Calling all TNs



  • sugar77
    sugar77 Member Posts: 1,328
    edited February 2012
    LaughingLaughingLaughing...the dog photo sure is funny!
  • Titan
    Titan Member Posts: 1,313
    edited February 2012


    Seriously..has anyone really seen one like that?  I'm just curious...I mean..that is a pretty big dog.

    Laura..absolutely proud of you...where did you go to landscaping school?  Just DH likes to do this kind of thing and I'm gonna drag him in here to see the pics....don't think I'm going to show him Dick

  • Huskerkkc
    Huskerkkc Member Posts: 471
    edited February 2012
  • OBXK
    OBXK Member Posts: 689
    edited February 2012

    Inmate - Wow! what powerful images. Thank you for sharing.

    LJ - Your lovely landscapes, make me want to go out and start digging!

    Bak - I'm sorry you are having such a tough go, I can only imagine your anxiety.

    Lovelyface - I hope they get your pain sorted and that you get good news on the biopsy.


    I see my BS Thursday. I have muscle wasting in my right arm and shoulder pain. (cancer side)

    all muscular, it scares me.

    Wishing everyone a good weekend.

  • swiftbird
    swiftbird Member Posts: 78
    edited February 2012

    Been lurking a bit lately. Life has been moving so quickly. Thank goodness. But trying to keep up with all the latest..

    Inmate - You.Rock. Thanks for sharing. 

    LJ, wow you do awesome work. Awesome is such an overused word, but I am in awe!

    To those dealing with side effects, and new diagnosis, or potential diagnosis... wishing you some peace tonight. It's a long hard road. But this is the spot, to vent, and be irrevrent, and silly, and angry.  We're here, and, unfortunately, know what you're going through. And can learn, and appeciate, the dignity and beauty of those whom are battling it still.  Peace to everyone.

  • christina1961
    christina1961 Member Posts: 450
    edited February 2012

    LJ, Just absolutely beautiful and serene. 

    Bak, I'm sorry you even saw that image of the node - remember radiation works well for us - and you did have a super response to chemo!

    Susan, Thanks- I am relieved to be coming off the trial and scared at the same time.  I don't think I will have a baseline scan unless symptomatic.  My last CT and bone scan was in October - and  had one before that in May I believe.The October one was because of the trial but also to check out my rib pain.  I am supposed to start Tamoxifen in a couple weeks and will be seeing my onc so I'll ask about the scan.  I can't remember how often I go in to see them for followup - maybe it is my standard 3 months.  The onc said I could come every 3 or 4 months to see him but I told him I wanted to see him every 3 months. I wish I could get him interested in metformin.

    Lovelyface, I'm not strong, just have a lot of bills!  My office is close to home and very casual. During my first chemo I had a bed there.  Keep us posted - I hope everything turns out well with your tests.

    OB, I hope your tests come out ok, too - wonder if it is from the rads?  I still have soreness on my chest from rads and my skin is stuck to the muscle (over 4 months out).  After the side effects from this chemo wear off I am going to get more aggressive in dealing with the scar tissue.

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited February 2012
  • Cocker_Spaniel
    Cocker_Spaniel Member Posts: 1,188
    edited February 2012

    Hi Ladies

    Why oh why did I ever think I could concur this.  Days 1-4 pretty good because of the meds I expect.  Today feel like shit.  Worn out, tired, constipated, never have been before, queasy, body feels like lead and all I do is cry.  Nothing to what you are going through but I just feel like crap. Now got to have a port.  They will give me a GA so thats playing on my mind.  Having a bone scan on Tuesday and scared there will be mets somewhere.    Believe it or not I am not totally selfish my thoughts are with every one of you and to be honest I don't know how you cope.  You all have my total admiration and love. Annie     

    Just saw BernieEllen's post and had my first giggle of the day. 

  • bak94
    bak94 Member Posts: 652
    edited February 2012

    Bernie-I laughed so hard I cried!

