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Calling all TNs



  • georgie61
    georgie61 Member Posts: 48
    edited August 2016

    thanks potato. We always spent the night in slc after chemo but drove back and forth. For rads, I lived there for a month at the American Cancer Society Hope Lodge. I WILL

    will see if there is someone to talk to on the phone tomorrow. I appreciate your concern xoxo

  • Cocker_Spaniel
    Cocker_Spaniel Member Posts: 1,188
    edited August 2016

    Oh my God Georgie what a terrible thing for you to go through. I don't even know what to say, just the picture I have of your story in my mind and the trauma you went through is so darn awful. . Obviously something bad happened around that corner out of your husband's sight. I so hope you are feeling a lot better but TN potato is right what a heck of a ride to see your doctor. Don't give up on the antidepressants because they sometimes take a few weeks to kick in before you notice any benefit but if later you don't feel better there are lots you can try until you find one that suits you. All I can send you is lots of love, warm hugs and prayers. So hoping you feel better soon. xxx

  • Cathytoo
    Cathytoo Member Posts: 394
    edited August 2016

    georgie61....OMG! So sorry to read this news. When I first started reading I expected to read that the cancer returned. As bad as this accident will recover and go on with your life. Unfortunately, sometimes rain drops turn into torrential storms. You've been through so much. But, soon everything will be a memory. You've been so strong you need to be strong again. I hope every day is better for you as you recover back to good health. Please keep us posted.

  • Valstim52
    Valstim52 Member Posts: 833
    edited August 2016

    Georgie61, sending gentle hugs your way. when we can't do routine normal things like bend your fingers, it makes everything worse. Lean on us and know we are in your virtual pocket.


  • Jacklin
    Jacklin Member Posts: 27
    edited August 2016

    So sorry to read Georgie61 about your misadventure. Gentle hugs, know that we're here for you.

  • scotbird
    scotbird Member Posts: 592
    edited August 2016

    Georgie I'm here too, sending gentle cosmic hugs and loving kindness to you from Scotland. You WILL get through this and feel great again, maybe not soon, but eventually, and each day is a new day when you might feel a bit better, or at least not so bad. Just breathe: hope and love are all around you. Sending healing thoughts to you today. X

  • anothernycgirl
    anothernycgirl Member Posts: 821
    edited August 2016

    Georgie! I am sooo sorry to read of your fall, - but also glad that it is not a cancer episode! Your description reminded me of the image of the olympic bicyclist who took a scarey looking spill as she rounded a curve the other day. Singing

    Takes time but you WILL be fine. TRRRY to be patient! Be good to yourself and rest and relax!

    Wishing you a speedy recovery!!

  • LoveMyVizsla
    LoveMyVizsla Member Posts: 526
    edited August 2016

    Georgie, you know how strong our bodies are, you recovered from chemo/surgery/rads/recon. You will cover from your accident too. I'm sorry you have to worry about your business. I drive from Anacortes to Seattle for my treatments, but it's nowhere near the drives you have!

    We are all here for you, you know that. Come here and rant and vent. But let us know how you're doing.

  • lookingforward66
    lookingforward66 Member Posts: 148
    edited August 2016

    Hi ladies,

    I need to vent. All worries. Just got back from ENT (ear, nose & throat) Doctor that removed a polyp next to vocal cords 6 months prior to my finding my cancer. He told me at the time that it could come back. I've been doing a little coughing and hacking, thinking it's allergies. Went to him anyway just to get a check up. Long story short something growing in my sinus in one spot. Wayback of tongue, where you can't see, there is something growing there too. Also left side of vocal chords not working correctly & can't see why. Therefore have to have CT of chest, throat and head. Get it done next Friday afternoon. So now is my worry time. I'm just praying that the statistics hold true with me that TN normally comes back in lungs, bone or brain. And this is not a metastasis. Keep me in your thoughts and prayers I'll keep you all posted as I go along.

    Best to all


  • Cathytoo
    Cathytoo Member Posts: 394
    edited August 2016

    Lookingforward66...of course, you are worried. I am hoping, along with you, that this is NOT related to TN at all and that it's something that can be handled quickly. Please keep us informed. ❤️

  • allydp
    allydp Member Posts: 361
    edited August 2016

    Georgie - I can't even imagine what you're going through right now and just so very sorry. It's not fair that you're dealt this hand on top of cancer. It's just not. I know you feel alone, but we're all here for you. I agree with Cocker, please tough out the antidepressants and if they don't start to work soon, talk to your doctor about switching them up. Sometimes it takes a little trial and error to find the right combination that works for you. Sending you gentle hugs and tons of healing prayers.

