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Calling all TNs



  • naan1004
    naan1004 Member Posts: 278
    edited May 2012

    Had taxol 11/12, only 1 more to go, yay!!!

    Praying and thinking of those awaiting results, tests, surgeries, everything is gonna be alright, don't worry be happy, la la la la la la la la la, la la la la la la la, don't worry be happy!

  • OBXK
    OBXK Member Posts: 689
    edited May 2012

    Titan - great news! And yes, much better than rubber chicken ;)

    Annie - I'm thinking of you, sending calming thoughts.

    Lovelyface - I like the way you look at things. Cancer has made me a better person.

    Luah - so glad you are feeling better about your mystery symptoms. I've been reading all the brain mets post, trying to figure myself out .

    Minxie - I hope things go well at your PET/CT.

    My 17 year old just told me he wants to join the Marines. I had to take an Ativan!

  • Cocker_Spaniel
    Cocker_Spaniel Member Posts: 1,188
    edited May 2012

    Hi Ladies

    Well this is better than my post this morning. Everything went marvellously well, thank God.  Took Diazepam and Phenergan and didn't get drowsy and no side effects from Taxol so feel so so much better.  The oncologist nurse did say if I get the puffy feet again I am to go to my GP and get my heart checked!!!!.  I thought the puffiness was from the extra water I was drinking, hope it is and I have a small red spot on my post area she asked me to keep a check on.  So it turned into a great day. 

    Naan - you lucky girl only one more Taxol to go.  Yay.

    Minxie - Just hang in there and please God everything will be good for you.

    Luah - I wonder if things are mind over matter like you say.  The night after my last taxol I dream't I was reading 250 posts and every single one of them said nausea and vomiting, nothing else.  God was I pleased to wake up.  I am sure my mind tells me things are going to go wrong so that I am not surprised and can take it if it happens.  Funny things minds or at least mine is.  I'm sure everything in there is backwards! Congrats on your 4 years. Woohoo.

    Painting - I do hope your mammogram results come back ok. I know exactly what freaking scared is and waiting for those results are up there with the worse. Big hugs to you.

    Lovelyface - I do try to be compassionate and caring and I never run anyone down or talk behind their backs.  My thinking is 'the grass is not always greener on the other side and anyone of us can walk in others shoes and it may not be as easy as we think it is for them'.  So I try to remember this but I have given my poor wonderful feller a few snappy days lately and I feel so guilty cause he is one hell of a man and always there for me through thick or thin. Bless his cotton socks.  

    OBXK - are you still thinking of food (rubber chicken!!). I think that is a wonderful career for your boy. Here in NZ they get marvellous grounding in training and heaps of variety. They end up with a good solid career and it is one of the best. So take another Ativan and let him try for it. By the way have you ordered that MRI yet. Do it now please.  This is mother talking (God can't even sort out me own life let alone yours).     

    Well ladies I hope your day is as good as mine turned out to be.  Blessings to you all with great big hugs. Annie         


  • onvacation
    onvacation Member Posts: 521
    edited May 2012

    CS so glad your treatment went well!

  • Lovelyface
    Lovelyface Member Posts: 563
    edited May 2012

    Annie, so good to hear that everything went well for you, thank God.

