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Calling all TNs



  • beetle25
    beetle25 Member Posts: 26
    edited February 2011

    Luah- what wonderful news truly great to hear.

  • riley702
    riley702 Member Posts: 575
    edited February 2011

    My 'commute' to the doc takes about half an hour, so doubling that should get me there somewhen close to my appointment.

  • lrr4993
    lrr4993 Member Posts: 504
    edited February 2011

    Hey guys - I would love to be kept in the loop on the DC trip.  I don't post as much as others, but read often.  You all sound so great and it would be nice to have a positive come out of all of this mess.  

    The only problem for me is that I already have 3 vacations on the books for this year, so it may be difficult in terms of time off work and expense.  But still keep me in the loop.  That picture of DC with the cherry blossoms is gorgeous!   

  • Titan
    Titan Member Posts: 1,313
    edited February 2011

    Woo Hoo Luah!  YES YES YES...that's about all I can good to hear some good news! crack me up.. (still love your avatar..have I said that b-4?).

    About the DC trip..yes...I would love to try and make it..$$$ are tight right now with my daughter's wedding coming up in October..but..I would like to make it...Heidi..any casinos around DC..I love to go to casinos...

    Angelisa..we are both in Ohio..I googled DC and it is 6 hours from my house..if there is any way you could swing it..and get to my house..I think you are 2-3 hours from me..I could drive the rest of the way...or maybe we could meet in Columbus and fly..if we could get a cheap flight..I would love to go...I would love to hang out with all of you..we would have soo much fun!

  • lindaa
    lindaa Member Posts: 13
    edited February 2011

    Thanks laurajane for the good thoughts - same to you! 

     I had very few few SE' on the taxol.  The AC wiped me out.  Plus I had an infected port that had to come out so i was in the hospital and am still having my wound packed every day by DH and a visiting nurse that comes once a week.  I have only had one dose of lexmpra and go in on tues for #2.  I take the xeloda pills for 14 days.  My fingers tingled for about 2 days after treatment, and I did get a couple of small blisters on my fingers.  i guess the one I am now it is all about hand/foot. No nasua, but very tired.  The sofa has been my friend for too many weeks lately.  I do think fighting an infection while on chemo was a factor, but the onc says no.  I don't know about that. the body can only take so much. 

    I noticed you said you had to get a new onc?  me too.  i kind of knew from these boards what 'progression' meant.  When I was on round 5 of the taxol (I was scheduled for 6), I small bump appeared on neck.  I showed it to onc, and he said, 'oh, its so tiny', let's continue and finish.  My instincts said, 'wait, doesn't this mean we should stop now and rescan and switch to something else?" but I think I was in denial and wanted to believe that it was no big deal.  so another month of everything getting big again!  Oh well.  I can see how so many, including myself, falter during treatment because of little missteps like this.  glad you had  your emergency surgery, I hope I get mine soon.

  • TifJ
    TifJ Member Posts: 804
    edited February 2011

    Lindaa- I had an infected port too! 5 days after last tx. Had the port out 2 days later- 11 days of IV antibiotics and 12 of oral until i broke out in an antibiotic induced rash- now i am waiting to see infection dr. Everything has been closed down in Kansas City due to weather for the past 2 days. I too have to pack my port removal incision every other day! Let's hope we get through this without losing our minds!! This has been worse than chemo for me.

  • laurajane
    laurajane Member Posts: 305
    edited February 2011

    Titan- You have to make it to DC. Well I guess I should say, "I sure hope you can make it". You are the main reason we have all gotten to know each other. Remember, you started this wonderful thread. Thank-you for that.

    Lindaa- So sorry to hear about your port. That is so scary. I had the same reaction to AC and Taxol as you did. The lexmpra and xeloda sound scary to me too. The Carboplatin and Gemzar are not as bad as AC but not as easy on me as the Taxol was. Sorry, easy isn't the right word, I hope you know what I mean. I've learned to know my couch well too! I did get a recliner right before surgery and I think it likes me better. When I am feeling better I should know how to remodel every room in my house myself I've watched so much HDTV. I agree with you about the infection/ chemo. Thats hard on anybody to fight at the same time. I hope your new onc is more on top of things and takes you seriously. We know our bodies better than anyone.

    I hope everyone has a great evening. 

