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Calling all TNs



  • LoveMyVizsla
    LoveMyVizsla Member Posts: 526
    edited August 2018

    ((Moth)). Hope your results come back soon.

    I like the quotes from Vickki and Val. The innocence is gone, and it’s a partner we didn’t choose and can’t divorce.

  • Batesburg
    Batesburg Member Posts: 114
    edited August 2018

    Hello All,

    I hope your summer is going well.

    Concern and question....I have been having loose stools primarily in the morning and then normal other times of day. I am 3 years out from diagnosis. Any of you heard of having irritable bowel this long past treatment? Also, history of breast CA....does this increase our odds of colon CA?

    Thanks in advance for any thoughts.


  • moth
    moth Member Posts: 3,293
    edited August 2018

    Janet - I've heard two things about this:

    One is that there are genetic predispositions which can make you susceptible to both. If you have cancers in your family, genetic testing might be worth it. Colon cancer is specifically one of the ones that can go along with breast cancer.

    The second is that there are some indications some secondary cancers are linked to some primaries in ways we don't understand: "there is a "field effect" with certain types of cancers, particularly in the areas of digestive tract cancers and ovarian, breast, and others, in which changes in uninvolved tissues may be detected. One theory is that because the body's immune system was vulnerable to the development of the first cancer, it may be more susceptible to the development of a second cancer."

    Loose stool on its own, unless it's accompanied by cramping, or severe urgency is not really necessarily an issue. Better loose than constipated is what I've heard my health team. Are you eating a high fiber diet? That can cause it and it's a good thing.

    Is it possible you've developed lactose intolerance & this is following meals with dairy? That would be a bad thing as it causes inflammation ...

    I'd consult with your GP. Here they've switched to doing the FIT test for primary, low risk colon cancer screening. It's the fecal occult blood test & just requires a tiny sample of stool in a test tube. They only do full colonoscopies on higher risk patients. But whichever one, it's possible you & your GP may decide to do a screening just to be sure.

    best wishes

  • rdeesides
    rdeesides Member Posts: 233
    edited August 2018

    I don’t have the any genetic markers but do think it’s odd that I was diagnosed with Colitis a year before I had breast cancer. I am relatively young and had never had any other physical issues. Just throwing it out there that I do think there is a link.

    Batesburg, I would ask to have it checked out, just in case.

  • Batesburg
    Batesburg Member Posts: 114
    edited August 2018

    Thanks for the comments! I am heading to my GP on Monday- will let you know what I find out.

  • Cathytoo
    Cathytoo Member Posts: 394
    edited August 2018

    Batesburg.......Hi Janet...

    I'm three months away from three years past diagnosis. (Holding my breath‼️) From what i've been told, breast, colon, pancreatic and melanoma are all connected. I am the only one inmy family (mother's side) who has had breast cancer...but there is history of the other cancers. And, unfortunately, when I was first diagnosed a CT scan showed a 1cm cyst on the head of my pancreas. My first cousin died two years ago from pancreatic cancer. At that time I was tested for Lynch Syndrome. I was negative. But, I do have that pancreatic cyst which has a low risk of turning malignant. One doctor wants me to do further testing. The other saysdo nothing...forget about it. All things considered,I would imagine that I am at high risk genetically. Are these things good for us to know? Who can say? As far as irritable was suggested to me by my primary doctor to take a probiotic every day. He recommended Align. I'd be interested to hear what your doctor has to say. Please stay well

  • meadow
    meadow Member Posts: 998
    edited August 2018

    Hello my friends, so sorry for the long break from the boards. I took my time and read through the many pages to try and get somewhat caught up. I want to share with you today is my Big 5, my five years from diagnosis with TN Inflammatory Breast Cancer. I am thankful to be celebrating Today! I am currently cancer free, and thankful for every day. Just wanted you all to celebrate with me!

    Cathytoo, Val, Another, Sylvia, thank you for always giving such comfort. I am thinking of Annie, of Ally who is busy raising that sweet baby, of so many who were my lifeline when first diagnosed. Cannot thank you enough. To the ones who joined during my away time, glad you found this soft place to land. Don't get discouraged.


  • moth
    moth Member Posts: 3,293
    edited August 2018

    Congratulations Meadow!!!!! Beautiful photo, beautiful you! Wishing you many many many more 5s!

  • urdrago71
    urdrago71 Member Posts: 500
    edited August 2018

    Medow, Congrats wishing a many more days, years of the beauty and what a great pic...keep blowing iut those candles!!!

  • SA8PG
    SA8PG Member Posts: 280
    edited August 2018

    Meadow!!!!! So great to see your smiling face. Congratulations on your 5 year mark. Celebrating with you. What great news to share with us.