  • bak94
    bak94 Member Posts: 652
    edited February 2012

    CS-you are going through alot right now, and it is good for you to let out your frustrations. I think you will appreciated the port. I had mine put in and had chemo the same day with it. I was very lucky, my port did not hurt much at all. Hope you feel better soon!

  • Suze35
    Suze35 Member Posts: 559
    edited February 2012

    Bernie - yup, I'm ruined, lmao.

    bak - maybe you can talk to your GP about Metformin?

    CS - the port was worth every second for me. I have good but small veins, and this protected them.

    Feeling the Ativan kick in. Talk to you tomorrow!



  • Babs37
    Babs37 Member Posts: 320
    edited February 2012

    CS- I think you will appreciate the port too. I didn't have one and got all my chemo (4DD AC + 12 taxol) in my right hand (cancer side) and my veins are shot! I now have LE on that side and I really feel that the fact that my blood circulation is no good anymore on that side now because of my veins, it doesn't help. If I knew then what I know now, I would have gotten a port. Just saying.....

    For the "feeling like shit part", I went through that too after a couple of days after chemo. I think that we all did and can relate. Are you getting Neupogen shots for your WBC? If so, that can be the reason for how you are feeling. They can really make you feel bad but it does not last long. When I was doing chemo, I started feeling that way 2 days after each chemo for about 2 days and then I was felt ok. You can do this!!! And don't feel bad about posting that you feel bad! We all went through chemo and we know it's a hard time. That's why this thread is important,so we can help each other in this journey. Hugs to you. xx

  • bak94
    bak94 Member Posts: 652
    edited February 2012

    Suze, I asked my mo once and he said no, which is odd because he doesn't usually do that! I could ask  my primary doc, as I am overweight and have a high bmi. but my blood sugar levels are good.Are you taking meformin now? I am thinking I should go on another chemo after rads, like he originally planned. H e kinda switched it up because of my complete response, but after seeing my original scan I think I want more assurance. I'm gonna have to ask to see my newest scan now, maybe it will get that glowing mass out of my head as supposedly it doesn;t show up at all. Still needing to work on my diet. Been pretty good with exercising. Whay am I up at 5 am? Haven't even slept yet! Edited to say mass instead of ass!!! HA ahahahhha,  my glowing ass!!! Oops. When I did see the pet I giggled because i could see the out line of my bum and it looked so funny!

  • Hope60
    Hope60 Member Posts: 150
    edited February 2012

    Wow....things move so quickly on this board!

    LJ - I want to live in one of your landscapes! I would love to have a garden, but I'm stuck here in the concrete jungle with a few scraggly apartment-living house plants.

    Inmate - your photos are so powerful! To me, they are portraits in courage.

    LRM - Ditto on the!

    BernieEllen - yup, the internet has ruined me!

    CS - when I was going through chemo, the shit always hit the fan on day 3. I think that's when the meds wear off.   My se's were just like what you've described. They lasted thru day 7 and then went away.  My best advice is to go easy on yourself during the bad days...just do what you can to get thru them....and make the most of the good days. And there WILL  be  good days!

  • tnbcRuth
    tnbcRuth Member Posts: 338
    edited February 2012

    Lovelyface- I've had that kind of pain for 6 years and have not gotten to the bottom of it yet.  I take hydrocodone every little as possible just to keep the edge off otherwise I would never get out of bed.  Oddly, any activity aggravates the low back pain and the neck has to be babied or it acts up more.  Will you pm me if you make any progress?  

    Love hearing about ladies with a talent and your contributions to our wonderful planet!  Seriously, I"m jealous! 

    Happy day to everyone!! 

  • TifJ
    TifJ Member Posts: 804
    edited February 2012

    Bak- I don't know if you know, but I saw a couple posts from Blondelawyer a couple weeks ago- she is now Stage IV. So disgusting to hear another TN is suffering.

  • TifJ
    TifJ Member Posts: 804
    edited February 2012

    Sorry Bak- I just reread one of her posts and I see that you do know. If you talk to her please send her my best!

