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Calling all TNs



  • Cathytoo
    Cathytoo Member Posts: 394
    edited October 2017

    ALHusband..,👍👍👍👍GREAT NEWS‼️

  • Cathytoo
    Cathytoo Member Posts: 394
    edited October 2017

    ShopGal2....I've been thinking about happy you posted. Hope you do well with the upcoming treatment. I wish you the VERY BEST. Also, good luck with your new move. Sounds like it's a really good move for you. Keep in touch with us. ❤️

  • mike3121
    mike3121 Member Posts: 280
    edited October 2017

    Wow, ALHusband, truly great news.

  • ewu
    ewu Member Posts: 17
    edited October 2017

    Batesburg - the retreat looks good. I'd join you if I'm not in treatment right now. Hope we can meet some other time.

    mkn86 - I share your worry. I just had my 2nd treatment yesterday. The tumor doesn't seem to shrink at all. I am so worried the chemo is not working...

  • Fighter_34
    Fighter_34 Member Posts: 496
    edited October 2017

    Dropping in ladies don’t post much, but I do randomly check here and there. Sending well wishes to all.

    All is well, I am still stable and happy with that.

    Take care and be good to yourselves everyone

  • mkn86
    mkn86 Member Posts: 129
    edited October 2017

    thanks Agatha. :) At the moment it's hard for me to say if switching meds is a good or bad sign. and to some extent i can't even tell if it has shrunk or not. but i'm hoping for the best. 🤞🏼

    ewu, any changes in the tumor itself? mine was more moveable after first dose but then some hard areas showed up a few days before my second dose. did your MO say anythin about what would happen to your tumor during chemo

  • Valstim52
    Valstim52 Member Posts: 833
    edited October 2017

    Alhusband, great news. Shopgal2 so glad you checked in. Hoping the best with your treatment. I agree a wig as you hair is now, may not seem as fake. Sometimes when I look in the mirror with one of my wigs, that is like my old hair, it does not feel right. I am now looking for a shorter length wig closer to my hair now.

    Do you know what chemo you will be taking? You may have said and I missed it.

  • AgathaNYC
    AgathaNYC Member Posts: 317
    edited October 2017

    ALhusband - that's really great news about your wife's PET scan. I hope you guys are enjoying a bit of relief in the midst of all this.

    I got good news today. The results from my genetic testing came back. They didn't find any mutations in the genes they tested that would suggest that I'm at higher risk for breast or other cancers. I still haven't decided what surgery I will opt for, but I am less likely to pick BMX given this news.

    Hope everyone is having a good week!

  • Shopgal2
    Shopgal2 Member Posts: 594
    edited October 2017

    Val carbo and taxol 6;cycles every 3 weeks

  • anothernycgirl
    anothernycgirl Member Posts: 821
    edited October 2017

    Al, - GREAT news! Thanks for update!

    Shopgal, - hoping that your chemo time goes by quickly and smoothly! As for wig, - my hair did not grow in to be anything like it was pre-chemo, and my original wig looked silly to me by then, so I purchased a short wig, similar to what my hair was growing in like, but with more body and thickness. ( ) I get many compliments and those that I confide in are amazed that it's a wig! (Mine is 'toasted brown' color)

    Fighter, - always so nice to read good updates! Thanks!

    Agatha, - thumbs up for your good news, too!

  • Batesburg
    Batesburg Member Posts: 114
    edited October 2017


    I took carbo/taxol for my BC- I continued to work and go to school as it is very doable although my WBC counts tanked- of course, took neupogen and that then allowed me to not have to skip weeks (I did taxol every week and then every other week they added in carbo and a few times they had to extend the carbo addition). Your every three weeks seems like a better chance your counts will rebound in between!!!

    Are you returning to work?

    Blessings and strength to you.

  • Valstim52
    Valstim52 Member Posts: 833
    edited October 2017

    Shopgal2 may i second blessings and strength to you. Please keep us posted as best you can. Anyone heard anything about our friend Annie (cocker)?

  • Shopgal2
    Shopgal2 Member Posts: 594
    edited October 2017

    anothernycg the toasted Brown is really pretty. It's sort of my color now.

