocre (and keep up with the guys.)  For my lifestyle, to remove a muscle from my back seems counter productive.  I would love to have breasts again and can deal with a long recovery, but not permanent deterioration in my abilities.  Any thoughts?

  • Linda54
    Linda54 Member Posts: 509

    jalerch, I don't know about long term as in 10-20 yrs down the road but I am at the 4 yr mark since my LD (bilateral) flap recon.  I started walking at 2.5 wks then started running/walking at 6 wks.  Each week I ran more and walked less. By week 12 I was up to doing a 10m long run. Then at this point I started lifting light weights. After about a year I was able to crank the leaf blower and I was thrilled!!!  For a long time it was hard to turn over in bed or use my arms to lift something but as time goes by it does get better.  I am back to where I was before my first surgery and I feel great.  I am lifting more weight than I was before my DX.  I had a hyster last summer and that kinda put me behind but the first of 2012 I decided to get with the program again and I hit it hard.  I have run a 5K and getting ready for a 10K race.  The LD flap surgery has not affected me in a negative way. I do still have some tightness from my underarms and across my boobs but it is tolerable and at times I don't even notice it. I am 58 yrs old and praying that as I get older that my back does not giveway to the loss of the LD muscles.  My back does not look disfigured...just the long scars on each side but they have faded.  I have heard that if you are a mountain climber or swimmer that the loss of the LD muscles could have an effect on those sports. I do not do those so I cannot give any info there.

    I had BC years I had a lumpectomy with rads.  Same breast this time so that is the reason for the LD recon..  No problems stretching the skin and no signs of capsular contracture which can be a common side effect with radiation.  Some ladies massage the radiated side but I do not anymore.  I actually switched sides of the bed with my hubby because I like to face the side of the bed and I wanted to lay on the rad side so it would be squashed and keep the pocket open.  It just made sense to me to do this.

    Just keep in mind that everyone is different and every recon is different. I have not had any problems except the occasional tightness but others have.  Make sure your doctor has done many of these surgeries and you may want to talk to some of his patients who had this surgery done.

    I don't post much anymore but I do check the LD forums and I thought I could be of some help answering your question.

    Good luck to you


  • jen78
    jen78 Member Posts: 74

    Nurseronda10 - my nipples look interesting right now, too. The PS thinks that they'll go through some variations, but will ultimately look pretty close to normal.

    Quick question, I expected near total numbness across my chest. I have some, but I have a lot of "normal areas" too. I can feel between my cleavage and across the tops of my foobs as well as under my arms. I was kind of excited as it gives me hope that I'll feel fairly normal when all is said and done. Have any of you experienced the same?

  • jalerch
    jalerch Member Posts: 2

    Thank you Linda54.

  • nurseronda10
    nurseronda10 Member Posts: 109

    Jen78 - I also have spotty areas of numbness and then areas where sensation is normal.  I have no sensation in the grafted skin from my back but that would be expected.

     Linda54 - Did you have TE's?  I haven't asked my PS if I will be able to run with TE's.  Right now, I hate even reaching for something because of the odd sensations I have in my  chest from the TE's, so can't imagine them jarring up and down with running.

    Jalerch - I love cycling too.  My lower back already hurts when I ride if I stay leaned over very long.  Hope this surgery doesn't worsen the back pain.  My PS said the only two things that would be affected by this surgery, would be "olympic swimmers and golfers."  

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    nurseronda - This surgery will affect golfers - yikes!  It is the only sport I love to do.  I am not vey good at it and don't play very often.  It is one of the thngs DH and I do together.  I don't take a full back swing so I may be able to adapt????

    I do have one question - has anyone had LD flap surgery with out implants or TEs?  I will not need either one and am just wondering if there is difference in the recovery time. I am primarily having mine to correct a defect from lumpectomy. 

  • Linda54
    Linda54 Member Posts: 509

    nurseronda10,    Yes I did have TE's and I did run with them.  When I would run my chest felt like a boa constrictor was squeezing me but I keep going because I was determined that the Cancer took my breast but it was not taking my fitness.  The tightness eventually got better as time went on. 

  • jwilco
    jwilco Member Posts: 209

    Linda54 - Thanks for still checking in and sharing how things are going for you years after your reconstruction.  It's great to hear from people like you that have gone back to doing what you want.  I'm hoping I will be the same and can check in years from now and encourage others.

