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Latissimus Dorsi Breast Reconstruction



  • joan888
    joan888 Member Posts: 711

    Jo, is it just baths that your doctor does not allow? My PS and BS always said no baths, only showers. Nothing but clean, fresh water and soap running over incisions. Fine with me, I never take baths anyway.

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    joan - He said no showers.  I specifically asked that question.  And from what I have been reading here, that is so much different from what others were told.  I said I would at least get bath.  I am so thinking I may go ahead and just get a shower.  Can anyone give me tips on how to do this?

  • justagirl
    justagirl Member Posts: 633

    buy one of those cheap plastic chairs or a stool to sit on in the shower.  I had a shower on the day after my double mastectomy with a LD flap and reconstruction - almost 8 hours of surgery!  Empty the drains (I had 6) before you go into the shower and put them on a string and put around your neck so the drains just don't hang in mid-air.  Sit while you can and shower as usual.  Don't use soap on incisions or drains.  Get out of shower and sit down again (on toilet seat for me) and dry off.  Pat gently around drains and incisions.  Done.  As a RN I agree that sitting in bath water is far worse than a shower.  And nothing feels more heavenly than a shower when in need!

    jo1955 - do as you will, some surgeons are old school and believe that water is not good for incisions.  If you have a dressing on, shower with it, pat dry, remove it and apply a new one.  We collect a lot of bacteria on our skin so it's good to bathe.  My PS and BS were fine with showers as soon as I could physically do it.

  • jwilco
    jwilco Member Posts: 209

    I agree about the showering.  I know following dr's orders are best, but maybe explaining what you want to do and he will say ok.  justagirl's description is perfect.  And you should change the dressing around the drain hole if you are showering or not.  Good luck with getting permission!

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    justagirl - Thanks so much for the advice.  I will not have dressings on - I can not have tape on my chest as it tends to take my skin off.  I will most certainly take your advice.  I would rather shower than sit in a bath tub - I hate tubs.

  • nurseronda10
    nurseronda10 Member Posts: 109

    Jo1955 - My PS said no to baths also.  He also said NO to using very hot water in the shower and said to use antibacterial soap.  When I had the mastectomy the general surgeon said no showers and only baths while the drains were in and do not strip the drains.  I believe the baths along with not stripping the drains plus they were left in too long contributed to the massive infection I had.  The PS explained that stripping the drains with an alcohol wipe plus showering using antibacterial soap kept germs off the tubing.  He had me clean around the drain site with peroxide for 3 days then saline until they were pulled.  I told the PS how paranoid I was having 6 drains because of the prior infection.  Jo, the nurse at the PS office gave me a lanyard to wear around my neck and I attached the drains to it.

    Joan888 - I haven't been on here in a few days and weren't aware of your surgery, but glad you are doing well. 

    I go back to the PS tomorrow to get expanded.  Kind of dread it because I know I will not feel like doing much for 3-4 days.   I have heard that with each expansion it gets more uncomfortable.  I lifted my carpet shampooer today and it weighs about 15 pounds.  Didn't feel anything unusual.  I will be 6 weeks postop April 18th.

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    I just can not understand why my PS said no showers.  Up to that point, I was good with everything he said.  He has answered all my questions and then some and has made me feel really comfortable with this surgery.  Like justagirl said he must be old school when it comes to that.  I think I will go with the majority on this one.  I had to clean the catheters that were hanging out when I thought I would have mammosite rads.  It was no big deal - I used alcohol wipes several times a day.

  • jwilco
    jwilco Member Posts: 209

    jo - ask the nurse for any gauze, etc., that you might need for the drains.  They are really good about sending you home with a little drain care package.  They also will give you instructions on how to care for them too. 

    For me, I see my PS on Tuesday.  I'm hoping I can start exercising again.  I'm feeling a little chubby and lazy.  Still have some bruising on my side, under my arm area, but my back is a lot better from the fat grafting lypo. 

  • jen78
    jen78 Member Posts: 74

    I am just over two weeks out and still have 2 of my 4 drains. I've had no problem showering. As for lifting, my PS said no more than 5 pounds for 6 weeks (I had BMX and bilateral lat flaps). With regard to stripping the drains, I highly recommend the use of an alcohol wipe. I did mine dry (and frequently as I was a little bit fascinated) and I ended up with a small hole in my tubing. The PS cut the tube and now it's just very short, which makes it a little tougher to handle.

    My TE's are above my pec muscle. I wasn't aware of that until a follow up appointment this week. Have any of you had yours done the same way?

    I may start fills next week, she put in 150 cc's during surgery, but with swelling, I'm at least a C cup right now. I wonder when that will resolve.

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    You ladies all rock!!!  What would I have done without all your advice and support.  I am so psyched about this surgery.  Can't wait to get it over with.