  • lrm216
    lrm216 Member Posts: 534
    edited February 2012

    Cocker spaniel:

    Just know what your feeling is normal, I'm sorry to say.  I got hit really bad throughout my chemos but had to keep working.  There is a light at the end of this tunnel, I promise.  You can't see it yet, but it will be there.  Hang in there and keep looking at Kristy's post of the caterpillar!

    Wishing you all the best,


  • christina1961
    christina1961 Member Posts: 450
    edited February 2012

    Cocker Spaniel, (I chuckle every time I type that - cute name!)

    Please don't be hard on yourself.  Everytime I am about three days out on chemo I am full of thoughts like "why did I think I could survive this?" and "nothing is going to work..." etc.  You probably can't reduce the amount of steroids they are giving you with this chemo, but when I went into this clinical trial (and didn't have a taxane drug) I asked them to reduce the decadron because I crashed so hard and got depressed when it wore off.  It has helped.  I've never been a big fan of distraction because I am kind of a workaholic and always want to be productive, but I have used it as a coping mechanism during my treatment and it has really helped.  Anything you can do to just get your mind off how you feel for a little while will help.  I did everything from playing Angry Birds to Mahjong  to reading true crime books online - anything I felt would take my mind away from cancer and treatment and didn't require any great amount of brainpower. I was lucky enough to be able to take about a week off after each infusion as I have my own business but I worked throughout treatment and even walked during my TAC treatment during the recovery periods.  This time around I haven't walked much at all.

    Please keep posting and talking to us.  We have all been there and understand. 

    Bak, I would definitely push for more chemo if it is an option and you feel up to it.  I am glad I did this trial.  I'm already on the hunt for some kind of vaccine trial option but I didn't test even 1+ for HER2 so cannot qualify for the big MD Anderson vaccine trial.  I have almost cut out all sugar from my diet for now and plan to start walking regularly as SOON as I feel better from this final round of the sea sponge chemo.  My sister made me a sea sponge necklace (actually synthetic) to wear to chemo yesterday!!  Smile

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited February 2012
    A guy walks into a bar with his pet monkey. He orders a drink and while he's drinking, the monkey starts jumping all over the place. The monkey grabs some olives off the bar and eats them, then grabs some sliced limes and eats them,then jumps up on the pool table, grabs the cue ball, sticks it in his mouth and swallows it whole.
    The bartender screams at the guy, "Did you see what your monkey just did?" The guy says, "No, what?" "He just ate the cue ball off my pool table - whole!" says the bartender. "Yeah, that doesn't surprise me," replies the patron. "He eats everything in sight, the little twerp. I'll pay for the cue ball and stuff." He finishes his drink, pays his bill, and leaves. Two weeks later he's in the bar again, and he has his monkey with him. He orders a drink and the monkey starts running around the bar again.
    While the man is drinking, the monkey finds a maraschino cherry on the bar. He grabs it, sticks it up his butt, pulls it out, and eats it. The bartender is disgusted. "Did you see what your monkey did now?" "Now what?" asks the patron. "Well, he stuck a maraschino cherry up his butt, then pulled it out and ate it!" says the barkeeper.

    "Yeah, that doesn't surprise me," replies the patron. "He still eats everything in sight, but ever since he ate that damn cue ball he measures everything first!"

  • Huskerkkc
    Huskerkkc Member Posts: 471
    edited February 2012

  • Huskerkkc
    Huskerkkc Member Posts: 471
    edited February 2012
  • Huskerkkc
    Huskerkkc Member Posts: 471
    edited February 2012

    Hmmm...was trying to get the quote a little bigger, but it wouldn't work...sorry for the small size but the sentiment is sincere.

  • CharB22
    CharB22 Member Posts: 87
    edited February 2012

    I finally finished reading all the posts - wow - cried and laughed through a lot of them.

    LJ - your landscaping is gorgeous!! I can't wait to go outside and get my hands dirty. I've got 4 bags of mulch waiting in the driveway!!

