Calling all TNs



  • Lynn18
    Lynn18 Member Posts: 284
    edited January 2012

    laurajane:  I am so happy you found someone so special.  You are right, love is healing and I hope that between this special person and the Havalan, you will be healed.  You are a special friend to me and I love ya!

    Susan:  I am glad you shared your thoughts with us.  None of knows exactly what is in our future.  You truly inspire me.  I hope you feel a little better each day and I hope you have a wonderful cruise. 

  • HeidiToo
    HeidiToo Member Posts: 965
    edited January 2012
    LJ- what LRM216 said. You have been given a gift, and I know you will cherish every moment of it. I am honored you shared this with us, and to know that you are being treated with the warmth, love and compassion that you so richly deserve.
  • ksmatthews
    ksmatthews Member Posts: 743
    edited January 2012

    Laurajane what a great inspiration you are!  Thank you for sharing!  ((hugs))

  • Lovelyface
    Lovelyface Member Posts: 563
    edited January 2012

    LJ - When I read your story, my goodness, all I can think of is that you have been sent an angel.  You are so very loved that an angel appears for you.  I swear I have no question in my mind that he is sent to you to help you out at this time, so that you may heal back to health.

    Something similar happened to me, and I have always been in awe of my experience.  I feel that this is exactly what is happening to you.

    When I was going through my very painful divorce, and was eventually selling our home, the guy who walked through the door to buy our home, fell in love with me.  He eventually bought our home.  The last day when I was supposed to walk out the door, he welcomed me back into my old home.  My ex gave me flowers as a parting gift, and the new man also gave me flowers. I put them both on the table next to each other, and said to myself, outgoing and incoming.  He was sent to me as an angel at a time in my life, when I was down so badly, with no one to help me.  I was devastated and still in love with my ex during my divorce, but this new man made me feel so beautiful, he loved me a million times better, which I had never experienced before with my horrible ex.  With this new man, I never really felt the pain of my divorce and he was there to move me into a new home, to love me and to love my son.  I have always always known that the angels come to you when you really need them.  My angel was this man at a time in my life, which was very difficult.

    Laurajane, this man is your angel, sent by the higher power.  You are so blessed, girl!!!!  Enjoy the beautiful moments with him and your body WILL heal, since love is the highest healer.

    I have a big smile on my face, wish you could see it!!!!!

  • Titan
    Titan Member Posts: 1,313
    edited January 2012

    A sexy Angel at that!  love it...Thanks for sharing Laura! You certainly deserve this love...and he's a pretty lucky guy too...

  • Titan
    Titan Member Posts: 1,313
    edited January 2012

    Hey ladies..I need your help...have any of you read any of the books by Dr Oz?  Do any of you do the stuff he says to do? 

    The reason I'm asking is that (I work for a grocery store chain)..and we are looking to promote have them available for people looking for them....I guess Kale is HUGE...

    Maybe I'm not allowed to do this on here...but we want to have these foods available for our company knows that I have BC and look to me for help in this..they really do care.....I just want it to be "real" and not a fanatical type of thing...if you know what I mean.

  • inmate4232010
    inmate4232010 Member Posts: 288
    edited January 2012

    Laurajane....Thank you so much for sharing your story.  I couldn't help but smile at your wonderful news! That feeling you get when you first meet and get to know someone, with all the flutters can make a girl feel sooooo good.  It's time for you to be able to concentrate on feeling better.  Let's hope that the Halavan gets your body to cooperate.

    Suze....Your words are so moving.  The support and encouragement you give to us is inspiring.  Thank you!

  • LuvRVing
    LuvRVing Member Posts: 2,409
    edited January 2012

    Suze and Laurajane - my thoughts are with you each and every day. 

  • mitymuffin
    mitymuffin Member Posts: 242
    edited January 2012

    Suze, I have huge respect and admiration for your words, and you. Thank you for showing us a way of such grace.

    You and LauraJane continue to shine with love, as you go through great trials. You are leading, and teaching us.

  • laurajane
    laurajane Member Posts: 305
    edited January 2012

    Good morning all of you beautiful ladies!

    Lovelyface- thank you for sharing your story. I am so happy for you.

    Titan- I eat kale everyday in my juices. I think it's great. You all have heard how I had changed my diet. Interesting, my onc was shocked at how perfect my labs were after doing the Cisplatin and Cetuximab. She said it was like I hadn't even done chemo as far as WBC and RBC etc. I think it has a lot to do with diet. Although I wonder if that also has something to do with why these chemos haven't worked.