    Well, my endocronoloigst (the greatest doctor ever) called me just now to tell me that there are a few nodules in my thyroid ultrasound.  He said one looks bigger than the others, therefore, it needs to be biopsied.  He said the bloodwork is great.  He also said that this is very common.  I asked what is the treatment for thyroid cancer, he said, no chemo, just surgery to take it out.  I told him that I had a petscan done 7/18/11, which indicates that the thyroid gland is unremarkable, he said that is really great news, although I am thinking that is 10 months ago.  I also had an MRI of the neck done which did not show anything.  He said Petscan is better for thyroid than MRI.  Lately, I have been telling you guys that I am very lethargic, extremely lethargic.  Well, flaxseed therapy helped me a lot, I was normal again, although today all day, I have had stomach ache because of that stuff, I guess too much fibre.  I have been very miserable all day long with the stomach pain and now this news.  Also, I am going in for a sleep study tonight  at the Sleep Center, with this mild gassy stomach.  They won't let me out of there until 4 pm tomorrow.  The doctor will see me at 5 p.m., take a look at the petscan and discuss things with me.  I am numb, ladies.  There has got to be a reason for my lethargy, right?  Could it be that?  Minxie had said in one of her posts that this is very common among middle age women.  Why is all this happening to my body?  Everyone else around me seem to be doing okay, what did I eat wrong or handle differently?  Actually I slept less last night, so am so sleepy that I don't care about anything right now.  I have no more feelings left it seems like. I hope they give me an ambiem again, so that I can go into a very deep sleep.  It has been 1 year, 9 months since my BC diagnosis, could it be that again?

  • kathyrnn
    kathyrnn Member Posts: 366
    edited May 2012

    Ladies, congrats to all who got good results, concern for all who are facing testing and surgery, and my sorrow for those facing losses.

    Lovelyface - that was very beautiful.

    I will be reading but not posting for a little while. I've had some divine providence. A friend broke up with his girlfriend. I have a house sitting empty that I am supporting. He's going to be moving in as my roommate. (even though I don't live there I have to be in and out constantly.). He'll be helping with the lawn, and other tasks that need doing. He may end up back with his girlfriend, but it will help decrease some of the stress in my life. I'll be busy for awhile getting the house reorganized to clear room. I'll be keeping up with you all.

  • naan1004
    naan1004 Member Posts: 278
    edited May 2012

    CS, I knew u could do it!

    lovely, you're in my prayers!

    Kathyrnn, good luck with the house prep!

  • OBXK
    OBXK Member Posts: 689
    edited May 2012

    Lovelyface - hope you find the answers to your fatigue - then share them with me!

    Annie - I'm so glad you are feeling better this go. I too can get a little snappy with my DH. It makes me feel like a heel! Thank goodness he really does understand.

    Sleep well everyone!

  • riley702
    riley702 Member Posts: 575
    edited May 2012

    I'm going to have to call my doctor tomorrow. Nothing cancer-related, I'm 99% sure. I've asked my doctor in the past if I could rotate through different sleeping pills a few times a year, as the effects tend to wear off and I don't want to wind up addicted. I think it's time to change things up again. Also, I might need to have my Lexapro tweaked. I've started to let laundry, dishes, and bills pile up, and that's my first signal that I'm not coping so well with the depression and anxiety.

    Also, I'm having trouble with my wrist. A month ago, I physically overdid it, but as the rest of the soreness faded, my wrist still hurts. The doc thinks I might have sprained or strained something. The weird thing is that it's very transient, which doesn't make tons of sense to me. This morning, I absent-mindedly used that wrist to sit up and the pain was severe. But after I'd lain there for a few minutes, the pain was gone and I had no problem with it bearing weight. It's also worse in the morning and the pain goes away completely as the day wears on. My doc had me buy one of those wrist braces that people with carpel tunnel sleep with, thinking that maybe I'm putting stress on it somehow while I sleep. It's been two weeks and I can't really tell a difference. Next step is a cortisone shot in my wrist, which I'm not looking forward to because it really hurts while they're injecting it. Isn't that totally bizarre?

  • Cocker_Spaniel
    Cocker_Spaniel Member Posts: 1,188
    edited May 2012

    Kathrynn - sorry you won't be posting for a while you give such good, sound advice.  Hope you get your house in order and come back soon.

    riley702 - a lot of people have the cortisone injections for carpal tunnel at our surgery and its very effective. Don't know if it hurts but do know it works.  Hoping you will be ok with it.

    OBXK - no  mention of organising that MRI in your post.  Still waiting, and waiting.     

    Heather - have you heard about the jobs yet.  Hoping you get the one you want.