    Inmate - I'm speechless. Such courage. Gorgeous. Wow. I dabble in photography and have sold a little on some stock photo sites, so I can appreciate how difficult those shots were - wow, again. I can't wait to be finished with treatment so I feel like shooting more.

    I just finished my 3rd AC and it knocked me on my butt. My WBC dropped again to .43 even with the Neulasta shot. MO put me on anti-biotic again - just in case. I've got 2 boys in school so who knows what kind of germs they bring home. I've quarantined myself again, which sucks because I'm missing a baby shower today and my son's hockey game. I hate this disease!! MO says I feel awful because of the superlow WBC, low RBC and crappy crappy chemo. I'm dreading and looking forward to Thurs - my final AC!!! MO says Taxol will be a walk in the park after this. I sure hope she's right. I WANT MY LIFE BACK!!!!!

  • Cocker_Spaniel
    Cocker_Spaniel Member Posts: 1,188
    edited February 2012

    Thank you for your advice and kind thoughts.  Today seems a bit better.  Yesterday was the first day I have cried since being told the news so maybe I needed it.  Today still constipated but have taken a pill.  The bottom half of my body feels like lead for some reason especially around the groin.  Have any of you had puffy ankles and puffy on the top of your feet. Maybe its all the extra water, I don't know, just that I read somewhere it could be something to do with your heart.  Geez this is a journey and I have only just started the first km.   The pictures of Dick and the puppy are priceless though. 

    Inmate your photos were just beautiful.I could only think of one word for them LIFE. 

    LRM216  I think Dick is the last thing on my mind at the moment although my husband probably wouldn't think so.

    OBXK I hope you enjoyed your little house and garden today.  Sounds idyllic. 

    Laura I will keep your picture in my mind cause it reminds me of spring and my chemo (please god) finishes in the spring. So its something to look forward to.

    Thank you for all your kind wishes guys. Will never forget this. 


  • OBXK
    OBXK Member Posts: 689
    edited February 2012

    Bernie - Busted! Thanks for the laugh.

    Annie- I hope you feel better soon. I took a stool softener everyday, for the week I had chemo.

    C1961 - thanks for the good thoughts.

    So sorry to hear about Blondlawyer!

  • OBXK
    OBXK Member Posts: 689
    edited February 2012

    Bernie - Busted! Thanks for the laugh.

    Annie- I hope you feel better soon. I took a stool softener everyday, for the week I had chemo.

    C1961 - thanks for the good thoughts.

    So sorry to hear about Blondlawyer!

  • lrm216
    lrm216 Member Posts: 534
    edited February 2012


    Yup - I had puffy everthing!  All that is normal.  Just remember to stay ahead of everything.  If you're constipated and one pill doesn't do it, take another (my onc had me double all the over the counter laxatives as the ones I was using were like Senokot, etc (natural types).  If you should REALLY get badly constipated, many gals have to resort to one of those little plastic medicine cups of milk of magnesia mixed with same amount of prune juice and microwaved.  I wish Mary was here to be a part of all our posting as she had a "magic" something she used for constipation and swore by - it was called MAG (I think some number after it - anyone remember???).  Anyway, hang in there - this really, really will have an end to it.  My heart goes out to you and all the others going through chemo - it's something one just never forgets.



  • lrm216
    lrm216 Member Posts: 534
    edited February 2012


    Loved the last affirmation - it sure says it all.  Now, if I could only learn to appy it, (sigh)...... 

  • OBXK
    OBXK Member Posts: 689
    edited February 2012

    Annie, I would cry like a baby on day 3. My M.D. Dad, explained that the steroids they give you, cause water retention, including in your brain, which can make you feel emotional. I then felt better, knowing it was just my brain on drugs. If it happens again, it could be the same for you. Hugs!

    DX 2003 IDC - lumpectomy, TAC X6 - rads 50.4 grays.
    DX 12/10 TN - dbl mx , 5 rounds T/C