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Calling all TNs



  • vlh
    vlh Member Posts: 773
    edited February 2020

    Congrats, Farfalla6 and MountainMia!

    Add me to the list of those having another clear mammogram. I think I have two more before being "promoted" from every six months to annual testing so that's encouraging.


  • mountainmia
    mountainmia Member Posts: 857
    edited February 2020

    Congratulations might be too early for me. I got the mammogram results back right away (Friday) but have been waiting for the AVBS -- whole breast ultrasound.

    Got a phone call this morning (Tuesday) to schedule me for a return visit and biopsy. I have a mass in my right breast that is ugly. My cancer diagnosis a year ago was left breast.

    My appointments are for Thursday. First a directed or focused US (not sure what they call it, but specific to the suspicious site) and then biopsy if needed. Based on the description in the test results (finally released to me after the phone call) I would make a large bet that they'll biopsy.

    Feeling quite anxious and it is pushing everything else out of my brain. :(

  • santabarbarian
    santabarbarian Member Posts: 2,311
    edited February 2020

    MM, sitting next to you and squeezing your hand.

  • mountainmia
    mountainmia Member Posts: 857
    edited February 2020

    Thank you, SB.

    When I worked (I was an investment manager,) I often got ready for important client meetings by reminding myself "in 48 hours this will be over." It helped me manage the stress of prep and stage jitters for presentation. You get ready; you do it; it's done. But there really is no "48 hours" on these cancer things. Even if it's a good result this time, it's just not over.

  • farfalla6
    farfalla6 Member Posts: 92
    edited February 2020

    Also sitting next to you and squeezing your hand. what a good way of putting it: I would also think this (in x time, it will be done) and still do to get through work stuff. This is so different.

  • santabarbarian
    santabarbarian Member Posts: 2,311
    edited February 2020

    MM, You are the mountain. I know you will field this, whatever it is, in a strong way.

    But PLEASE remember all the BIRADS 1,2,3, women on these boards, women with lumps that will never go anywhere bad. You may also be one of those women. I would try to defer reacting fully tillI I knew more, in your shoes. I know it is really scary situation, but I am just reminding you that possibilities include all results, not just the smaller percentages of gnarly results. Try not to jump too far ahead.

    I am not a worrier by nature. I usually think, I can worry later-- if/when it's actually real. Not going to burn energy or ruin my own day until it's a real known problem that I can try to solve. But I would probably be making a list of questions, for if a problem came along.

    Try to do some distracting fun things, a movie or an absorbing project like cleaning closets.

  • mountainmia
    mountainmia Member Posts: 857
    edited February 2020

    Thank you both, farfalla and SB. It's good to know you're with me. And yes, whatever happens, it will all be okay, as long as I don't have expectations on what "okay" means. :)

    No, I'm not a skilled worrier, either. I try not to write stories about what might happen. For this, I do have the description, which is bad and says at least it has a decent chance of being malignant. But there could be other explanations, an abscess or scar tissue from my reduction surgery in November. ??? Won't know until they do the work. And for this, because I've gone through this, it's easy to imagine the basic plan and treatment if it is cancer. So I don't need to work very hard at writing that story. My brain flits there and back pretty easily.

    But this morning we went to English class (we volunteer with foreign-born adults from all over the world.) And I'm reading 2 books, one e-book and one paperback. And I have quilting projects to work on, and a nap to take. Tomorrow morning I have a PT appt to deal with some range-of-motion issues of my arm. A university women's basketball game tomorrow night, volunteering at free lunch on Friday... Things to do, places to go...

  • mightlybird01
    mightlybird01 Member Posts: 161
    edited February 2020

    Good luck Mountain Mia.

  • maryjv
    maryjv Member Posts: 269
    edited February 2020

    You got this MM! Sending only positive thoughts and prayers your way 🙏

  • anothernycgirl
    anothernycgirl Member Posts: 821
    edited February 2020


    You know how it is, - everything is biopsied these days, - and it makes us NUTS! But, - I have a hunch that this will be scar tissue! I hope I'm right!!

    Good that you're so busy with better things!

    Hugs from NYC

  • Katiekins
    Katiekins Member Posts: 32
    edited February 2020

    Sorry you have to deal with this MM, positive vibes and strength coming your way.

  • scotbird
    scotbird Member Posts: 592
    edited February 2020

    Sending love and support MM.

  • jrominger
    jrominger Member Posts: 342
    edited February 2020

    Praying for you MtnMia!!! You ARE the mountain!! Keep us posted

  • mountainmia
    mountainmia Member Posts: 857
    edited February 2020

    Thanks so much, everyone! I feel so much support from all of you. I will be sure to let you know what I find out. Hoping I'll know before the weekend.

  • LoveMyVizsla
    LoveMyVizsla Member Posts: 526
    edited February 2020

    MM, hope you get your benign results by the weekend.

    I'm happy to say that I've managed to stay away from the board since the end of November. That is a long time for me. Expecting to get a call any day to schedule my next and maybe last appointment with MO before being released back to the wellness clinic at my center. Yes, I still worry a little when I get a pain, but realize they are likely lymphedema related.

  • mightlybird01
    mightlybird01 Member Posts: 161
    edited February 2020

    I do think US have a high false positive rate. A friend of mine went through something similar, one year after all treatments were finished for triple negative cancer. They found something on the MRI, said that it could be cancer with 60% chance. They did an MRI guided biopsy and it was nothing. They are just super cautious with us triple negatives so short out from treatment. It very well could be nothing for you too.

