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Calling all TNs



  • MBJ
    MBJ Member Posts: 3,671
    edited January 2011
    beetle:  That is such great news.  Makes it almost worth the pain to get such great results.Smile
  • Titan
    Titan Member Posts: 1,313
    edited January 2011

    I think I have had all the calories I can have in one day and it is only 2:00 !!! 

  • sugar77
    sugar77 Member Posts: 1,328
    edited January 2011

    Lol Titan!  I still have no groceries in the house so my DD and I are eating ChexMix that I bought at the airport yesterday for a snack.  Does that count as brunch? Just heading to get some real (heathly) food shortly. 

  • HeidiToo
    HeidiToo Member Posts: 965
    edited February 2011

    Titan- I am sitting next to a drawer full of chocolate... but so far, so good. Story of my life!

    Damn... I better go read on the porch now... only have so much resolve.

  • cc4npg
    cc4npg Member Posts: 438
    edited January 2011

    beetle:  Great news!  Complete pathological response is awesome!!  Thanks for the prayer too!!  I can use all I can get!  So far, doing well here.  Normal ups and downs with this beast, but all in all feel good.

    TifJ:  Glad you are doing ok!  Doing well here.  TC #3 is next Monday, then I have only one more to go!  Excited about that.  Looking forward to Spring, hair growth, and less major stress!

  • lrm216
    lrm216 Member Posts: 534
    edited January 2011

    Titan, Sugar and Heidi


  • Fighter_34
    Fighter_34 Member Posts: 496
    edited January 2011

    CC4npg hang in there I have two more to go too! My feelings are mixed though????

    Glad to be out of treatment but scared of the unknown. I stockpiled the freezer w/ Blueberries and Broccoli; which I plan on eating everyday until I get to the 3 yr. mark. 

    Hey I need some type of therapy or I'll go crazy so it's my daily fusion of Blueberry/Broccoli it is!!!!!! LOLOL 

  • kittycat
    kittycat Member Posts: 1,155
    edited January 2011

    Blueberries and broccoli... just don't combine them!  LOL!  My mom got us a nice blender for Christmas (our old one died a few years ago and I replaced it with a cheap one).  I'm going to try and make healthy smoothies.  :)

  • Titan
    Titan Member Posts: 1,313
    edited January 2011

    Way to go Beetle...CPR!  yay for you!  And I love your screen name..any story behind that?

    And Fighter..I think I like you...

    We have all been through soo much and still going through it...hearing about tn's dying of this just scares the heck out of us...but..what to do...we are all hanging in there and fighting this stuff..just like they did...all we can do is hope for the best..... and do what we can.

    Having breast cancer changes us..hearing of our friends dying changes a friend told me today.."it is what it is"...we can't change that...we still have to go on...helping out our new friends that just joined here...learning from each other..losing weight..even snipping at each other once in awhile..that's normal...

  • jenn3
    jenn3 Member Posts: 388
    edited January 2011

    I just wanted to pop in to say hello.  I'm still catching up on everything, it's been busy these last few days.....

    I'm in for the 10lbs too!

    Tomorrow is the Sugar Bowl, the traffic in town is crazy and our parking lot is a mad house, but the excitement in the air is fun and I look forward to walking around town during my lunch hour tomorrow with the Ohio and Arkansas fans.  I don't know much about either team, but several months ago I promised my coworker, who is from Ohio and a graduate of Ohio State that if they made it to the Sugar Bowl I would cheer for Ohio.    Go.......Bucs!!!!

  • sugar77
    sugar77 Member Posts: 1,328
    edited January 2011

    Okay....I'm rooting for Ohio too! I met some folks in the elevator of the hotel the other day who were there for the Sugar Bowl. Plus, I grew up on Michigan border...not too far from Ohio.

  • navymom
    navymom Member Posts: 842
    edited January 2011

    Its been along time since I posted on this thread and I have had to skip ahead several pages to catch up.  I didn't realized how much I missed my TN sisters!  I've been hanging out on the IL girls thread mostly.

    Can I join in on the 10lb thread?  I am still carrying the 22 lbs of chemo junk in my trunk!

    And I feel compelled to just say that I am not sure I know the ladies that have recently passed, but your pain comes through loud and clear on this thread.  Hugs to you all.


