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  • kathyrnn
    kathyrnn Member Posts: 366
    edited June 2012

    dworley - welcome to the group, it is a wonderful place here.

    Inmate - so sorry you have to go thru the hair thing, especially in the summer. I remember last year I caught a glorious day at the beach in Sept. I was bald as a cue ball, so I stuck a hat on my head, but there is no swimming in surf with a hat. Diving in bald didn't bother me in the slightest, but the "poor thing" looks from people that actually took the "normal" away from the day. Your necklace sounds lovely.

    Dormac - you go girl, grab some lovely trip outta the bucket.

    Njprn - Hi neighbor. I'm also at DF.

    Cocker - I've wanted to know my expiration date long before I had this disease, and it's selfishness. Hate the idea of working and saving for a retirement I may not have. I actually wrote a bucket list about 6 years ago. I've already done a lot of the crazy ones during my life. (if I can ever get on a real puter, I'll post the picture of the Trapeze Swing I did to celebrate the end of chemo. I'm pretty sure I scarred two 5 y.o.'s, psyche's, when they turned around to see an old, fat, bald woman standing in line behind them. I gave each of them a free swing so it should be all good). Most of the rest of my list involves travel, but I'm not free to do that because of my Mom right now. Once Mom is now longer with me, my bags will be packed in a flash!' (not to soon God, please)

  • kathyrnn
    kathyrnn Member Posts: 366
    edited June 2012

    Oops- forgot. Got a lovely note from the Moderators. They will try

    to repost that information on the Advocacy thread. I will make a point to check it often and bring back any important news I see. Thank you Moderators!

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited June 2012
    Debbie visited a psychic of some local repute. In a dark and gloomy room, gazing at the tarot cards laid out before her, the tarot reader delivered the bad news:

    "There's no easy way to say this, so I'll just be blunt - prepare yourself to be a widow. Your husband will die a violent and horrible death this year."

    Visibly shaken, Jennifer stared at the woman's lined face, then at the single flickering candle, then down at her hands. She took a few deep breaths to compose herself.

    She simply had to know. She met the tarot reader's gaze, steadied her voice, and asked:

    "Will I get away with it?"

  • kathyrnn
    kathyrnn Member Posts: 366
    edited June 2012

    Bernie -ROFL!

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited June 2012

    A man and a woman are sitting beside each other in the first class section of the plane. The woman sneezes, takes a tissue, gently wipes her nose, and shudders quite violently in her seat. The man isn't sure why she is shuddering and goes back to reading. A few minutes pass. The woman sneezes again. She takes a tissue, gently wipes her nose and shudders quite violently in her seat. The man is becoming more and more curious about the shuddering. A few more minutes pass. The woman sneezes yet again. She takes a tissue, gently wipes her nose and shudders violently again. The man has finally had all he can handle. He turns to the woman and says, "Three times you've sneezed and three times you've taken a tissue and wiped your nose then shuddered violently! Are you sending me signals, or are you going crazy?" The woman replies, "I'm sorry if I disturbed you. I have a rare condition and when I sneeze, I have an orgasm." The man, now feeling a little embarrassed but even more curious says, "I've never heard of that before. What are you taking for it?" The woman looks at him and says, "Pepper."

  • Tazzy
    Tazzy Member Posts: 1,442
    edited June 2012

    Bernie...lmfao - at both of them.   Pepper... ha ha ha ha ha ha !!

  • TifJ
    TifJ Member Posts: 804
    edited June 2012

    Tazzy- I am 17+months PFC and I still blame everything on chemo brain. I will use this excuse as long as I can (beats saying I am getting old!)

    Inmate-Happy to hear you have only one treatment left!! I am raising my drink (ok, it's only water) to "normalcy"!!

    Bernie- good thing I don't have the problem of peeing when I laugh- I would be a wet mess otherwise!!

  • navymom
    navymom Member Posts: 842
    edited June 2012

    I am getting on an airplane tomorrow(going to see Navyson, YEA!!)......hope I don't start sneezing, cus I know I'll be laughing and then have to explain it all to DH!

    Welcome to the new gals.  Always sad to see new names but glad that you found us.

  • Tazzy
    Tazzy Member Posts: 1,442
    edited June 2012

    NavyMom, safe journey and have a wonderful visit with your son.  How exciting for you.

    Inmate... raising my glass to you with TifJ (water also) to 'normalcy'.   The necklace you describe sounds gorgeous... do you make jewellery?

    Anyone... I am still learning most of the BC lingo... what does PFC stand for  (I am sure it is not what I thought... Post F*&#@ing Chemo ??)

