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Calling all TNs



  • Luah
    Luah Member Posts: 626
    edited January 2011

    Hi ladies, just stopping in after two weeks holiday to say hi and wish everyone the very best for the New Year.  I feel like I know you all - and couldn't have gotten through the past year without your insight, ideas and support!

    Best thing that has happened to me... We (husband, son age 21, and I) spent a week at Whistler visiting our 18 yo son, who is out there for a year to ski and work. So wonderful to see him and celebrate Xmas there. Even better, I realized one day that I had gone almost 48 hours without a single cancer thought entering my mind - I was just too busy with other activities and thoughts!  That is indeed progress. Then we returned and headed north for more skiing and visits from family and friends.  Last year at this time, I was on Chemo #2 and 3 - it all seems such a blur to me now.

    I am so very sorry to hear about the recent deaths - such distressing news really does bring home to us how scary and unpredictable this disease is. While none of us can take any day for granted, I do try to remind myself (constantly, when dark thoughts enter) that the vast majority of us will be okay.  

    To the ladies on chemo now, I wish you minimal side effects... and some comfort in knowing that you will eventually be on the other side of it!    

  • MBJ
    MBJ Member Posts: 3,671
    edited January 2011

    Teka:  No need for mean spiritedness.  I am sure Swanny was just trying to be helpful and acknowledging all of our sadness at the last few days events.

  • gillyone
    gillyone Member Posts: 495
    edited January 2011

    Happy New Year everyone! I know it's a rough start for some.

    I am all set for my official weigh in tomorrow morning to get started on the TN Ten Pounds Take-Off. So I am calling myself a TN Tenner. How many Tenners do we have? I think Heidi counted 6 or 7 so far. Now's the time to join in ladies (If you need to, of course! :)

  • Claire82
    Claire82 Member Posts: 490
    edited January 2011

    I'll join!

    Do we have a diet menu?

    I bought lots of yogurt, veggies, fruit, chicken and salmon! Oh some turkey, too.

    Do we need to tell our weight? How often will we report?

  • MBJ
    MBJ Member Posts: 3,671
    edited January 2011

    I don't own a scale, but I do need to lose the holiday extras!  having mostly protein, yogurt, veggies, fruit and no bread, pasta, or sugar. It's a start!

  • Claire82
    Claire82 Member Posts: 490
    edited January 2011

    Go buy a scale!

  • MBJ
    MBJ Member Posts: 3,671
    edited January 2011

    I enjoy not knowing unless I get on my Wii lol!  That's next.

  • lrr4993
    lrr4993 Member Posts: 504
    edited January 2011

    I am glad to see that others have been down from the recent deaths.  I don't mean that in a bad way.  I have cried just about every time I get on this board lately.  I was beginning to think I had a problem, but it sounds like this is somewhat normal.

    I am trying to spend less time here myself.  The main reason is that it is just too scary sometimes. I do enjoy the positive stories and the good advice, but the bad news just kills me.  The only time I am not my old, normal self is when I get on the internet (here or elsewhere) and start reading about this disease.  I think it is time to try to get back to living my life like I used to, but with fruits, veggies, supplements, and exercise added. :)

    I hope everyone has had a very happy new year! 

  • sugar77
    sugar77 Member Posts: 1,328
    edited January 2011

    Are we going to track our 10 pound loss progress on this thread or should we have a separate one? I like Gilly's name "TN Ten Pounds Take-Off" 

  • gillyone
    gillyone Member Posts: 495
    edited January 2011

    My vote is let's have a new thread. It makes it feel like a fresh start.

  • HeidiToo
    HeidiToo Member Posts: 965
    edited February 2011

    OK- I'll start a new thread--- look for it as  named above.

    Teka- sorry to be blunt, buy WTF was "cold turkey" about? Play nice--- or don't play.

    End of rant.

  • HeidiToo
    HeidiToo Member Posts: 965
    edited February 2011

    OK, I created the TN Ten Pounds Take-off thread...

  • moe0279
    moe0279 Member Posts: 100
    edited January 2011

    slcst12, 11/19th was the magical day for me... im chemo first, then surgery and then radiation...I will have taxol for 12 weeks and with avastin every other week, then ddAC.Im participating in a clinical trial...I look forward to the increase monitoring and goals was to take anything that could kick this thing.  For me the waiting was the hardest. once i decided to go to UNC everything started happening..I love that i have a multidisciplinary team who communicate together and all know whats going on.. As for taxol the SE's have been diarrhea, heartburn, fatigue (not horrible), tiredness, body aches, and seems like a bunch, but ive been very blessed to not have any extremes....I keep my nausea meds, imodium, pain killers, and zantac handy...I occasionally have to take a ambien, i worry at night and sometimes can't sleep...