  • Titan
    Titan Member Posts: 1,313
    edited January 2011

    Thanks for cheering for Ohio State!  I think we are going to need it! My nephew is in NOLA now...I am sure he is having a good time! I wish I was there too...haven't been to New Orleans in years.

  • janda
    janda Member Posts: 4
    edited January 2011

    Hello to all my TN sisters.

    Thank you all for sharing your thoughts about this cancer journey. In may i got my cancer, and of course it had to be the worst case, i think. TN 3 with 12 postive nodes!! Wow, that is so scary. Just finished my chemo, 4 Fec and 4 taxotere. In one week my radiation is done. So now what? It feels scary, and to be honest I`m not happy to be finished treatments. How can i start to live again? Everybody is saying: Doesn`t it feel great that this is over? Over? I asked my onc if he could get me some moore chemo, but no, that`s it. I guess some of you have had this feelings, and i`m still wondering if there will come a day, when i`m not thinking about this the whole day?

  • tnbcRuth
    tnbcRuth Member Posts: 338
    edited January 2011

    Janda - I'm not going to give you the long speech on 'how to get over this', but just a suggestion for your first baby step away from it...this event was All Consuming to say the least.  What new task/topic can you re-focus on?  Its like watching TV all day.  Change the channel.  Your focus will gradually shift away from the trauma and worry.  No rush, just think about it.

    I have to do this every time we have a bad hurricane headed our way.  For days I am glued to the TV, who is broadcasting 24/7 updates.  I am busy taking precautions, monitoring my reactions to the intensity, and then poof*, its over.  The TV eases back into its regular schedule and I'm still there on the sofa watching intently.  It takes 1/2 a day or more to pull away from it.  Certainly NOT an accurate comparison, but you get the idea. 

    You will be fine :) 

  • janda
    janda Member Posts: 4
    edited January 2011

    Thank you:-)

    All the other ladies i know is having tamox or herceptin, and they are looking forward to move on, but i`m one of thoose thinking, what`s next? Having so many positive nodes it`s so depressing. Lookes like all the postive nodes women are either er/pr + or her 2+. Need some good stories right now:-)

  • Babs37
    Babs37 Member Posts: 320
    edited August 2011

    Janda: I'm TN and have 3 positive nodes that I know of. I am now doing my chemo (did AC and I have 3 out of 12 Taxol to go) and will have my surgery after. So far, it's going good for me. Keep the faith. But I know it's hard. I understand you completly. 

    The thing I've been wondering about all the ones who have negative nodes, who write 0/4 or else: were the nodes positive before doing the chemo and then were negative after because of the chemo or were they negative to begin with?

  • MBJ
    MBJ Member Posts: 3,671
    edited January 2011

    Ruth:  I thought that was a great analogy except that we are on constant "storm" alert.

    Navymom:  Great to hear you are doing well and it's good to hear from you!

    Okay ladies, got up this morning and threw out some leftover sweets that I so do not need.  I wish that I only put on the pounds on my behind, but unfortunately it all goes to my belly and it's not flattering, to say the least.  All night long I had "healthy" food dreams and so I am going to try and focus on the New Year and healthier food choices since I normally don't purchase junk food or sweets--well, except for the dark chocolate.  Lots of antioxidants in that!

  • Fighter_34
    Fighter_34 Member Posts: 496
    edited January 2011


    Right now unless your tumor is large you don't rec'd chemo first. You either proceed w/ the lumpectomy (?) or MX.

    I think TN's that will soon be changing. If chemo is administered first then the ONC can see which cocktail is actually working best; which yields a better outcome for the patient.

    I like the latter you know upfront if your battle is for the best outcome.

    Treatment 6 rounds of Taxotere & Cytoxin
    Diagnosis: 8/30/2010, IDC, 1cm, Stage I, Grade 3, 0/1 nodes, ER-/PR-, HER2-

  • mitymuffin
    mitymuffin Member Posts: 242
    edited January 2011
    SharonKW, I was also plagued by shortness of breath. I'm now nearly 3 months post-chemo (AC and T)  and my breathing has greatly improved, but isn't up to where it was pre-chemo.  The heart tests come back within normal range, and the docs say it may take a year for the breathing to get back to what I consider normal.
  • monisch
    monisch Member Posts: 43
    edited January 2011

    hi ladies..happy new year to you all. Im finally writting you guys again.. has been a while  sorry !!