    Inmate- I'm curious and so beyond happy at your clean pet and finishing your chemo. What is the list of chemos you've done and what order. If you don't mind sharing. You had such success on this last chemo cocktail I'm curious as to what it was. Maybe a miracle for me too!Actually I just looked on your page and saw what you did. Was that a trial? I had methotextrate the month before I got cancer to abort a pregnancy horribly sad but it was lodged at the opening of my uterus blocked by a fibroid tumor, not sure what the 5IU is and curious about Leucoverin is?

    Hope you all have a great day. I'm going to go cuddle up on my recliner and watch HGTV and the food network. I'm not feeling fabulous today but maybe tomorrow.

  • mccrimmon324
    mccrimmon324 Member Posts: 794
    edited January 2012

    Good Morning Ladies,

    Just received a call from my BF, every year both she and her daughter do the Relay For Life in her area, this year she has choosen to be a team captain and I will be walking as a survivor.  I can't believe how my life has changed in the past year. 

    I think we're going to be making a weekend of it, she is a Manicurist so I'll book myself an appt with her for a mani/pedi and with a stylist to for a cut and color, my first since chemo.  I think I'm pretty excited about the whole thing. 

    Laurajane and Suze, you both are always in my thoughts. 

  • Luah
    Luah Member Posts: 626
    edited January 2012

    LJ and Suze: You are both absolute gems - so grateful for your posts. 

    Titan: I've only seen Dr. Oz a few times - don't think much of him, frankly.

    Well, I saw my onc for a follow-up yesterday. All's good. Last week's MRI was clear, so relieved about that. I've graduated to a 6-month call-back. I asked her about metformin, and she said no, she would not prescribe - I got the feeling that it's pretty much policy at my cancer center among all the oncs, to await results from trials before jumping aboard. 

    Hope everyone has a nice day - cold here, but we have a nice blanket of white, and the sun is shining, which I love. Did my usual 4-mile walk with my friend through a ravine, very beautiful.  

  • inmate4232010
    inmate4232010 Member Posts: 288
    edited January 2012

    Laurajane.....Wow, I had no idea that Methotrexate was used in that way.  So sorry to hear you had to go through that and then get hit by cancer.  Ain't life a b****h sometimes!  5-FU and Leucovorin replaced Xeloda.  Unfortunately my insurance would not approve Xeloda at the same level of coverage so we switched.  As Dr K explained Xeloda converts to the 5-FU combo once it is absorbed (?) by your body so for me it was a financial decision between my doctor and I.  Leucovorin is a reduced folic acid and is used in combination with other chemotherapy drugs to either enhance effectiveness or as a chemoprotectant.  My WBC and platelets tanked on this combo and at the end my liver enzymes spiked so we took an extra look during the scan.  Otherwise the SEs were manageable with fatigue and extra bathroom visits being the worst of it.  I go back next Friday to check my blood and set up my schedule for follow-up.  As it stands now I will be checked on a monthly basis until we feel comfortable with every 3 months.

    I pray that YOUR combo is just around the corner.  Tons of love and prayers to you my dear! 

  • Lovelyface
    Lovelyface Member Posts: 563
    edited January 2012

    Titan - I used to watch Dr. Oz some time back, but felt it was just way too much information, and too much to believe.  In my opinion, I feel that human beings are much more than just what we eat, what tests we do, and that the same thing is good for everyone.  I don't believe that something which has great properties for healing is good for all human beings.  I just could not cope up with him, so I left watching his shows.  Sorry, I don't have info. so can't help you.

    Luah - Congratulations on your clean MRI.  I am getting mine done on Jan. 30th.

    Onc. examined me for my pain in my neck/head yesterday and has ordered a revised MRI, to include the brain.  He said he is almost certain it is nothing to do with cancer, but since I am a young woman, he wants to make sure everything is okay.  I loved him yesterday, he was so normal and responsive, no mean comments or medically structured sentences, which I cannot understand.

  • bak94
    bak94 Member Posts: 652
    edited January 2012

    Im trying to stay positive but I am miserable! No power for two days and expecting a few moderate so power. I still don't feel good. Where they took my port out is still infected. They did a culture to see if it is still staph and if it is back on antibiotics. Don't want to do more! They mess up my whole system! Im worried that my immune system is very messed up and worry the cancer will come back. I haven't even started rads yet. When will something good happen? I shouldn't whine as I always say as everything regarding cancer has gone pretty smooth until this year!

