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Latissimus Dorsi Breast Reconstruction



  • hwhranch~glad 2 hear the drains are out. going tomorrow to get mine out. they have been draining less than 5 the last couple days and now the area around my tube looks like it is getting infected!!! i'm a little worried that is is going 2 hurt when they remove them, but when i had them last time it didn't hurt. the other nite my husband was putting peroxide around them and i don't know if he moved one the wrong way or what but i thought i was going 2 go thru the roof!!! a little apprehensive about going tomorrow, think i am going 2 take some painpills before i go. well, let u know how it goes. have a great day!!!

  • cat24
    cat24 Member Posts: 47

    May go home today. Had a reaction to something and have swelling and blisters around my massive back incision. Going back to work seems so far off in the distance. Really hope to start feeling better at some point. Recovery has not gone as planned. A bit of a meltdown may be brewing today. I'm such a whiner. Need to snap out of this.

  • Flintviolet
    Flintviolet Member Posts: 33

    Rseventeen: I am right there with you! I think I experienced ( am experiencing) more grief over the loss of my lat muscle than my breast...I had a dbl mx last dec with immediate reconstruction with expanders/implants alone. My left side had been radiated ( w/ lumpectomy) back in 2007. I choose to do implants by themselves b/c I didn't want to lose my lat muscle (I am on the thinner side so didn't have any fat. I am VERY active ( personal trainer, group x instructor, work out 1-2 hours a day). I experienced multiple problems and eventual failure of the implant on the left side. I have had 7 surgeries in a year! The latest, on Nov. 2, was round two starting with lat flap on left with expander. I am two weeks out. I went back to work after a week. Came out with two drains and one was removed after 5 days and the second one, in the back, was removed after a week and a half. I take encouragement from others who have posted in this site who have regained full range if motion and no hindrances from their activities of choice. I know I won't be able to do lat pull downs, or pull ups very well, but we shall see. I will definitely post some follow up comments as I know I appreciate all who share their stories for those of us who come after! Wishing you all the best as you make your decision!

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    cat - You are far from a whiner.  There can be setbacks and you are such a trooper you will get past this.  I hope you are able to go home today.  You will really start feeling better once you are at home.

    julee - Hope all goes well today with the drain removal and it is pain free.

  • hwhranch
    hwhranch Member Posts: 126

    These threads the last couple of weeks are a really good example of how this surgery treats everybody different. My rough times were during chemo, I was one of those that any reaction that you could have, I had it. 4 days in the hospital due to severe nausea, upper GI burnt up and lost 20lbs. I've already had my bad times and am glad I have "sailed" through this part of my recovery. Sharing feelings here is not's reaching out for support, and who else to support you than those that have been through it.

  • Nicole4
    Nicole4 Member Posts: 56

    I agree, everyone seems to have different experiences to share, it is nice.  I go in for LD tomorrow morning at 7:45, I am so nervous and thinking of taking an ativan to calm me down.  I can't remember ever being this nervous about anything....I know I will get through it, I will keep you posted on how my recovery goes.  I am busy making soups..

  • Momluke
    Momluke Member Posts: 91


    Praying for a quick recovery for you! Looking forward to hearing from you soon! :)

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    Nicole - Sending wishes for a speedy recovery.  Post when you can and let us know how you are doing.

  • Nicole4
    Nicole4 Member Posts: 56

    thank you!  I hate to ask but does anyone know how long the surgery takes? 

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    Nicole - Mine was 2 1/2 hours.  That is with no implants or TEs.

  • Nicole4
    Nicole4 Member Posts: 56

    thanks for always being there Jo, I am getting TE, so it would probably be 4 to 4.5 for me.  I have been avoiding this question until now....

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    Nicole - That I can not answer but I wouldn't think it would take that much longer.  I would be interested in knowing when you are through surgery and able to post.   If you let me know what time your surgery is, I will arrange a little pocket party for you and we will all be there holding your hand.  It is reassuring to know that your sistas are their to comfort you.  I know it meant the world to me.