  • Claire82
    Claire82 Member Posts: 490
    edited February 2011

    anyone coming from the connecticut area? amtrak is $114 round trip to DC.

  • lindaa
    lindaa Member Posts: 13
    edited February 2011

    Yes, tif, I really have to work on keeping these infections away.  When I was on taxol I got a nasty boil on my bottom that had to be lanced.  Awful and painful.  I couldn't drive for a month because I couldn't sit right.  I can get through the SE's ok, but these other things make feel like a cancer patient and I don't like that.  Before the boil I was walking 2 miles every day. I still haven't gotten back into it.

    My port got me hospitalized for 6 nights and I barely made it home for Christmas. I did the IV antibiotics for 20 days total.  I have a picc in my arm now.

  • lindaa
    lindaa Member Posts: 13
    edited February 2011

    That DC pic looks amazing!

    last weekend I attended a memorial service for a friend of my DH and myself who just lost her battle with BC after recurrance mets everywhere.  She was er+.  Because of her 2 daughters (11 and 13), she insisted on a family oriented, upbeat, life celebration.  The church was packed full, lovely stories were read (the 'Waterbug and the Dragonfly' was one), a childrens choir sang, it was really touching and she did get her wish because it was not as sad as i thought it was going to be. 

    The night before I went out to dinner with DH and daughter/SIL.  An older couple were seated next to us.  I wear a cap instead of a wig, and my shoulder still hurts from port surgery, so i had a little of the patient look going.  As I got up to leave, the woman patted me on the back.  When I turned around she took my hand and said, 'me too, 25 years ago today'.  Then she got up and hugged me. We exchanged a few more words, but when I left, I couldn't help but feel that the meeting was not random.  She could have been seated anywhere, it was a big place.  And I had never been to that restuarant before. It was encouragement I needed to hear before going to the memorial service the next day.

  • TifJ
    TifJ Member Posts: 804
    edited February 2011

    Good lord Linda! I have been off the antibiotic for 6 days now and I still see some red up by the original incision by my neck- I sure hope the infection dr. is open tomorrow-I am really worried that it's not completely gone and he won't prescribe a different antibiotic without seeing me first. Even though I was done with tx I asked for a picc because the IV antibiotics were killing my arm, but dr. wouldn't do it-said the catheter for the picc would be too close to the infection. This is supposed to be a time of getting my life back (after chemo) and it has been pure hell. I think I have another 3-4 weeks before my incision closes up. I had to skip a fill because of the infection, so I imagine it will push my exchange surgery back.

    I sure hope things get better for you soon. Having chemo is bad enough, but all these little "extras" are just plain unfair.


  • TifJ
    TifJ Member Posts: 804
    edited February 2011

    Your story brought tears to my eyes. It was a meeting that was meant to be! So sorry to hear about your friend.

  • Swanny
    Swanny Member Posts: 118
    edited February 2011

    Hi Everyone.  I can not believe that I had 4 pages to catch up on.  I am usually reading the boards daily. 
    Although I do not post very often I feel I know most of you from reading your stories. 
    DC is not a possiblility for me but I will think of you and hope you all have a great time. 
    I am going to try to post a picture (hope it works), the shovel fairy visited me today and I am very happy about that. 
    If it does not work, I will look it up directions and try again. 

  • Swanny
    Swanny Member Posts: 118
    edited February 2011

    Heidi, How do I make my pictures bigger or how do you post them to the board?

  • cc4npg
    cc4npg Member Posts: 438
    edited February 2011
    Titan:  I'd absolutely love to hang out and meet everyone here, and under other circumstances if I had vacation time and wasn't needed for the new business, I'd definitely do it.  But, I'm currently the administrative assistant/accounts rec and payable/secretary/receptionist and more here so I can't leave.  I do everything but repair computers!  lol  And I must say, it's probably one of the harder jobs I've had.  And the pay isn't all that great either right now... actually it's nada, zip, zilch, zero!  However, the American dream is to be able to have success, so we'll see how that goes in this economy!  I'm an hour from Columbus.
  • Claire82
    Claire82 Member Posts: 490
    edited February 2011

    The DC trip is on a friday sat and sun- im coming in late fri night and leaving sunday night- no vacation time needed :)

  • Titan
    Titan Member Posts: 1,313
    edited February 2011

    Angelisa..I'm 1 /2 hours from Columbus..maybe we could work something out..I'm at a low paying job too!

