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Latissimus Dorsi Breast Reconstruction



  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    Back from my PS appt.  Revision scheduled for Aug 6th.  He will be able to do the work in the office.  Hope to be finished with him after that. I really do like him but it is so far to drive.  

  • nurseronda10
    nurseronda10 Member Posts: 109

    jo1955 - Glad you are doing so good and only have one more surgery.  I can't wait til next Wednesday then hopefully I will be done.  

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    nurseronda - I wanted to be done much sooner than Aug.  I have a 4 day convention in the middle of the month and then 2 weeks after that, DH and I leave for Tampa and a 7 day cruise.  I want to be healed and not have to juggle followup appts before or after these events.

  • jwilco
    jwilco Member Posts: 209

    A cruise!  That's something I want to do again.  I found out I had BC one week before I left for a cruise to Alaska.  Luckily I was able to keep busy and let my mind let go.  Then I got home and started down the road that has led me here.

    Where are you going?  I would love to go on another but I'm on the West Coast, so maybe Mexico is my next one.


  • Lisa58
    Lisa58 Member Posts: 15

    Hello Ladies!  Thank you for your response!  Yes, I can travel.  I am not familiar with NOLA.  Could you be more specific?  Thank you!!!! Lisa

  • PinkHeart
    PinkHeart Member Posts: 271


    Did you get my PM about NOLA? 

    Just sent you another.  We'll catch up soon.

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    jwilco - We live in deep South Texas and usually go out of Galveston on Carnival.  We have done that route so many times we are bored with it.  It is Jamaica, Cayman Islands and Cozumel.  This year we are driving to Tampa, Fl.  The rates were cheaper and we will be going to Cayman Islands, Cozumel, Belize and Honduras.  We have not been to the last one and Belize just once so looking forward to going back.  We sail on Sept 2nd.  Can't wait to go.  This will be our 8th cruise.  Love vacationing this way.

    On to another subject.  I just need to vent for a minute.  I am not able to have my revision for 2 months - that was the first available appt my PS had.  Don't understand why so long.  All my other appts were sometimes a week apart - especially when I had the drains.  Anyway, I don't know what brought this on, but I had a mini meltdown today.  Just sat at the kitchen table by myself and had a good cry.  Felt pretty stupid afterwards.  I should be looking at this as a break from appts - I have MO, GP & GYN still this month.  Guess I just want to get finished with this recon and move on.  I know I will be okay tomorrow.  Thanks for letting me vent and for listening. 

  • jwilco
    jwilco Member Posts: 209

    Jo, I'm jealous.  :-)  My vacation this summer involves a nipple creation.  LOL

    I'm ok with that though.  Happy to be here and looking forward to the next vacation.  :-)

  • fitzdc
    fitzdc Member Posts: 755

    Jo --- the time between first and second surgeries can vary.  I had my UMX and recon in December and will have the first revision next week - so more than 6 months.  The PS said this gives time for the tissue to 'settle'.  Glad I waited.  One month post op my new breast sat higher and was a tad fuller.  After time to settle, the PS can see where she needs to move the tissue to achieve symmetry.  I realize you did not have a UMX, however you still need to give your body time to adjust before 'tweaking'.

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    fitzdc - Thanks for the words of encouragement. I was just letting myself get frustrated over nothing. Sometimes I can be very impatient - that just me.

  • jeria
    jeria Member Posts: 12

    linda 54... what is NOLA?

  • jwilco
    jwilco Member Posts: 209

    It is good to wait a little for any adjustment surgery.  I had my lat/umx in Oct, then my first revision in March and will be having another revision in August.  For me there was a difference between Oct to March.  My lat side dropped a lot and the nipple "circle" seemed way to far to the left.  None of which wasn't apparent in the first months after surgery.  That said, I know all about being anxious to just get it done!   Plus for me it seemed that just as I was getting used to how things looked then it was changed.  Vent all you want.  It makes you feel better.

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    And I am going to try and be more patient and wait until Aug.  I am still pretty bulky under the arm pit and the muscle still is contracting. It feels pretty tight.  PS was surprised by this since he cut the nerve to it.  Don't know what to tell him.   Been doing stretches everyday and slowly they are helping.