    Hugs to everyone and lots of peaceful sleep tonight. Annie

  • Cocker_Spaniel
    Cocker_Spaniel Member Posts: 1,188
    edited May 2012

    Lovelyface - hypothyroism has a side effect of being lethargic.  Its very common and can be treated.  Hope to God you are ok.

    OBXK - you will get sick of my posts.  You may have a eustacian tube dysfunction which causes ringing in the ears, lethargy and a woozy head.  Keeping my fingers crossed and crossed but we won't know anything until you get that MRI!!   Annie

  • Cocker_Spaniel
    Cocker_Spaniel Member Posts: 1,188
    edited May 2012

    Lovely face

    This is what I meant (not too good with words) when I said to you that the grass on the other side is not always greener and I try not to judge. I don't mean people with bad (ie murderer's) pasts but we just never know what people are going through and until we walk in their shoes we wouldn't ever know  if they choose not to tell us. I try to take people just as they are because everyone has got lots/or some good in them.  With just a flick of the birth coin we could be them so I hope cancer will make me a better person than I am now. Annie    

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited May 2012
    Morning babes. I'm in shock just found out an old friend of mine in England was murdered sunday night - stabbed by his wife.

    You could not have met a more gentle kind man.

    Please say a prayer for his family.

    May he Rest In Peace

  • Cocker_Spaniel
    Cocker_Spaniel Member Posts: 1,188
    edited May 2012

    Bernie - thinking of you. What a terrible thing to happen.  Something must have gone very wrong. I will say lots of prayers for his family. Annie  

  • christina1961
    christina1961 Member Posts: 450
    edited May 2012

    Bernie, How terrible! I am so sorry for the loss of your dear friend.

    Lovelyface, I had a thyroid nodule diagnosed in the mid 1990s.  One doctor wanted to remove half my thyroid and put me on medication but since my levels were normal, I didn't want to start taking medication and went for a second opinion.  I had also read that these nodules are very common.  That doctor ended up draining the nodule three times as it would get larger and fill with fluid.  The third time it became much smaller.  I just left it in there and it remains to this day. It shows up on my CT scans as a benign nodule and I can feel a lump there, too. Hopefully everything will be just fine with yours - I really like the belief system you describe.  I believe cancer has made me appreciate things in such a different way.  I am more patient and understanding in some ways and much less so in others.  Someone once said - it may have been Gilda Radner - in reference to cancer bringing new perspectives - if it weren't for the downside, everyone would want it. (I'll have to Google this and find the quote once I leave the board.) 

  • Fighter_34
    Fighter_34 Member Posts: 496
    edited May 2012

    Lovelyface as everyone has stated thyroid problems are very very common in women as we age. Don't go there just yet. I take thyroid medication for being hypo, and when I don't take meds like I should which I didn't prior to BC I would be tired ALL DAY LONG. I mean TIRED. Let's wait and pray on this one. I hope didn't offend anyone with my last statement.

    Smile everyone today is another day for us all.

  • Titan
    Titan Member Posts: 1,313
    edited May 2012

    Alot of ladies at my office have had their thyroids wasn't cancer though but they still had them removed..and they are all fine!   Even my daughter who is only 23 is on thyroid medicine...

  • mccrimmon324
    mccrimmon324 Member Posts: 794
    edited May 2012

    Minxie, thinking of you and praying for good results on your pet

    CS - So glad to hear the Taxol went well.  - I've gone on some interviews, I thought they went very well and now I'm just waiting to hear.  They did tell me it wouldn't be until the end of the week but I was hoping sooner.

    Lovelyface - I don't think there is anything to worry about, dr's are just being proactive.  Everything will turn out B9

    Bernie - Such terrible news, I'm so sorry!

    Titan - Yay! for the good Mammo results. 

    Painting - your mammo will be perfect too!

    Well, yesterday was the first day I had no real plans and I stayed in bed till noon!  Really need to get a job, I don't like just sitting around.  Today I'm going to check out the YMCA here and I have dinner plans with an old BF of mine, we lost touch about 15 years ago.  Very excited to see her. But first I have to submit more resumes.