  • TifJ
    TifJ Member Posts: 804
    edited June 2012

    Sorry Tazzy- It stands for Post Final Chemo, but I like your interpretation better!!

  • Tazzy
    Tazzy Member Posts: 1,442
    edited June 2012
    Thank you.... I was close and PFC could be either or Laughing
  • LuvRVing
    LuvRVing Member Posts: 2,409
    edited June 2012

    Inmate - I'm raising my glass, too.  But it's not water, it's a nice French red Rhone!!! 

    BernieEllen - too funny!!!  Thanks for making me laugh!

  • mags20487
    mags20487 Member Posts: 1,092
    edited June 2012

    thanks Bernie for the chuckles!


  • mccrimmon324
    mccrimmon324 Member Posts: 794
    edited June 2012

    Hello Ladies,

    So much to catch up on!!  Hope everyone is doing well.  Very glad to hear from you Inmate and welcome to all the new ladies.  Well, my new job certainly is quite busy.  I really like it alot, my boss, however is a workaholic and never looks at the clock.  I've worked late everyday.  Even missed my Zumba class tonight.  Think I'm just going to relax and read for the night instead.  Once I'm trained and have a routine it will be much better but I do like working again!

    CS - you are just so funny, I really wish we could all meet, it would be so fun. 

  • LuvRVing
    LuvRVing Member Posts: 2,409
    edited June 2012

    Heather - somewhere along the way (and maybe when I was in Paris) I missed that you got a job...congrats!  It's not easy to do that in a short timeframe, especially in this economy.  Your move back to PA is working out, so woohoo!

  • Tazzy
    Tazzy Member Posts: 1,442
    edited June 2012

    So pleased you are enjoying yourself Heather.   Its a start to being back 'normal' I would imagine.    Sounds like you deserve to be with a good book for the evening.

  • Titan
    Titan Member Posts: 1,313
    edited June 2012

    Really...pfc stands for post final chemo?  never knew was always post """F'''i..n...g chemo to me and always will be...the f word describes it so perfectly..don't you think???  We have had this discussion before about the "f' word and it certainly seems to fit in most situations on here...

    Cocker  soo..are you really coming to the states to see Inmate?  I'm only about 10 hrs from the outer banks...and Inmate has a beach house...hmmm...I think I see something in our

    And NO. I absolutely do not want to know my expiration date....I'm 52 so I'm thinking it could be anywhere from tomorrow until maybe 40 more years....I really want to be a bitchy old lady....

    Welcome to Nance and dworley.

    Anybody got any extra pepper??  I could use

  • kathyrnn
    kathyrnn Member Posts: 366
    edited June 2012

    *passes cayenne pepper to Titan*. (you may as well REALLY enjoy yourself)

  • Cocker_Spaniel
    Cocker_Spaniel Member Posts: 1,188
    edited June 2012

    Good Morning Ladies well afternoon really. 

    LuvRVing - oh you have changed your avatar.  I can't see your face so clearly now but you look young, happy and carefree. Must be all that French Red Rhone so you go girl.  Yep you would love Aussie and NZ.  Aussie is gorgeous and warm and there is heaps to do but they have big spiders and I can't stand them.  NZ is more laid back and unspoilt but we do have beautiful scenery. Its a must visit for you. 

    Dworley - welcome to our home away from home.  Sounds to me like you have a good prognosis there with only one lymph node and 0.7mm.  (Hope I'm right) and you have really hit it well with the treatment. Wishing you heaps of luck for a clear ultrasound on Monday.

    Dormac - Ironic isn't it your DH due to retire and then has heart attack. I hit 65 yrs last October and was diagnosed with BC November.  There's just no justice in this frigging world you know. I also don't think there is a true psychic anywhere cause I haven't won lotto yet. 

    Tazzy - if you knew your expiry date no need to run around like a blue arse fly cause it would be pointless worrying until the night before and then that night you cram yourself full with chocolate cake and go out with a bang and a smile on your face lol.

    Titan - No I'm going to visit OBXK - Karen.  BUT if you and Inmate  are within travelling distance (10 hrs is nothing) we could all catch up and have a blast.  Wouldn't that be just wonderful. I worked out the OB is for Outer Banks but what does the X stand for?

    Inmate - Sorry you are losing your hair again but luckily it is summer.  Every night I wake in the night with a freezing cold head where my night hat comes off.   I have to scramble around trying to find it under my pillow and shove it back on again. I do wish you could  show your jewellery on here.  Do you have a website for it.  Last chemo.  F.... good news, way to go.