  • Nicole4
    Nicole4 Member Posts: 56

    Thank you thank you :) I have to be there at 6, surgery scheduled for 7:45, eveyone can send me positive thoughts......

  • nicole4~ my Psurgeon said about 3+ hrs, but it only took 2 1/2 hrs. had tissue exp. put in. you will do fine, i always had tons of people praying 4 me and never had any anxiety when i was being wheeled down 2 surgery. I will pray 4 U. Innocent

    Cat~ i am soooo sorry about the reactions and icky bumps, u will get thru this!!! hang in there girl!!!

    jo~ had my drains taken out and they were getting a little infected. 1st one was a piece of cake, 2nd one hurt, probably a 7 out of 10, my sister was holding my hand & she said, by your face i think it was more like a 8 or 9. lol  stitches removed and 1st expansion, just felt like someone was leaning on my boob. Didn't hurt, just lots of pressure. I am glad that i took 1 1/2 pain pills an hr. before i went!!! So now my teenager boob looks bigger!!! HOW COOL IS THAT!!! Sealed

    Thinking of you all!!!

  • Momluke
    Momluke Member Posts: 91


    My surgery took a total of 8 hours. I had the uni-mastectomy, lat dorsi reconstruction and a reduction and lift of the other boob all in one surgery. I went straight to a 550 cc implant...not T/E.

  • DLL66
    DLL66 Member Posts: 448

    Good luck tomorrow, Nicole. Each of my lat flap surgeries was almost

    2.5 hours. The first was a right lat flap with TEs on both sides and the second was a left lat flap with implants on both sides.

  • kaza
    kaza Member Posts: 122

    Thinking of you Nichole.......xxxx

  • justagirl
    justagirl Member Posts: 633

    time for surgeries varies on amount of bleeding and difficulty in removing all of breast tissue and if doing SNB. I had a DM after a lumpectomy, removed my nipples too, and had permanent 225cc  silicone implants put in with a LD flap on the radiated side. There was plenty of skin to work with as my breast were double the size of the implants I selected. Easy peasy.  Surgery was 7.5 hours. Upside. Now, 1 1/2 years later, you can't see my scars! I wear backless tops  and bikini's.  You'll be asleep so it doesn't really matter. To get the anesthesia out of your system, get up and walk as soon as possible.  Also it gets the circulation flowing and helps prevent blood clots.  Good luck Nicole.

  • Momluke
    Momluke Member Posts: 91

    Thinking about Nicole.  I know that we remember that anxiety and intrepidation that we felt during that prep period.  Part of you wants to jump up and say that you changed your mind, yet the other half is anxious to hurry up and get things started so you can wake up when its done.  I remember thinking "please just give me the drugs that will put me to sleep so I will stop thinking so much!" 

    I am sure she will be fine, like all of us.  Some of us had no issues at all, some had bumps along the way, some had major complications.  However, all of us are here to will get better.  Smile

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    julee - Glad the pesky drains are gone.  I know when my last one came out I felt the pressure.  It did get stuck at bit. I also think if I had kept the darn thing for any length of time it would have gotten infected.  It sure felt like one was starting.

    Nicole - You are in my thoughts and prayers today.  You are gonna do great.

  • hwhranch
    hwhranch Member Posts: 126

    Darn, wish I would have seen this for Nicole. My pre op nurse told me to go ahead and take my Xanax because my bp was so high at pre op. took one when I got home that afternoon and another one in the morning. Told anesthesiologist and it was no problem at all. My surgery took 4.5 hours but the pre op people told me to allow for 5-6.5 hours. Said my PS always takes his time and never rushes or leaves till he thinks he has it right. I had skin saving mastectomy right. Ld flap right and te's both aides. Hoping everything went smooth for her!!