    Batesburg thank you so much for telling me about carbo and taxol. I had taxol dd for bc but am kind of worried about the carbo.

    Well I got my port put back in thurs. Same side and location as before. I was supposed to be put to sleep for the surgery but wound up awake. It was done by the interventional radiology team at Penn. I told the nurse afterwards that I could feel and hear the team working on me. She told the doc who didn’t believe me. He said I was asleep. I told him my I had shut my eyes cause I could only see the drape in front of my face. But I heard every word they said and told him some of what they said. He was at a loss for words and said they needed to up my sedation when they remove my port in the future. Not an experience I want to do again anytime soon. But this port is a lot smaller than my last one and can be used to get iv contrast for scans. Still hurts the same on my neck and collarbone where the tubing lays. Oh well. At least no more poking in my one arm for bloods now.

    I hope Annie is ok. Sending love to all.

  • Cathytoo
    Cathytoo Member Posts: 394
    edited October 2017


    I have been diagnosed with a 8mm side branch IPMN on the head of my pancreas found two years ago when I had a CT scan before I began treatment for TN. I've read a lot and it seems to be a coincidence not related to my breast cancer. But, these things (although pretty common) can turn to cancer. Right now, it seems to be stable. Anyone have such a situation?

  • Shopgal2
    Shopgal2 Member Posts: 594
    edited October 2017

    oh no Cathy. What is an ipmn? Are you ok? How are you feeling? Are you in pain?

  • Cathytoo
    Cathytoo Member Posts: 394
    edited October 2017

    Shopgal2..,Hi...thanks so much for your concern. I'm fine. An IPMN is a pancreatic cyst that has the potential to become cancerous. I have the "good" kind, if there is such a thing. Needs to be monitored and hopefully stays stable. Another thing to worry about and cause stress. We all know about that‼️ How are you doing?

  • AgathaNYC
    AgathaNYC Member Posts: 317
    edited October 2017

    Shopgal - The story about your port placement is pretty intense. I hope you didn't feel any pain while you were awake. That the doctor didn't believe you adds insult to the injury. So sorry that happened to you. Good luck on the 20th. I'll be having my second round that same day.

    Does anyone here spend anytime on the website, Triple Negative Breast Cancer Foundation ? I just discovered it and it has a lot of great information and downloads. They also have a forum that I haven't explored yet.

    I hope everyone is starting the week off well Heart

  • aggiemegs
    aggiemegs Member Posts: 86
    edited October 2017

    Just dropping by to say hi! I don't post terribly often, and have realized that I tend to only come around the boards when I'm worried about possible mets, but I'm trying to do better. You are all in my thoughts often, and I hope you are all doing well!

  • mkn86
    mkn86 Member Posts: 129
    edited October 2017

    @Agatha when i was diagnosed it was the first one that came up on google. sometimes i take a peek. But i never signed up for their forum. I figured more than one forum might be too much for me to handle :

  • AgathaNYC
    AgathaNYC Member Posts: 317
    edited October 2017

    Hi, mkn86. You're a month ahead of me in Chemo. I hope you are doing well. Is "PH" the Philippines?

    Take care.

  • mkn86
    mkn86 Member Posts: 129
    edited October 2017

    Hi Agatha! Yes it's Philippines :)

    I got my port put in the middle of chemo. (After 2 doses of EC). It happened yesterday and it stings. hoping it goes away by Friday. :) i'm also in the september 2017 chemo thread.

    I hope everything is okay with your chemo too

  • ubeeee
    ubeeee Member Posts: 15
    edited October 2017

    Hi gang, I'm new to this site, of course found you by searching Triple Negative. I look forward to getting to know you.

    I was diagnosed in July, Stage 2 no lymph involvement from what can be seen in the CT or MRI. I started chemo in August (AC x 4 completed, completed #4 of 12 Taxol today). I'm feeling ok but really need to stop googling.

    I get my MRI results from my oncologist on Friday, but they are already on line in my chart and while the tumor has shrunk, it hasn't shrunk a lot and there's reference to 'however shoes avid arterial enhancement'. Google isn't helping me figure out what this is so I'll have to be patient and wait to ask questions on Friday. I'm concerned that my treatment plan my change and that I'm not responding as well as was hoped (this treatment is supposed to shrink the tumor (which it did by 1/3) but for 50% of women it disappears. I was obviously hoping to be one of them! :)

    Surgery consultation is scheduled for the end of November (determine whether it's lumpectomy or mastectomy) followed by possibly more chemo and then radiation.