  • kathyrnn
    kathyrnn Member Posts: 366
    edited May 2012

    Hi ladies, just a couple quick things. I'm avoiding starting on my Mom's cellar, because I've realized my cortisone shot is wearing off and the pain is coming back in my leg. ( sat down and went "oh shit " when my leg touched the chair.). Was hoping to eek out a few more weeks because I can only have 2 more shots this year. Da*n, doublity da*n!

    Bernie - I'm so sorry about your friend.

    McCrimmon - Some of the YMCA's are offering free (I think 6 or 8 weeks) memberships for cancer survivors who are trying to recondition themselves.

    Lovely- try not to fret to much about the thyroid tests. I had to have thyroid biopsys when I was first diagnosed, and in my opinion, they were pretty damn stupid about how the did them. After my scan, they told me I had nodes in my thyroid. I told them "I know, I have two and they've been there for over 30 years. They told me I now had 4 and they had to be biopsyied. The day of the biopsy the went in and sampled both the ones that had been there for 30 years. I asked about the other 2, and they said they were small and they were gonna go with the larger 2. Well excuse me, but if the other 2 are "new" doesn't it make sense that they may actually be cancerous???! Nope, they went with the 2 older ones that I know are fricking fine!!'. So on my list of "things to do to make sure you haven't done another dumb a** mistake". I have to have my PCP, do another scan to recheck the new ones. All they had to do was check one of the new ones and I'd be golden, but they've left me with the fear that they may have missed the real problem.

    That long diatribe, was just to reassure you that lots of people have thyroid nodes and they are not going to affect their health.

  • mccrimmon324
    mccrimmon324 Member Posts: 794
    edited May 2012

    kathrynn, thank you, I'm heading down there shortley and will ask if there is any programs for me.

  • LuvRVing
    LuvRVing Member Posts: 2,409
    edited May 2012

    Hi ladies.  I've read everyone's posts but been fairly "self and family" absorbed over the last couple of days.  The PET scan I had last Friday (after the elevated CA 27.29) has shown spread, mets.  The FC is in both lungs and several nodes, including the supraclavicle nodes that were radiated in December/January.  There is an involved axilla node (thought those were all out of there), and a mediastinal node that lit up.  My MO had also said that my liver was involved, but when I read the official PET scan report, the radiologist wrote that it was probably bowel activity and not likely mets.

    I have an appointment on Friday with the original oncologist I saw at Dana Farber in Boston.  My local MO said I'll probably go on a platinum chemo, and they will biopsy one of the nodes to re-check the hormone status.

    In the meantime, we leave for Paris a week from Friday, come hell or high water.  And oh, my daughter who is 31 and coming with us to Paris, fell and broke her kneecap on Saturday while crossing the street after her college graduation ceremony.  So she'll be on crutches or in a wheel chair as we tour the sites.  It will make for a slow-paced trip that might actually be a good thing.

    Hugs and love to all of you!

  • Babs37
    Babs37 Member Posts: 320
    edited May 2012

    Luv-  Cry  I'm so sorry that you got this bad news. FC! Enjoy Paris with your family. Big Hugs to you. xx

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited May 2012

    Lovelyface, what you wrote earlier is so true.  How much do we have to go through.

    We must be strong and you are an inspiration.

    Thank you to everyone for your kind thoughts. 

  • navymom
    navymom Member Posts: 842
    edited May 2012

    LuvRVing: So sorry to hear your news.  F&%$ing cancer.  Wishing you a wonderful trip to Paris.  Hopefully your Daughter will be off the pain meds so you can enjoy some french wine together.  And when you get back from your trip, Put on the extra big boots and kick cancers A$$.  Will be thinking of you.....