    I'm done with my chemo  6x and now its been 6 weeks since i've finished. Im on my 3rd day of Radiation.. I have 38 sittings... 5 days per week  gonna take me approx. 8 weeks to get done.

    My hair is finally growing back.. very light ( guess my natural blond is coming back ),,,, no hair cut just yet  lol. My last 3 fingernails on both of my hands have a brown stripe going across them. My fingers and feet are still numb and bad leg pain at night. This all due to my last 3 chemo sittings with Taxotere. Im tellin ya girls..thats some nasty stuff. Im going to be so glad when all this therapy stuff is over with, but i fear the next 5 months are still gonna be a rough ride. Hey... im positive that 2011 will be good to all of us.... this is what we have to beleive.

    Ill get back to ya asap... till then keep your heads up and be positive.... WE ARE SURVIVORS 

  • cc4npg
    cc4npg Member Posts: 438
    edited January 2011
    Babs37:  I have 0/3 nodes... had surgery before chemo, so we know they were negative.  They base the neoadjuvant chemo I believe on the size of the tumor.  Mine was extremely tiny.  On one hand, no, I don't know if I had a complete pathological result.  On the other hand, I know the tumor was 3 mm, no nodes involved, and no vascular involvement. 
  • Blindsided
    Blindsided Member Posts: 28
    edited January 2011

    Just posting beacuse I am excited and relieved to have had my 4th and final TC treatment today! While the next week will not be entirely pleasant, it will be the last bad week and I am thrilled!  Hang in there all of you who are still in chemo- the end will be here sooner than you think

  • Swanny
    Swanny Member Posts: 118
    edited January 2011

    Congrats Blinsided.  Radiation next?

  • riley702
    riley702 Member Posts: 575
    edited January 2011

    Babs37 wrote:

    "The thing I've been wondering about all the ones who have negative nodes, who write 0/4 or else: were the nodes positive before doing the chemo and then were negative after because of the chemo or were they negative to begin with?"

    Unless they do lymph node biopsies before and after chemo (which I don't think is commonly done), you'll never know for sure if they were negative all along or if the chemo turned them negative.

    I had chemo first, so I didn't know the status of my nodes prior to chemo, with the exception of one enlarged node that they did a fine-needle aspiration biopsy on when they biopsied my tumor. It tested negative. When I had surgery, my doc took out the sentinel node as well as one close to it. They were also negative, but that was after chemo. I can't absolutely say that I had no positive nodes prior to chemo, but I did have two that were negative after chemo. 

  • riley702
    riley702 Member Posts: 575
    edited January 2011

    I so hope this works and gets FDA approval.

  • HeidiToo
    HeidiToo Member Posts: 965
    edited February 2011

    riley- I think that is one of the things that would nag at me with neoadjuvant chemo... how do you really know? Does it even matter, as long as the nodes got "cleaned"? Questions, always questions!

  • slcst12
    slcst12 Member Posts: 73
    edited January 2011

    Hello ladies!

    I just had all my follow ups today (surgeon, onc, risk assessment) and I learned some things.

    They took 2 nodes in the SNB and they were both clear!
    They got clear margins...but one part of the margin was very small (<1mm) b/c it was so close to the skin. was still clear, so I count that as a win.

    They noticed IDC and DCIS in what they removed.  I'm healing nicely and I argued for them to let me start chemo straight away, they agreed to do port placement and 1st chemo on Jan 18th, all the same day.

    Now the decision is whether or not I want to be in the Avastin trial. I can do DD  AC / T for the 4 months, or I can be put in the Avastin trial and do the AC every 2 wks for 4 infusions, and then weekly Taxol for 12 weeks. Depending on which arm of the Avastin trial I'm in, I could be receiving Taxol and Avastin for 12 weeks, or not.  I've been reading up on Avastin, so I know there's some controversy around the FDA yanking the breast cancer indication from Avastin...but would love to hear your thoughts / opinions. I have a few days to think about it.

    I would also love input on the whole wig shopping there a place to go to get "fitted" and purchase wigs? Or is this really something you just get out of a catalog and hope for the best?


  • Babs37
    Babs37 Member Posts: 320
    edited August 2011
    slcst12: I bought my wig this september at the Daytona Beach flea market Wink! I paid 80$ and it fits perfectly. I get great comments when I wear it.A good wig in canada starts at 300$ so I made a great deal. I find myself wearing my scarf most of the time so I'm glad I didn't pay a lot for my wig......