  • trishyla
    trishyla Member Posts: 698
    edited August 2018

    Yay, Meadow! Congratulations on hitting the "magical milestone". And thank you for coming back to share it with us. It gives us all hope.


  • Vslush
    Vslush Member Posts: 117
    edited August 2018

    Hi Meadow,

    Congratulations on 5yrs! Your picture is so very beautiful!


  • Cathytoo
    Cathytoo Member Posts: 394
    edited August 2018

    Hi Meadow....What a wonderful surprise to wake up and read that you’ve reached the five year mark‼️‼️

    I’m almost at my three year marker. Holding my breath as each day passes. I hope every single one of our group can be posting good news so that those brave women dealing with treatment now will see that there IS LIGHT at the end of a very scary journey.

    I’m not on the site much these days. I’m living a very full life and I’m so grateful for every day.

    I remember the days when your beautiful face and encouraging words were my lifeline....along with these wonderful sisters: Love My Visla (Shelly), Life Aloft (Kelly), Miss B (Brenna), Valstim (Val), Wendiwithani (Wendi), Batesburg (Janet), Loves to Fly (Jill), DFWFly Girl (Amy).

    TO EVERYONE FIGHTING NOW... Stay strong, NEVER give up! We’re waiting to read about your one, two, three, five year markers❤️

    BE WELL, Meadow‼️ I’m so happy for you

  • Cathytoo
    Cathytoo Member Posts: 394
    edited August 2018


  • sylviaexmouthuk
    sylviaexmouthuk Member Posts: 7,940
    edited August 2018

    Hello Meadow,

    It was so nice to see you posting on the thread. I do not recognise many names on there now, but I do remember you so clearly.

    I just wanted to say congratulations on your five years since diagnosis. You do look very well.

    I am still doing the thread I started eight years ago on September 12th 2010 and I am now past thirteen years since diagnosis, live normally but do not take anything for granted.

    Take care and keep up the good work.


    Sylvia xxxx

  • vl22
    vl22 Member Posts: 471
    edited August 2018

    Meadow - beautiful news with a beautiful picture!

  • rdeesides
    rdeesides Member Posts: 233
    edited August 2018

    Meadow, it's so great to hear from an "old timer". This is probably the only time anyone wants to be called an old timer. Haha. I'm so grateful that you checked in, and very happy for you that you have made it to the 5 year mark. Here's praying that we all do the same.


  • Valstim52
    Valstim52 Member Posts: 833
    edited August 2018

    So happy to see you Meadow. We have missed your wisdom dearly. So glad you are doing well. You held my hand tight when I was first dx'd and through all those treatments.

    I've stepped away due to horrible knee pain, that has gotten better and the birth of my granddaughter on 8/13/18. Such a joy. It's dd4's first , so i'm with her all next week, spoiling that baby.

    Hi Cathy, i'm with you. We are probably all at a higher risk. Others are too, they just don't know it yet.

    Again so happy to see our Dear Meadow.

  • Cathytoo
    Cathytoo Member Posts: 394
    edited August 2018


  • anothernycgirl
    anothernycgirl Member Posts: 821
    edited August 2018

    Meadow! How good to see your post and photo, - especially your five year mark!! YAYYY!!

    Cathy, - so good to see you here, too!

    Val! Best wishes to you and your family!! So exciting! I am glad that your knee is better, too. I THANK YOU, again, for your comforting words when I posted about my daughter's difficult pregnancy. You truly made me less worried.

    I, too, have a new grandchild! My daughter gave birth on August 1st to a little girl. She was in the NICU for almost 2 weeks, and is finally home. Amazing how much we instantly loves those little ones!!

    I am thrilled to read that Ally has her baby! Did she post about it? I may have missed that, but I think of her so often and hoped that the baby plans worked out well!!

    I have much catching up to do on reading and responding! Still missing Cockers wisdom and humor.

    BE WELL wishes and hugs to all here!

  • anothernycgirl
    anothernycgirl Member Posts: 821
    edited August 2018

    Bates, - Sounds like irritable bowel. My gastro dr suggested over the counter med called IBGuard. Its mostly peppermint oil, and seems to do the trick for me. Let us know what your dr has to say.

    Sylvia, - always so good to have you check in!! Thank you for giving us all reason for more peace of mind!

  • LoveMyVizsla
    LoveMyVizsla Member Posts: 526
    edited August 2018

    I recently returned home from 3 trips and had gastric-intestinal issues that hung on for about 10days. It resolved finally, and then I had another short bout. Weird that this comes up, but I’m glad it did. I do the FIT test and it’s just swabbing onto a card that you mail off, easy peasy.

