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Calling all TNs



  • allydp
    allydp Member Posts: 361
    edited August 2016

    Cocker - I'm so very happy to hear you're healing! And you're so sweet to ask about our surrogate. We have one more try coming in the next few months months. We're hoping and praying with everything we have 3rd time's the charm.

    Luv - Hang in there girl. The follow-ups always bring a wave of anxiety, so you're not along in that. Just know that once you walk out of that appointment, you're one more follow-up clear!

    Hi to everyone else! xo

  • anothernycgirl
    anothernycgirl Member Posts: 821
    edited August 2016

    Great update, Luv!

    Congrats, too, to all those finishing treatments !

    Ally, - I have fingers crossed for your 3rd try!

    Hugs to everyone here!

  • TNpotato
    TNpotato Member Posts: 57
    edited August 2016

    simplelife4real - Congrats and THANK YOU for that post!! :))

    luvmydobies - Congrats to you too! woohoo! Keep on truckin'!

    Scamp & Valstim52 - May good thoughts and prayers accompany you as you finish treatment! (and extra hugs Hug)

    Allydp - Sending good thoughts your way that third time is successful!!

  • scotbird
    scotbird Member Posts: 592
    edited August 2016

    Dobies and Simple Huzzah for the milestone! So inspiring, you have done so well, we're all cheering you on!

    Scamp, Val, I'm just the same, worrying about everything now treatment is nearly done: I guess we have totrust that as time goes by we'll stop worrying so much and on good days, can forget all about stupid cancer and just enjoy life.

    I've started my rads, have done 5/20 and so far so good. Love to you all. XX

  • Shopgal2
    Shopgal2 Member Posts: 594
    edited August 2016

    scamp and Val huzzah! I finished rads the end of February and it def was tougher after treatment. I had a hard time being out of my safety net of treatment and Drs appts. I was scared and depressed reading how everone in my sept chemo group was moving onto hormone treatment and I was left out as a tn. Then I kept coming to this board and everyone made me feel better knowing I was not alone. I still get anxious about having no more treatment, but time does heal all wounds both physical and mental. Take it one day at a time ladies.

    Luv and simple 3 years is a pretty great milestone. Wednesday this week will be he anniversary of my reexcision lumpectomy. I guess I'm officially 1 year ned. It's nice to hang out with ned and here's hoping ned is around for everyone.

    On the milestone front I started the process to buy a new house in the suburbs outside of Phila. It's new construction and really nice. I finally feel I can move forward from my cancer year and enjoy life. I am now waiting on a mortgage approval and then can submit a reserve on the house as it is still in construction. Scary to think about a 30 year mortgage but it's time to take a risk and as I say in my signature line be fearless again.

  • Eschindler
    Eschindler Member Posts: 29
    edited August 2016


    I've been fortunate enough to be enrolled in a TNBC monitoring trial to detect recurrence earlier, perhaps before it metastasizes. This trial uses two tests, Liquid Biopsy and NKVue, to monitor circulating tumor cells and natural killer cells in the blood. It's being run by Cynvenio, and unfortunately, I think the enrollment has closed.

    I am just looking for any other people who might also be participating in the trial, so that we can connect and share resources for travel. Looking forward to celebrating our good luck, which we could use.


  • BanR
    BanR Member Posts: 238
    edited August 2016

    Me out of the country and travelling during my daughters' summer holidays. Was walking around a shop today, spotted a child sobbing and moving around to and fro..surprisingly no one else took notice. Walked up to her and found out that the little one had lost her mother in the shop. Looking at her lost and terrified look, i was absolutely heart broken. Went up to the customer service and the lady started looking for the mom, while i went upstairs to hunt for any lady looking for her child. After a while came downstairs and they said that the mommy has been found. I wish to have met her....i get furious when i see such irresponsible acts.Also still wondering, how did the people around didnt notice or try and offer help..what if I had not reached out to the kid on time. I hope she is now happily at home with her family.

    Congrats everyone for achieving the milestones... I will complete 3 years next mnth. The follow up this time revealed a tiny lump clinically, pointed out by me and painful if pressed but was not visible in any test. FNAC couldnt conclude anything either. Will have to repeat these tests once again this month end.