  • fitzdc
    fitzdc Member Posts: 755

    Jo --- it is not frustration over nothing!  Vent away. 

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    fitzdc - Thanks!  I am just trying to focus on other things and not on the revision.  It will come in due time. 

  • PinkHeart
    PinkHeart Member Posts: 271


    I'm still lurking on this site because I don't know what my future will bring for reconstruction.  You all are a great group and should I have to go the LD flap method, I've got tons of support.

    I'm had ongoing issues and had a "conversative" revision last month.

    It did not go well.

    Last week, the latest incisions from last month's revision surgery split open and I had to go to the ER and then have surgery to remove the implant/right breast.  So now my right breast is a shriveled up, multilated mess.  I just got the drain out yesterday (by PCP), and today I follow up with the local PS (who BTW refers their patients to NOLA!)  I also have an appointment at the mastectomy shop (which is at least is a super nice one at hospital) because I am now half flat and in a dilema with clothes.  I wear tight, low cut type of summer clothes so am picky.  I almost wish I had told the surgeon last week to take out the implant -- would rather be flat on both sides until whenever I go through another surgery for whatever reconstruction.  It's been one year since Dx - never imaged that reconstruction would be the worst nightmare of it all (except of course dying.)

    I am praying the NOLA docs (Dr. M) can save me, but if I can't get a free flap, I may have to do LD flap.


  • mclark55
    mclark55 Member Posts: 92

    Hi PinkHeart - glad you are lurking here!  So sorry you've had such a horrible time.  Sympathy and hugs going out to you today.  I have friends who have just decided to wear a special bra with a breast prosthesis - they opted out of implants or flap surgeries.  For the most part they get along just fine (except for one time when swimming and the prosthesis decided to splash out into the ocean, prompting my friend's grandson to collapse in a fit of giggles!).

    While I didn't have TOO much trouble with my LD flap, I opted for a nipple reconstruction and for me that's what went horribly wrong!  Got a staph infection from the hospital and that darned nipple caused me so much worry and discomfort, it was worse than all the rest of what I went through.  Ended up losing it after all that trouble.

     Anyway - I can totally relate to what you're going through.  I hope you heal quickly (and you might want to check out my blog post about healing from surgery: ) - hope something on that helps you!

    Hugs and love -

  • Linda54
    Linda54 Member Posts: 509
    jeria,  NOLA is New Orleans LA
  • Lisa58
    Lisa58 Member Posts: 15


    Never apologize for having a good cry!  Did you know that tears have toxins and we need to get rid of them?  My husband used to say that I had 3 bladders--my regular one and one behind each eye! Smile  Then he would say that tears are a sign of a big heart.  This BC nightmare is more than anyone should have to endure.  I applaud crying.  I applaud you for what you have endured and that you continue to press on--all that any of us can do!  Hugs!  Lisa

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    Lisa - Thanks so much for the kind words.  I had not had a good cry in a long time.  I really felt good afterwards.  I have come to realize that I need to sit back and embrace this break I have from all the appts and this BC crap.  The journey will never be completely over but the revision was going to put in so much further down the road.  Then all I had to deal with is Tamoxifen for 3 1/2 more years.

  • PinkHeart
    PinkHeart Member Posts: 271

    Hi, my spirits are better today.  It was my first day back at work though only worked 6 hours.

    The shopping trip to the mastectomy boutique for a private appointment went really well - had THE nicest saleswoman who also a BC survivor who was full of hugs and compassion, and well educated about all things BC - research studies, surgeries, meds, surgeons, etc.  She personally chose not to have reconstruction so she really knew the apparel well since she has been wearing it for 10 years. 