    Lookingforward - by all accounts it sounds like that nasty polyp might be back! Your doctor even told you that could happen, so as an outsider looking in, I would be much more inclined to think that's causing your issues and NOT cancer. But I understand being worried and we're all in your pocket as you wait out the testing to get definitive answers. Please keep us posted and hang in there as best you can. Sending lots of hugs.

  • scotbird
    scotbird Member Posts: 592
    edited August 2016

    Lookingforward I'm thinking of you my dear. Also hoping and believing this will turn out to be benign. XX

  • TNpotato
    TNpotato Member Posts: 57
    edited August 2016

    Lookingforward66 - Waiting SUCKS!! I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers... may it be only good news...

    georgie61 - Thinking of you... Hope that the end of the week has treated you better!

    Healing hugs to all!

  • georgie61
    georgie61 Member Posts: 48
    edited August 2016

    Thank you everyone for the prayers and though4s, I don't have a real computer to type on niw, but will tomorrow. I just waned to let you know that I read everything and really appreciate it. Xoxo

  • lookingforward66
    lookingforward66 Member Posts: 148
    edited August 2016

    Thank you for good thoughts& being in my pocket. Texted my BS....he wants me to keep him in the loop & before any surgery he wants a PET scan. Keeping positive as much as I can.

    Thanks for listening,


  • anothernycgirl
    anothernycgirl Member Posts: 821
    edited August 2016

    Marsha, - I bet it is another benign polyp!

  • jdash
    jdash Member Posts: 54
    edited August 2016

    Diagnosed at 39. Stage 1. Triple negative. Lumpectomy and radiation. Fine for 10 years. Re diagnosed same breast again at 49 Triple neg stage 3B chemo ACT and then double mastectomy with nipple sparring surgery. Now 10 years later. Worried at that 10 yr mark. The time everyone should feel safe. Out of work. Worrying about supporting myself and I guess that led to me worrying about bc again Lost my first husband at 30 to aa rare cancer and last year lost my significant other to lung cancer at 57. 90 days after diagnosis. This site was my life saver just felt I needed to check in again.

  • georgie61
    georgie61 Member Posts: 48
    edited August 2016

    Sincere and loving thank yous to TNPotato - Cocker_Spaniel - Valstim 52 - Jacklin - Scot Bird - Another NYCGirl - Love my Viszla - Cathytoo - and Allydp

    I did go se my PCP here, but I think she felt a little out of her element. She wrote me a rx for my painkillers, told me to keep up the anti depressants and just to Heal. I'm trying. I'm still crying a lot - frustrated with the painful recovery and puzzled by what to expect. This was such a great place to know what to expect with chemo, rads, surgery etc... but there is nothing like that I know of for my head injury and physical ailments. I do appreciate all of the support, and of course, I want only the best for all of you wonderful ladies. xoxo

  • Cathytoo
    Cathytoo Member Posts: 394
    edited August 2016

    georgie61...Sometimes life just sucks‼️ Cry as often as youwant. Allow yourself the freedom to give yourself a big pity party. But, keep in the forefront of your mind that you will heal and feel a bit better every day. Anytime you need to let it all out, come here. We're all here for you. Stay strong. ❤️

  • Valstim52
    Valstim52 Member Posts: 833
    edited August 2016

    Georgie61 in your pocket for whatever you need. Cry, have a pity party like Cathytoo says. Anything to get you through

    . As I've shared, my rad burns are kicking my but, but woke up today with my leg 2x the normal size at the knee. I had a broken knee cap 3 years ago, and looks like it has chosen now to flare. Going to Dr tomorrow. I have arthritis in that knee and with the old injury who knows. Back to Dr's again. Hobbling and burns.

    Jdash, it is totally understandable that you have the 10 year anxiety. Anyone would. Know we are here for you. Sending Gentle waves to all. I agree this site is a lifesaver.


  • allydp
    allydp Member Posts: 361
    edited August 2016

    Georgie - agree with other. Cry, throw things, scream...whatever you need to do. I hold everything in which is not good for the mind, body or spirt. So let it out! We're all here for you.

    Marsha - I think it's amazing you can text your BS. Sounds like you got a good one! And good for him for being so proactive for ordering that PET just to be sure. We're here waiting with you. Check in as much as you need to or want to. Sending you big time hugs.

    Jdash - cancer is so unfair. I hate the anxiety is causes and I'm very, very sorry you lost your first husband to this horrible disease.

  • Sally22
    Sally22 Member Posts: 9
    edited August 2016

    Hi all,

    Freshly out of radiation and chemo longer even though the scars are still there to see visibly, (chemo burn on my hand and hair coming back) I am also going thru the anxiety of worry. Over the weekend Dr. Office called to remind me of upcoming appointment. Don't know why they called its 2 weeks out but they did and I lost it, started to cry when I seen the number come up on caller I.D. Feel also like there are triggers that give me PTSD any good advise on how not to worry about the what "if's".