  • littleblueflowers
    littleblueflowers Member Posts: 391
    edited August 2016

    Howdy! Is anyone here taking metformin for preventing or reducing reoccurance? I just started it. My MOs opinion was that it couldn't hurt! I'm about a year PFC. Thanks and blessings!

  • meadow
    meadow Member Posts: 998
    edited August 2016

    BanR, so glad you were aware of the child, and could help. What is wrong with people, that they could not see her?

  • Cocker_Spaniel
    Cocker_Spaniel Member Posts: 1,188
    edited August 2016

    Seen a lot of little tots crying because they have lost their mummy and I always help. When mum eventually turns up they seem unconcerned and even have scolded the wee mites. I would be worried sick until I found my child. But yes, what the heck is wrong with people that they can turn a blind eye to a crying child. Hoping all turns out well with the lump and its fat necrosis or just a simple cyst.

    Hi there Meadow hope all is well with you.

    Ally I am praying with love and hope that this is the third time lucky. I just can't wait to see you post that great news.

    Eschindler how lucky you are to be involved in that trial to detect early recurrence. Wouldn't it be wonderful if we could all do it.

    LUV so glad all went well with your onco appointment and congrats on the coming up three years. Time to relax again now. How is your new house coming on.

    Shopgal I like the "be fearless again". Hope you get your mortgage for your new house so you can really start living and hoping again.

    Scamp I think we can all relate and confirm that we went through the "is everything gone" stage. I also had it in my nodes. As time goes on those worries get a little less and less and I'm not sure that feeling will ever leave us completely but take one day at a time and enjoy every minute of that day, you will make it.

  • JAN69
    JAN69 Member Posts: 731
    edited August 2016

    Little Blue, I take Metformin in the hopes that it prevents ca return. My PCP prescribed it, but when other doctors see why I take it, they scoff at the idea. PCP said that "they" are finding it isn't helping the cancer cause, but that it is helping the heart! I'd love to know what others are doing and what their PCP or MO says on the subject. Jan

  • Valstim52
    Valstim52 Member Posts: 833
    edited August 2016

    I am on metformin already for metabolic syndrome. My MO says the jury is out and my PCP says the same thing, but it really does not apply as I was already on it and it didn't prevent it. I take a pretty high dose as they say in the studies but for a different reason.

  • Shopgal2
    Shopgal2 Member Posts: 594
    edited August 2016

    eschindler I asked my ro about that trial and my treatment hospital was supposed partner with the company to offer it, but my ro said they were not able to do it. She said that you have to be out of treatment for awhile and it involved having your monthly blood draws sent to a lab in California. I kinda wish my hospital was able to do it.

    Lilttleblue did your mo suggest metformin or did you know to ask. I am intrigued about it. Does anyone have any info on what the drug is supposed to do?

    Cocker sending you warmth from the east coast of the states. Hope you are healing.

    BanR congrats on 3 years. That's really great.

  • allydp
    allydp Member Posts: 361
    edited August 2016

    BanR - so glad you were there to help that poor child. I had a similar experience in a grocery store once. My husband and I found a child, about 4-5 years old, calling for his mom and dad. No one seemed to take notice. So I stayed with the boy while my husband went to find a clerk. It took us all 20 minutes to find the parents half way across the store! The Dad was calling out the boy's name AS they both shopped! We were appalled. On a better note, a pre HUZZAH for your upcoming 3 years!!! Do check in so we can all celebrate with you!!! I'll be 2 years on the 18th myself.

    Cocker - thank you so much. That means a great deal to me.

    Regarding Metformin - My PCP agreed to prescribe it for recurrence, but it gave me horrible migraines. I really tried to tough it out. Taking the lowest dose and working up. But I couldn't do it. I still look at the big bottle I've got here and get bummed.

  • Curlyq1974
    Curlyq1974 Member Posts: 87
    edited August 2016

    Guess who is going to see Vinnie Meyers!!! THIS GIRL!!! Whoop, whoop! I called for information and I will be going in December. I am SOOOOO excited!!! Finally getting me some "cherries!" LOL!!!!

