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Calling all TNs



  • Lovelyface
    Lovelyface Member Posts: 563
    edited February 2011

    Laurajane - I am sorry for my post, which was not answering your question, rather changing the subject.  When I posted, I didn't see your post there.  Anyway, what I wanted to say is that I find you are a very brave woman.  I can just imagine what it feels like if the chemo which works for others doesn't work for you.  I have always wondered about women like me who has done AC & T dose dense, after surgey, will ever really get to  know whether chemo really worked or not. I guess I will never know.  I feel that there may be many of us for who Chemo doesn't really work, but we will never know since they were given after surgery.

  • Titan
    Titan Member Posts: 1,313
    edited February 2011

    Good to hear from you LJ...I'm becoming more of a lurker somewhat than a poster...I read all of your posts everyday and think of ALL of you all the's weird.sometimes coming on here is something I NEED..just like breathing..and sometimes..I just need to read and go away..the emotions of a cancer DX are always there..but somedays..I just don't even think of that a good thing?  Am I in denial?  Maybe..but I like it there.

    Went to my treatment center today for a blood draw for Vit D...just chatted with the lady about the Super Bowl..then left..didn't even look in the area where the chemo patients are..I think that is the first time I've done that..

    On another note..the mammo dept. is close to the blood place (I call them vampires).and I heard a nurse call a lady on the phone about coming back for another mammo and an ultrasound if needed...I could tell by the phone call that the lady on the other end was freaking.. The nurse/receptionist then wished her a good vacation!  I told my DH if I was this lady I would demand to come in NOW...I'm sure you guys all remember that "come back for more pictures" phone call...I just wanted to jump on that phone and give this lady a hug..I'm sure she won't have a good vacation..

    Sorry to change the subject here...just talking..and you guys know I like to do that! Laughing

  • lindaa
    lindaa Member Posts: 13
    edited February 2011

    Laurajane, I am also hoping for the right chemo combination.  I started with taxol/carbo and first scans after 3 cycles were good, but then things got bigger again.  next was DD A/C but was stopped after #3 because scans showed spot on rib - so I was wavering between 3C and 4 but now am officially a 4.  I'm on zometa/xeloda/lexempra.  I have looked around these boards and there are quite a few who say AC did nothing for them.  Everyone is different.

      Why did your onc tell you a year?  Did you ask?  i hate when docs try to put an expiration date on ppl.  I believe anything can happen and anything is possible.  There is a woman on here who was given 3mos - that was 5 years ago.  I also know a guy who was given less than a year for liver cancer, 7 years ago.  And very sadly, a friend who was stage2 BC, told she was fine after finishing treatments, barely made it 2 years.  It's a crazy disease.

  • laurajane
    laurajane Member Posts: 305
    edited February 2011

    Lovelyface- I was wondering the same thing. But once it is out of you I think it is better. I wish now that I had had surgery first. Gosh, I wish I could give you the answer you want. I think you have to have total faith in your onc. It's great that you are feeling good and excercising etc. Go with your gut. I know that is so easy to say but I believe you have to go with it with everything you've got. 

    Titan- Thanks for posting. I agree I would of wanted to do the same thing. I feel sad for the receptionist, nurses etc that have to make that call. I'm sure it is hard for them too.

    Lindaa- Thank-you for your post. The majority of women that I have spoken with have had good results from AC combined with Taxol, so far. I'm praying that they have long term benifits. I'm hoping the chemo cocktail your on now works for you. I am now and have been trying to ignore my prognosis that I was given last Sept. My prognosis was given I guess because of the signifigant growth of my tumor and then spreading to my lymphs in such a short time while I was doing chemo DDAC and then Taxol.  I am still strong and kicking. You are right I have heard many happy scenarios from other people given the same prognosis. I spoke with a friend tonight that has a completely different kind of cancer but he was given 6 months and that was three years ago. He sounded great . I love the inspiration. Lets all stay strong. We can beat this. 


  • Lovelyface
    Lovelyface Member Posts: 563
    edited February 2011

    laurajane - I was really surprised to hear that taxol had started to work at first and then it didn't.  There is someone I know who was given Adrimycin/cytoxan 4 doses, but her tumor didn't shrink. She was doing the neoadjuvent like you, chemo before surgery.  First of all I was wondering why the doctor didn't notice that the tumor didn't shrink the second or third dose, why it had to go on for 4.  She wasted so much time, and time is of essence with BC.  She was put on Aridimex, being post menopausal.  Aridimex is not chemo, but just an anti-hormone therapy.  By the way she is not TN, but hormone positive.  I am going to see her tomorrow, so will ask her why she was not given another chemo cocktail.  Laurajane - if you are feeling so positive about carbo/gemzar, I am sure it is working 100%.  I hope your PetScan comes out all clear.  I am sure you have also changed your lifestyle to reduce fat, artificial food and include lots of exercise.  While they are trying to treat our cancer, I believe that  we need to work on our bodies so that it doesn't produce excessive estrogen, or try to balance whatever brings about cancer.  You go Girl!!!!!!!

