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Calling all TNs



  • MBJ
    MBJ Member Posts: 3,671
    edited June 2010
    Riley:  I didn't know that getting the Neulasta shot in the stomache reduced the side effects!  I always got it there because I was told it works best in fatty areas and I'm skinny.  I didn't want it in my ass because I thought it would hurt and that's the only other area that I have a little bit of cushion.  I had zero side effects from the shot and I just thought I was lucky!!
  • kittycat
    kittycat Member Posts: 1,155
    edited June 2010

    My butt has the most cushion on my body!  LOL!!

    My husband and I were checking out the COQ supplements at Costco for him.  He has inherited high blood pressure.  Who knew it could help me someday!!! 

  • MBJ
    MBJ Member Posts: 3,671
    edited June 2010

    My butt is the reason my husband married me LOL!  Now he's gonna have to become a boob man cause I am growing tatas!!

    This BC stuff would give anyone high blood pressure.  I take it too to help heal after surgeryCool

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618
    edited June 2010

    I've never heard of COQ, what exactly is it?

  • sugar77
    sugar77 Member Posts: 1,328
    edited June 2010

    I used to get my Neulasta shot in the abdomen as I had a little flab there from when I had a C-section (.... more than 10 years ago but we won't go there!).

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618
    edited June 2010

    I always got my Neulast a shot in the arm.  I was 5'8" and 130 lbs, not much fat anywhere.

  • Summer38
    Summer38 Member Posts: 96
    edited June 2010

    I get my neulasta in the arm too.

    Though I do have the same, 10 yr old, c-section flab as Sugar. I'm not talking about it either........ heheheSealed

  • jenn3
    jenn3 Member Posts: 388
    edited June 2010

    I've been out the last few days - went to Parent/Student orientation at my daughter's college... what fun. 

    I did have arthritis and was taking meds for it before my dx, but other than that I was healthy, hadn't been sick with a cold or flu in years - then cancer.  I was concerned about the arthritis meds bringing down my immune system so I was very careful, ate lots of fruits and veggies and had even bragged to a co-worker that I hadn't been sick since I started adding extra fruit to my diet.  Go figure..... 

    I see y'all have been talking about chemo brain, I'm six months out and still have trouble.  It is getting better, but I find at work I have trouble remembering.  I work in a faced paced office and I was always good at remembering multiple things.  I now find that I have to write down EVERYTHING or I will forget. Frustrating..... 

    I had the neulasta shot in the arm too.

  • Gorilla12
    Gorilla12 Member Posts: 12
    edited June 2010

    Hi Everyone,

    Wow I haven't been on the board for about 6 mos. I was diagnosed at 40, 1.5cm no nodes. AC dose dense and rads. I have passed the five-year mark now. That was when I stopped coming here very often. Now I am recently divorced - definitely a good thing. I have 2 awesome teenage kids and am doing well.

    Take care everyone! 

  • psp2pdx
    psp2pdx Member Posts: 6
    edited June 2010

    Hello girls

    DX 1 month before my 55th birthday. Wedge resection-good margins.SNB 2 removed(requested only the nodes x that lit up removed) Dose dense AC x 4 + 30  rads +boostBRCA 1+2 negative BART negative .  I also had a high ki67@ 83% TOPOII 77% P53 negative(P53 is a marker better to be negative than positive)  with suspicion for angio-lymphatic invasion .  I will be 4 years out of treatment this August.


  • psp2pdx
    psp2pdx Member Posts: 6
    edited June 2010

    DX 1 month before my 55 birthday.  Will be 4 years out of tx this August.

    Dose dense AC +radiation x5weeks+boost  Procrit continued  through radiation(gulp)

    neulasta through chemo -(neutropenic fever required hospitalization)

    High ki67@83% TOPOII 77%  p53 negative(that's a good negative to have)

    BRCA 1+2 negative and BART negative.  Wedge resection, good margins, 2 nodes removed.

    suspicious for angiolymphatic invasion on breast tumor bx. 

    Checked every three months for 1st year then every 6 months. MRI and Mammo  every year  So far so good.  Of course there are ups and downs.  Fatigue never seemed to go away.  Work out three times a week with a trainer.  Eat well, still have drinks out with friends and enjoy, ENJOY! ENJOY! my life.

    I worry about mets like everyone else here. I feel smart in my head but can't articulate like I use to.  Was a great multi-tasker.  Found myself NOT wanting to go see the onc anymore.  Planing a hysterectomy this summer......being cautious.

    I'm glad to be here.  

