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Latissimus Dorsi Breast Reconstruction



  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    Nicole - So glad to hear from you and that you are some the road to recovery.  Like Momluke advised - don't wait until the pain is unbearable before popping a pain pill.  Get lots of rest and drink plenty of water.  Sending gentle healing hugs.

  • cat24
    cat24 Member Posts: 47

    Nicole, glad your surgery is over. I was surprised at the amount of back pain I was having after surgery. I've had three big surgeries in the past 2 years - abdominal hysterectomy, Tram flap and now lat flap and this is by far the most painful. I'm also glad to hear that you are pleased with your results so far, I'm happy with mine too. Sorry if I'm rambling, have been hitting the percocet pretty heavy .

  • Flintviolet
    Flintviolet Member Posts: 33 good to hear how you are doing!  It does get better every day :-) Hang it there and take it a day at a time!

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

  • cat24
    cat24 Member Posts: 47

    My worst pain is in the morning, at the spot where my arm attaches to my body - a horrible burning pain.  Has anyone else had this? Hopefully can ditch a couple of drains next week, where they are clustered on my side is a big source of pain also.

  • Momluke
    Momluke Member Posts: 91

    I remember getting pains like that. I put a pillow under my shoulder blade...helped some. I think its a position thing.

  • Momluke
    Momluke Member Posts: 91

    Ok lat dorsi's one for you!! I have a good amount of hair on my back. Its kinda light but its there (per hubby). Well...the transplanted patch from my back now has fine hair on it. From my angle, I can see it and I ended up using a "Finishing Touch" shaver to....shave my foob. Imagine the look on my DH's face when he saw me shaving my foob!!! It was absolutely hilarious! Truth is, I knew my back was hairy before the surgery and it didn't dawn on me that I would end up with a hair foob.

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    LOL Momluke!  I bet that was hysterical.  Hopefully now that the hair has been shaved off, it won't grow back.

  • Momluke
    Momluke Member Posts: 91

    Jo...I wish I had a camera. He just looked and then tilted his head and said "Huh?".

    Thankfully I wasn't in one of those crazy super sensitive moods. He was so afraid of my reaction to his failed attempt to hide his surprise. When I busted out laughing he was so relieved that he could too. :)

  • hwhranch
    hwhranch Member Posts: 126

    Ok I have a few in depth questions. On November 28th I will be 3 weeks out from left LD flap and right skin saving mastectomy. Left side had previous mastectomy in August 2011 followed but 33 radiation treatments. Tissue expanders on both sides. My question; I know they will never be the same but will my ld flap side be harder and more firm than my natural right side? Right now it just feels like a hard mound, but of course I have not started filling yet. Which type of inserts did you all decide to use and why?

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    hwhranch - I did not have TEs or implants done.  I can tell you my LD side is just as natural feeling and the good side.  In the first few weeks after surgery, the LD side felt as hard as a rock and I could not imagine how it would get softer like my PS said but it did.  This is one of those things that does take time.

  • Nicole4
    Nicole4 Member Posts: 56

    hwhranch, my ps said that she would be using a different type of implant in the end to make the shape of each look the same.  I notice a big difference now, but I am not too worried about it yet.  I think there is a process that you have to go through when healing before they can perfect it.  I hope. 

    I am day 5 from my surgery and had one drain removed.  I am waiting on the others, I want to be sure before taking anything out to avoid complications.  I am doing pretty well considering, happy to be at home and resting.  I didn't realize that caffeine was not allowed post op, did anyone else have this told to them, I haven't had a bowel movement since monday, its getting a bit much.  I think caffeine moved things for me.  I am only taking pain killers at night for sleeping, advid during the day and managing okay. 

    Still very thrilled that I did this, although it was hard to get me there, it is all worth it when I woke up. :)

    Big hugs to everyone xoxo

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545


    No one told me that caffeine was a no-no post-op.  I did not have a bowel movement the 4 days I was in the hospital.  I was on antibiotics the whole time and did not eat - the food was gross.  Like you, the caffine got me moving.  I drank my morning coffee and did not have any problems.  