     I did go back to my usual elliptical/weights routine with no problems.  But I haven't gone swimming or anything else yet.  I'm curious to see how other activities are, but have to wait for better weather to test them out.  I only had the lat on one side (left UMX) so I do still have the right lat in place.  I don't notice a difference in day to day stuff, but it feels different when I'm doing weight exercises on the left side...but I can still do them.  :-)

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    I want to thank all you ladies for checking in and posting your progress no matter how far out you are.  I have read alot of the postings and it makes me feel so much better about my upcoming surgery.  I am not as anxious and I most likely would be without all the valuable information.

  • CherylinOhio
    CherylinOhio Member Posts: 149

    Good luck Joe. You will probably be uncomfortable but I was never really in "pain". Just tight around the chest and at 3 weeks out, it is getting better. I can't wait to start working out again! I see PS tuesday and will find out about working out and wearing a bra.  I think you will do just fine!! (HUGS)

  • fitzdc
    fitzdc Member Posts: 755

    Jo - my plan was to have the LD without implant or TE.  However found out after surgery that the PS did use a TE as not enough tissue to make the full breast mound.  Plan is to go back in June for either fat grafting or mplant.. 

    My back often feels tight, as does the underarm area, but daily it gets better.  No pain, just uncomfortable.

  • kimber_1616
    kimber_1616 Member Posts: 17

    I had a lat flap after a DIEP failure May 5, 2011. This surgery for me was a lot more painful than the double masectomy and the DIEP. My back became very angry with the lat being out of placement. I did a lot of massage therapy and also acupunture and started running and lifting weights in October (after yet another surgery) I had ten surgeries total last year and my body was pretty angry with life. I was 40 when I had the lat surgery and have made a full recovery, in fact I am in better shape than when I had the surgery. Not only do I have full range of motion, I also have complete control of the lat in my breast. It is bizarre!  I did not have implants put in but am facing that in May.

    Also must mention that I threw up after the lat surgery and I tore out the incision causing a longer recovery period while it grew back together.

  • nurseronda10
    nurseronda10 Member Posts: 109

    kimber_1616 - so sorry you have had to go through so much.  I found this surgery painful too, but only for first 3 weeks and time goes by so fast anyway, it is already a fading memory.  I was so afraid to sneeze, cough, etc postop mainly because it hurt so bad that I held my sneezes back and just barely would cough or clear my throat.  Got a fever 48 hours postop becau se I wasn't coughing and deep breathing.  Me, being a nurse, I knew this....just had to make myself.

    Jo1955 -  I'm not a golfer, but seems I would be able to since I am righthanded and had a left LD flap.  I can't remember which side you said you were having done.  Since you are having a lumpectomy defect fixed, doesn't seem like he would need the entire latissimus muscle.  I don't know, just a thought, but a good question for your PS.

    Linda54 - Do appreciate you coming back to this forum to share your experiences with us that are new to LD flap surgery and not knowing what to expect down the road.  More optimistic now than ever!

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    nurseronda - I am also right handed and having left LD flap.  The golf swing is kinda of a funny thing.  With right handed golfers all the power comes from the opposite arm.  The right hand is just for balance.  I can't see where he would have to use that much of the muscle.  In the scheme of things, I think this would be the best option for me vs DEIP.  I have had 2 surgeries through the abdomen - many years ago - but have a long scar and I don't want to go through a longer recovery with the breast and the tummy.  I remember how hard it was the first time and I was in my 20s.

  • kimber_1616
    kimber_1616 Member Posts: 17

    I would absolutely think that if you really were determined to golf you would be able to. I am even able to do push-ups now, and lift weights. It has been a journey, but well worth how I feel. I am definitely weaker on that side, but it improves everyday. Once in a while I do something that makes me go....hmmmm that's not there! Mostly climbing, oh and I noticed a huge difference when swimming at first, but now it is no big deal.

  • jwilco
    jwilco Member Posts: 209

    Another thing, sometimes I say "Honey can you carry this heavy bag of garbage out, I'm missing my latissimus."  Laughing  Ha ha.  Of course I'm only kidding and can take out the garbage.  But my husband and I make jokes about my "missing" muscle.

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    jwilco - That's a good one.  I can use it when my garbage needs to be taken out.  LOL!

  • jwilco
    jwilco Member Posts: 209

    We try to keep our sense of humor even with all this BC crap.  It helps.