  • Cocker_Spaniel
    Cocker_Spaniel Member Posts: 1,188
    edited August 2016

    Great stuff Curly, hope you enjoy.

  • ALHusband
    ALHusband Member Posts: 342
    edited August 2016

    Here's a pretty cool report to launch the weekend with. Tomorrow is my awesome wife Kathy's three year "chemo-versary"!!!!!! So far all is well! Praise God! Woohoo! Have a great weekend everybody!

  • lgoldie
    lgoldie Member Posts: 18
    edited August 2016

    I had a .8 mm TN tumor, lumpectomy, no nodes, 4 AC/3 Taxol all dose dense and a heck of alot of radiation.  I am no longer the same person I was but some things are even better.  I admit I have had lots of scans because I am paranoid.  I was diagnosed the last week of 2013.   Here are the things I have worried about:  Liver (fine), lungs (asthma), nodes in neck (nope), melanoma on back of retina (nope, freckle). stomach (nope), colon (nope),   I could go on.  If the scans, ultrasounds etc. don't kill me, I might make it.   Also, I am old for TN...58 now.  My mammo doc found this little tiny thing and the Mayo could barely find it.  I would love to have someone to talk to so I don't have to freak out all the time.  Right now it's my tongue.  My mouth has never been the same since chemo.

  • LoveMyVizsla
    LoveMyVizsla Member Posts: 526
    edited August 2016

    Woo Hoo Kathy and Husband!! Go out and celebrate!

    Goldie, all of us have been in your shoes, or are going through it now, like me. You can come here day or night and express your fears and we will understand. This is a great group

  • Cocker_Spaniel
    Cocker_Spaniel Member Posts: 1,188
    edited August 2016

    Mike that is an awesome report. Three years for your Kathy. Hope you both celebrate in a big expensive way!! Wonderful news.

  • Shopgal2
    Shopgal2 Member Posts: 594
    edited August 2016

    ally congrats on the upcoming 2yr mark.

    Alhusband wow 3 years.

    Huzzahs all around for all

    Curly hope your cherries are awesome

    Goldie welcome and please hang out a bit.

    Anyone just tired of the humid summer yet? I love the warmth but really could do without the sticky humid stuff. I am learning the hard way that newly curly chemo hair doesn't curl but frizzes thru my curly hair products. I look like Kramer from Seinfeld. Yikes

  • SA8PG
    SA8PG Member Posts: 280
    edited August 2016

    Hi Shopgal

    I didn't know if you have ever tried the product Be Curly from Aveda? It helped me soooooo much with my curls esp in this Texas heat. Hope all is well.


  • SA8PG
    SA8PG Member Posts: 280
    edited August 2016

    Mike & Kathy. 3 yrs. such a blessing!!!! Congratulations and yes we hope to hear how you celebrated. So so happy for you both. Hugs


  • ALHusband
    ALHusband Member Posts: 342
    edited August 2016

    We are doing a "belated" celebration. Kath works in the hospital and actually had to work all weekend. 12 hour shifts each day so she's exhausted when she gets home. So we will be celebrating with an awesome dinner tonight!

  • adagio
    adagio Member Posts: 713
    edited August 2016

    cocker - I will be visiting New Zealand in November - just wondering which part you live in.

  • Cocker_Spaniel
    Cocker_Spaniel Member Posts: 1,188
    edited August 2016

    Mike after all those hours your Kathy will need some tender loving care, which I'm sure you will give her. Make that celebration dinner awesome. What job do you have?

    Adagio I live in Lake Taupo which is smack bang in the middle of the North Island. What part are you going to.

  • georgie61
    georgie61 Member Posts: 48
    edited August 2016

    Please forgive me for not posting lately. I was more of a regular when I was actively going through treatment, but I thought I was getting back to "normal". I thought the worst was behind me and I still logged on here, but as a lurker and to offer other women support in the form of my story of achieving a pcr. Who could have imagined!?