    This is another one of those things where PSs differ in what they tell their patients.  If you asked me, I would say drink the coffee.

  • Momluke
    Momluke Member Posts: 91

    @Nicole-I was not given any caffeine restrictions. In fact, regular coffee was given to me every morning in the hospital. I, too, never had a bowel movement in the hospital. They gave me warm prune juice, colace and metamucil in the hospital and none of it worked. On the second day home from the hospital, I used my old trick....Wheaties! A bowl of Wheaties got the party started!!

    @hwhranch-I never had T/E's but I've heard that the T/E's are much harder than the implant when its time to make the exchange...much softer and more natural.

  • hwhranch
    hwhranch Member Posts: 126

    Thanks guys, that makes me feel better. Nicole I did not have a BM for almost. Week after surgery, I was taking M of M and then colate (Phillips stool softeners) and finally got the ball rolling. Was not told to stay away from caffeine either. My only restrictions were no showers till the drains were removed and not to raise my arms over my head till drains were removed. Looks like I have a little bit of fluid buildup on the mastectomy side, but that was a skin saving mastectomy so maybe the skin is just not tight there. I will see the PS on Wednesday, guess we will see what happens then.

  • cat24
    cat24 Member Posts: 47

    I was served regular coffee with every meal, were you told why no caffeine?

    I was in the hospital four days and did not have a bowel movement, but my stomach had been a mess before surgery so I think I was pretty well cleaned out to start with.  I started taking stool softeners in the hospital and have continued at home and have had no problems.

    I feel like I've been hitting the percocet pretty hard, but I have had a very painful back.  I honestly think this surgery was worse than the TRAM flap I had in January.  This surprises me a bit, I wasn't expecting it.  Also, needing benedryl quite a bit, so flippin' itchy.  Something is flaking off around my back incision, I think this has something to do with the itch.  Have four drains on my left side which are hurting and just plain icky.  Boy, I'm full of gripes today lol.

    Everyone take care.

  • hwhranch
    hwhranch Member Posts: 126

    Cat, my incision itched also, there is a adhesive of some type covering the stitches and it eventually wears off. My PS nurse told me to wear sports bras after the drains were removed to compress everything and keep fluid build up away. They are killing me, leaving big red marks under my arm from the swelling of the LD flap. I take it off for 30 minutes here and there and usually at night.

  • Flintviolet
    Flintviolet Member Posts: 33

    Hwhranch: I had a lat flap on my left side after dbl mx with TE's by themselves dec 2011 failed on the left...speculation for failure is just not enough tissue (I am on the thinner side) and possibly the radiation i had on my left side with my first bout of cancer back in 2007. If you have a TE with the lat flap, the TE is definitely ALOT harder than a gummy bear silicone implant (that is what I went with on the right and will go with on the left after the fills are complete). I went with silicone b/c they are softer and feel more natural and the gummy bear addresses any leakage issues. Everyone Is different but I am still having a bunch of tightness on the left(radiated) side because of the scar tissue. The ps has loosened it every time he has been in there but I am thinking it is something I will be plagued with. Of course some of the tightness is because these TE's are just so hard and they are actually sewn into the least mine are....maybe not all PS 's do that?

    Nicole: so glad u are doing well except for the "back up"! I, too was not given a caffeine restriction and had coffee in the hospital...though I didnt drink it until the morning I left ( surgery was on Friday, nov 2 and I left the hospital by noon on Sunday). I had m of m on Sunday before I left and started taking stool softener Sunday eve. I also quit pain meds on Sunday:!for several reasons and being plugged up is one of them. I find that is more uncomfortable than the pain from the surgery...that and being loopy and sleepy!

  • kerrberlady
    kerrberlady Member Posts: 42

    Can I just share how out of it I was after my surgery and then home.  

    My daughter came and stayed with me for the week of surgery and the first 3 days afterward.  I was glad she was here.  My first bout with BC she was 16 and the one that held my hair as I puked, made me tea to soothe my stomach, took care of her younger brother and sister.  She didn't hesitate to be here.  My surgery was about 12 hours.  He had some issues working on the right side, that was my previous lumpectomy and radiated side.  He also kept me in the hospital for three days.  I was not allowed to shower until I was home 24 hours.  I was not allowed to change the dressing on my back until I showered.  