  • Titan
    Titan Member Posts: 1,313
    edited February 2011

    LLindaa..what a great story...I just hope that we can be the "comforters" someday..instead of the "comfortees"...wouldn't that be great?

    Angelisa..I found a flight for $245 dollars..from Columbus..leaving Friday am..coming back Sunday evening...still a bit higher than I would like...would like under $200.00 bucks..I'll keep looking.

    Thanks LJ..yes..I would like to go...and I may have started this thread back in May at midnight because I felt lonely and needed someone to talk to but all of YOU have made this thread what it is today.....alot of us talking about a million different things! I like that we talk about our cancer and experiences..but it is nice to talk about Jimmy Buffet and our experiences at Target too...!

  • mitymuffin
    mitymuffin Member Posts: 242
    edited February 2011
    Luah, happy day!
  • cc4npg
    cc4npg Member Posts: 438
    edited February 2011

    The best place I found for flights honestly has always been priceline.  I can't swing this trip, but I do want to see lots of pictures!  It sounds like an awesome time!  I know with priceline, you have to just about go daily and just put in a ridiculously low price.  I go there for motels too... I got a 3 1/2 star, $110 a night motel the last two trips for $40 per night in a good area in the Inland Empire in Cali.  But like I said, it's hit and miss with priceline and takes time.  Oh, shoot, I forgot... Spirit airlines is what I flew on last time, but they're in MI.  It was really cheap though.

  • navymom
    navymom Member Posts: 842
    edited February 2011

    Lindaa: That was a beautiful story. Thank you for sharing.


  • riley702
    riley702 Member Posts: 575
    edited February 2011

    lindaa, what a wonderful story. I think things like that are more than coincidence, and they give me a warm tingle.

    Yes, Titan, thanks for starting this thread. Yes, you've admired the kitty before (I can't remember where I found it, but anyone is welcome to copy it), but he likes compliments and doesn't mind hearing it again. My real life version is snoozing on the ottoman beside me and is actually snoring just a tiny bit. Did you read the news item suggesting sleeping with your pets can make you sick? And then you read the fine print and it's more "if your pet has fleas, worms, etc." YUCK! "if you have a compromised immune system", so the headline was a bit of a reach. And a poll attached to the article had 70%+ saying they'd keep sleeping with their pets. Imp became an 'only' almost a year ago and has really turned into a snuggle bunny, and if it gets chilly overnight, will paw at the sheet, wanting under it where it's warmer.

  • MBJ
    MBJ Member Posts: 3,671
    edited February 2011

    Linda:  Thank you for sharing your beautiful story.  That was meant to be and gives us all so much hope for the future!

    Luah:   WAHOOOOO!!!!!

    Lovelyface:  On an emotional roller coaster right now and just trying to not be on a roller coaster.  I'm sure I will figure it out.  Thanks for asking!  Hugs.

    Titan and all of the wonderful women on this board:  Thank you for all of your support, encouragement and friendship!

    Heidi:  Wow!  What a beautiful picture of Spring in all it's glory!  Thank you for posting that.  I would so love to go but I don't think it's possible--I already have 3 trips coming up, two of them weddings and all of them are going to be expensive.  Lots of pictures, please, as I will be there in spirit!

  • dawn31337
    dawn31337 Member Posts: 93
    edited February 2011

    I may be in for the DC trip.  I have my exchange April 12, so maybe it would be good to celebrate before that.

    Heidi, I'm sure you've been there, but DC can be a nasty place if you aren't in the right area.  Last time I was there I stayed at the Mariott in Alexandria.  It's close to the Metro station, and the Metro is clean and easy to use.  Cherry Blossom season is usually quite expensive.  And crowded. 

  • Lovelyface
    Lovelyface Member Posts: 563
    edited February 2011

    Ladies, I am happy to report that my mammogram and ultrasound yesterday showed no suspicious stuff.  Everything was declared normal.  I asked the Radiologist who was a wonderful man, why he had not picked up anything from my mammo from January, 2010.  And then 6 months later, in July 2010 I was diagnosed with cancer when I found the lump myself.  The Radiologist took me to his room and showed me my 2004 mammo and 2010 mammo on the big lit up screen.  He said they both looked the same.  There was nothing showing, as the cancer was hiding behind the enhancement.  He said he has gone back and looked and tried to figure out how he missed my cancer.  He said if he read my mammo today, he would still rule out that there was any cancer.  If only in Jan. 2010, if I was sent for an ultrasound, they would have found the lump.......maybe at that point it was DCIS.  Anyway, he said I was going to be watched very carefully from now on.  He is one of the main radiologists there, so I am really happy that I am being marked.