  • retrievermom
    retrievermom Member Posts: 321
    edited February 2011

    Thanks for the posts, psp & gorilla.  Sometimes it's hard to see 4 or 5 years down the road; we are so focused on getting thru the immediate. 

    The chemo brain seems to be recovery of info (what is the name of the person on the radio?), and articulation, like you said.  I struggle to get things out, similar to when I had a surgery and was on pain meds. 

    Hope the hysterectomy goes smoothly, psp.  I had one a year ago.  Silly me, thought since I had a c-section (20 years ago!) it would be similar.  Hah!  But you rest and get through it.  I watched every episode of Six Feet Under.

    Jenn:  What college?  I used to live in Hattiesburg; ex taught at SoMiss.

  • psalm56-3
    psalm56-3 Member Posts: 2
    edited June 2010

    I'm 58 1/2 and just had a lumpectomy + mammosite , 2 neg. nodes. I'm to start chemo in a week and a half : 4 doses total of Cytoxin and Taxotere to be taken at the same time (with prgnozone,I think). 3 weeks off inbetween doses. I hardly even take an aspirin because I don't like medication !! Whatcan I expect ?  What are the survival rates/ recurrences if one doesn't do chemo ? Let me add, however, that ultimately my trust is in the Most High God of Israel.....the NAME above all names.....Jesus Christ.

  • psalm56-3
    psalm56-3 Member Posts: 2
    edited June 2010
    psalm56-3 wrote:

    I'm 58 1/2 and just had a lumpectomy + mammosite , 2 neg. nodes. I'm to start chemo in a week and a half : 4 doses total of Cytoxin and Taxotere to be taken at the same time (with prgnozone,I think). 3 weeks off inbetween doses. I hardly even take an aspirin because I don't like medication !! Whatcan I expect ?  What are the survival rates/ recurrences if one doesn't do chemo ? Let me add, however, that ultimately my trust is in the Most High God of Israel.....the NAME above all names.....Jesus Christ

  • jenn3
    jenn3 Member Posts: 388
    edited June 2010

    retrievmom - my daughter will be going to ULM, small state school in Monroe.  She graduated from a small catholic high school and wanted to go to a small college, so ULM it is.   I do have a few co-workers that graduated from SoMiss-they loved it!

  • farfaith
    farfaith Member Posts: 19
    edited June 2010

    MBJ AND LNFLETCH ...............

    Thank you for your responce my dr talked like the taxotere would be essayer than the cytoxan and the adriamycin. well it don't look that way like you said lnfletch sick tell about two days be for. i get mine is Friday and i feel a lot better this will be #2 on the taxotere. i was hoping to keep working but i don't think i will be Abel too with this stuff.Staying positive though i can do this only 3 more then surgery see sergan Thursday about who to see for new boobs.


    i heard that the same supplements  were good for people taking adriamycin i took them during and sill are. i hear flack-seed oil is good too while taking chemo.

  • MBJ
    MBJ Member Posts: 3,671
    edited June 2010

    Farfaith: I took something called Mag07 which helped tremendously with the constipation from the steroids and cleared the poisons out of my body when the chemo had done it's job.  Made a huge difference in how I handeled chemo.  My first chemo I was pretty sick.  The last 5 x I only had 2 or 3 days of bleh.

    CHEMOBRAIN: I called my Onc and he told me to start taking Alpha-Lipoic Acid 600 mg 2 x a day.  Don't take at night or you won't sleep!  I take it at 8 am and 3 pm along with my adrenal meds.  I went out with a girlfriend tonight and I have to say my brain seemed to be working better.  Placebo effect or whether it's actually working--I will let you know!

    Meece:  Coenzyme Q10 is an antioxident support supplement and it is a crucial component in the primary energy production cycle (reading off of label). Research indicates it may help support normal heart function, provide anitoxident protection, and maintain health of the gums:-)

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618
    edited June 2010

    Sound like something for me to look into.

    I had catherter and ablation for a short circuiting heart in 2006.  It helped some, but the cardiologist said the big problem was tto close to the central node and if he worked on it there I would be on a pacemaker for certain.