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited May 2012
    Sorry ladies, can't do fun or anything else right now. Life effing well sucks

    You are all so good to me but now is a time to take a break

  • Fighter_34
    Fighter_34 Member Posts: 496
    edited May 2012

    Luv- Words cant express how I feel right now. Enjoy Paris and try and put this behind you for now, and we will be here to support you when you get back. XOXO

  • kathyrnn
    kathyrnn Member Posts: 366
    edited May 2012

    LuvRV - f*#~ing cancer!!' Have fun in Paris, and come back with a renewed kick a** energy.

    Bernie- do what you need to for yourself, but please come back for support when you need it. I hope things get better. *HUG*

  • navymom
    navymom Member Posts: 842
    edited May 2012


  • kathyrnn
    kathyrnn Member Posts: 366
    edited May 2012

    I'm posting this for Inmate. It's the story of how F*+k became my swear of choice.

    When I was in my early 20's I worked in a State psychiatric hospital, where I was introduced to F*+k, and it's many prepositional variations.  It used to drive my Mothet nuts, but I told her that I chose to follow the Ten Commandments and not take the Lord's name in vain.

    I went on a ski trip with a large group, which involved 5 days of high intensity ski lessons.  I was about 26 and my ski buddy was a nice young man of about 40.  My ski buddy told me he was a counselor for a charity. I spent 5 days with my face in the snow about 75% of the time and the F$&k word was used liberally!

    Part of the deal with ski school was you had to participate in the races at the end of the week.  I was not pleased and told everyone I'd do it but it would look like a snail crawl because I wasn't racing down any dam hill!  I improved so much in lessons, that I decided I could give a real go, but didn't tell any one.  Everyone watches to cheer their team members on.  I flew over a hill so fast, that I heard my ski buddy scream "holy shit"!!!!!

    That night at the award banquet, one of the group members turned to my ski partner and said "so how do you think you did in the races today, Father. 

    I'm pretty sure that my head must have spun for a minute like the scene in Exorcist!  I looked at my ski partner and said " I hope he means "Father" as in you have many children, and not as in you are a priest? He confessed that he was a Priest, but had not told anyone because he didn't want to make anyone uncomfortable.  Quick as a bunny I told him " Gee I wish I had known because I would have watched my mouth, but now I'm really glad I said F*+k all week, instead of G*dda*n!!!!!

    He laughed and said, I was very proud of you, you never once took the Lord's name in vain.  You did once ask Mother Mary for help, but it was a very sincere plea!

    When the awards were given, it turned out I had come in third place out of a group of 175.  The priest turned to me and said, "holy shit, I knew you flew thru that course"!

    So that's the story of how I learned that an emphatic f*#k is better than taking the Lord's name in vain, and who I learned the swear " holy shit" from.

  • bak94
    bak94 Member Posts: 652
    edited May 2012

    Just stopping by to say hi. I was having computer problems and busy with work and school and must say I have become the biggest flake I know!

    LuvRVing-So sorry to hear your news. What a shock and so wrong for you to have to go through this again. I am sure you will enjoy your trip to Paris, and yes, maybe slow and steady will be a good thing!

    Inmate-Like I said, I have been a major flake, my apologies! My friend helped at the fashion show you modeled in, I think she helped the models! You probably met her! I told her to look for you.

    I just read pages of threads to catch up and now am trying to much info to process!

    I have been crazy busy. I now have to wear a sleeve because of the starting of LE,  I guess my scar tissue is really bad and like someone else said on another thread I feel like my chest is wrapped tight in duct tape. I started aromisin 3 weeks ago and so far so good. I am due in a few weeks for an appointment with mo and for zometa. I know my mo wants a scan but I just do not want to right now, I know, I know, I probably should but I don't want the stress of it. My tumor markers are good and I feel ok, but I know that doesn't mean anything. I am just in a mode where I do not want to think of cancer, kinda like a denial that I even went through this again. It is very strange, but I think I would prefer no scans unless I get symptoms or if I get bad lab results.

    I have missed all of you. The peach tree that I planted in the memory of LauraJane has small peaches all over it! I did not expect fruit from it at all this year! It is actually doing very well and is a beautiful tree!