  • inmate4232010
    inmate4232010 Member Posts: 288
    edited January 2012
    Bak94....I'm so so sorry.  You seem to have gotten the short stick on this go round.  If I can do anything, please let me know.  I have many vehicles to get around and would be happy to bring you anything.  
  • inmate4232010
    inmate4232010 Member Posts: 288
    edited January 2012

    Ladies, I have a few ideas for some t-shirts for fundraising and hope that you would be kind enough to let loose with our opinions.  

    Here goes:

    1.  (front)  It's okay to touch yourself......                                                                                        (back)  self exams save lives!

    2.  (front)  F**k Pink.....                                                                                                                (back) breast cancer effects women of all colors!

    3.   (front)  Show us your.......(graphic of nips below)                                                                       (back)  everyone's got 'em...even men!

    4.  Flat chicks are hot!

    5.  Flat chicks ROCK! 

    Yes, they are meant to shock, but have I taken it too far?  Only you ladies can tell me.  I'm thinking the sale of these shirts can benefit many great organizations.  Please include your thoughts on where you think the money should go.     

    Thanks in advance for your opinions.  They mean so much to me. 

  • Swanny
    Swanny Member Posts: 118
    edited January 2012

    Laurajane:  Love, Love, Love your story about the new man.  I am so thrilled for you to find someone as loving and caring.  You deserve it and I hope with the new drugs you two can experience this thrilling relationship for a long time.  By the way - how do you find the men.  Me - I can't find anyone.  To have someone to kiss like when we were teens would be thrilling. 

    Take care and I hope this drug helps, come on miracle - we all deserve one or two.

  • Swanny
    Swanny Member Posts: 118
    edited January 2012

    I like number 1 and 2.  I don't think they have gone too far.  I have seem similar t-shirts and at first it is a little shocking (reading the front only) but when you read the back too it makes sense.  As to where the money goes.... I have 2 opinions.  1 to a research organization to PREVENT anyone else getting this disease and #2 would be to an orgainization that helps pay for chemo for women who cannot afford it or for situations like Laurajane's where insurance would not pay for the chemo she recently had. 

  • inmate4232010
    inmate4232010 Member Posts: 288
    edited January 2012
    Swanny...thanks for your input.  I too would like the money to go to those who struggle financially.  Do you have an organization in mind, or should we come up with a new one?
  • christina1961
    christina1961 Member Posts: 450
    edited January 2012


    I like them all - my fav is #1.  In my case, I need "uniboobs rule!""  LOL!

    My sister refers to us as "Two chicks and a boob."

    Bak, you have every reason to be upset!  I can't believe it is still infected!!  I am so sorry - and I know it must be scary because you want to get started with rads.  I think I ended up waiting 8 weeks for rads - I delayed it so I could consult with another oncologist and the RO didn't want to start in case they wanted to give me chemo first. There are some studies about that discuss length before rads and I know I felt better after reading them but cannot remember where I found them.  If I do, I will post.

  • journey4life
    journey4life Member Posts: 223
    edited January 2012

    I like #1 and #2.

  • Titan
    Titan Member Posts: 1,313
    edited January 2012

    This thread is like a rollercoaster..I read one post and I cry, another and I laugh, another and I think of when my dh and I used to make out (remember when we called it sucking face?)...

    Bak..we have YOUR snow here now..thanks bunches...:)  We still have our power..for now. I'm 34 months out from diagnosis..yay me..I guess........yesterday was 3 years from when I found that nasty, ugly, disgusting freaking I'm up and down with this... and feeling myself up night and day...I hope I don't get arrested ...

  • Titan
    Titan Member Posts: 1,313
    edited January 2012

    Thanks alot for your input on "OZ"...I appreciate it...I haven't read his books or watched his show so I really don't know anything...all I know is that the company I work for is selling kale like we never have before....weird...

    My boss said that his son made some Kale chips...he said they were long as you had a beer to wash them down

  • laurajane
    laurajane Member Posts: 305
    edited January 2012

    Thanks for your info. I've already tried those. I was hoping it was something different. So happy it worked for you. I like the idea of your t-shirts. Are you familiar with the Feel Your Boobies foundation? Make sure yours are different. I'd wear 1&2. I think it would be fabulous to start your own foundation. I would also love to see something about how little "pink" really helps those of us in need.

