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Calling all TNs



  • rdeesides
    rdeesides Member Posts: 233
    edited July 2017

    Oh MakeupLover, I'm so sorry you are here. I am recently diagnosed too and also have a Pet Scan scheduled for Monday. You will be in my thoughts. I'm ready to start chemo... just really eager to take some action. Sounds like we are in a similar boat.

    Take Care,


  • MakeupLover
    MakeupLover Member Posts: 23
    edited July 2017


    It does seem like we are in the same boat! crazy right? do you mind me asking how old you are?

    It would be nice to stay in touch, as we might be going through our treatments at the same time. You are in my thoughts as well. Wishing you luck for Monday :)

  • Warrior2016
    Warrior2016 Member Posts: 47
    edited July 2017

    Rebekah and Connie - I had my hands and feet iced during Taxol and Carboplatin and it slowed the rate of neuropathy but I still have it. My cancer center did provide the ice wraps so I guess it depends where you go. I would definitely bring your own if they don't have them in the infusion center.

    Blessings to all the newbies - it is a scary journey you are embarking on. I think knowledge is the key - keep a notebook, ask your doctor, read these forums, and go ahead, research online but always check where the information was published and when it was published. There's a lot of half-assed crap out there and a lot of old stuff. Remember that cancer research is changing rapidly...which is a good thing for us!

  • Warrior2016
    Warrior2016 Member Posts: 47
    edited July 2017

    Now, an off beat question. I am a green tea drinker. During my first 2 rounds of chemo I read that you shouldn't drink green tea during chemo - I forget the resoning but I blindly believed it. Now I read where you should. I'm on a third round of chemo and I'm drinking green tea again. Does anybody have any good information and reasoning on this?

  • Connie1230
    Connie1230 Member Posts: 45
    edited July 2017

    Rebekah, they would have furnished zip lock bags of ice. But the MO suggested these as a better solution so I got them. I don't have neuropathy in my hands and know it could be far worse in my feet so I'm going to call the icing a success. When I wear shoes (including flip flops because that's ALL I normally wear) I don't feel anything. When I'm barefoot, the toes and balls of my feet feel numb.

  • rdeesides
    rdeesides Member Posts: 233
    edited July 2017


    Lol, ALL I wear is flip flops too. It's good to know that the facility was providing something at least. I will definitely ice since it seems like it helped. So do you think the remaining neuropathy will eventually clear up on its own? I'm sure that's the hope.


  • rdeesides
    rdeesides Member Posts: 233
    edited July 2017


    Got it. Thanks for your response. I will find out what my facility has and may order these.

    I too have been wondering about green tea.


  • rdeesides
    rdeesides Member Posts: 233
    edited July 2017


    I am 48. So still "young" (at least in terms of breast cancer) but definitely older than you. Im so sorry you are going through this.

    Keep me posted on your PET. I talked to the tech today. Sounds like they inject something into your veins thru an IV, but you dont stay hooked up to the IV after all the fluid is inserted. Then you wait about an hour for the dye to get completely thru your body. Tech said they dont want you using your phone during that time, so maybe bring something to read. The scan sounds easy, you are laying on your back for about 20 minutes.


  • Shopgal2
    Shopgal2 Member Posts: 594
    edited July 2017

    welcome newbies. Please know that the tn board is the best and the ladies here are very encouraging. Definitely join a chemo board on bco for the month you are starting chemo. I found great support there while in tx and even more here where with my fellow tn ladies. I don't post much anymore but need some support and help now.

    About 6 weeks ago I stated spotting after being post menopausal from chemo in 2015. I saw my mo wed for a 6 month follow up and got referred to a Gyn oncology doc. I saw him today and turns out I need a transvaginal ultrasound, an endometrial biopsy plus a d&c procedure. I have thickening of the uterus and fibroids. Having the d&c plus biopsy on 8/7. I hope that it's not ovarian or uterine cancer after being ned from tn.

  • HeartdesiresLife
    HeartdesiresLife Member Posts: 35
    edited July 2017

    Rebekah and Connie1230, yup according to the pathology report - all 4 lymph nodes were missed and it wasn't just 4 shots either to get these samples. But whatever these fatty tissues were in the axillary, at least no malignancy were found in these adipose tissues.

    Connie1230, very glad you found a center you were more confident about and that you took the proactive steps to get yourself there.

    Rebekah, I go in for surgery first and not chemo. The bilateral mastectomy is now scheduled for August 15th with sentinel node biopsy with dye and radioactive ion on the left and most likely just blue dye biopsy on the right. I'm so relieved that it is not month+ away, I can wait 3 weeks and I was told that if an earlier opening becomes available they will call me.

    I met the radiation oncologist today and he is about as personable as a physician can get. Even though I'm holding out hope that I may not need radiation, I realize that the DCIS area is awfully big and obviously no biopsy finding on the lymph nodes. Whether I get chemo or not all depends on what is found with the mastectomy. But if there is need for chemo, then it will be done before radiation.

    So it is now back to the waiting game while keeping the positive force shield up!

