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Latissimus Dorsi Breast Reconstruction



  • cat24
    cat24 Member Posts: 47

    Karen, no these were different from my shingles.  One morning I woke up with my back really sweaty and I had blisters all over my back and around my back incision.  My PS was not sure if I was having a reaction to something he put around my incision to help it clot.  I guess that will remain a mystery.

  • cat24
    cat24 Member Posts: 47

    Oh, yeah, almost forgot.  My final pathology came back, only DCIS, no pockets of invasive cancer which I was afraid might show up.   I give thanks to God and thankful for everyone who has helped me through this.

  • Nicole4
    Nicole4 Member Posts: 56

    I had my last two drains out today, one week from surgery. What a difference it makes, I am free from any discomfort, I feel completely myself again. I also can't believe how this week has gone so fast, I was extremely anxious about this surgery, mine was 8 hours and that alone bothered me a lot.

    I have a question, if the LD was going to fail does it usually fail within the first month or two? how do you know it has failed? Is there anything that you can do to avoid this? or does it just depend on the radiated skin and tissue.

  • Nicole4
    Nicole4 Member Posts: 56

    congratulations Cat!  Happy for you :)

  • Momluke
    Momluke Member Posts: 91

    Way to go Cat!!!  I think there are indicators of a failed lat flap earlier that your PS should be able to pick up on.  I know my PS would examine my patch really closely for good blood flow and such.  He would pay real close attention to the corners.  He said those areas would show failure first.  

  • Floridakt
    Floridakt Member Posts: 11

    Cat24, so glad for your good news! Having the cancer gone is the most important thing of all! I keep telling myself, no matter what happens with recon,BC is not going to get me.

    I have been scheduled for the Lat Flap surgery this Friday. I am hoping to get the flaps and my TEs replaced, but am afraid she may not be able to put the TEs back in. She said if there are no signs of infection, she would put them back.

    If you ladies could answer a couple of questions for me I would appreciate it. First, are the T Es more comfortable with the Lat Flap?

    I had a BMX with TEs on 11/6. It took a couple of weeks to feel better, but not as bad as I had feared. How does this surgery compare to that one?

    Lastly, I am curious about the back surgery? What are the size of the incisions? Do they heal quickly and cause much pain. How do you sit or lay while the incisions are healing? Sorry for the rookie questions you have probably answered a hundred times.


  • Nicole4
    Nicole4 Member Posts: 56

    Hi Karen, there is definately more swelling on the lat flap side for me, the pain and discomfort is the same as the other side, (simple mastectomy with TE left).

    The back incision is mostly numb for me, I can sit back on pillows and put some pressure on it just fine.  I found that every day that went by, was easier to deal with.  Mine is 11" long.  The worst part was that drain and now that it is out, I have full range of motion again.  I think the drain was also 11" long.

    I hope I helped out, message me with any other questions xoxo

  • Momluke
    Momluke Member Posts: 91


    I can't answer the T/E questions...I went straight to an implant under my flap. As for the back scar...mine is about 12-13 inches diagonally from almost the center of my back to my side.  I am about a size 16, just to give you a perspective.  I assume the smaller you are the shorter the scar might be.  I slept mostly on my back but I had pillows everywhere.  I put one under my shoulder blade on the same side as the incision to reduce the pressure on it.  I had a reduction and lift on my good boob at the same time as my lat dorsi so sleeping totally on my right side was out of the question for the first couple of days.  However, as soon as the lifted/reduced one felt better (within 4-5 days) I was on my opposite side of the back incision.  Being on my back became painful to my lower back and my legs would go numb.  To help that, I put pillows under my knees whenever I was on my back.  I stayed slighted inclined the whole time as well.  

    Many of the ladies find sleeping in a recliner the best solution.  Unfortunately, I didn't have that option...the recliner fairy didn't come see me!!  Wink

  • Floridakt~ most painful was my back, feels like a charlie horse above and below incision. Muscle relaxers were better than pain pills. My incision is about 7inches, it is healing well. Use lots of pillows, a foam wedge may be a good investment. Slept on couch or bed propped up or in recliner. don't lay too flat, hard to get up and then under my boob hurt. where the dr said he stitches everything together. 3 wks today since my surgery. only taking 1-2 pain pills a day, still feels better sitting with pillow behind me. still can't reach high or get anything off floor. Dr. took bandage off next morning after surgery. Took shower at hospital, only stayed one night. took shower every day. husband gave me showers till drains were removed. don't twist, wiping your butt is difficult!!! lol Frown     

    Cat~glad you are doing ok. don't wait to take the pain or muscle relaxers!!! i was pretty faithfull the first 7 days, around the clock. glad your test results were good!!!

    Never was told anything about caffeine???