    Swanny-I was actually having dinner with some friends and he and his friend came over after most of our friends had left and offered to buy us a glass of wine. We stayed and talked until the restaurant closed and before I left he asked me if he could take me to dinner sometime. I almost chickened out but my friend talked me in to going out on a date with him. I'm so glad I did. I'm feeling so bad now I don't have the energy to even get dressed let alone my FC is too painful to even think of putting on a bra. Even if we don't go out again because of my health I'm so glad I had that opportunity. It will happen to you too when you least expect it. My fingers are crossed for you.

    Lovelyface- I'm so glad your doc isn't procrastinating. Please let us know as soon as you get the results. Praying everything is fine.

    Bac- ugggg! So saddened you are going through all of this. Use the C -card and see if that helps them get your power on quicker. With all that we've all been through , pull that card with every opportunity. I do. I also wanted to mention that about 5 years ago when I had staph they tried all different drugs but it kept coming back the one that finally kicked it for me was Clendomyacin (I think that's how it's spelled) it's hard on your tum tum though.

    Total- I don't thank you often enough for starting this thread. You described it perfectly tonigh. Thank you. 3 years is awesome. I'm so happy for you.

    Good night all. Hope you have sweet dreams.

  • Titan
    Titan Member Posts: 1,313
    edited January 2012

    YOU have sweet dreams Laura Jane!  and all of you...!

    Night..Laura Jane, Suze, Mac, Heidi, Swanny, Lisa, Christina, KHS, joyce, lwarstler, linds, babs, michelle, tracie, heather, mitty, inmate, kar, riley, luah, lovelyface, phyliss,hope, white dog, tifj, obxk, mccrimmon, gilly, karen, lory, fighter, slcst, mags, summer, char, lynn, lynmarie, cat, husker sugar,..and everyone else.

    We are like the Waltons...

  • riley702
    riley702 Member Posts: 575
    edited January 2012

    Goodnight, Titan! It's freezing rain turning to snow overnight here, and I have a 4 hour drive in the morning to Evansville where my niece is getting married tomorrow! Good thing they're an hour behind us. The wedding's at 2 pm, which is 3 pm Indy time. I'll drive halfway back (to my Mom's house) after the wedding and spend the night there before making my way back home Sun. afternoon.

  • TifJ
    TifJ Member Posts: 804
    edited January 2012

    Wow Titan- you are good, remembering all those names!

    Bak- I feel so bad for you. I know what you are going through with the infection, but to have the power out and feeling crappy just sucks!! Have they given you Kelfex (cephalexin) yet? It was working for me, then I had to stop because it made me itch (lots of meds make me itch). I hope you are feeling better soon!

    Inmate- I like #1 and #2, although I couldn't wear #2 because of my kids! I agree the money should go to a financial assistance program. Maybe we all need to do a little research about existing groups. I'm not very creative, but perhaps a shirt could say something like "Pink is Pretty, but..." on the front. Can someone help with what would go on the back?

    Laurajane- I so wish I could do something to take away your pain. You have such a big heart and I know you would do the same for any of us. Maybe if you don't feel like going on a date with your new man, you could invite him over to your home for a quiet night in. Sounds like he is a sweet guy and would probably bring dinner!!

    Riley- Hope you have a great time at the wedding!!

    Suze- How are you doing? Hope you are resting up and getting ready for your Disney cruise. My kids are jealous! That will be our next family vacation. We went to Disney World this past June and had a super time!

    Wishing everyone a nice Saturday!

  • CharB22
    CharB22 Member Posts: 87
    edited January 2012

    Titan - "sucking face" - hilarious!! That's what we called it. LOL.

    Yesterday's CBC at MO showed low WBC (how many acronymns can I put in 1 sentence? LOL)

    I had a slight fever last night (99.4) so I didn't call the doctor and then my lower back was killing me. Do you think they were related? I have to go back to MO on Mon for another CBC. If it's still low, then they may adjust my treatment #2. Ugh. Can't go in to work on Mon either since I work in the city and take public transportation. PA said not a good idea. I was looking forward to a few days of feeling "normal."

  • Titan
    Titan Member Posts: 1,313
    edited January 2012

    Char..the back pain could be from the Neulasta shot...I hated that thing..are you allowed to take tylenol? Or is it too hard on your liver during chemo..I can remember...but I did take aspirin once during chemo for a headache and it made me feel worse.