    Niprn - welcome once again.  Sending you lots and lots of positive energy for the next phase. You will do well.

    Kathrynn - the trapeze swing would be great to see.  Go on make my day and put the pic on here.                

    Tifj - my butt is the same. I can tell you if I ran naked down the lake front even the cops would leave me alone lol.  They would probably put me in some dementia unit.

    But we are what we are ladies big, fat, lumpy, wrinkly who cares its what we are like inside that counts. None of us are 22 again (I wish) so we just take each other as we come and learn to love each other with all our faults.  I can tell you are all lovely ladies anyway or you wouldn't be on here.

    NavyMom - You have a safe great trip with that wonderful Petty Officer of yours. Yep leave the pepper at home or you will be wiggling in your seat.   Give him a big hug from Nana Annie cause I'm proud of him too.        

    Heather - Great you like your new job.  Just remind your boss you have a finishing time and then you have a normal life to lead with a great book and a glass of Luvs red wine. 

    BernieEllen - Great jokes I had a really good laugh at both of them. Keep them coming cause they keep me going through my typing.

    Well ladies I thought my time was up this morning.  I was sitting here quietly typing and I heard this  awful, horrible  noise through my head phones. I thought OMG thats my chest. Panic panic. I thought all those ciggies have caught up with me, the frigging cancer has gone into my lungs.  Talk about a sweat.  Then I realized the cat had come in and was sitting on the seat behind me snoring.  Sweat over, back to typing.  I live to see another day.

    My little white rag of a dog.  Another sweat this morning.  I had just showered and put my clothes on the bed when I realized I had left my specs in the bathroom.  So I went to get them, had a brief discussion with the old feller on the way about 30 secs and when I got back to the bedroom I caught her tugging my prosthesis out of my bra edge.  You can imagine what I threatened to do. The little shit.  Every night once she knows we are asleep she gets on the bed and inches her way across so that by the time morning comes me and the old fellar look like we are glued together and she has the rest of it.   Tessa my CS can't make it onto the bed unless she has had a good poo cause she's tubby. 

    Have a great day. Don't forget to laugh. Keep well. Annie           


  • Cocker_Spaniel
    Cocker_Spaniel Member Posts: 1,188
    edited June 2012

    Just to prolong my post cause I'm sure its not long enough.

    A couple of years ago we were all in the tea room at work and someone started to talk about funerals.  One of the doc's asked me how I wanted to go,  buried or burnt.  I said I want to be buried but I want my knickers left on cause I don't trust the undertaker and I want my smokes and lighter with me and then one night, (deepend voice) when its cold, misty and hazy,  you will see this little curl of smoke coming out of my coffin and the doc said then we'll know you set your knickers on fire. lol

  • inmate4232010
    inmate4232010 Member Posts: 288
    edited June 2012

    Oh CS......You crack me up.  I don't have dogs but am a cat lover through and through.  It seems not only do I have three indoor kitties, but fate has given me 4 outdoor ones as well.  My indoor kitties are all black and very sweet in their own way.  

    Fate has it that three of the outdoor kitties are also black and the old gentleman, Olms (Old man) is grey and white.  He is quite smooth and very much the gentleman.  It took me a year to convince him I was okay.  So now I have 7 cats.  Yes, I could be mistaken for the crazy cat lady down the street.  I do say they come in handy at Halloween!  My sister calls me the cat whisperer.  I'm okay with that.  

  • kathyrnn
    kathyrnn Member Posts: 366
    edited June 2012

    NavyMom - have a wonderful trip!

    Cocker - you are just an absolute hoot. *gazes in crystal ball*. I see a career change to a comedian in your future!

    Inmate - I love black cats!

    Well I beat a John Deere into submission. (what idiot man makes a tractor that you can't drain the gas tank on! Don't mess with a woman who has a turkey baster.) Oil and filters changed, new gas and air filters, new spark plugs. Battery jumped and recharged. Running perfectly! *big sigh*. How come I can do all that and not deal with a simple cable adapter or break down and re set up a computer!! !!

  • Cocker_Spaniel
    Cocker_Spaniel Member Posts: 1,188
    edited June 2012

    I just had to put this on for you

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited June 2012
    Answers given by 7yr old school children to the following questions:

    Why did God make mothers?
    1. She's the only one who knows where the sticky tape is.
    2. Mostly to clean the house.
    3. To help us out of there when we were getting born.

    How did God make mothers?
    1. He used dirt, just like for the rest of us.
    2. Magic plus super powers and a lot of stirring.
    3. God made my Mum just the same like he made me. He just used bigger parts.