    I'm trying really hard to live day by day and roll with it and not focus on the what ifs. Walking and some walk running (now that the AC is done!) and meditation is helping. I'm very lucky to be on leave of absence from work so I can focus on getting this behind me.

    Thanks for reading :)

  • Batesburg
    Batesburg Member Posts: 114
    edited October 2017

    Hi ubeeee,

    While pCRs are the goal, many do not get them and still kick this nasty BC in the butt and go on to live normal, healthy lives. I did NOT get a pCR and I had a long talk with my MO about it and she said I am still on a path to being "cured"...gotta believe in that.

    Have you looked at the research on adding carboplatin to taxol? It has promising results- I had carboplatin every other week along with taxol and I had very little residual left (and I am certain it got rid of any stray cells elsewhere). Maybe ask MO on Friday about carboplatin.

    Best to you,


  • ubeeee
    ubeeee Member Posts: 15
    edited October 2017

    Thank you Janet! This is very encouraging. I'm not sure what was expected to be honest, so I will ask my MO on Friday about this as well as adding carboplatin.

  • ALHusband
    ALHusband Member Posts: 342
    edited October 2017

    ubeeee if any of your close relatives (mother, grandmother, aunt, etc) have had bc you should also look into genetic testing if you haven't already. If you're BRCA1 or BRCA2 positive, this info will help both you and your physicians with your surgery decision.

  • ubeeee
    ubeeee Member Posts: 15
    edited October 2017

    ALHusband I did get tested and it came back negative for both BRCA 1 and 2. Thanks the the suggestion though! My sister and daughter are much relieved!

  • lisaj514
    lisaj514 Member Posts: 289
    edited October 2017

    Checking in with good news. today is 4 yr anniversary from date of dx! And all is well. I also feel that the end of treatment is when we should be counting our survivorship. Just need to get through 1 (or 1 1/2 yrs depending on date I choose as the real one) to hit that 5 yr mark. Every 6 months I have either breast MRI or mammogram and Ultrasound. Just had my first 3d mammo ( done in conjunction with 2d for comparison). Still hurts just the same but better picture for density. Take care everyone. You can do it! Here's me in my Rosie the riveter costume at a Bravehearts camp. Surprised with another Rosie! ( in central NY, a camp for women cancer survivors with the focus on fun and support). Held at Double H ranch, a camp for critically ill children with the same philosophy, started by Paul Newman! They let the bravehearts use it 2x/yr.

    We Can Do It! Yes we can!


  • LoveMyVizsla
    LoveMyVizsla Member Posts: 526
    edited October 2017

    I love it, Lisa!

    Shopgal, I was awake but lightly sedated during my port insertion. I had a clear plastic windows in the draping so the nurse and I could see each other. I didn’t think it was a big deal and would rather have been awake then have to deal with nausea from the anesthesia.

    Cathy, hoping your pancreas remains stable.

    Welcome ubeee, sorry you had to join us. Hope you continue to do well with Taxol.

  • PeggySull
    PeggySull Member Posts: 368
    edited October 2017

    Hi Marijen,

    My research showed that more melatonin is not necessarily better.  Recommended dose is 2.5 mg. at night.  I take Nature's Way, available easily, after I tried several other brands.  Hope melatonin helps!

    Hugs, Peggy

  • AgathaNYC
    AgathaNYC Member Posts: 317
    edited October 2017

    LisaJ - you and your friend look so great! What a fantastic costume!!

    On another thread one of our TNBC tribe posted about Androgen Receptors in TN cells. I'm only about a month out from diagnosis and I feel like I'll never catch up on research and education. It was new to me, and interesting - there's a trial going on for targeted treatment for us TNBCers with AR+ status.

    I'm going to ask my oncologist tomorrow when I go in Chemo treatment #2.

    I hope chemo & Neulasta don't know me out too bad this weekend. Family and friends will be in town from New Mexico, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania - I hope to keep my energy up.

    Hope everyone is having a good week!