    I got a couple of amoena mastectomy camis and one single amoena leisure weighted form,  that are going to have to do the trick until whatever surgery I have.  I'm still tender so may wait a bit before wearing.  I went to work wearing black and with a little black jacket so I doubt anyone noticed I was a D on one side and a ZERO on the other. :)

    The follow-up with the local plastic surgeon went very well, too.  I felt really comfortable with him.  Again, he was blunt about I shouldn't have had the "conservative" revision surgeon last month and should have gone straight to new SKIN.  I won't be getting a little football patch either - entire breast pocket is shot.  This surgeon said I need to see him again in three weeks, and then three weeks after that.  Then he said he would be more than happy to take care of me locally and be a liaison doc with a NOLA surgeon should that be where I end up.  He does do LAT Flaps (not free flaps) but doesn't think tunneling under my armpit/cording mess and the chunks of scar tissue still there would be an option for me at this point unless this axillary webbing/cording disappears by miracle. 

    So no golf for me this summer (Jo, please enjoy and make up for it for me :))  I can't even swim now for another 6 weeks.  I lose my job next week, and soon to be collecting unemployment was looking forward to time off to work hard on getting in great shape and feeling better.  I will have to just walk now.

    I start back with PT tomorrow and will find out what she can even do at this point or if I need to go on hold for awhile.  At least the cords to my wrist are gone, she may not want to work around my axilla, and my surgery scars are definitely not ready to be touched.

    NurseRhoda~ can you still see your axillary cording with your lat flap?

    Take care all!

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    PinkHeart - I will golf for both of us.  I am starting out playing just 9 holes.  I am only 7 weeks post op and am doing pretty well.

    I do have a question for you ladies.  Does the muscle ever stretch back out all the way?  I can do just about anything I want but it is still tight particulary under my arm and some of my back scar.  Just curious. 

  • mclark55
    mclark55 Member Posts: 92

    jo1955: Yes it does, but requires some assistance.  I found yoga to be immensely beneficial - and since you golf (which is a very one-sided sport) it would help you balance your body nicely because whatever you stretch on one side, you stretch on the other side as well.  Make sense?  After my surgery, I was a bit concerned about how tight everything felt but it's fine now.  I do yoga 4-5 times per week (just at home on my own).  If there isn't a class close to you, you can get a lot of good yoga DVDs - look for the more gentle ones.  Hope that helps! xoxox

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545
    mclark55 - I am assuming by the 55 that is your birth year which would make us the same age.  It does make since with golf being a one-sided sport.  I am right handed and the power comes from the left side.  I will look for some yoga DVDs and give it a try.  I do gentle stretches everyday on the left but the right side is being neglected so this would be ideal to balance me out.  Going with DH on Sunday and try 9 holes.  I did play last Sunday for the first time and it was not too bad.  I can hit my driver pretty good and my putting is usually the best part of my game.  It is the in between that I need work on.  Thanks for the tips.
  • nurseronda10
    nurseronda10 Member Posts: 109

    pinkheart -  I have been wondering how you have been doing.  I am so sorry that you have had complications with your last surgery.  Very glad to say that the cord is no longer visible.  I get the TE expanders out Wednesday and now wondering if I will develop cords again.  I will have drains and will have limited movement for a while, so probably will.

  • mclark55
    mclark55 Member Posts: 92

    jo1955 - Yes, you would be right about our ages!  Kindred spirits!  Glad the tips helped.  I've got lots more of them on my website: .  Have fun with your golf this weekend!  Hugs from Colorado.

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    mclark - Lots of good information on your website.  Thanks for sharing.  Sending a big ole Texas hug!!

  • westieluv
    westieluv Member Posts: 245

    I agree with Marnie. Yoga made a HUGE difference in the tightness and really helped me recover all over. I checked out reviews on DVDs from Fitness magazine and I check out Yoga journal website also. You can do this without a class and get the stretching benefits. I like the class so you get proper form, but Yoga is highly adaptive.

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    Anyone have any suggestions for a yoga DVD I can do at home?  Where I live, yoga is hard to find and if you can find a class it is all in Spanish.  I am almost 8 weeks out and have been doing some stretching but not been consistent about it.  

  • nurseronda10
    nurseronda10 Member Posts: 109

    jo - My daughter does yoga and said anything Tara Stiles, Kathryn Budig, or Sadie Nardini would be good.  Tara Stiles has a youtube channel if you don't want to buy a DVD which goes from beginner to advanced.  Her youtube user name is TaraStilesYoga.  Hope this helps.