    TN Sister

  • Valstim52
    Valstim52 Member Posts: 833
    edited August 2016

    Need help? Is it possible to have lymphedema in your leg area? I was tested at the hospital for a possible blood clot, and they said it's lymphadema and have referred me to a lymphadema specialist? I thought it only occurred in your arm or trunk area?

  • Lou53
    Lou53 Member Posts: 30
    edited August 2016

    Hi all,

    It has been quite a while since I last posted but find myself in need of some advice. I had a lumpectomy last October, finished chemo at the end of March 2016 and radiation mid June. I went today for my first follow up after treatment with my oncologist. He tells me (which I remember at the time) that my first pathology report had a slight positive for ER but the final pathology showed triple negative which is how I was deemed. Now he is wanting me to do hormone therapy. He said not Tamoxifen but Arimidex, Femara or Aromasin. His advice was to use every weapon available against this diseas recurring. After reading the side effects of these drugs, I don't know that I want to take anything! Has anyone else experienced this?

  • meadow
    meadow Member Posts: 998
    edited August 2016

    Sharing with you all my joy today, it is my 3 year cancerversary, and I am, thankful to be NED today! Yay! I feel good. Thankful for this milestone in my recovery to lifelong good health. THANK YOU all for being a huge part of that recovery. I know you "get" it. Love you all

    Georgie, Sending you my hugs and prayers. I think that is just the pits, to be injured so badly. You are a tough chick, to be sure. But do you have to prove it like that?! Seriously, so glad you are ok, healing. Hang in there.

    Looking, I agree, polyp. you know we have your back, sending support to y ou.

    jdash, my heartfelt sympathy to you on your losses, and I am glad you came to a soft place (here) for some support.

    Sally, we all have our moments, for sure, when we lose it. It is only natural. Hoping you feel better today. I try to fight the worries with the thoughts that I cannot change one thing in my favor with worry.....if we could, we would worry all the time wouldn't we! But we cannot, and worry just robs us of our joy, our strength.for today. And we need that strength,to fight for our good health, to be there for our loved ones, to live with joy and purpose. How are you feeling, physically? If you can, get outside for some fresh air every day, if you are not already. And get your mind on other things beside your health, I know it is hard, but other interests are always good medicine. Sending my best hugs to you!

    Val, Do you think your knee/leg is swelling from treatment? Has it done this before or is it new? And the results were sure it was not a bloodclot? Seems odd, have you popped in the Lymphedema forum to ask? There is a ton of knowledge in there.

    Lou, I do not have good advice for you regarding the meds you describe. I too have read about those side effects, it has always been a silver lining being TN, to not have to deal with those. So I can see your reluctance to take them. But I know you want to listen to your team, and do what you need to, to win. Hoping others will chime in soon to give you their advice.

    Curly, so excited about your trip to see VInnie! I want to know all about it!

    Ally, sending a big o hug to you my sweet friend, just because I love you!

    Cocker, hoping the leg is not giving you any problems. Are you watching the Olympics?

    Another, SA8, shorfi, Cathy, greenae, Al, Potato, luvie, Goldie, adagio, Sylvia, Scotbird, Vizsla, Shopgal, Jan, BanR and all of you I missed, sending you my love

  • LoveMyVizsla
    LoveMyVizsla Member Posts: 526
    edited August 2016

    Congratulations Meadow!!

    Got my re-excision pathology yesterday. They found a small amount of remaining DCIS that she hadn't gotten in December. She said we needed to do this surgery. She was right. Sleeping more soundly now, but not on my bruised breast. ;-)

  • Cathytoo
    Cathytoo Member Posts: 394
    edited August 2016

    Meadow...CONGRATULATIONS on 3 years. You must be thrilled. Thanks so much for letting us in on the fabulous news. And, thank you so much for all the support, kindness, wisdom, and caring you give to us all. We are so lucky to have you with us.

  • Cathytoo
    Cathytoo Member Posts: 394
    edited August 2016's 11:30pm as I write this. Hope you are sleeping soundly knowing that the surgery is over. Sometimes things work out for the best. Your second surgery is a good example. ❤️

  • Shopgal2
    Shopgal2 Member Posts: 594
    edited August 2016

    yay and huzzahs meadow!

    Lmv rest easy. Glad the surgeon did the reexcision. I also had an area of dcis with my reexcision.

    lou tough call on the hormone therapy. But if I was offered I would want to do it.

    Val maybe do a search on bco in the lymphedema topics.

    To all the newbies welcome. Hugs to all in need.

  • anothernycgirl
    anothernycgirl Member Posts: 821
    edited August 2016

    YAY Meadow!! So happy to read your post! Thank you for sharing and for including us!

    Wishing you, and all here, the best of health always!!

    Lmv, good that you had the procedure and are already on the mend!!