    I was so anxious that the surgery would be long delayed and now that hurdle is over, my mind is worrying about the final pathology finding. It is a never ending cycle. About a month ago right before my recall mammogram/ultrasound I was at a museum gift store and I thought about buying the Guatemalan worry dolls. I probably should have made this purchase. : )

    MakeupLover and Rebekah, these imaging studies have a tendency to be overread because it is better to see more than to miss something. So I hope both of you will have PET scans which will find nothing worrisome!

    Dear Scotbird - thank you very much for your encouraging words!!!

  • HeartdesiresLife
    HeartdesiresLife Member Posts: 35
    edited July 2017

    Shopgal2 - hopefully all the studies will lead to nothing more than your body wanting to menstruate again! I can only imagine your anxiety, I just hope your testing will be done in quick succession and that the results will also come out quickly and be all negative!

  • LoveMyVizsla
    LoveMyVizsla Member Posts: 526
    edited July 2017

    Shopgal, good to see you. Before cancer, I developed uterine fibroids and had bleeding issues. Like non-stop for three months. I finally had enough and had them yank it and my tubes out. Still have my ovaries. My MO said she was glad they took my tubes too, because the current thinking is that that's where uterine cancer starts. The surgery was pretty easy, laparoscopic. The hardest part was keeping my 50 pound dog off my lap for a couple of weeks. 😁

  • scotbird
    scotbird Member Posts: 592
    edited July 2017

    Warrior, I asked my chemo nurses about green tea and they all said I should not drink it during chemo. I did think it was strange that they didn't tell me this before I thought of asking about it. Surely they should give you a list of anything you should not eat/drink/do?

    Rebekah I took along some small freezer blocks that I already had to keep food cold in a cooler, and just put my hands and feet on them during taxol infusions. I also wore a cold cap and sucked ice cubes to reduce hair loss and mouth ulcers. I also took lots of warm clothes to wear! I met many people who had developed neuropathy from taxol. One lady said she struggled with balance and she had lost a lot of feeling in her feet and felt unsafe going down stairs. I had no neuropathy at all which may have been justlucky but maybe the icing did help too. Good luck! XX

  • Nanuan
    Nanuan Member Posts: 4
    edited July 2017

    Hello all,

    I just want to stop by to encourage the newbies.

    I am a tripple negative bc survival.Already passed five years mark. Now I enjoy playing tennis, my new sport, almost everyday. I play early morning before going to work. At the first 3 years, I thought about bc everyday. I trended to decline to think about it after 3 yrs. Now rearly think it.

    Chemo treatment is not so easy but everyone can do it. Sending you the best wishes to anyone who need it now. (((HUG)))

  • Valstim52
    Valstim52 Member Posts: 833
    edited July 2017

    Chiming in with Shopgal, for the newbies there is also a surgery thread for your month as well. I found that and the chemo thread for my month very helpful along with the other threads. Also, filling out your signature with treatments etc, helps others that may "lurk" and not post to be helped by your posts without your knowing it. I found sometimes once I was in active treatment, all I could do sometimes was read and so many helped me.

    Wondering about Cathytoo, Meadow and ofcourse Cocker. Hope they are well. So nice to see you Lovesmyvizla and shopgal. Div too. We are all plugging along. Thanks so much for posting with us Nanuan. It gives us all hope. I'm at 22 months post dx. Can't believe it.

  • rdeesides
    rdeesides Member Posts: 233
    edited July 2017

    Thank You ScotBird for the info on the cooler blocks. I am definitely worried about neuropathy. I don't have my chemo regimen yet (should be getting it Wednesday), but it seems like Taxol is the norm.

    Thank you also Nanuan and Valstim52 for giving us newbies hope. I am still down in the depths of despair, though I think I am slowly beginning to see some light. I just need to get past all these tests. It is so great to hear that you guys are doing well!

    Heartdesire - Aug 15 isn't too far away so I can only imagine what a relief that is to get going sooner rather than later! Surgery will be such a big step to get behind you....

    Hope everyone is having a great Sunday!


  • Cathytoo
    Cathytoo Member Posts: 394
    edited July 2017

    Valstim52....hey...thanks for thinking about me. I'm doing fine, keeping busy and trying NOT to think about TN. Unfortunately, it's on my mind every day. BUT, I'm living each day, filling my days with family, friends and meaning. I find that I'm a better person since my initial diagnosis. I look at life much differently, and I'm so grateful to be here, although the whole thing is pretty scary. As I type this, I just returned from a 15 day trip to Ireland, which was wonderful. In a few weeks I get a mammogram and see my MO. Nervous, although I feel great. I haven't posted much lately, although I read the new posts every day. I welcome all the newbies and I'm sending prayers for everyone who is fighting this horrible disease. ❤️❤️

  • Shopgal2
    Shopgal2 Member Posts: 594
    edited July 2017

    cathytoo how was Ireland? I went last year to Dublin and Newmarket on fergus on the west coast of Ireland and loved it. Where in ireland were you?

    Thanks for the encouragement ladies. I go for my ultrasound tomorrow morning. And then surgery next mon. Really hoping for benign results. I have a 2 week trip planned in oct to Amsterdam, Paris, and London.