    In the early spring of 2013, I broke out in a rash that turned out to be an auto-immune disorder. I took steroids and a chemo called methotrexate. Finally got it under control and off the drugs in August of ‘15 and found my tumor about the same time. Could my low white counts have allowed my cancer to grow? Maybe so. I’ll be really curious to see my counts this week at my check up. They were up slightly last time, to about half of what they should be.

    Great news, Meadow!!

    Great to see you Cathy and Val!

  • Insideout2
    Insideout2 Member Posts: 108
    edited August 2018

    Meadow and others hitting milestones. Thank you for your posts. It is comforting for me to see posts from those diagnosed years ago moving forward.

  • meadow
    meadow Member Posts: 998
    edited August 2018

    Thanks everyone for the warm wishes .You all know how to make a girl feel loved. Gentle hugs to all in treatment, to those with new diagnosis. Sending prayers of healing your way.

  • Cathytoo
    Cathytoo Member Posts: 394
    edited August 2018
    1. LoveMyVizsla...Good to see you here. You and I are on our way to the three year mark. You were diagnosed 10/5/15.....I was diagnosed 10/13. I hear different opinions about counting forward. But, if we’re counting from diagnosis...we’re only two months away‼️ Holding my breath. (Just realized that I have my Dx date as 11/13 but that was my date of surgery
  • LoveMyVizsla
    LoveMyVizsla Member Posts: 526
    edited August 2018

    My MO counts from my first surgery date, which was 12/10.

    I have my annual MRI with contrast, and mammogram tomorrow. I also volunteered to participate in a research study, so I’ll be having a mammogram with contrast too. Seeing a PA instead of my MO. Can’t wait to see where my white counts are.

  • meow0369
    meow0369 Member Posts: 126
    edited August 2018

    Hi all, I don't get to post very often but try to read time to time. I just had my check up with my dr. and I swear I leave there so depressed. I think I should change dr.s but will it matter, will it be more of the same because its TN? Do you ladies leave the your dr apt feeling good and positive? He just goes over my labs which is good but says it's not reliable. He asks if I have pain, I say no. I ask if there's any new info for TN he says no but can do a scan for me if I want which Ive never done. Did he offer it becasue theres a need, he said it isnt recommended. But if it TN then does it need to be caught at earliest stage even tho it could turn mets? Should I get a scan? I don't know how to feel but sad. Ive been trying so hard to move on I even went back to school. I don't necessarily need a Peter Pan type either. Any advice thanks!

    I also asked about getting on HRT with bio identical he said it really wouldn't benefit but says to talk to OBGYN. I have mixed views from two different drs. One says do them for better quality of life and the other that is Onco Obgyn says not to rock the boat the verdict is still out there. Are any of you ladies use HRT? Since we are TN. I had hysterectomy last year.

  • vl22
    vl22 Member Posts: 471
    edited August 2018

    Meow - you are not alone. I too felt sad after getting “good” news at my follow up. We feel how we feel, as my wise father always says.

    If you feel your doctor is negative, maybe do switch - my first was so serious and sad faced, it drove me insane.

    As for scans, I’ve had none. My center does not do any scans unless symptoms appear. I’m really fine with this because I know the anxiety of scans would be too much.

    I know it is so cliche, but I really concentrate on living day by day and getting the most out of every moment. It’s the only way I don’t get enraged to be honest. There are no guarantees and no do overs.

    I hope you feel better soon. Peaks and valleys, right?


  • meow0369
    meow0369 Member Posts: 126
    edited August 2018

    VL22, Thank you for your reply, I had tears as I read it. Your right it is peaks and valley's. I know there are a lot of ladies that do go on for many years without re-occurrence, or none at all. my mother is one that did't have one for 29 years and if she had a bilateral mx she may have never had the other breast affected. So I need to change drs one that can make me feel confident. He didn't tell me I could have spread out my treatments when I couldn't get out of bed. He said it months afterward. Thats just wrong. I only stayed because of insurance at the time.

    May I ask how many treatments you did since we are close on our stages? I did 4 out of the recommended 4-6 dd.

  • santabarbarian
    santabarbarian Member Posts: 2,311
    edited August 2018

    Hi, I am brand new to these boards. DXd in July with IDC, grade 3, 3.8cm tumor, TNBC. The tested me for Androgen positivity and mine was 90%+ pos.

    I just completed the first round of my chemo (6 rounds of Taxotere/Carboplatin). Luckily I seem to have had a great response to the chemo because my lump (easily felt by me) is substantially smaller.

    Are any of you TNBCs also DES daughters?