    I will tell you these discussion boards have been wonderful for me...I get to vent, read, and have a connection with many tremendous women...

    If you need anything pm me and we can chat!  

  • cc4npg
    cc4npg Member Posts: 438
    edited January 2011
    TifJ:  How are you feeling?????
  • HeidiToo
    HeidiToo Member Posts: 965
    edited February 2011

    Actually Teka, I had no idea what you meant, and still don't. I was merely trying to understand your acrimonious statement to a fellow poster who was making a generalized statement.

    Beyond that, I don't have the time or inclination to further the pettiness.  Mostly, I skim these posts.

  • Lovelyface
    Lovelyface Member Posts: 563
    edited January 2011

    LRM216 - I am so sorry for your loss.  I didn't know Angelsabove, don't think I have seen that name before, but I can just imagine how you feel especially that you just spoke to her on Dec. 12th.  I just can't believe she was NED mid December and a few weeks later she is gone.  That is really very shocking.  I am wondering if she was Stage IV.  Does one have to be a higher stage in order to face death?  I am triple negative and have just finished chemo, and I think, now what?  Although I still have to do rads, all these questions are there in my mind, should I be putting my life in order or what?  Once again, I feel like yelling "F*ck BC".

  • lrm216
    lrm216 Member Posts: 534
    edited January 2011


    Being blunt is one thing - if that's how you feel you must be, but there does not seem to be one post by you that doesn't sting, or at least attempt to.  I'm curious as to why this has to be?

  • swiftbird
    swiftbird Member Posts: 78
    edited January 2011

    moe0279, I agree with you on lots of your comments -- when I was going through chemo, boy this and the thread of ladies who started my chemo my same month were so helpful.  It really helped me, with expectations with with letting off some steam.  Incidentally, I also had thrust -- some people thought I was exaggerating or was getting the symtpoms wrongs, but, yep, I got thrust almost every round about the 3rd and 4th days -- and fortunately, I tried eating lemon nonfat yoplait  (one of the FEW things I could choke down those days... thank goodness) and that cured it each time.  I was so happy not to HAVE to have ANOTHER prescription for another dang drug!! Try it - worst thing is that you'll get some protein and calcium, best case is you'll get rid of your thrust.  I just ate it reaaalllyy slowly - even throw it in the freezer for a bit, it's kinda like sorbet! 

    That's just my little two cents... for whatever it's worth.  There's been some bad news on this thread this month.  Well, with so many of us... and we really don't know all the details of everyones journey... it's sad, but overall, this is a great and uplifting place to come and get education, comfort and a kind ear.  Keep coming back. I lurk a lot, but I do check in at least every other day or so.   

  • swiftbird
    swiftbird Member Posts: 78
    edited January 2011

    I meant thrush.

  • lrm216
    lrm216 Member Posts: 534
    edited January 2011

    Lovelyface -

    Yes, she was Stage IV.  Apparently, a few months after her original treatments ended, she was found to have progressed.  I can only assume that either none of the chemo worked for her and she must have had a terribly agressive form of TN, or, since I have no idea if she had all the precursory scans prior to treatment, perhaps she was Stage IV from the start and not Stage II as thought.  I really do not know. She lived in Arkansas but then switched her treatmentto CTCA in Chicago and fly there for treatments.  It was widespread and I believe in the brain.  I'd go back over all her posts, but I truthfully don't think I could stand to right now.  I know, even on this board on the Stage IV forum, in mid December, she was celebrating that she was NED and was elated.  Then it appears just days later, her husband was posting on her care pages (DIVA21 was her sign in on that she had worsened was hospitalized and needed prayers - that it was bad.  Then the news that she was gone.  That's why we are all so puzzled with this one as it seems there was something missed here.  How do you have all those scans at CTCA and be NED - and then a short number of days later, it's all over.   I have not heard of any other case of a TN's death that had these circumstances.  While it's terribly upsetting and scares all of us, I think we all must remember that this isn't the usual, or at least not anything I have seen or read my diagnose and to the present.  Just so terribly tragic.