  • HeidiToo
    HeidiToo Member Posts: 965
    edited February 2011

    "sleeping with your pets can make you sick" SCREW THAT! Living can also be hazardous to your health. Where do these idiot writers come up with these stories?

     swanny- PM me. What photo app are you using? What site do you upload your photos to (for on-line viewing in I upload to my web host, locate the image properties, select the link option (web or full-size <choose web or the image may be WAY too large for easy viewing in>), Copy the link, Paste in image function (to the left of the smiley face in here), Preview the image and then hit Submit. I know that can sound complicated so PM me as necessary. The hitch may be in *your* original image size; that is a function of the camera settings (especially with camera phones). This can be adjusted but if the image quality is low the re-size will result in excessive pixelization (rendering the photo quality poor). My apologies to the photographically challenged in here for this semi-techno post. I know it can make some heads spin.

    dawn- my cousin worked/lived in DC for 30 years and I visited often.  However, I *had* considered the pros & cons of Cherry Blossom time. My conclusion was that those who will consider coming would also most likely choose to be there at a time renowned for its beauty and cultural experience. I will look into the Marriot. I am extremely flexible!Laughing

    My plan (hopefully) is to provide several pricing options for hotels. Understandably, the closer you are to DC the more expensive things will be. DC caters to business people, so being there on a weekend may actually work in our favor. DC is lovely at night. On the other hand, choosing to be there during the CBF  may negate that.


    All I can do is try, and let everyone make their own choices whether or not it is worth it. Hopefully I can find the balance that will best suit the majority.

    Check out the above links. Room costs are highly variable. If desired, we could "double up" on rooms to further reduce individual costs. I will probably choose something centrally located in the $100-$200 range per person.

  • lrr4993
    lrr4993 Member Posts: 504
    edited February 2011

    That is great news, lovelyface.  I know you are relieved.

    About the DC trip, I nosed around last night just out of curiosity.  I have not been to DC in over 20 years and know nothing about anything.  I am assuming, but could be wrong, that the Mall area is the focus of the festival.  If so, there is W nearby that had what seemed to me to be decent rates considering its location (next to the capital and very close to teh Mall) and the timing. 

  • Luah
    Luah Member Posts: 626
    edited February 2011
    HeidiToo: Just a suggestion to set up a new thread for the DC trip - I think it will be easier for everyone to follow the progress and express interest. I would love to come, but have already planned a fair amount of travel this year.
  • HeidiToo
    HeidiToo Member Posts: 965
    edited February 2011

    Closest to CBF w/proximity to Metro: (single occupancy- up to 4) Don't let this scare you!

    Willard $372

    Marriot $359

    Mayflower $284

    Sheraton $279

    Mandarin $355

    These hotels are all within @ 1 mile of the Tidal Basin and major DC attractions. Costs would be reduced if we shared accomodations. I can leave the hot car at home and bring my Suburban which holds 7 for getting around town (horses and puppies excluded)

    Check out the hotel links in previous post. Some rooms are AS LOW AS @ $80 PER NIGHT at certain hotels but I'm not sure of the areas those are in.

    These are just very preliminary findings, based on proximity to event and metro (those were my priority). Individuals wishing further savings may check out the links above. If I could get the cost down to @ $150 per night individually would that be acceptable to most? 

    My goal is to have everyone in the same hotel, but if cost is too limiting perhaps we could locate within two (with a high/low option). I feel time is of the essense as, so far, every hotel I've checked has availability (but I don't know at what point this will change).

    Apologies if I appear to be hogging the thread. I can take this off thread if people want to PM me their email address. I admit to being a control freak and wanting tomorrow's work done yesterday. My husband has always said once I make my mind up the job is done so, I will probably jump on a room in the next week or so.

    Your humble servant...

  • HeidiToo
    HeidiToo Member Posts: 965
    edited February 2011

    Irr- I "W" the Willard or Westin?