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Latissimus Dorsi Breast Reconstruction



  • Flintviolet
    Flintviolet Member Posts: 33

    Hwhranch: I understand...I have had a few myself these past few days. And as others have said, it is a long and arduous journey but as others have also said, each day is a new day and new with sunshine and blessings in the midst of it all. I try to focus n the the fact that I got my last drain out yesterday :-). Sending prayers and warm thoughts to you :-)

    Jo1955: thanks so much for your encouragement:-) drains out...yeah!

    Julee: hope your days continue the upward trend:-)

  • hwhranch
    hwhranch Member Posts: 126

    You guys are the bomb! Today is a new day and I feel pretty good, probably the best day so far. Follow up with PS at 11:30, MIL was going to take me but hubby really wants to be there (and I want his ears there). My drain out put is down to 25/20/5 cc's in. 23 hour period. We shall see and hope for the best! All the incisions look really good.

  • robertson8272
    robertson8272 Member Posts: 10

    Sorry  I haven't updated in a while ended up with infection and in and out of the hospital and doctors. I'm 6weeks out from R MX, with Lat and TE. The TE was filled in OR with 330 and I've had 2 fills of 120cc It looks ok alot better than It did. I was wondering if anyone is having bad back pain below the scar across the back. I have knots along my spine and side its very painful. Doctors tell me its normal and i should no longer need muscel relaxers or pain meds.

  • Momluke
    Momluke Member Posts: 91

    Hey robertson8272,

    I am a little over 9 weeks out from surgery.  I still have a pulling sensation in my back and a tight feeling, like a C-clamp from my spine to the middle of my cleavage.  Sometimes the pulling sensation causes an actual sharp pain which means I probably moved the wrong way.  When I get cold, the C-Clamp feeling intensifies and sometimes it takes me standing in a hot shower to get it to loosen up.  I did not have a TE, I went straight to a 550cc silicone implant.  I have taken a muscle relaxer when the shower didn't help.  It has happened only once so far.   

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    Flintviolet - WooHoo on getting the drains out.  Fantastic news.  I'm sure you have a big sense of relief.  I know I did.  

    hwhranch - Sure hope you get back with us later today and tell us all those pesky drains are gone.  Once they come out make hubby take to you lunch.  

  • hwhranch
    hwhranch Member Posts: 126

    One drain gone and the others will be gone Friday if the numbers stay down, and we are confident that they will. PS said I was borderline but he did not want to chance the fluid build up. Have an appointment scheduled for November 28 to move on to the next phase. The drain that came out seems to be the one that was bugging me the most and I didn't even realize it. We don't have to change any bandages any more so that is good.

  • Nicole4
    Nicole4 Member Posts: 56

    hwhranch, I am glad you are having a better day, I know that every day will get better and better from here.  I am scheduled for next Tuesday for this surgery and you have helped me so much with your posts, I only hope I do as well...I am very nervous

  • hwhranch
    hwhranch Member Posts: 126

    You got this Nicole! Just remember you can be strong and positive but are still allowed a meltdown or 2, lol. I just needed to relieve the stress of the unknown. Today was exactly 1 week after surgery and I am just now really feeling like me again. Appetite and getting bored at home. Remind us again Monday evening or Tuesday morning and we'll cheer you on.

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    hjwhranch - One pesky drain down and 2 to go.  You can do this.  Just 2 more days.

    Nicole - You are going to do great.  I am all finished with my PS and have no regrets.  I would do this again in a heartbeat if I had to.  Please keep us posted.

  • Shrek4
    Shrek4 Member Posts: 519


  • justagirl
    justagirl Member Posts: 633

    Day, I truly believe you are underestimating your own beauty and allure.  When you and your man are in the heat of the moment, I just don't think a man stops to evaluate your breasts, even after all you (and I, and all of us) have been through.

    Rejoice that you still feel sexy. For me, thanks to Femara, I feel like I have been neutered. I love my DH of 29 years dearly but no desire for sex enters into my body.

    So, Day, don't hesitate, just go for it! As it is said 'Carpe Diem'

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    justagirl - Menopausal, no estrogen & Tamoxifen.  All the ingredients to take away the desire.  So, yes I know what you mean.  No desire whatsoever.  What else is this cancer going to take from us?

  • Day~ u go girl!!! do it for me too!!! lol  i also feel like a spayed animal, ever since the tamox there is no desire & no juices flowing!!! IT REALLY SUCKS, im only 42!!!

    Nicole4~ u r going 2 do great, r u having 1 or 2 done? i know i am hurting right now, but so looking forward to wearing tanktops next summer & feelin' good. It will all be worth it in the end.