    The second day I was home, all I could think about was a shower.  My daughter helped me to pin up the drains after "milking" them.  I wanted to change the dressing.  Not knowing how or what my back looked like, what the bandages looked like, I in my great vicodin and valium induced wisdom, asked my daugter to change my dressing.  

    She kind of explained to me that the bandages were long(plastic over gauze) and that there were two, one on each side.  I don't think it registered.  She asked me if I wanted her to go fast or slow taking off the bandages.  I being the tough one I am, said go fast(I remember when the kids were little, the faster you ripped them off, the less pain, or at least that is what I told them).  So she went fast!  
    I don't know what I expected but what happened next was not it.  It seemed like the "fast" went on for over a minute!  I didn't realize that the bandages were all the way down my back!  I yelled, "Holy hell!"  and couldn't catch my breath.  SHe was upset, she thought she hurt me, but when I finally caught my breath, I started to laugh uncontrollably.  And she joined in.  I said, now I know that all those years I lied to you is not better!!!  When we finally stopped laughing and I could breath again, she said, okay now we have the other side, fast or slow?  I said slow, and it was much better.  I have a very high pain threshold, but that was pretty bad!!!  

    There were other funny things, like how I couldn't get up out of bed or off the couch, how I had no arm strength, and she nicknamed me turtle!  Which I was able to recipricate after her gall bladder surgery 6 months later, as she tried to get out of bed in the morning!  

    My son and son in law, saw me at Christmas time.  They were both curious about the surgery, so I showed them my back scars.  I also told them that the coolest thing was that when I massaged or rubbed my breasts in a certain way, it made my back scars move, since the lat muscle was still thnking it was on my back!  They didn't believe it, so I showed them(with the help of my daughter holding a blacket over my front)!  They thought that was the coolest thing!  We laughed about that too. 

    Our humor is what gets us through so many tough times.  I love my kids!  

  • Momluke
    Momluke Member Posts: 91

    My kids get a kick out of the fact that I can make my foob jump like a body builder's.

  • Floridakt
    Floridakt Member Posts: 11

    Hi ladies,

    Looks like I will be joining your group. I had skin/nipple sparing BMX on November 6th with TEs. I have had healing issues and my PS wants to do the Lat Flap. Very down about another surgery, but have read this thread and feel better about the surgery.

    How many nights are required in the hospital? Any suggestions on things to have on hand when I get home? Any information would be appreciated.


  • cat24
    cat24 Member Posts: 47

    Hi Floridakt, I spent four nights in the hospital, but I had pain issues and then broke out in those crazy blisters.  If I had felt better, I could have gone home after two nights.  I only had one side done, but I found it very helpful to have loose clothing that gives quite a bit so you don't have to strain your arm.  I also find that I tighten up a lot over night and have pain and burning right where my arm attaches to my body, so I have my percocet handy with some water, so I can take it before I get out of bed.  Lots of pillows are helpful also to wedge around your body and put under your arm. 

  • Momluke
    Momluke Member Posts: 91

    Hye Floridakt,

    I was in the hospital for 5 days because of a botched attempted to get me off of the IV pain meds. They took me off without giving me enough meds to keep me on top of the pain on the second night. By the time they got me the meds, the pain was out of control. So they put me back on the IV for another day then worked me off of it in a more controlled way.

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    Hi Karen - I also had just the one side done. It should have been an overnight stay for me.  Had surgery first thing in the morning and before midnight, the nurse had to call my PS.  I had developed a hematoma and had to go back to surgery the following day.  So, it was 4 days for me.

    Things to have at home - oversized shirts - these not only hide the drains but you can also pin them to the shirt and they are out of your way. Lots of pillows.  I ended up sleeping in a recliner for 5 1/2 - that was when my last drain came out.  Once I was home, I did not take any pain meds but you may want to make sure you have some close and of course plenty of water. 