  • cc4npg
    cc4npg Member Posts: 438
    edited February 2011

    Laurajane:  I'm glad to see you here and feeling so well, as well as almost done with chemo!  I'm also glad you've felt so good that you haven't been here.  I always love knowing someone drops off the forum because they're getting on with their life... as it should be.... and then every once in a while, perhaps a couple years even, they pop back on to let everyone know they're still around, and it gives inspiration and hope to those just starting the journey.

    Titan:  No, I don't think you're in denial.  I think you're living.  Glad to hear that.

    As I sat waiting for my last chemo, a slightly older woman walked in and sat down.  I have strange knack for feeling certain feelings from other people, but I said nothing.  Her husband came in, sat down, and I overheard him asking her if she was ok... which clearly I felt she wasn't.  Then I began wondering if this was her first time, or a recurrence, she was clearly fearful and worried.  My question was answered when her husband walked up to the receiptionist desk, and the woman walked over to me, reached out her hand, and introduced herself with slightly tear filled eyes.  It was a recurrence, but not bc... lung.  8 years ago she was diagnosed with small cell carcinoma of the lung, and now it is squamous cell, lymph nodes involved, dx on Dec 23rd.  She was completely shattered at the news.  She had been labeled "cured", and been discharged.  At only 67, she wasn't sure she wanted to do chemo again, and I tried to encourage her that things had changed substantially in 8 years with drugs to help with SE's as well as fighting cancer.  We weren't too far from one another during the infusion, so I was able to hear she will have Taxol/Carboplatin.  I felt such mixed emotions.  I'm not sure I will ever see her again.. we exchanged phone numbers but not certain if she will respond via text or email.  I hope she beats this and is able to spend the rest of her life with her family.  Her name is Shirley.

  • kittycat
    kittycat Member Posts: 1,155
    edited February 2011

    Getting dx the 2nd time with cancer is a very scary moment.  I was completely dumbfounded (so were the doctors).  I hope there is a day where no one gets dx with cancer or at least they find a cure!!! 

  • riley702
    riley702 Member Posts: 575
    edited February 2011
    Thanks for sharing, Angelisa. My sister's father-in-law "beat" lung cancer once, only to have it come back 12 years later. Our father was diagnosed with lung cancer between the two, and as my sister's only experience with lung cancer was the "miracle" cure, she didn't understand why my reaction was hysterics. I'm a respiratory therapist. Frown Our father lived 9 months after diagnosis, and when he went, he went quickly and peacefully. My family still has no clue how lucky we were. He passed after one day being mostly unconscious, after the previous day being fairly comfortable on 100% oxygen in the ER. Comfortable enough to chew on a resident who wanted to do a CT "to see what's going on in there". Dad told him, "I can tell you what's going on; I'm dying of lung cancer!" and then mumbled "Idiot." under his breath.
  • laurajane
    laurajane Member Posts: 305
    edited February 2011

    Linda- Thanks again for sharing. How long have you been on this chemo cocktail? What are you SE's? Again I am sending positive thoughts your way that it is working. You are the first person I have come across that had a similiar reaction to their chemo.

    Lovelyface- I had a similiar experience with my last onc. She wouldn't believe me when I told her my tumor was growing and kept telling me to wait for my next 3 week appt. My good friend/doc insisted she see me sooner and ordered an utrosound which showed the tumor size increase which is why they did emergency surgery. I haven't talked to her since and after multiple opinions went with an onc. I just love. She spends lots of time with me and I feel she really cares and pays attention to all of my questions.

    Kittykat- I am so sorry that you got the news of a 2nd cancer. We are all praying for a cure.

    Riley- I'm so sorry for your loss. I'm glad for you that he went peacefully and quick. My father died of prostrate cancer, by the time he got his DX he had bone mets. He too lived almost 3 years after his 6month prognosis. 

    Well the icestorm is here. It looks so beautiful outside with all of the trees covered. We are supposed to get even more ice today and tonight. The infusion center called early this morning to if I wanted to postpone my appt. with my onc and chemo. I guess they got several cancellations today. I'm waiting for her to call back to reschedule. I'm so anxious to meet with her. I have some pain in areas I hope she can confirm that they are nothing. I hope everyone has a great day today. I'll post later with the best thing that happened today.

    Life is good unless we decide to make it great! 

  • monisch
    monisch Member Posts: 43
    edited February 2011

    luah and lovingmother:  I live in europe and have had that chemo treatment. Its called FEC/DOC.

    FEC is 3 different substances that you recieve first 3 times... every 3 weeks  the DOC ist Taxotere that you also get every 3 weeks  all in all you have 6 sittings. The taxotere is what knocked me out, the FEC was a breeze compared to that.. i didnt have any SE other than feeling a little under the weather on the following day. The taxotere hit me approx. 3 days after the treatment and then lasted approx 7 days thereafter. I had enormous pain in my legs, stomach aches, my mouth was completely sore inside so that i couldnt even swallow anyhing, lost my taste buds. And now 2 months after my last sitting i still have numb feet and hands, good thing is my tastebuds are back and my hair is growing back as well.

    I wish all of you strength who are going thru the chemo part now... it gets better believe me.