  • moe0279
    moe0279 Member Posts: 100
    edited January 2011

    Thanks Teka!   the only side effects with Avastin is the diarrhea (i think) I will know tomorrow, it will be my 2nd dose!...and the opposite with would think there would be a happy medium between the 

    swiftbird, i did get a script for thrush and it worked...ive heard that i should eat ice chips during i plan on taking my big cup and filling it full...has anyone heard that before, does it actually work? 

  • moe0279
    moe0279 Member Posts: 100
    edited January 2011

    oh yeah, im going to take the yogurt with me!!!! thanks for the tip!

  • moe0279
    moe0279 Member Posts: 100
    edited January 2011

    oh yeah, im going to take the yogurt with me!!!! thanks for the tip!

  • kittycat
    kittycat Member Posts: 1,155
    edited January 2011

    Hi ladies!  It took me a while to get caught up.  I went camping over the weekend and was disconnected (was kind of nice).  Anyway, I am sad to hear of the recent TN deaths.  I hate this disease!!!  I am in for the 10 lb weight loss.  That's the amount I'd like to lose.  I learned over the weekend that alcohol, sugar and caffeine make me feel gross.  I had a few drinks on New Years and felt awful the next day.  Pre-chemo I would have been fine.  I notice that my body craves fruits, veggies and water - lots of water!!! 

    MBJ - that article on the Monsanto sweeteners was very interesting and scary!  When I went to NYC last spring to visit Sloan Kettering, we did a tour of the Tenament Building.  They talked about the terrible things people did to food back in those days.  People acted shocked and I mentioned to the tour guide that we do the same things these days.  I am shocked about the organic thing!!!

    Happy New Year everyone!!!

  • MBJ
    MBJ Member Posts: 3,671
    edited January 2011

    kittycat:  I cravbe healthier foods, too.  Now that the holidays are over it will be much easier to have healthier eating habits.  I am no longer shocked at how low corporations, especially Monsanto, will stoop to make a buck.  I had read about this particular thing before and thought it would be good to share since so many of us are trying to eat healthy.  I hope I haven't gained 10 pounds.  Kind of go by what isn't fitting right now, lol.  I find if I stick to not eating pasta, bread, potatoes, I can lose it fairly easily but I have a horrible sweet tooth.  It's my biggest downfall.  Well, and red wine, too.  I have never camped in wintertime!  It sounds so cold but I do love camping.

  • TifJ
    TifJ Member Posts: 804
    edited January 2011

    Angelisa- thanks for checking on me. I've had a pretty rough weekend. The usual tummy issues, but many more body aches and pains this go around. All I want to do is sleep. Hope you are well!


  • Fighter_34
    Fighter_34 Member Posts: 496
    edited January 2011

    Hi everyone!! Try to stay focused on the positive, and be thankful for all the small blessings life has for us. I am in on the 10 pound challenge, but I am making it 20 for myself. 

    After researching and researching, and talking w/ Drs I am learning that TNBC is no more worse than regular BC, and that we are blessed in the sense that we are HER-2 neg. It's just keeping the beast contained because of lack of treatment options. That's our REAL struggle we don't have treatment options, and options that don't cause harm later in life. *This my opinion* You would be foolish not to combine holistic and conventional methods. All we can do is combine all methods and fight for the best outcome. TAKE CARE LADIES!!!

  • lrm216
    lrm216 Member Posts: 534
    edited January 2011

    Good luck to us all with our weight loss!!!!!

    And to all the newbies that are still going through treatment and can't lose weight yet - not to worry.  I promise you, I will still be on Heidi's weight loss thread losing my weight (probably still the initial 10 lbs!) long after you stop treatments - so I assure, I'll keep the thread going long after they are all done!  Lol!  I'm off to a good start, no???


  • lrm216
    lrm216 Member Posts: 534
    edited January 2011

    Great post, Fighter. Definitely one I think we all need to read from time to time.  Keeps it all in better perspective, especially after our spate of heart-rendering news lately.


  • beetle25
    beetle25 Member Posts: 26
    edited January 2011

    cc4npg:  Although I was sorry to hear that you are going through alot of the same things that I went through with the trips to the hospital, I really hope your trips are over.  I did have a complete pathological response, the onc and surgeon were extremely happy with how my body responded.  I feel very blessed that my body responded the way that it did.  I will pray for you as you continue your treatments and head into your exchange surgery..