  • Linda54
    Linda54 Member Posts: 509
    sunny321, It is best that you ask your doctor about that. It has been 4yrs this month since my bi-lateral and I just remember that it was a long time before I was lifting 25 lbs.  I had both sides done.  At first I was told not to lift anything heavier than a gallon of milk.  I do strength training and I did not start back lifting for the upper body until 3-4 months post-surgery...then I started with 15 lbs on the machines and gradually added more weight.  You doctor can better advise you.
  • nurseronda10
    nurseronda10 Member Posts: 109

    jo1955 - Hope it goes as fast for you as it has for me.  Can't believe I am returning to work next week.  I hate to wish time away, but can't wait for my exchange surgery.  

     jwilco- I am asking PS about exercise also.  I knew I had gained weight, but couldn't really tell by the scales.  With body parts removed (right breast) and things added (TE's), it's hard to know what my real weight is.  I tried on a pair of my uniform pants and couldn't get them up over my hips.  Talk about being disgusted.  I started a diet the very next day.  I refuse to buy new uniforms.  My TE's are under the muscle.

    How long did your PS give you off from work for exchange surgery?  I am hoping to get 3 weeks and take a vacation the 3rd week.  We have already made reservations to go to Seagrove Beach July 4th week.  I hope it works out where I can go, because my supervisor said I could not use PTO for vacation, so hoping I can include it in with being off for surgery.  She would never know.

  • Linda54
    Linda54 Member Posts: 509

    nurseronda10,  I had my exchange done on a Monday (had drains). The drains were removed on that Friday and I walked Race for the Cure 5K on that Saturday morning.  I was back at work on Tuesday...My salon is closed on Mondays.  I guess you can take as much time as you want if your job allows but one week was enough for me.  If your job requires lifting then you would need more time for sure.

    Glad you are refusing to buy new uniforms...nip it in the bud girl.  Eat clean and exercise.  I had gained 5 lbs (I am petite so 5 lbs is a lot on my small frame) after my hyster last summer.  March 1st I started eating cleaner than I had been (I am an avid exerciser) and I lost that 5 lbs within 4 weeks and feel better than I have in a long time.  Diet is 80% and exercise is you cannot exercise like mad and eat anything you does not work.  I hate when people tell me that they exercise so they can eat. 

  • Shrek4
    Shrek4 Member Posts: 519


  • Faythnme
    Faythnme Member Posts: 92

    Hi Ladies ~ Hope all is going well with everyone. I am sorry to hear from those who have been having issues with their back and the DLFLAP and the pain.  I am reaching my 3rd year cancer free but in May it will be 2 years with this surgery.  I don't have really any pain in my back.  I see an chiropractor for upper cervical adjustments only and I stretch quite a bit.  It really does help, the stretching.  If you sit at a desk all day like I do it's important that you move away and stretch your chest a little by finding a corner and putting your hands on each side of you and slowly lean forward stretching your chest, you'd be surprised how it helps with your back.  Please do it gently those.  Another stretch would to bring your arms in front of you overlapping the clasp of the hands. Lower your head a little bit between your arms and move your arms outward for a slight stretch.  You can determine how long and how many you feel you need to do.  I would start out with maybe 10.  Another stretch would be to stand up staight and raise your and rotate your shoulders back {not forward}, do about 10 of these as well.  Do theese stretches everyday it doesn't take long.  You should feel better soon.

    For those who just had their sugeries check with your doctor first, don't want anything popping.

    Jen78 - How's it going?  Are you still draining a lot?  If you are you should insist on seeing your Doctor.  Let me know.  I am concerned!

    It's a beautiful day here today in Seattle and not a sole at work except for me.  I think I need to take off too!!! Cool


  • jen78
    jen78 Member Posts: 74

    Hi Faythnme - I am draining about 50 cc's from each of the drains in my back. Unfortunately, the one that had a hole in it a few days ago has failed again. I see the PS this afternoon and I assume she'll take it out and I'll have to be manually drained every few days. Part of me hopes she takes them both and then just handles them the same. We'll see. I'm bummed that I've had trouble with that one drain...otherwise, they've been fine.

    I've had random troubles since the surgery and I'm blaming it on only being 6 weeks PFC. I needed blood transfusions in the hospital and ended up being there for 5 days. I had a slight infection in 1 breast (non bc side)...but the good news is that both nipples have held on, so cosmetically it will be a success.

  • lalove55
    lalove55 Member Posts: 21

    Best of luck to you.  I did the Lat Flap.  I share my experiences and pics of the surgery sites in my Blog.     I had the recon surg Dec of 2010, so you might want to jump down close to that date to see pics of that.  Just helps you know what can be expected.  Of course every case is different.  I had radiation, so that definitely changes the game!

  • nurseronda10
    nurseronda10 Member Posts: 109

    Linda54 - I am a floor nurse in a hospital, so I cannot return to work (according to employee health) until surgical incisions are completely healed.  I explained my predicament to the PS today about trying to fit a vacation in a couple of weeks after surgery.  He seems to go along with whatever.  He said, so you are ready to get the ball rolling and schedule your exchange.  My exchange is scheduled for June 13th.  I get expanded next on April 30th.  Forgot to ask him if that would be last one.  I didn't even think about having drains with the exchange.  Ugh!!  I hate drains.  BTW, I have lost 5 pounds.  I already feel so much better.  My daughter has been a big help keeping me focused.  For a 16 year old she knows the nutritional value of nearly everything.  She eats a lot egg whites, spinach, whole grains, fiber, protein shakes, lara and cliff bars.  Rarely ever does she eat anything with sugar in it.  She has so much willpower.  