    I have 4 mire weeks of rads and then im hopefully done for good with these treatments.

    ladies have a great day.... 

  • kelben
    kelben Member Posts: 199
    edited February 2011

    That is what I experienced with Taxotere, exactly!  I still have neuropathies and my cancer is back.  I thought for sure the red devil would kill everything inside me, but I guess I'm a tough old broad....:o(

  • HeidiToo
    HeidiToo Member Posts: 965
    edited February 2011

    Back in a funk today. I am ashamed to admit that I now clearly resent other people's good health. Does that make me a bad person?

    I think winter is making me SAD. Never suffered from that before.


  • Claire82
    Claire82 Member Posts: 490
    edited February 2011


  • Claire82
    Claire82 Member Posts: 490
    edited February 2011

    cherry blossum time?

  • Fighter_34
    Fighter_34 Member Posts: 496
    edited February 2011

    LauraJane: glad to have you back!

    Kelben: is it local this time? Well wishes.

    Friends: thanks for the encouragement and take care of yourself. Smile knowing you did all you could do.Kiss

  • HeidiToo
    HeidiToo Member Posts: 965
    edited February 2011

     Claire82- "Yes"... I am a bad person? Or "Yes" DC is a good idea?Surprised

    Cherry Blossum time would be good.... have to see when that usually occurs.

  • TifJ
    TifJ Member Posts: 804
    edited February 2011

    Heidi- I am noticing on all the threads I follow that we all seem to be in a funk lately. Maybe it is the winter blues. I think resenting ( or being jealous of) a healthy person is only natural. Everything we are going through is so unfair. It sucks knowing we have to think about this for the rest of our lives while other people don't. I can't even watch a sappy TV show without crying thinking about will I see my children grow up. We are entitled to be jealous, but I like to think we are so much more aware of how much we love and appreciate our family and friends. I too am sad and tired of all this sh*t- let's hope Spring brings us health and some happiness!


  • Claire82
    Claire82 Member Posts: 490
    edited February 2011

    Yes to DC

    I think you are a great person, heidi.

  • laurajane
    laurajane Member Posts: 305
    edited February 2011

    Kelban- So sad to hear its back. Man, so, so sorry. 

    Heiditoo- Sorry you are in a funk. I wish i could say or do something funny to make you smile. All the jokes I know are way too dirty and if I posted them they might close this thread. I think DC sounds like a blast. They have the beyond beautiful arboretum there. This Winter has been relentless here also. But everthing covered in ice today is beautiful the trees look magical. Hope you feel better soon.

    Fighter-Glad to be back. Ditto to your post to Friends. 

  • dawn31337
    dawn31337 Member Posts: 93
    edited February 2011

    Heidi, that's just north of Lewes, isn't it?  I have a house on that beach!

  • HeidiToo
    HeidiToo Member Posts: 965
    edited February 2011

    dawn--Yes. I sail off that beach a lot. My family has/had a beach house on Fire Island.

    LJ- silly girl--- just *PM* them to me!Cool

  • dawn31337
    dawn31337 Member Posts: 93
    edited February 2011

    I see dolphins all the time from my deck!

  • HeidiToo
    HeidiToo Member Posts: 965
    edited February 2011

    Gosh... small world! Do you sail? Like horses?

  • cc4npg
    cc4npg Member Posts: 438
    edited February 2011

    Winter always makes me down, and with bc, it's worse.  I have noticed that sometimes I get irritated when others are so healthy, and yet they are so mean about trivial things.  That's what gets to me most.  They have no clue what it's like to fight a beast you can't buy off with money... and one where you can't work more in order to gain health.  After dx with this, everything that can eventually be fixed either with money or changing jobs or minor surgery seems trivial to me.

  • dawn31337
    dawn31337 Member Posts: 93
    edited February 2011

    My horse is of the iron variety...I have a Harley.  I do like to ride horses, but never got into it big.  It would be lots of fun to ride on the beach though!

  • HeidiToo
    HeidiToo Member Posts: 965
    edited February 2011

    cc4npg- ditto. And the one's who complain about having a cold.... aarrgg! (and that's not the pirate in me speaking)

    Here's the pirate (again-- I never get tired of seeing a pink elephant):

  • HeidiToo
    HeidiToo Member Posts: 965
    edited February 2011

    dawn- do you know Cheryl D. of DE Breast Cancer Coalition? She's a biker dude.

  • HeidiToo
    HeidiToo Member Posts: 965
    edited February 2011
    To all: one more thing--- I thought our "stuff" was private in Why do some of my posts show up in a fricking search engine???!!!Yell
  • HeidiToo
    HeidiToo Member Posts: 965
    edited February 2011

    Aargh Mateys! Can you tell I'm going *STIR CRAZY*?

    I'll stop now--- headed out to a movie.

  • Claire82
    Claire82 Member Posts: 490
    edited February 2011

    Look at this snow! 12 more inches due tonight and tomorrow! This is my granddaughter, Charlotte, and her baby brother was due yesterday. What are the chance that he will be born in the middle of the ice storm tonight?