    Question~ i am over weight, did anyone have a roll under their pit area??? i don't know if it is swelling or if i am going to have a muffin top around my side under my pit?!?!? LOL I go in for my second fill tomaro, i will ask, but was just curious if anyone else had this? Did you think the fills hurt??? I thought the first one was easy. ok, bye 4 now!!! 

  • DLL66
    DLL66 Member Posts: 448

    My back incisions are about 3.5 & 5 inches each (needed a bigger piece of skin on one side) & they are almost completely hidden in my bra line. I slept on my back on a wedge pillow for several weeks after each surgery. I found that it was a lot easier to get out of bed if I swung my legs out eather than trying to use my upper body to get up. I did not find the back incisions bothersome at all. 

    Great news, cat24 & Nicole4!

  • mclark55
    mclark55 Member Posts: 92

    Nicole4 - regarding the flap failure question, if your LD fails, you will know about it quickly - there will be discoloration, necrotic (dead) tissue, sometimes oozing, sometimes pain.  You will definitely know if it fails.  There are some things you can do to help minimize this, here is a link to an article I recently wrote:   Hope that helps you.  Send me a message if you'd clarification or help with any of that info.

  • hwhranch
    hwhranch Member Posts: 126

    My back incision is also about 11" but healing very nicely.  It never caused me any pain or discomfort and I slept on it the whole time, besides it itching!!

    Just had my 3 week post appointment today and PS said I was healing great and they did a fill today.  It was not bad at all...the nurse had this little digital "finder" that found the metal of the little intake port in the TE's.  Didn't feel a thing on the LD side as it is still mostly numb, the right side felt a little sting like you felt when they were accessing your port for chemo.  Anyways, got 60cc's in both sides and next time they will add more to the right as it is smaller than the LD side.  Hope to get them close to the same size after a couple of fills.  I have 7 appointments scheduled so they can slowly fill.  I don't have to wear those dam sports bras any more and I can now lift 10lbs, lol.

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    hwhranch - So glad you hear your recovery is coming along well.  I also was able to sleep on my back from the start.  I am not usually a back sleeper but had no choice in the hospital and until the drains came out.  It sounds like taking it is slow on the fills is a good idea.  I did not have an implant so I can't imagine what you are having to go through.  I'm sure you will be very happy with the final results.

  • jwilco
    jwilco Member Posts: 209

    Hi Ladies,

    I've been sort of out of the loop lately dealing with my own worries.  I had a neck ultrasound that led to a thyroid nodule that led to a biopsy (stressful since it took me back to THAT biopsy) and today I learned benign.  This BC stuff sure can cause a lot of stress even a year later.

    I'm happy that all of the recent surgeries sound like they have gone well.  When I had mine I was in the hospital for about three days.  Never really bothered by the back incision.  Only the drains. UGH!  Sounds like that seems to be the worst for most everyone.

    It's been a year since my UMX lat and this Friday I will be getting my nipple tattoo.  I guess I'm excited.  Still not sure what it will be like.  I had the nipple recon surgery and yes I can see a "nipple" but since I'm a UMX I always have the real one there poking out proving it's different.  If I'm not wearing a lined bra only the real one will show.  So do I take a chance and try to get some sort of "plug" to make it a real sticky-outy or do I just leave it?   I think I will just do the tattoo and see how it is after that. 

    I'm happy all your surgeries went well. 

  • jleemac
    jleemac Member Posts: 6

    I am having my bilateral lat flap tomorrow morning!  I had the bilateral mastectomy in June of 2011 and am just now going for it.  I love this discussion board.  You guys have helped prepare me.  I will be anxious to be back in touch.  I love seeing the words "no regrets".  thanks.

  • DLL66
    DLL66 Member Posts: 448

    Sending positive thoughts for you, jleemac!

  • jwilco
    jwilco Member Posts: 209

    No regrets!  Thankful there are options for us and thankful for the results!

    jleemac - Good luck!  Take it one day at a time and before you know it you will be home and tired of your drains too.

  • nurseronda10
    nurseronda10 Member Posts: 109

    I have been away a while too.  My LD flap incision is very short also and is slanted so that my bra covers the incision.  So far, I have had no back pain and no weakness on that side.  

    jwilco, so glad your thyroid biopsy came back good!  I am having issues with LE right now due to a job change in September.  The LE practically all but went away after the reconstruction in March and then I took a day position in the endoscopy department in September that requires standing the entire day.  I am back to wearing the sleeve all day again and some days have to wear my glove which I despise.  I am considering transferring back to my old job on night shift where I can sit part of the time and elevate my arm.  The BC stuff seems to never end. :(

    Good luck to those having LD flap surgery.  I have no regrets. :)

  • jwilco
    jwilco Member Posts: 209

    nursronda1 - Thanks.  I was so relieved when the dr called with the biopsy results.  I was a mess leading up to the test.  I was already a worryier but this last year with the BC has put it into overdrive.  I hate that now any little ache or pain has me wondering.  I need to practice not going to that bad place in my head. 