  • Cathytoo
    Cathytoo Member Posts: 394
    edited July 2017

    Shopgal2...My trip was to Amsterdam, Liverpool, Belfast, Dublin, Cork, Bruge

  • rdeesides
    rdeesides Member Posts: 233
    edited July 2017

    Pet Scan done! Easy Breezy. Will have results on Wednesday. Say a prayer (or send positive thoughts).

    MakeupLover, I hope yours went well.


  • kellychameleon
    kellychameleon Member Posts: 48
    edited July 2017

    Rebekah (that's my middle name - spelled the same way!), I'm so sorry you're going through this and wish you the best for great results. I know what you mean about the depths of despair. Now that I'm closing in on 2 years since diagnosis, life is almost normal. I do still have mini freak outs when I kiss my kids goodnight that I'm not going to see them grow up. But I keep reminding myself that I have thrown the kitchen sink at this disease, and there isn't anything else I can do, so just enjoy life. Also, my mom had stage 2 TNBC 13 years ago and is doing great with no reoccurrences.

    It's been a long time since I've checked in. Life with a full time job and small children keeps me moving all the time. I FINALLY have my reconstruction surgery scheduled for 8/28. I'm not looking forward to the recovery, but I am so glad to be getting these expanders out after having them for 14 months.

    Shopgal, good luck with your surgery. And good luck to everyone else who has upcoming scans and procuedures.

  • rdeesides
    rdeesides Member Posts: 233
    edited July 2017

    Kellychameleon, thank you so much for reaching out! I see you are in Dallas. I am originally from Ft. Worth. :-) So encouraging to hear that you are doing well and that your Mom is 13 years out from a TNBC diagnosis. But geez, that totally sucks that your mom and you both had it. I hate cancer. I see that you also had your ovaries removed. Did you do genetic testing? I had tests run last week, but don't have results yet.

    Good luck with your reconstruction!


  • HeartdesiresLife
    HeartdesiresLife Member Posts: 35
    edited August 2017

    Rebekeh - positive and more positive thoughts and hugs your way!!!

  • anothernycgirl
    anothernycgirl Member Posts: 821
    edited August 2017

    Fingers crossed here for good news for all of you awaiting scan and test results!

    Cathy, - that sounds like a wonderful trip!

    Wishing those in treatment an easy and uneventful time of it!

    Hugs to all

  • Shopgal2
    Shopgal2 Member Posts: 594
    edited August 2017

    Kelly wow 13 years for your mom. Awesome.

  • MakeupLover
    MakeupLover Member Posts: 23
    edited August 2017

    Good evening ladies

    So my PET scan went well too. The only thing that sucked was they had to prick me 3 times until they could find a vein!! I hate that so much. And I'm great with needles, it just blows it takes long to find one. And being cold doesn't help. The veins just hide!

    They say 2-3 days for results. Hopefully all is well. Will keep you guys posted.

    Rebekah, I'm glad your scan was easy breezy!!! Hugs!

  • SA8PG
    SA8PG Member Posts: 280
    edited August 2017

    Checking in ladies. I hit the 3 year mark a few days ago!!! Love and prayers to all the newbies and to all my sisters on here that check in to let us know how they are doing. :)))))


  • MakeupLover
    MakeupLover Member Posts: 23
    edited August 2017

    SA8PG congrats on your three yr mark!!!

    And thanks a bunch for all the love and prayers!

  • kellychameleon
    kellychameleon Member Posts: 48
    edited August 2017

    Rebekah, I did the genetic testing and was negative for everything, however, my doctor is kind of treating me as if it is genetic. My mother, grandmother, and great grandmother have all had breast cancer, which seems like more than a coincidence. I don't know the details about my great grandmother, but I know that it killed her. This was in the early 1930s, so not a lot of treatments. My grandmother was about 80 when she was diagnosed, but they caught it early, and she just had a lumpectomy and radiation. She lived to be 101. My mom, like I said, was diagnosed about 13 years ago, when she was 59. She did surgery, chemo, and radiation. She actually had no idea that she was triple negative (or even knew what TNBC was). When I was diagnosed, we pulled out her pathology report, and our reports were identical. Same breast, same tumor size, same make up. Weird. Also, I was 41 when I was diagnosed, so we are getting it 20 years earlier each time (except my great grandmother who was very young). It makes me nervous for my two daughters.

    MakeupLover, I'm glad your scan went smoothly. Crossing fingers for good results!

    SA8PG, glad you checked in and are doing well.

  • greenae
    greenae Member Posts: 246
    edited August 2017

    Yay! SA8PG!! Big milestone for you. I hope to be following, soon.

    Hugs and prayers to All! To the newcomers, I am sorry you have to be here, but know that you can do this. It will be life changing and hard at times; for me, the worst was waiting to start treatment. So many on here have great advice to get you through treatment. Talking with a SW after treatment helped me, as well. And I sure didn't mind the occasional Ativan. ;)

    I am thinking of all of you. Extra prayers for Cocker Annie.