    What ingredients are mothers made of?
    1. God makes mothers out of clouds and angel hair and everything nice in the world and one dab of mean.
    2. They had to get their start from men's bones. Then they mostly use string, I think.

    Why did God give you your mother and not some other Mum?
    1. We're related.
    2. God knew she likes me a lot more than other people's Mums like me.

    What kind of little girl was your Mum?
    1. My Mum has always been my Mum and none of that other stuff.
    2. I don't know because I wasn't there but my guess would be pretty bossy.
    3. They say she used to be nice.

    What did Mum need to know about Dad before she married him?
    1. His last name.
    2. She had to know his background. Like is he a crook? Does he get drunk on beer?
    3. Does he make at least £800 a year? Did he say NO to drugs and YES to chores?

    Why did your Mum marry your Dad?
    1. My Dad makes the best spaghetti in the world. And my Mum eats a lot.
    2. She got too old to do anything else with him.
    3. My Grandma says that Mum didn't have her thinking cap on.

    Who's the boss at your house?
    1. Mum doesn't want to be boss, but she has to because Dad's such an idiot.
    2. Mum. You can tell by room inspection. She sees the stuff under the bed.
    3. I guess Mum is, but only because she has a lot more to do than Dad.

    What's the difference between Mums & Dads?
    1. Mums work at work and work at home and Dads just go to work at work.
    2. Mums know how to talk to teachers without scaring them.
    3. Dads are taller & stronger, but Mums have all the real power 'cause that's who you got to ask if you want to sleep over at your friend's.
    4. Mums have magic, they make you feel better without medicine.

    What does your Mum do in her spare time?
    1. Mothers don't have spare time.
    2. To hear her talk, she pays bills all day long.

    What would it take to make your Mum perfect?
    1. On the inside she's already perfect. Outside, I think some kind of plastic surgery.
    2. You know, her hair. I'd die it, maybe blue.

    If you could change one thing about your Mum, what would it be?
    1. She has this weird thing about me keeping my room clean. I'd get rid of that.
    2. I'd make my Mum smarter. Then she would know it was my sister who did it and not me.
    3. I would like her to get rid of those invisible things.

  • christina1961
    christina1961 Member Posts: 450
    edited June 2012

    This is such a great thread and you ladies keep me smiling!  Heather, I'm glad things are going well and that you have found a job so quickly.  I used to live in New Jersey near PA years ago and still miss the area and the people.  I absolutely loved it there. 

    Here's a link to the good news from Canada.  It was on the facebook site but wanted to post it in case someone here had not yet read it.  Also, there is a link out there regarding aspirin and RSK inhibition - I will try to post it later.  I am running late getting to the office; forgot to set my alarm this morning.

  • TifJ
    TifJ Member Posts: 804
    edited June 2012

    Christina- I haven't read a report on the aspirin-RSK connection, but my MO told me to start taking 2 full strength aspirin a week. He attended a seminar in Miami and that was a hot topic!

  • Tazzy
    Tazzy Member Posts: 1,442
    edited June 2012

    This is my "Morning Smile" thread.  The first one I read when I log on in the morning.  

    Thanks so much for the "Morning Laugh" today CS & Bernie.  What a great way to start the day - laughing and smiling.

    Well it is still absolutely peeing down rain here, but I have no intention of going out today as Euro 2012 (soccer/football) begins today.

    Thanks for posting that link Christina... I need to read that when my brain is more awake.. not that it means I will understand it anymore.

    Enjoy your days and keep smiling and laughing.

  • inmate4232010
    inmate4232010 Member Posts: 288
    edited June 2012

    Kathrynn......what men screw up in design women fix with inginuity.  We're just good like that!  Now, off to add a turkey baster to my tool kit.  Oh if we could only be like that when we are adults.

    Last day of chemo today.  I can't tell you how absolutley happy it makes me to be done.....FOREVER!  With that said, here is a link to a video that sums it up.

    I hope you all enjoy!  Happy Friday!  Love to you all! 

  • Tazzy
    Tazzy Member Posts: 1,442
    edited June 2012

    YIPPEEE... Congratulations Inmate on today becomming a chemo Grad - wooo hooo (I'll be joining that club on June 22).   What a feeling you must have - FIFO Day (Finally It's F*&^ing OVER).

    A very very happy Friday !

  • inmate4232010
    inmate4232010 Member Posts: 288
    edited June 2012

    Thanks Tazzy....  This is the 4th time I have graduated chemo and it will be my last!  It is a great feeling and I am excited for you to be done just in time to enjoy some summer.  BTW, I love Kelowna and my family have made many trips out your way to ski.  What a spectacular place you live.