    Still can't shower alone, husband was gone for one night, so i was so HAPPY 2 see him tonite for my cleansing!!! lol  i must say, i am getting bored. took over a 2hr nap today.

    hwhranch~glad u r feelin better, it's ok 4 us to cry & scream & do whatever. after what we've been thru we don't have to explain anything!!! love 2 u!!!Tongue Out

  • justagirl
    justagirl Member Posts: 633

    jo- as to answer your question 'what else can this cancer take from us', well, the answer is lots of things. 

    The greatest loss for me was the closeness I felt with my husband before and after sex. When our son was still living at home, we would have our fun while he was a school as at night we always slept with our bedroom doors open so we could hear him if he had a nightmare (all thanks to my BC) or if he needed me.  A shut door to a kid often means 'keep out'...of course.  My husband was 76 and I was 57 when BC came into our lives and up until then we enjoyed our play time about twice a week. Then bang, nothing.  First, I was crying for a month, then recovery from two surgeries, then chemo, then rads, another surgery and then the DM with LD flap and then another surgery. My DH has finally convinced me he is not mad and knows it isn't my choice either to not have the desire anymore but it still pisses me off.  What do I say to him 'honey, I only have 3 more years on Femara, and by then he will be 81, I hope.  Not fair at all.

    What else can BC take from us: life span security,  our confidence, our feminity.  It gives us anxiety, depression, limited body movement and lots of medical bills. I'm sure we have spent over $50,000 even with Australila's medicare and our private health insurance, and if I really added it up, it's probably closer to $75,000 - the full cost of my son's university education....which he had to apply for a government loan, all thanks to BC. 

    Oh, and I can't work as a RN any more, I can't do 12 hour shifts and I'm unreliable as some mornings I wake up and just don't feel good. That's no way for a nurse to start her day. I loved being a nurse, doing bedside care in the ICU and I taught ICU nursing to our local university students and mentored them in the unit.  Also did lectures for the hospital on all sorts of things, like even how to do good charting on our patients and how to do a through exam on new patients, as well as how to use new equipment. But the bedside care was the reason I became a nurse - to help the patient and their families and loved ones.  Now, it's gone.

    but my son says I'm still a good cook and make the best chocolate chips cookies and vanilla cupcakes with fudge frosting!

  • cat24
    cat24 Member Posts: 47

    Had surgery on Thursday. I did not expect my back to hurt so bad or have a burning sensation in my arm. Going to stay in the hospital at least another day.

  • Momluke
    Momluke Member Posts: 91


    I'm glad you made it through your surgery. I know the pain can be crazy. I ended up staying in the hospital for an extra 2 days because of pain. Hang in will get better! Sending gentle hugs your way!

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    Cat. Glad to hear you made it through surgery.  Each of us had an experience or two with this procedure.  I ended up staying in the hospital a total of 4 days.  Day after lat surgery, had to go back to surgery for a hematoma.  The two additional days were to get my blood counts back up.  I had very little pain and the only time I asked for a pain pill was after my PS pulled on the drain tubes.  Hang in there - it does get better.

  • hwhranch
    hwhranch Member Posts: 126

    Sorry to disappear, got the last two drains out Friday. Was a little surprised that the last one was difficult to remove, I swear she was gonna pull a lung out along with that drain, lol. I know it took me a week to feel like myself after surgery and last night hubby told me that I just now looked like myself and had the spark back in my eye. I am 49 and husband us 52 and our sex life is still good. I don't always have the desire to get started but once we get going it doesn't take me long to catch up, lol. I guess we are lucky in that respect. He is very patient and extremely supportive, my scars don't bother him a bit because I am still here and that is all that is important to him. It does take a lot from you..I feel like I lost a lot of time with my son on his last two years of high school. My daughter just turned 24 and she is such a trooper. She took me to the doctor Friday and then took me shopping for sports bras. I had to have her help me and had to take the ace bandage off so I could make sure I was getting the right fit...she hardly batted an eye, said it didn't look near as bad as she expected. Told her my breast looked like a black eye and when she saw it she laughed and said it sure did.

  • Momluke
    Momluke Member Posts: 91

    Hwhranch....I know you are glad you finally rid of the drains! You are very fortunate that things are great in the intimacy realm! I'm sure its reassuring that BC didn't steal that from you guys! :)

  • sunny2
    sunny2 Member Posts: 29

    hwhranch:  so glad to hear things are going well.  You weren't stuck with those drains for too long were you?  I am so looking forward to having this done!  My PS will be calling soon after Thanksgiving to schedule me sometime in Jan.  So ready!  I will continue to pray for a speedy healing....sounds like you are doing great.  Nothing like a loving and supportive hubby and children.  I too am 49.  We have one beautiful daughter, 15.  I'm so blessed....and have so much to be thankful for.