    Regarding the LE.  I haven't been officially diagnosed and I only had one sentinal node removed.  But lately I've noticed that my wedding ring is bothering me.  Like my hand is swelling, not enough to notice but enough for my ring to leave a mark when it didn't before. Not all the time, but more often than ever before.  More than just my ring being tight on a hot day.  Could this be mild LE?  I also was thinking just as a precaution I should maybe get the sleeve thing to wear if I traveled on a plane.  Where do I get one?

  • cat24
    cat24 Member Posts: 47

    Two weeks out from surgery, I had been feeling pretty good, but last night I couldn't sleep worth a darn, I was havng a lot of mid back pain.  This morning, the fluid in the drain in my back had changed from lightish orangeish/red to a brighter red.  I called the PS office and he had me come in to take a look.  He said everything looked good and I was on track recovery wise.  He said the area in my back that was hurting was along the edge where the muscle was cut.  He also said the change in fluid color was ok and not to worry about that.

    My PS asked me how I was feeling. I really didn't feel that great today and I think he asked that because I was not looking so hot.  Maybe, because I did not sleep.  I know I'm rambling, maybe tomorrow will be better, still having a lot of mid back tightness, anyone else have this?

  • lalove55
    lalove55 Member Posts: 21

    jwilco - I have had a few LE swelling "scares" and they were both in my hand.  So I got a sleeve and glove to wear when I fly, and if I see some swelling.  They really need to fit you properly, which means going to a PT that is trained in measuring for them.  Then the PT can order them in.  Once you know your sizes, I sure you can just go online to order spares, different colors, etc.  Good luck with that!  Mine hasn't become a chronic problem (yet) and I hope your doesn't either.

  • Momluke
    Momluke Member Posts: 91


    I am almost 3 mos from my surgery and still have some tightness in my back. My PS said it will take about a year for it to totally subside.

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    cat24 - I am 7 months out from surgery and I also have tightness - not bad - most days it does not bother me.

  • Nicole4
    Nicole4 Member Posts: 56

    Hi Cat, I am on day 11 from my surgery and I have some back pain, mid back.  I find when I am active it gets worse.  I also note that most of my back is very numb.  If your drain is still in, then I bet that is what is causing all the pain.  When I had mine out, my nurse told me that the drain ran 11 inches along the scar.  I really hate those drains, I had five all together and had one out every day post surgery.

    don't worry about rambling, that is what we are here for...I swear my friends are sick of me talking about all this, sometimes you just have to get it out.

  • Nicole4
    Nicole4 Member Posts: 56

    I have my first fill on Friday morning, I am nervous about this??  I probably shouldn't be.  I have not touched my tissue expanders much and when the ps was feeling around it became very uncomfortable for me.  She told me to touch it more to get used to it.  I find that I can't.

  • cat24
    cat24 Member Posts: 47

    I still have one drain in the back and one in the breast.  I am feeling kind of depressed today.  I had been at my Mom and Dad's since I got out of the hospital, because my husband works nights and I didn't want to be home alone.  So, this is my first day home and I see all that needs done and feel overwhelmed.  And my husband did not wash towels, so there is just one for a shower.  I guess I will dig out the beach towels.  My PS originally said I would be off work about four weeks.  My BS didn't think that was long enough and put my return to work date as 1/7.  I just don't feel like myself at all yet, maybe I should take my beach towel shower, take some percocet, which I have tried not to take today and go to bed.

  • Momluke
    Momluke Member Posts: 91


    Crappy days suck...but they do pass. If u are hurting or uncomfortable go ahead and ride the percocet train to la la land. U probably need the rest anyway.

  • cat24
    cat24 Member Posts: 47

    Momluke, I think I will take your advice.  Tomorrow will be better.

  • nurseronda10
    nurseronda10 Member Posts: 109

    jwilco - I would find a good physical therapist that has been trained in lymphedema.  Mine started in my wrist, so I saw a physical therapist that put me in a sleeve only which made my entire hand and fingers swell.  Took forever to find the right therapist who then measured me for a custom glove and a lower compression sleeve.  She couldn't believe the first therapist put me in a high compression sleeve without a glove.  Took nearly a year to get it under control.  It is definitely something I have to stay on top of.  Now I can tell when I start to get fluid in my hand because it feels sore and tingly.  Lymph fluid is protein rich and irritates the tissues.  Hope this helps. :)

  • Momluke
    Momluke Member Posts: 91

    Cat-I've been thinking about you today and hoping that today was better!  :)