  • hwhranch
    hwhranch Member Posts: 126

    I did go to work for awhile today...really made my back hurt. Not used to setting at a desk etc. must be getting feeling back on the mastectomy side because I keep getting these little sharp pains across there. The ld side is doing great and no pain at all from the incision on my back.

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    hwhranch - Baby steps sista.  Glad you at least went to work to see how it would go.  Hope the pains go away soon. Smile

  • Jormatt43
    Jormatt43 Member Posts: 1

    Hi, I'm new posting on here and trying to decide if I should reconstruct or not.  My only option is a lat flap because of my size and radiation but I'm really worried about recovery and losing back strength. I'm going to do a prophlactic with TE on the other side at the same time so I guess I'm wondering how long I'll be recovering for. Any words of advice? Things I should be aware of? 


  • Momluke
    Momluke Member Posts: 91


    I didn't lose any back strength. The recovery time varies (as you can see from our sisters here). I was away from work a little over 6 weeks. My dr is quite conservative and since I had enough leave, he encouraged me to use it.

    The most tedious part of recovery were the drains. Some ladies are fortunate enough to have them come out within a week or 2 after sugery, many have lasted quite a bit longer. There is no indicator prior to surgery how long drains stay in. It doesn't matter what size you are, T/E's or straight to implants. You won't know until it happens.

    There are some little quirks that are "interesting" about the lat dorsi reconstruction. Since the muscle was once in your back, it wants to still act like its back there. When you sneeze or cough or laugh, it may jump some. In fact, right now I can make my foob move like a body builder moves his pecs. :) Its a little weird but it doesn't hurt.

    Eventually atrophy will make the muscle calm down and stop jumping.

    I don't regret the reconstruction at all. I will be having some fine tuning (revisions) done next month to create the fipple and the tatoo after the fipple heals.

  • DLL66
    DLL66 Member Posts: 448

    Jormatt, I had the same surgery as you did & was able to return to work in 2 weeks...with a drain concealed. I can do almost everything that I used to be able to. I have a little trouble trimming trees/shrubs with the loppers, but I am able to swim just fine. I also had rads. 

  • rseventeen
    rseventeen Member Posts: 6

    Jo1955- thank you for your reply and so glad to hear your golf game is where you had hoped post surgery. I like to prove the docs wrong when it comes to that sort of thing.  My docs thought I was nuts with all the biking I did during treatment but it was/is like you said. Determination! 

    FlintViolet-it is so good to hear from you and that you are just as active as me.  I am also a Pilates instructor so hopeful that the knowledge will help me get back on track quicker.  I have a studio at my disposal which is a blessing.  I am hopeful to get back on the bike to train for the 2013 mtn bike season which I know will be tough!  I do hope you are feeling stronger every day.  Keep me posted.  

    Doc had sort of a glitch with the scheduling and they had to move me to December 17.  At first I was upset but then I realized it is a good thing since I was so unsettled with it.   it gave me a chance to go get another consultation regarding micro surgery.  Not an ideal option (which I sort of knew already) so I will be moving forward with the LD surgery.  I think...still could change my mind and go flat on both sides.  Seems it is flat or LD for me.  I won't let them mess with my legs so all the GAP, TUG or PAP are out!

    Happy Thanksgiving to all of you. Nice to connect here.  


  • Nicole4
    Nicole4 Member Posts: 56

    Thank you ladies!!! I am doing really well with recovery so far

    At some points I can't get over the pain but when I woke up and saw the shape, I knew it was all worth it..I am so happy with the results

    The surgery was 8 hours yesterday, going home tomorrow

  • kaza
    kaza Member Posts: 122

    So proud of you Nicole4 x

  • Momluke
    Momluke Member Posts: 91

    So good to hear from you Nicole!! I know the pain can be a little challenging but that's what the meds are for. Don't let the pain get too unbearable before you take your meds. Its harder to control it when its gets that bad. The muscle relaxers became most effective as the days went by. Also, load up on water and fiber to keep things moving....muscle relaxers and pain pills do a job on the digestive track!