  • mountainmia
    mountainmia Member Posts: 857
    edited February 2020

    Also posted in another thread:

    Thanks to all of you for your good wishes. I had the follow-up US. Radiologist said the "mass" is collected fluid from my reduction surgery in November. He wants me to come back in 6 months, but was adamant that no biopsy is needed now.

    So HOORAY!

  • santabarbarian
    santabarbarian Member Posts: 2,311
    edited February 2020

    End zone dance!!!!! YAY!

  • Katiekins
    Katiekins Member Posts: 32
    edited February 2020


  • farfalla6
    farfalla6 Member Posts: 92
    edited February 2020

    yay!!! Fantastic news!!!!

  • LoveMyVizsla
    LoveMyVizsla Member Posts: 526
    edited February 2020


  • maryjv
    maryjv Member Posts: 269
    edited February 2020


  • anothernycgirl
    anothernycgirl Member Posts: 821
    edited February 2020

    MM!! that's TERRIFIC!! Yayyyy!

  • mountainmia
    mountainmia Member Posts: 857
    edited February 2020

    I love this site, and so appreciate all of you. You're the best, seriously.

    But I think I need to take a break. I have serious trust issues with my body right now, which I expect is common amongst us. How can I trust that it will keep me safe and healthy? I feel way too vulnerable. This week has completely messed with my mind. I need to get offline and do things, real things, physically and mentally. I need to do more with my quilting. I need to be more physical. I need to not sit in front of the computer.

    So I'm going to log out and try not to check back in for the next several days. Focus on other things.

    Love and good wishes to all of you.


  • jrominger
    jrominger Member Posts: 342
    edited February 2020

    MtnMia. Fantabulous!!! Praise God. Now go play, have a blast and forget about things for awhile. We Look forward to hearing from you down the road!!

    Natalie’s ovaries come out on Wednesday due to BRCA2. Then we should be done hopefully forever!!!!

    Blessings to all!!!


  • notdefined
    notdefined Member Posts: 267
    edited February 2020

    Mountain Mia, I just logged in to read your roller coaster ride this week, and I'm so glad it all turned out great!!!

    I had my 1st mammo since diagnosis, and I got a clean result. But my team of doctors had me scheduled to get an MRI as part of my post care. I went in on Wednesday, and am waiting to hear the results. It is so hard to shake this off and go on living. I am so fixated on Shannon Doherty and her announcement. Whenever I hear or read something like that, it knocks me to my core.

    I hope you are all doing well. I don't check in as often as I used to, but it is nice to catch up when I can.

  • Mazzanja
    Mazzanja Member Posts: 4
    edited February 2020

    I’m 37 was diagnosed Sept. 2019 with TNBC, stage 2a bc of tumor size (2.3 cm), grade 3 (most TNBC is grade 3 due to no targeted therapies and aggressiveness). Had lumpectomy (clear margins), sentinel lymph node removed (negative), and port placed October 2019. BRCA negative, no lymph node involvement or vascular feeding. My treatment is 20 weeks of chemo having 16 treatments total. The regimen is AC-T but I’ve taken the Taxol first. I start AC tomorrow and I’m nervous about it! Once chemo is complete, I will have 6 weeks of radiation, 5 days a week.

    My TNBC Stats based on universal treatment: TNBC usually responds to chemo really well bc of rapid cell division.16% chance of recurrence 10-15 years out. 19% chance of recurrence 20 years out. TNBC if it comes back generally will within 1.5-2years out. If you make it without recurrence for 5 years, you are considered “cured” of course there are many variables to consider. Tumor size, grade, vascular feeding, lymph node involvement are some of the primaries. Change in diet, life habits, exercise can help prevent recurrence. 

    It’s been terrifying and traumatic.

  • Mazzanja
    Mazzanja Member Posts: 4
    edited February 2020

    I’m 37 was diagnosed Sept. 2019 with TNBC, stage 2a bc of tumor size (2.3 cm), grade 3 (most TNBC is grade 3 due to no targeted therapies and aggressiveness). Had lumpectomy (clear margins), sentinel lymph node removed (negative), and port placed October 2019. BRCA negative, no lymph node involvement or vascular feeding. My treatment is 20 weeks of chemo having 16 treatments total. The regimen is AC-T but I’ve taken the Taxol first. I start AC tomorrow and I’m super nervous! Once chemo is complete, I will have 6 weeks of radiation, 5 days a week.

    My TNBC Stats based on universal treatment: TNBC usually responds to chemo really well bc of rapid cell division.16% chance of recurrence 10-15 years out. 19% chance of recurrence 20 years out. TNBC if it comes back generally will within 1.5-2years out. If you make it without recurrence for 5 years, you are considered “cured” of course there are many variables to consider. Tumor size, grade, vascular feeding, lymph node involvement are some of the primaries. Change in diet, life habits, exercise can help prevent recurrence. 

    It’s terrifying and traumatic.

  • santabarbarian
    santabarbarian Member Posts: 2,311
    edited February 2020

    Mazzania,, you have found a good group of fellow TNs to support you. I hope the A/C is tolerable and the remaining treatment goes well. Sound like you caught this early and that's great!

  • Mazzanja
    Mazzanja Member Posts: 4
    edited February 2020

    I've made it thru my first AC. I have labs tomorrow to check my WBC and hope that all is well. I have 3 AC treatments left over 7 weeks and chemo is done! So far, AC has not been bad for me... no bone pain, no nausea...

    Onto radiation next! Gotta do it-to get thru it!