  • Nicole4
    Nicole4 Member Posts: 56

    did anyone else have a difficult time with lymph node dissection?  I wonder how the surgery "pain" compares to the LD.  I was fine for a week after the lymph node dissection and then it hit me on day seven.  I was a full 8 weeks recovering from that.  On the other hand I didn't have any pain from my mastectomy.  I shouldn't dwell on this, I am sure I will be happy once I have healed.  I am going in on Tuesday.

    I am glad everyone is posting, I think staying in the hospital is better than being at home too soon.

  • Momluke
    Momluke Member Posts: 91

    The area where my lymph nodes were removed is still sore. When I'm applying deodorant I have to be very careful because of that soreness...and I am 10 weeks from surgery.

  • mimi791
    mimi791 Member Posts: 53

    Hi ladies:  I am  having a delayed lat recon on 11/29/12.  I had to have a TE removed after radiation 2.5 years ago because of a staph infection.  Finally ready to look "normal" and stop stuffing my bra.  Just wondering about going back to work.  I'm hoping to be back about 5 weeks after surgery if all goes well.  I sit in a not physical at all.  Any stories?  With a drain? Will I be able to hit the high numbers in the elevator?  Only 43, active and relatively fit, so I hope that did while I was treating :)

  • DLL66
    DLL66 Member Posts: 448

    Barring any complications, you should be fine to go back to work. I work in retail management & am on my feet all day. I had 2 lat flaps done separately & was able to return to work in 2 weeks both times. I pinned the drain to the inside of my shirt & wore a light cardigan to help conceal it.

    Good luck with your upcoming surgery.

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    mimi791 - I also have a desk job and I was back to work 10 days after surgery (the day after my 1st follow) and with 2 drains.  I felt like I wanted to be around people instead of sitting at home.  I work oversized shirts and pinned them to my shirt on the inside.

    hwhranch - Glad you are done with those pesky drains and that things in the intimacy department are good for you.  Unfortunately for me, that is the one thing BC took away from me.  I have no desire at all and sometimes just don't want to be bothered with it.  It is sad but true.

  • Momluke
    Momluke Member Posts: 91


    I am a cubicle dweller too :). I was back after 6 weeks but probably could have gone back sooner. My dr is really conservative so he pushed for the 6 weeks.

  • mimi791
    mimi791 Member Posts: 53

    Thanks ladies :)  I can't believe that I am going to go under the knife again, but I am so sick of my one good foob and the one chicken cutlet.  I hate the darned cutlet!  It seems weird to do the surgery now that I am 3.5 years out and when life is more "normal" than ever (hot flashes aside) but I figure it's now or never.  Thankfully I have a great PS who is a great fan of physical therapy and a great physical therapist who only works with BC patients, so I am not really worried.  What's better than a bionic boob for the holidays, right?  Can't wait to post when I'm cranky from having drains back in again..... Tongue Out

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    mimi - Always better late than never.  Sometimes we do have to wait until the circumstances are right.  You sound ready and yes, please post even when you are cranky with the pesky drains.  At least you know what to expect.  BTW!  I never asked my PS when I could go back to work - I just went and figured if I couldn't handle it then I would ask.  I really had no problems at all.  Good luck to you sista.

  • rseventeen
    rseventeen Member Posts: 6

    Hi ladies, I do not post here much but I have been reading up on this thread.  So helpful, thank you all.

    My implant on my radiated side of my bmx is failing and my ps is giving me until Nov 29 to have surgery. The skin is thinning out in one area so badly that the implant is ready to break through...not good!  

    Mimi, I see that you are having surgery on the same day as me- we will have to commiserate!  

    It seems that the LD is my 'best' option but I am really struggling with it. I am an avid mountain biker so I am quite concerned about my strength.  I am so worried that this will alter my body in a way that I can not recover from.  I see there are quite a few of you that are very active and continue to be so it gives me hope.  I am just pretty fearful and really do not want to do this surgery but I do not want one reconstructed breast and one not.  I have also considered just taking them both out :(  I almost need to get talked into this.  


  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    rseventeen - I played a lot of golf before this surgery and I can still play the same amount of golf.  I had to get back into it slowly but with time and some stretching exercises, I am going just fine.  I had my lat flap done on my left side which is the side I get my "power".  My PS did not think I would be able to play again and I really surprised him. I have no regrets and would do it again if I had to.

    I know you will be able to bike ride again.  It is called determination.  You will make the right decision for you.  Best of luck.