  • Flintviolet
    Flintviolet Member Posts: 33

    Hi Floridakt! I was in for two nights. My surgery was Friday, nov 2 and I left the hospital by noon on Sunday. U definitely will want a loose button up shirt or zip front don't want to be pulling on a t shirt overhead. Like Jo mentioned, you can pin the drains to a loose shirt. I have a zip front fleece jacket that has pockets inside and outside...the inside ones came in handy if you venture out. When I had my mx last dec. I bought one of those zip front camisole's that have pockets on the inside specifically to hold the drains. Though everyone is different on how long they have the drains, when I had the dbl mx I had those stupid drains for eight weeks which was a major pain! Thankfully, when I had the lat flap ( I only had to do it on one side that had had radiation back in 2007... The other side, which didn't have radiation, has done ok) I had two drains, the one in front came out on the Tuesday following the surgery and the drain for the back came out a week and a half after surgery. I am sure u already know this but anesthesia is dehydrating so it is really a good idea to drink a lot of water and stay hydrated. Sorry to hear you have to have another surgery...I've had seven over the last year so I know it is no fun! Keep us posted...u can see, there is a great bunch of women and wisdom represented here:-)

  • DLL66
    DLL66 Member Posts: 448

    Floridakt, I had my lat flaps done separately & spent 2 nights in the hospital each time. Where in Fl are you? I am in the Tampa area.

  • Floridakt
    Floridakt Member Posts: 11

    Thank you all so much for the replies to my posts. I am still so disappointed my skin sparring failed. I feel like I am in another world and can't escape it. I know there are so many who have gone through so much, and I will get through this too.

    Cat24, were your blisters associated with the shingles you had before the surgery?

    DLL66, I live I Odessa, close to Citrus Park. I have a very good PS and been having my surgeries at St. Joesphs Women's. This will be my third surgery. Hopefully, it will be my last.

    The earlier threads discussed so much great information. Again, I am in my presurgery mode of anxiety about the pain and recovery. I also am afraid this will fail too. I know I will have the TEs put back in too.

    Thanks again for sharing,


  • Momluke
    Momluke Member Posts: 91


    ALL of us understand that pre-surgical anxiety.  Make sure you continue to talk about it and let all of those anxieties out.  We totally understand.  As much as our families and friends love us, unless they have been through it, they can only pat us on the back and give us some wonderful cliches.  Truth is, we have been there.  Our experiences have some differing details, however, the emotions are pretty much the same. 

    Don't hold back...and there are no dumb questions!  Laughing  If we can talk about bowel movements and jumping foobs, we can talk about anything! 

  • hwhranch
    hwhranch Member Posts: 126

    I had surgery on November 7th at 12:30 and was in my room by 6pm that night.  That was a Wednesday and I was home on Friday afternoon.  I was wrapped up in a big ace prepared to have to change your bandages and such daily, at least my PS had me do that at home.  You will need help to do this.  I found If I had a loose tshirt I could get my arms through it and then bend over just a little bit, mostly bend my head and hubby could pull the tshirt over my head.  I'm 3 weeks our tomorrow and go back to see the PS, said they might start filling tomorrow if everything looks good.

    I am happy because the big red scab around my tissue/skin transfer has begun to peel off, lol.  It looks so much better. Doesn't look like a black eye staring back at you in the mirror, lol.  Things are really starting to soften and loosen up now and I am much more limber.  Also, I am much sorer on the right where we did the skin saving mastectomy than I am on the left where we did the LD flap that had a previous mastectomy and radiation.

  • DLL66
    DLL66 Member Posts: 448

    Good news, hwhranch. Continued healing wishes sent your way.

    Small world, Floridakt! I am in Trinity but travel into Tampa for all of my doctors. If you are up to it, there are a group of Tampa women from the board that get togther from time to time. Next get-together is 12/6. Everyone is welcome. Look for the "Tampa area BCO sisters get togethers" thread for details. I too have had my share of complications, but I also have a very stubborn PS that never gave up. Wishing for a successful upcoming surgery & recovery for you.