    On July 13-15th I went to a breast cancer recovery retreat - called
    Casting for Recovery. It was wonderful. I met some wonderful ladies,
    learned a lot about how to fly fish, etc... and stayed with all of
    these wonderful people in Coleville, CA about 90 mins from Reno Since
    I was finishing up on Fri the 15th, we thought how much fun it would
    be to get a little vacation cabin outside of Reno for a couple days.
    So Fri we checked into a cabin at Donner Lake with our son and
    his girlfriend. We boated, rode bikes, fixed meals, shopped at
    Truckee, CA and my husband and I were starting to talk about how we were going
    to have fun doing simple things like this, while I still keep an eye
    on the cancer. Sunday , the kids checked out to get ready
    for Work monday but DH and I had one more night, so we decided to
    take our fun electric / hybrid bikes for a long ride We went all the
    way around the lake, stopped at the Donner Museum and then thought
    instead of cooking we would ride into Truckee. We did and stopped at
    a restaurant ,had a beer, appetizers, etc... and hopped on
    our bikes to get back long before it was dark. That is is the last
    thing I remember before waking up in a hospital a couple days later.

    Apparently I was only about 5-10 seconds ahead of DH all on bike
    trail - and when he came around a corner he found me on the side,
    crashed, bleeding from my head - outside of my helmet - my face,
    etc... and unconscious. Thank God we were wearing our helmets!
    Some people stopped including an off duty EMT , and called 911. They
    life flighted me to Reno and took me to hospital. It's been over 3
    weeks and it feels like I've lost track of a ton of time an memories.
    My memory loss, is from before we even got on our bikes to return,
    and most of the time in the hospital. I had surgery in my face to
    repair broken bones in the eye area - the orbital bones like brow,
    etc... I was a complete mess. If you've ever seen the movie as good
    as it gets - when Greg Kinnear wakes up after getting miracle ant just quit the crap beat
    out of him, my friend said that it reminded her of that when she
    saw me. She immediately started bawling, etc...I still don't look too
    great, but am definitely recognizable which I wasn't then. I'm not
    sure how good the surgeon was, but I guess we will find out.

    I am super depressed.Because my husband and I are self employed, we own a retail store., I cant just quit or take a leave of absence. I dont even know why Im posting this, Just feeling really down and hoping for some inspiration. Im still suffering from the concussion, surgery pain, another brush with my mortality. My hands both hurt and have limited function, from the crash even though they said the scans did not show broken bones. Thanks for letting me unload. xoxo

  • TNpotato
    TNpotato Member Posts: 57
    edited August 2016

    georgie61- ((HUG!!)) I'm so so sorry you're going thru such an ordeal after having already gone thru BC!

    I wish I had some brilliant words of wisdom or inspirational sayings to make you feel better, but please know that I'm sending you many virtual hugs and healing thoughts during this crisis!

    You said you were still in pain from the crash/surgery and that can really make one depressed. Have you talked to your doctor about the pain, or how you're feeling mentally?

  • georgie61
    georgie61 Member Posts: 48
    edited August 2016

    Thank you potato. I needed the hug. I,m on an anti depressant and pain killers. Unfortunately, that just seems to make me feel more depressed / hopeless?.. I couldnt even keep my follow up appt with my surgeon monday because I couldnt handle the thought of 10 hrs of driving just looking at my scars. The problem with living where we do. My cancer tx is 220 miles to the east of us in salt lake city, and reno is 280 miles to the west of us. DH and I actually lived in Kirkland right after we were married in 1982. I wish we still were, we could great care at "home".

  • TNpotato
    TNpotato Member Posts: 57
    edited August 2016

    Holy cow! 10 hours of driving to see your doc?! Now THAT'S commuting! And I thought we had it bad when we lived in Bawwwston. ;) Heck, I complain about driving into Seattle! lol How in the world did you do chemo and rads?!

    Maybe tomorrow you could call your doc though and tell him/her that you are feeling really bad even on the meds? I'd recommend that cause sometimes anti-depressants can actually make you feel worse and you may need to work with your doc to try another medication. My sister tried several different meds until she found the right one for her. But it took a lot of trial and error to find the right drug for her, and there were some scary times at the beginning where her depression was worse on meds than without.

    Hang in there, georgie! ((HUGS)) I'll keep you in my prayers tonight and I hope that tomorrow is a better day for you!