  • MBJ
    MBJ Member Posts: 3,671
    edited June 2010
    Meece:  I come from a family with heart disease on both sides of the family plus I have a very slight heart murmer, so although I don't know much about heart stuff I do know I have to be careful with mine.  Heart disease and colon cancer and constant uterine fibroid problems are the reasons behind me giving up meat over 12 years ago.  I avoid having alot of cheese, too.  I try and only allow myself the occasional parmesan, goat or feta cheese and yogurt--all of it organic.  Cancer caused me to go even further into changing my diet.  That's why I am now obsessive about reading labels and such.  There is so much crap in our food!  All of the heart stuff should help you--I got the information from my dr for a very dear friend who has been suffering from heart problems after the treatments she received in the UK.  She says that it has helped quite a bit. 
  • farfaith
    farfaith Member Posts: 19
    edited June 2010


    thank you for the advice on mag07 i will try that anything to help  i am so dreading the next one. question i have had loose stools  will it make that worse i know you said you had constipation.

    yes their is too much crap in food. we have grown our garden for 11 years know and last year we raised our own meat. i ate alot of pastas and potatoes  i have got rid of them now.

    thoughts and prayers to all

  • mitymuffin
    mitymuffin Member Posts: 242
    edited June 2010

    My tumor hurt too! I had shooting pains in my breast for months, then I went to my GYN who did a manual exam, felt nothing and said I was fine, and not to worry because pain was "never breast cancer".  They found the tumor in the mamogram and knew right away it was malignant. I had a lumpectomy, and no more pain. Tumors can hurt, and doctors should at least wonder about it when a woman says she is having a persistent pain.

  • mitymuffin
    mitymuffin Member Posts: 242
    edited June 2010
    My tumor hurt too! I had shooting pains in my breast for months, then I went to my GYN who did a manual exam, felt nothing and said I was fine, and not to worry because pain was "never breast cancer".  They found the tumor in the mamogram and knew right away it was malignant. I had a lumpectomy, and no more pain. Tumors can hurt, and doctors should at least wonder about it when a woman says she is having a persistent pain.
  • MBJ
    MBJ Member Posts: 3,671
    edited June 2010
    farfaith:  Sorry, Mag07 is ONLY good for constipation.
  • jenn3
    jenn3 Member Posts: 388
    edited June 2010

    It seems a lot of us TN's had pain with our tumors...wonder if there is a connection?????

    Mitty - your picture is beautiful!!!

  • jenweg
    jenweg Member Posts: 55
    edited June 2010

    I had pain with my lump too!!  That is the only reason why I found it.  I wish there was more information out there that says that they hurt too!!

  • lrm216
    lrm216 Member Posts: 534
    edited June 2010

    No pain with my lump, although I didn't even know I had one.  It was found on my yearly mammo -  was 5 cms. deep below nipple, so no one would have ever felt it.  My breast was itchy though, prior to the diagnose, and I found out afterwards, that is a very common symptom of breast cancer.  Never, ever knew that! 


  • Titan
    Titan Member Posts: 1,313
    edited June 2010

    MBJ...I don't know if I could handle driving in LA.  I live in outside a small town with just a 4 lane high way to get to work...I don't think I'm focusing on driving...I guess I need to control myself..but I feel that going fast is the only way..oh well..

    When I was on chemo I drove home from my treatments (I insisted in going back to work after my treatments..)....I'm not sure now if it was the thing to do but I made it through and thankfully didn't hurt anyone...everyone reacts differently but I was as hyper as hell..I couldn't sleep at all through the whole 16 weeks...wired all the time.....I think I'm still trying to catch up. 

  • farfaith
    farfaith Member Posts: 19
    edited June 2010

    hey girl yes i agree they need to lesion when we have pain in our breast i had pain two half years ago and was told it was fibrosis tissue ya right. case it was stage 3 and tumor was 7 centimeters in march.i tell everyone in Elkin NC don't even take your dog to their  hospital.

  • TiffanyF4
    TiffanyF4 Member Posts: 104
    edited June 2010

    I had the same experience with the pathology changing after surgery. I had the original biopsy done and a different hospital so I just figured they screwed up but hey there maybe be more to it> If you find anything out please PM I would be interested to hear.

  • TiffanyF4
    TiffanyF4 Member Posts: 104
    edited June 2010

    I was diagnosed sept 09 at age 34. BRCA1 positive triple neg. found the tumor myself and mine had become painful also. My obgyn said it was pallable which I guess means moveable and she said that meant it wasnt scarey and not cancer. Thank God she sent me the next day for a Mammo and they immediatly did a ultrasound guided biopsy which was HORRIBLY PAINFUL and the radiologist at one point even in his words "tried to POP IT" ok dude I have a tumor not a zit!!!!

    I had a bi-lateral mastectomy, 4 rounds of taxatere and cytoxin and 40 radiation treatments. was told I have to lose 80lbs before I can have tram flap reconstruction because of radiation skin damagedUndecided