  • westieluv
    westieluv Member Posts: 245

    Wow, things got going here.  Glad to see that everyone is sharing information and that we have those coming thru surgery,those preparing for surgery, those recovered from surgery and those that are a few years out to tell us how it can all work out.

    I agree on the stretching.  I think my Yoga activity was primarily responsible for me losing the iron bra....and I lost 12lbs while working on things.  

    I recently discovered that I love dates.  I know that larabars have alot of dates in them, and a friend gave me a recipe for making your own.  I haven't tried the recipe because I can just eat whole dates and be very satisfied.  It is my new sugar substitute.  I know they have sugar in them, but the extra fiber helps and you can get a good dose of the sugar for about 120 calories!

    Who knows, maybe the dates cured my ironbra!  LOL! 

  • jwilco
    jwilco Member Posts: 209

    I had LD flap with immediate implant (I had implants prior to BC and was a D cup).  My first implant was a little too large so at my second surgery he swapped it for slightly smaller (450 to 339 - I know, weird number) 

    Anyway, just wondering, are there others that had this type with immediate implant, no TE?  It was explained to me that my LD flap would help support the implant. 

     Just curious.

  • joan888
    joan888 Member Posts: 711

    I got home from the hospital this afternoon. My care was excellent, but so glad to get home where I can get some uninterrupted sleep. It was a constant parade in and out of my room day and night for heaven's sake. But I have been doing a good job of catching up on my sleep since I got home. I don't seem to have much appetite yet, but will focus on some healthy foods tomorrow.

    The incision on my back is stiff and sore, but doesn't see to bother laying on my back in a soft recliner. The two drains in my back are pretty active, but the two under the breast are really slow so i am hoping that i can get rid of those when i see PS next Thursday. My PS does not want me lifting my elbow away from my waist so it is a little tough doing some things... Drying hair, etc. I had two showers in the hospital. Even managed to do it all by myself today. So glad that it is the weekend and I can just take it easy.

  • jwilco
    jwilco Member Posts: 209

    joan888 - glad you are home.  Yes, it is amazing how little rest you can get at the hospital.  It's always better at home.  My back incision didn't really hurt for me either.  I also had a more active drain for that area too.  I hope you get yours out soon.  You will feel even better.

    Take it easy, relax and heal. 

  • Linda54
    Linda54 Member Posts: 509
    joan888,  thanks for checking in so soon. I am glad the surgery is over for you and now just rest and heal.  Those drains are boogers. I felt soooo much better when all 4 were finally pulled.  Let others do for you.  Rest Rest Rest
  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    joan888 - Sure glad you are home and resting.  Like jwilco said it is amazing how little sleep you do get in the hospital.  You would think the nurses would have other things to do than to pester you constantly.  Thanks for checking in so quickly.

    I have my surgery in 4 days.  Starting to get anxious.  I will find out late Tues afternoon what time I have to be at the hosp on Wed.  I hope I am still on for 8:30.  Going to spend the weekend doing errands.   I do have a question - How long after surgery did you drive?  I am so used to just getting in the car and going - don't even give it a second thought.   Also, I was driving a couple of days after my lumpectomy and even drove myself to my first followup with my BS. 

  • Shrek4
    Shrek4 Member Posts: 519


  • westieluv
    westieluv Member Posts: 245
    Jo~ My PS didn't want me driving for a few weeks.  You certainly shouldn't be driving if you are still on narcotics.  Since I was bilateral, you may be able to drive earlier than I did. I waited an entire 4 weeks before I had that tugging and pulling motion of using the steering wheel.  Remember, you have to heal on the inside too.
  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    Beth - I did not think of the healing on the inside.   This is all new to me and that is why I come here and ask all the questions.  Everyone is so great.

  • westieluv
    westieluv Member Posts: 245
    Jo ~ This surgery does alot of trauma to your body.  You can't expect to bounce back quickly.  It is imperative that you slow down, take it easy, and give your body the time necessary to heal inside and out.  If you push it, you may have problems.  Better to be safe than sorry!
  • westieluv
    westieluv Member Posts: 245
    Jo ~ I think I should remind everyone that my experience is not an indication of the normal.  I had advanced lat flap surgery with maximum skin paddles.  He literally took all he could get.  Depending on how much tissue your PS needs, whether you are bilateral or unilateral, your recovery time will vary.  Just remember, we've had cancer, and we all come to the OR with different issues and in different medical circumstances.  Just plan to be off work for 4-6 weeks and you will be fine.
  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    My PS is not going to need a lot of tissue/muscle.  I won't have an implant.  Just going in to fix a lumpectomy defect - a significant one though.  I know I have to take it easy - that is hard for me to do.  I am a very active person and also a bit of a workaholic.  I plan on taking things one day at a time.  I want to thank everyone so much for all your tips, advice and support.  I feel pretty good about this.